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  • When nobody wanna roleplay with you, and you gotta act tough like you don't care. ;-; 
    When your life has amounted to absolutely nothing and everything you do amounts to nothing more than pain on your behalf so you get to the point where your so emotionally distant that you fear that you have just about lost the ability to show emotion to even close friends and the only thing covering all that hell up is a thin veil you call a smile but that thin veil is just that a thin veil that is nothing more than a lie to what is actually going down inside of yourself... You know that time lol
     "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children", is actually "Miss Tangerine's House for Weirdo Kids," according to my dad. 
    Why do people get so butthurt when you call them a fuckface? If you're gonna be a fuckface, you running the risk of me coming up to you and calling you a fuckface. Don't get mad at me, just stop being a fuckface, and I won't call you one. Lol 

    If you're being a fuckface on here, I'm coming to your profile, and calling you a fuckface. I have a lot of pent up aggression. Brace yourself, fuckfaces.
    Bruh, if you got two status updates on the "Recent Status Updates" bar at once, you need to stop. lol Shade. If you're wondering if I'm talking to you, yes I probably am. XD. 
    If that's your chick, then why she texting me?

    Why she keep calling my phone speaking sexually?

    Every time I'm out, why she stressing me? You call her Stephanie?

    is this a song 
    Axel The Englishman
    Axel The Englishman
    I thought it was an insult. If so, I have a list here on standby.
    It's my latest rap song, buy my mixtape. Lol 
    Everyone loved my poem in creative writing class, even saying it was the best poem of all the one's workshopped. I'm pretty happy. I'm not even a poet. Lol
    Nothing more upsetting than wanting to just sit and chill, after all the shit of the day has finally come to a close, only to have that destroyed because other people won't leave you the fuck alone.

    I know I should appreciate being able to live at home while it lasts, but why can't I just get some peace and quiet when I ask for it?

    I spend nearly every other day of the week with them, but when I ask for just one evening to sit and chill on my own, I'm asking for too much?

    Whatever though. That's my vent post.
    getting out of the house will make it better, I promise. Don't give up love. ~<3 
    I hate being as sarcastic as I am. It makes it difficult to get along with people, because most people don't get that 80% of whatever the fuck comes out of my mouth is said very sarcastically or ironically. It's even worse when I think what I said was really funny, and they don't, cause they don't understand it's a joke. 
    This is the same with me. I'm also often rude without even realizing it!
    Sarcasm is my entire existence
    I don't understand sarcasm and irony 90% of the time so I end up being alone.

    And I'm basically unconsciously rude  :>> 
    If I had a dollar for every time I erased "kill yourself" from a social media response field, I'd be rich. Lol
    Just had a full scale argument, on whether or not police dogs hump legs. They don't. I refuse to believe police dogs hump legs. 
    They probably do.

    Animals have the strangest urges >.>

    Then again, Police dogs are pretty trained, so probably the puppies (Recruits) would do that.
    Considering the training they get and that they're mostly likely castrated, I'd say no.
    I hate people my own age, I hate people younger than me, and people older than me don't see me as equal. Why can't I just get along with people? 
    Thank you for proving my point. @Sunbather

    It was a statement directed towards a generalized group. I'm sure I can find someone I will get along with, but my point is the way I am makes me incapable of truly getting along with most people. 
    That's normal. Sure some people seem to be more broad in their personality traits but that doesn't mean that all people are like that. It's totally fine to be much more unique in your persona but I wouldn't fret upon it. You are you and that's the thing. You shouldn't have to worry about people being able to match up with you all the time. They'll come. 
    @Doc You're welcome.
    I should make a shade blog, where I just throw shade at people I don't like. lol But no. Cause people are gonna say it's wrong. I don't see the issue though. Everybody hates somebody, I'm just being real enough to put it in their faces. I guess not though, right? Whatever. 
    Just had a standardized test tell me I'm a shitty writer. I must say I feel pretty shit atm. There's not much I'm extremely confident in, but writing was something I could have sworn I was at least decent at. 
    No one's a perfect writer. We've all got problems like trying to keep in character or a few punctuation errors. It doesn't make us shitty. It makes us hunan. You're probably a great writer, and most standardized tests are fake anyway.
    *Human. Sorry...SEE?! xD

    standardized=THROW IT AWAY

    the world's too big for standardizing anyways.
    Some kid sat in my seat in math class, and I'm struggling not to lose my shit! He's all up in my space. I sit alone for a reason! I feel so claustrophobic right now! My bubble has been popped! I'm trapped! This was my island! I've been invaded! God help me! RIP to my personal space! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
    Anyone ever been Catfished? Catfish is like my families show. We get together to watch Catfish. I've been Catfished before. It's the funniest thing in retrospect.  Lol
    Guilty! It's a hell of a ride lol. But man, I sure do love that show, it's easily become my mother and I's obsession! Max and Nev are hilarious together. 
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