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  • I've always wanted to write a female character, but never felt qualified to correctly write one. I don't have the mindset of a female, and I feel like if I tried, I'd somehow end up being more disrespectful than anything else. 
    Yes. There are differences that I cannot see or understand.
    As a female who writes almost exclusively males (I have never heard a complaint about the way I played them so I assume that I do it well enough)  I can tell you that it really is not that different no matter which gender you play.  I don't know why people act like there is such a large difference between Rping as a girl or guy when in reality they have a lot more in common than they do differences.   Some girls are petty and only care about boys, some girls don't want to get married at all so that they can focus on their jobs, some don't care about anything at all.  Everyone is different so there is no one 'right' way to play a girl. I don't know... maybe that is just my experience with playing a different gender. Just tell your partner that this will be your first time trying to play a girl, they will understand.

    But if you are that concerned about it,  here is the best advice I can give you. Avoid overusing girl stereotypes and at least try to balance their 'girly' traits (cooking, cry baby, self conscious) with more common things. Give her depth! Girls tend to be more emotional than guys, not always but sometimes, and they are more prone to using 'I' statements... or at least that is what the things I read said.  Girls like to gossip, hang out in groups, and we frequently over think things to the point where we turn nothing (like not talking to someone while in the same room) into a big deal. Think about the Rping partners you had in the past and how they acted in character (assuming that they were playing a girl) or how they acted OCC, try to match that general tone in your own Rp. Oh, and second guessing yourself is a pretty common trait too, I did it in the first paragraph of this very message! 

    Hope this helped at least a bit! If not, try google, it has all the answers!
    if it helps, i'm a girl and i don't feel i think any differently to a boy. i get along with boys perfectly well, most of my friends are guys (but i do have some friends that are girls), and i'm pretty butch. but i also like pretty things. 

    i also find it easy to write all genders of characters. the key is not to overthink it. male characters don't have to be "masculine", female characters don't have to be "feminine". female characters can have "masculine" traits, male characters can... well, you probably get the point. personality has little to do with gender. just make sure your character is interesting and you can also ask for criticism on any character sheets you write!! :3
    I always hear girls talk about how guys with tattoos are hot, but how come I never hear guys talk about how girls with tattoos are hot. I certainly find it attractive.  If it's a good tattoo of course, not a tramp stamp. But like beautiful art on the already beautiful canvas of the female body, how can you not find attractive? You know?
    I want a tatoo but my parents would hunt me down
    I actually do find that quite attractive on a woman. Depending on what the tattoo is and where it's located! To be honest I actually hear quite a lot of guys speak about it. :D  Maybe it's just location or something?
    @DibbydooSame, but I'm probably still gonna get one. Lol

    @Obsidian It's probably just another effect of me not having enough guy friends. XD. 
    I wanna get a tattoo of a cherry blossom branch going up my arm, but I also need to get a job in the future, so I don't think that'll ever happen. lol ;-;
    Lol my creative writing teacher is trippin'. She threatened to call my mom if I don't turn in my poetry explication. I got to typing so quick, it ain't even funny. I'm not tryna catch a beat down from my momma...

    I'm to old to be afraid of my mom, but she's never been afraid to run them hands on me. I'll be married with kids, have my wife threatening to call my mom, to make me do something, and I'll do it. Momma's scary. (Georgia, and Ebonics came out a bit there. lol)
    I have an issue. I, for the life of me, can't get along with other guys. I have guy friends. Like 2 or 3, but not like a real guy friend. Like a brother.

    For some reason I find girls so much easier to get along with. My best friend is a girl. 99% of people I'm close to are females.

    I just can't get along with dudes. Maybe it's me. Maybe it's them. I just need a brother who understands that we're gonna be jackasses.

    We're gonna laugh at dumb shit, be dick heads, talk about dumb broads, we're gonna talk shit to each other, but sometimes we'll pause. We'll be brothers, have each other's back, lift each other up, be proud of one another. Then say "no homo" afterwards and go talk shit again. 

    It's hard to find a real brother out there. I think I'm too rough to get along with some, and too soft to get along with others. That sucks. 
    I completely understand where you're coming from.

    Being a girl, I find it a lot harder to get along with them but I can easily get along with a guy like it's nothing.

    I struggled finding someone I could call me 'sister' but luckily I was able to find her last year and we have been inseparable since despite the fact that we're a few hours away from one another.

    All I can say to this is just keep it going and that one day you'll find them. It's usually random and you'll never expect for that person to be the one you can call family.
    I've been waiting for a new Dragon Quest game for so long, and I'm so happy to finally get one. The music sparked up my nostalgia immediately. ^^
    I'm thinking about trying out a group RP. If anyone needs members I'm open to check your RP out. Just looking now. No promises.
    I procrastinate too much. I waited tille 2 o'clock in the morning to do some homework that I finished in like five seconds. lol
    I feel like if we don't have assigned seats, and one day you decide to sit in the seat that I've clearly sat in everyday, you're basically saying "Fuck you and fuck your life, Doc," so don't be suprised when I put these hands on you. lol Fml
    It's really hard to find someone to find someone who likes the same music as you, when your taste consists of obscure funk, anime rap, and edm shit you found on SoundCloud. But I feel like everyone is missing out on some gems, from great 'unknown' artists. Try SoundCloud if you haven't. It's great. 
    Does anyone put on some really good music, and then get really into pretending they're preforming the music at a concert? So much so, that you actually tire yourself out, and break a sweat? Cause I do. lol
    You must have an exciting life...Wish I had one T-T
    You are not alone! I do that all the time!... as long as no-one's around of course...
    I did it school...had my earphones in...forgot where I was


    Never doing it again

    (But yeah :3 Your not alone)
    I'm literally running on one hour of sleep right now. I wonder how long it'll be before my body gives out on me. lol kill me now. 
    Tardy Grade
    Tardy Grade
    If I could make it 50 hours without sleep for a dream study then you can too man!
    I went two weeks without sleep before my body gave out on me.
    I run on fumes 24/7 I'm sure with one good nights rest I could survive for a few days. The most I've slept in a while is 4 hours. Then I have to train, and run around the school being a decent student. Too much for my sleep deprived body. ;-;
    For creative writing I have to critique fellow classmates poems, and I always feel so bad when the poem is... bad... Cause then I have to go into class and tell them to their face. I say it in a constructive manner of course, but I feel like I'm shitting on their work...
    So I forgot to watch the battery, and conserve on my new phone, and now I'm at 20 percent at half way through the day. Kill me.
    That's what chargers are for! . . . You did bring a charger. . . Right?
    So once I was dating this girl, and I got this stupid idea for a romance story, that I never wrote, but I think it was really funny, so I'll post about it. I don't know what thread to put this in, either so whatever. If you see it you see it. So I was dating this girl, and she was white, and I'm black and Hispanic. But occasionally she used to say stuff that was racist without her meaning to. It was all innocent, and I corrected her, and we laughed, were all fine and dandy, but after enough of these situations, I got the idea. 

    What if I make a story out of exaggerating those little funny moments I had with her.. Just a little romance comedy about an interracial couple, and how they try to get along even though one is blatantly racist. So I came up with the idea. "My Girlfriend is a Racist." (I like crude and inappropriate comedy.)

    So the story would just be about a white girl falling for a black guy, even though she came from a back water family. And they get together, and deal with regular romantic stuff, but the focus is on her, growing out of that bigoted mindset as they go on, and him teaching her how it's wrong, etc. That's the like real stuff of the story, but it'd be mostly comedy, about her being racist, and at the end she'd grow out of that mindset, and be a better person. 

    I seriously think I should write this lol. 
    Sounds freaking amazing! As a Black writer myself, I find this idea really entertaining (Considering I like crude and inappropriate comedy too). 
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