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  • When your mom makes you brownies after a long day, and you remember why you love living at home. ;-;
    The new filthy frank vid made me laugh harder than I have in a long time.
    I call myself emo, because there's no exact classification for the type of person I am. A sardonic cynic with a sense of humor that is far too sarcastic for my own good.

    I have five major emotions Druggy happy,  Illogically sad, mildly annoyed, fucking pissed, and endlessly bored. 

    Lately I find myself wishing more and more that I had musical talent. I guess I'm being ungrateful for the talent I do have, but I can count on one hand the number of people who have been impressed with my skill in the written word.

    I suppose music its that music is a talent that doesn't require too much intelligence to appreciate. If it sounds good, most good can agree. It sounds good. 

    Whatever though. #killme as always.
    Saw your RP post. I'm very good at being dedicated to RPs and my partners and love going long-term. Yes, I'm female, but I am open to any parts opened up to me... Provided that my creativity is accepted.

    PM me for details. 

    Sincerely, Astra.
    Sometimes I try to rap, and it sounds good in my head. The verse is solid, and I get a little confident and record it, but then I hear my voice and it sounds horrible. My voice was made for giving speeches, not spitting fire. ;-; 

    Just saw some guy spend 45,000 dollars on a wedding dress, on some hot girl he met online from Russia.

    Man... That shit is crazy. I wouldn't drop 45 k on myself, much less some hoe I barely know. Fuck that, I don't care how good the pussy is. No bitch you barely know is worth 45 k.

    Bruh... I almost cried watching him swipe that credit card. That's so much money, it even hurt my wallet. Never in my life. Keep your wallets safe brothers. XD. 

    Kill me. 
    That, my friend, is what you call

    D E S P E R A T E
    Money is  (unfortunately) what makes the world go round. It's precious and everybody needs it, you can't make a living without money unless you are the one. 

    This guy, spending that much money on this girl, is trying to say he'd let the world stop spinning just so that he can be with her. If she can't see that, then nobody can make her. But this guy is a really dedicated individual who must really say this girl is worth his life. 

    Just my insight on this.

    But yeah. 45k is a lot. 
    They tried to trap me with no wifi, but it wasn't happening, can't hold a homie down. 
    You can take me out of the emo,

    But you can't the emo out of me.

    Lol kill me.
    Emos are good for the world too. They keep the over-optimistic people (me) from doing stupid crap xD
    This is exactly how I feel when that happens to me
    I could write an essay on roleplay, and various types of roleplayers, and their behaviors. But I'm too lazy to put my thoughts and ideas about this group of people on paper. Also I've forgotten most of the ideas. But learning about how people behave, and how to manipulate things around you to attract, and or control other people's behavior is interesting. 
    Don't do school, stay in drugs
    Love it when you're bored and everybody you know seems to have magically disappeared. Kill me.
    I finally finished writing the first part of a story of mine, for creative writing class, after like maybe 3 hours of nothing but playing one song on repeat and typing my balls off, and I kinda feel like death. Writing binges are productive, but make my brain feel fried. 
    Right as I break out of my shell, and feel settled with a group of friends, ready to graduate here, I'm told we'll be moving. Gotta love that military life. 
    But if you're a F looking for an MxF someone to roleplay with, why not try me? 1x1 interest check ^^ (I'm desperately in need of a late night partner. ;-;)
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