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  • When people see my work I want to hear more than just "It's good." I want them to tell me why they think it's good. Observe and analyze the details in my work. Recognize the artful craftsmanship, that I work to put into every sentence. Think about it for more than just a moment. Read between the lines. See the beauty of my words, and the subtle nuances of my writing. Look deeper into the questions I'm asking, and what my characters are saying. Witness the feeling with which my work was created. Nothing is an accident. Don't let my careful thought go to waste. Please.

    Meh. Maybe one day...
    Count Gensokyo
    Count Gensokyo
    I'm a horrible literary analyst, so...excuses? XD

    I really do appreciate good writing, though.
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    That post alone was amazing, I could feel the emotions you were trying to convey, as well as understand the message you were trying to get across, for a moment I actually felt your dissapointment and pain, I know what it is you want, I unfortunately cannot give that to you.
    I think I turned a girl off, by being too into writing. lol That's pretty... bad.
    PFFT! She's just too dumb to understand that literate men who can write masterpieces are the sexy ones.
    Writers are sexy. She didn't know what she was missing out on.
    Rock And Roll Boy
    Writing is a less common activity now. She's missing out. 
    You ain't nothin', and you ain't never gonna be nothin', just like yo bitch ass daddy. 
    Tardy Grade
    Tardy Grade
    Boy ... doctors got a lot meaner than they used to be ... ._.
    Just wrote my first horror, or thriller story. It's for creative writing class. Not sure how scary it was though. I mean it was scary in my head, but I'm not sure if it'll be scary for others. lol Whatever. 
    You're not alone. I share in your struggle.
    I had to do the same thing once! I'm not really a horror/thriller fan however. 
    I feel so guilty. I was going to fail my Religion class, but my teacher bumped me up just I would pass, even though it was all my fault for failing cause I was being lazy. I can't look her in the eye. She's too nice to me. ;-;
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    Do unto your neighbor as you would have them do unto you. She did you a kindness, do one for her, let her know her religion class taught you something.
    Black Beatles is the first mainstream rap song I've actually liked in a while. I'm not one for trap music, but I really like this one for some reason. I don't even know why. 
    Vote for Donald Trump everyone!

    Let's Trump that bitch!

    (This is sarcasm, I'm sure someone came here to get angry. lmao)
    I used to be able to get along with people so well. People used to find me pleasant, funny, charming. I could hold a conversation with anyone. But I've lost that. I desperately try to hold conversations that the other person has no interest in. 

    I'm not sure what happened. I'm more open now, but I have no one to be open with. Do people just mot want to talk anymore or do people not want to talk to ME anymore? What did I do wrong?

    I'm much kinder than I used to be. More accepting. More mature. But now no one wants to talk. And I'm struggling to figure out why. Meh. 

    No one can steal a man or woman who doesn't want to be stolen. So if you mad I stole yo bitch don't be mad at me for it, be mad at her for letting herself be stolen. 

    Lol jk. But for real if someone stole my girl I think I'd be more mad at her more than him, cause like clearly she wasn't invested in the relationship and decided to go off with that other guy. 
    I kinda wanna watch the ISIS beheading videos, but I'm not sure if I have any innocence left in me, and if I do I don't I'm not sure how prepared I am to lose it...
    Innocence = ignorance, in my opinion. Just don't go too far, there are things you don't want to see, things that'll make beheading videos hilarious. 
    Sweet Vicious is the most extremist feminist pandering bullshit I've ever fucking seen. Like seriously? Kill yourself. 
    On youtube it's very clearly a joke though. No one tries to be serious on youtube, it's all satire. This show is trying to be serious though.
    [SIZE= 11px]but they're still making money off of making fun of victims. to the victims, those jokes really hurt. and to the rapists, it's an indirect thumbs up.[/SIZE]
    Alright. I just suppose comedy is an easier pill to swallow than just pretending to care.
    I would be mad that people abandon me without a word in 1x1s, but I've done it before too, so that'd me a hypocrite.

    Although in my defense the main reason I abandon people is if I realize they didn't read my rules. I have no patience for those who do not read my rules. But I guess that makes me a hypocrite too. 

    Hypocrisy is my best friend. #killme
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