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I'm new to this site, have no idea how this works but that won't stop me!
I'm always open for a lil chat, send me a message! (if that is even a thing you can do on this site haha)
hi. not new to rp but i want to rp. so thats why i am here. im a pretty simple person who likes to write and collaborate with other thinking brains. i tend to go on tangents for my inspirations. kinda tired, lo-poly person though.
Hello! I’m Paroe, 22, and I’ve been role-playing for 7 (approaching 8) years now. My oh my how much time flies!
I’m pretty favourable to any genre of role-play as I like trying new RP styles. I usually mix fantasy, sci-fi, or modern genres with a bit of slice of life, fluff, and the occasional angst. Prose-wise, I’m down for responding to anything except constant one-liners. One of the goals I truly hope to see, whether with short-term or long-term partners, is character development. I’m truly a sucker for well rounded OCs - flaws and all. I think great stories are multi-dimensional and have some wiggle room for growth!
Outside role-play, you can summon me with cute, shiny things, sweet snacks, baby animals, pastel flowers, and video game OSTs. I love spending time with my two fur babies (Lemmie and Doug), playing mobile games, baking and decorating pastries, and drawing my OCs. I definitely lean in on my creative side when I’m not studying or working.
Anyways, if you’re interested in chatting or role-playing, I’m always open for random messages. Thanks for reading! It’s a pleasure to meet everyone! ^ ^
Im New here but I have been Rp ign for quite a few years now!
I am working on a more indepth interst check post but Ill also say here. I am looking for some rp partners.
I am open to a lot of things but some favorites are slice of life, Fantasy, and like post apocaliptic. I love having romance and most of the time do MxM parings but am open to most things.
I do anything from 14 on up to young adult.
If you want to talk about starting an rp feel free to message me!!
Hey there! Zen here! I'm sorta new to the site and roleplay in general so bare with me if I get anything jumbled up. I look forward to roleplaying on here!
Hi Im ralterene, and this is my first experience with roleplaying outside of a couple of irl d&d games. Im really interested in worldbuilding mostly fantasy type settings but also futuristic magical settings. Outside of roleplay I like computing and robotics. I dont have any pets yet but im planning on getting cats
My name is Yomi (da great is only here because plain-old yomi was taken. And I enjoy the ego boost from having everybody call me great hehehheh ). I've been roleplaying for about 5-6 years now, and I just remembered now that this place, like...exists! Wow. So cool. I'm not really sure about what interests to slap on because they're pretty eclectic? You'll learn soon enough. I'll mostly be sticking to group roleplays whether they're canon-based or original, but I only write OCs. I'm looking forward to roleplaying with you all!
Hi, I've been roleplaying for way too long. Just looking for a new platform to voice my creativity. I look forward to meeting new writing partners - I am a bit picky so I imagine it'll take a bit! Nice to meet everyone!
Call me Aqua. I‘ve been roleplaying for the last 5-6 years, not on this site though, with lots of longer breaks in-between. Only recently I started to come back to this hobby for stress relief and to release some pent-up ideas I‘ve been storing. English isn‘t my native language either, so I‘m hoping to improve it as well.