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  • Ever since the dawn of the industrial revolution and, I imagine, even before it, humanity has had this stupid attitude of exploring people, sparing dimes by giving people with less power than you worse conditions. Historically, though, more successful businesses are the ones which offer good working conditions and incentivize progress and working to reach your maximum, rather than punishing you for not meeting the minimums.

    I see this way too often applying to GMs too, though, the impulse to explore people. Heck, I probably even do it myself without realizing it sometimes. But what I see is that many GMs take the groups they form as if pieces, who have to fit THEIR schedules and THEIR arbitrary senses. While RPN has a positive attitude of not trying to meddle too much into how GMs run their threads, it´s painfully obvious to see that many just don´t put two seconds of thought on how things will look and feel like from the player perspective and have either no future plans or future plans that read like a half-baked book rather than potential for cooperation.

    To any GM that reads this: remember to respect your players. I know you´re probably thinking you already do that, but think of every single privilege you ever take from any player. up to stuff like why you don´t just spoil all your plans from the beginning, and really think about why you are doing each of those things. Odds are that if you take it seriously, you will see a bunch of rules that don´t make sense. A bunch of decisions you made that were based on your mood or gut feeling of that day and don´t hold up to any serious inspection. Remember that your rights as a GM exist so you can run your RPs better and more creatively, not so you can create rules that favor your experience at the expense of that of others.

    my apologies for the rant, good look to all GMs out there and all the other roleplayers as well.
    Happy  Year Everyone! I wish I could make a GIF and send it to everyone working and wishing it like I did with Christmas, but my family happens to be awake so I can´t! Nevertheless, know that in this new year, you are not forgotten, and I wish EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU a Happy and Fruitful New Year!
    my apologies everyone, but I will basically be off all night and possible a good chunk of tomorrow too. New Year and going back home are busy stuff.
    Whenever I see an anti-religion video which attempts to present some form of argument, with due exceptions of course, all I see are pretentious people spewing stuff that I already refuted to pick on people who aren´t actually part of the religion they are criticizing or who clearly have mental disabilities.
    Count Gensokyo
    Count Gensokyo
    What if that higher power, in order to give us a chance to choose him or reject him, allowed for evil, wrong choices, and failure to exist in the first place? What if he valued our decisions and decided not to leave us as "machines" that just did his bidding? He would've rather given us the freedom to engage in genuine, heartfelt relationships with him and our fellow men than to be obedient without question, and to offer that chance, we must have been allowed the chance to fail and choose the things that are wrong in life. Wouldn't he have rather us  be *human* rather than machine? The life of a human is a great tale of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, victories and failures—all scattered throughout his or her lifetime. Without any capacity for someone to fail, would they have ever lived in the first place?
    Count Gensokyo
    Count Gensokyo
    That's what I think about the problem of evil, anyway.
    our actions define us, yes, but our beliefs are what sets our actions. If I believe the door is to the left and I seek to leave the room, I will not go to the right, for example. Our reason and beliefs are what is at the core of our actions.

    The fact that there are different beliefs in the world makes it all the MORE important that we seek to discuss these things seriously. After all, at the most 1 can be right, and even if in the end we don´t exactly determine which, we should at least be able to get closer to which are real, and which are just plain absurd. Yes, some life styles will likely be sufficient to salvation (using this term to imply the afterlife, I know not every religion calls it this way) even if a person is not a believer in that particular belief (and if atheism is true, then it doesn´t matter at all),but reason still stands that there are infinite possibilities, some of which are actually practiced, that just plain go against the right way to live. Morality, for example, is often inspired culturally by religion. For another example, should atheism be correct, then all the time and money spent on religious activities is wasted in not doing something actually helpful for the world. It´s hard to explain just how big of a matter this is, because it literally encompasses every aspect of everyone´s lives.
    If CRISPR has as much potential as it seems, it may be at once the scariest and most awesome thing I have heard about in ages.
    @Idea It was towards the other one.

    @Ruler of Inferno Actually, drunk people, around sober ones, are generally considered obnoxious and unpleasant to be around.
    The Golden Lion
    The Golden Lion
    Not myself I'm relaxed. Compared to my usual self someone who doesn't care for weak ideals.  That's a common sterotype there. Don't give into or entertain labels.
    Okay, then. Never believing professional studies ever again. Nice talking to you both.
    On the bad news , my wifi decided to go haywire. Anyone I owe posts or anything else to, don´t expect me to be able to deliver them. My apologies.
    I don´t know how or when it happened, but I seem to have regained my lost follower or gained a new one! Yay!

    Whoever it is, I want to thank you for it. I would post it on your profile, but since I don´t seem to have gotten a notification over it for some reason, I have to hope you see this (since you´re following me). :)
    Iz limitdx spots something that makes you not join rps?
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    Honestly idea you pretty much out compete a lot of people, you're a great rper 
    @[18409:@Princess] Ami I know the problems of overcrowd, but I don´t like it when the pre-set stance is to block some people, rather than deciding to limit the number afterwards

    @[24277:@The Mechanist] thank you. Regardless of whether I agree with that statement or not, though, the fact is I still don´t like it when someone feels so superior they get to judge others on often random subjective principles, plus I am not someone who likes to compete with others (Yes, I get into arguments a lot, but I don´t like fighting other people , I just believe it is for everyone´s good that discussions are had) and lastly I´ve had some pretty bad experiences with those types of RP which I would rather leave behind me.
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    >.> compadre take the compliment
    There is a certain paradox I tend to find when I make characters with abilities. Often, the most interesting characters are the ones where I don´t feel like I have to worry about them having any competitive value or where I can make specialize in something weird and unusual. However, unless I make my characters competitive, they can easily be left behind in the story and it´s harder than one might think to get into a proper interaction without being someone who is imposing by nature, in RP.
    that's why there needs to be some smaller sub-plots that are tied to the main story, where characters that aren't as important can still hang around.
    @[43497:@RacingBloodWolf] I mean a character that can have some kind of impact on their own, one that is competitive in power level vs others

    @[35376:@Quillicious] true, but also not enough. That still isolates people by power level.
    Ahh!!! Okay now I get ya. That is normally when I throw in a twist with the character.
    It´s a recurring theme I see: people make a few interest roleplays,  they end up failing and then post something about how they suddenly feel unmotivated to keep trying. A few bad experiences and suddenly they wanna quit roleplaying or quit trying to create new roleplays. Often people specifically mention how others are not replying anymore or suddenly vanish.

    It´s a common misunderstanding that "fun" is a constant in order to exist. If you can´t have fun putting in effort, then it´s not the process, but the results that define why you do that thing in the first place, but the results are also better depending on the effort you put in earlier.

    I think a lot of roleplays die off because there is this mentality in people that "it takes work, so I won´t do it". Or "I don´t like it as much right away, so it´s not worth it in the long term either". But that´s at odds with how entertainment works. Investment is a fundamental aspect of any great work, not just in the person making it, but also those witnessing it. It´s absurd to claim that something has to start out absolutely fun to ever be fun, or that there can´t be down moments. On top of that, such a mentality creates an constantly fleeting, lazy and unthought way of going about things. People don´t bother understanding that sometimes, sacrifices have to be made of minor things for the greater scheme. And that that fact isn´t a bad thing, but a good one, as those sacrifices are also at the root of variety.

    There is a lot more I want to say on this subject, but the rant is big enough as it is, considering I have other stuff I need to do, but I can´t stress this enough, a change in mentality and approach is necessary.
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