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  • I am really proud of some characters I make, in fact, I am really proud of most I make. I do take my time refining them, giving them a sense of depth and uniqueness. Unfortunately, it hardly ever pays out. What I have in dedication to assure myself of quality I lack in the consistency of presence/activity and in the ability to make people move. If that makes any sense.

    On the bright side: My headache is gone! Time for posting!
    If you are running anything, be it an RP, a business, a group for a school project, anything, remember that if you want peace and the good of the people in it, telling them to stop fighting instead of trying to find a solution to the fight´s subject is merely gonna make all sides frustrated. The problem will become a rotten apple in the basket, tearing away at the rest until it all falls apart. But a solving a problem unifies people, even just reaching an agreement makes people happier than they would otherwise be. Instead of indignation one gets respect.

    But alas...

    In this world, people have forgotten that trying to solve an issue is better than just trying to shut people up.
    If I was asked if I ever re-use characters, my mind would immediately jump to my child and animal characters. Then I would recall that those archetypes and even among those, there is plenty of variety in my character crafting, so the character I most re-used would be Kneckt, LawNeck and the ones from Hell City. The last two were because of reboots.
    Oh God the latest Konosuba episode, wow! I´m laughing my ass off, I cant stop, hahahha!
    So I looked up some dog personality traits over a character I´m making, and it turns out there are these charts that claim dog people and cat people bear certain personality traits depending on which pet they favor. And boy are they wrong. Just my existence alone would prove it, since their tests would identify me as a cat person which I ain´t. I am a dog person.
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    You'd be what we call in the science field a statistical outlier :P  
    I literally can't choose between cats and dogs. 3 times in the past year people have tried to get me to choose but I still can't.
    Yesterday I had pain all over, pills took somewhat care of it, today I wake up with pain on my ear... and I was given this massive pill. It seems to be working, but I feel sick. This was terrible timing body!
    ;-; Poor Idea~kun, I wish I could help you *^*
    thanks guys...I don´t know what this is, it just feels like half my face is on hellfire... a little more of this and I´ll turn into Harvey Dent!

    If only I knew some way to make this calm down... tried water, heat and cold, pills...
    Aw qwq Try getting some rest then.
    While I sometimes do partake in telling "blonde jokes" (which is funny because I sometimes also enjoy a dark sense of humor) , I find that I am really attracted to blondes, because I somehow tend to associate that hair color with kindness. 
    I feel so proud. Solving a fight my siblings were fighting. It really makes me feel the way being an older brother is supposed to feel, like someone they can look up to.

    I guess being 18 and having some authority is paying off after all! Thank you God!
    It only works until they're 18. Lucky for me though, I'm 21 and my youngest sibling is 6, so I'll have that power for a long time.
    I seriously hope they will have stopped squabbling like that by the time one of them is 18
    I feel like breaking someone's neck after my latest test...

    that was clearly not not designed for the time we were given. 
    *Reads the update*

    *Notices something strange, but isn't quite sure, so reads again*

    "that was clearly not not designed for the time we were given."

    *Double-negative hits me like a train*

    I know. If there's one thing you need to know about me, it's that I take great joy in pointing out mistakes like that  :smile9:
    TMW your computer decides to throw a fit, freeze the screen, forcing you to reboot and loose a day´s worth of work.
    p much me every time my laptop decides to shit on me when I'm on photoshop...
    Its more of a pain when it decides to overheat and gives you a blue screen of death
    A: Anything you can do I can do better

    B: No you can´t

    A: Yes I can

    B: No you can´t

    A: Yes I can

    B: Can you bake a pie?

    A: No

    B: Neither can I...
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