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Help Question about tagging topics that I really don't like


New Member
When I browse in recruitment topics I often find RP offers I really don't like. Is there a way on this site to permenently tag them to ignore them and not check on them constantly when I forgot what they were about?
i dont think theres a way to block/ignore tags, but you can block/ignore members and that will hide all their threads i think. Don't know if you wanna go that far, but you could. you can also "unwatch" threads you have previously posted in/made/watched. It's a button towards the top of the page.

Don't know if it's helpful, but I tried lol
i dont think theres a way to block/ignore tags, but you can block/ignore members and that will hide all their threads i think. Don't know if you wanna go that far, but you could. you can also "unwatch" threads you have previously posted in/made/watched. It's a button towards the top of the page.

Don't know if it's helpful, but I tried lol
I dunno about blocking someone hiding all their posts because someone did that in response to me and was still angry on main he could still see my posts telling him he was being bizarre. It only prevents someone from DMing you
I dunno about blocking someone hiding all their posts because someone did that in response to me and was still angry on main he could still see my posts telling him he was being bizarre. It only prevents someone from DMing you
Huh, not my experience but I could also be remembering wrong or the person I blocked just left the site. I don't know. Weird.

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