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Wild Cards

Sage chuckled loudly, "Not human huh? Is that why you are so attracted to me? Hmm?" Sage asked, she loved to flit, no matter how close her and Rose got. How she'd not mated the girl this long she had no idea, but both of them have grown so much over the years. Rose was quiet the lady, though she was finally of a more proper age to mate.

"I'm sorry.. I guess.. i've been missing a lot..." Rhea said gently rubbing her head, she gave Kai a weak smile. She felt like its been forever since she had actually smiled. "Maybe.. I should go.. apologize to everyone.."
"Maybe princess you should apologize to yourself first," Kai said using the old pet name she was given. "I love you princess if I didn't I would not have been so quiet so long," he tilted her head up to where their eyes met and he gave her a soft kiss on her forehead. "Use me, however you want Sage is... mopeing today so I doubt she'll talk to you and Ebony as you know is preggers again so she is probably napping.

Rose giggled "I like you because you are perfect," she hugged tighter to Sage and smiled "and all mine,"
"O..ok..." Rhea though she started to tear up again, "I.. feel like I need to find Shania.." She said quietly, she stood up and actually really looked at Kai. Things have really changed in him, things she had not taken the time to notice... Where had she been the last four years? Gently Rhea shook her head and touched the top of it, "I'm... so sorry.." She said again before leaving to go find Shania.

Sage smiled at slide a hand further up Rose's side, "I am suprised you've dropped mating me long ago.." Sage said quietly, almost slightly seductively, "I think I am tired of waiting for the perfect moment, because I don't think it will ever happen." Rose could feel Sage unhook the back of her bra strap. Its been a long time since Sage had last actually had sex, which was wired for her. Little Rose had her on a leash since day one of Sage saying yes to her.
Rose shivered softly and held onto her. "I didn't drop it.. but you were busy," Rose said and gasped lightly wen her bra was undone. She had wanted to mate she really has for a long long time but she thought she could e a bit patient.

Kai smiled "go on find your wolf," he said Kai had grown from a feminine boy to a dashingly feminine man taller a bit more muscle to him and his hair still a vibrant blue was longer and a bit messier kept.
"I'm not busy now.." Sage said quietly with a smile, "Want to show me how much you love me? Because I am about to do that same for you."

Rhea's first look was to see if Shania was in any of the room in the personal side of the castle, she would peak around the corner's in a sneaky like fashion. She guessed it was nap time for the kids and Ebony since no one seemed to be in their living area.
Shania wasn't in her room she had actually snuck out to fight a bit maybe track down Yue to train with or hell to just talk to the guy.

Ebony and the kids were asleep in the bed the twins liked to sleep with their parents.

Rose looked at Sage wide eyed "you aren't teasing me right?" she asked hopeful "I do want to... to show you ho much I love you,"
Rhea sighed and wondered around the castle a bit, it had given her time to calm down, not a bit mess, though her eyes were still really red. Quietly she wondered around the castle, finding Shania was hard, but her next bet would be to look around the training grounds.

Lucifer was curled up with Ebony, the two twins between him, and their 1 year old son Lucifer. Ebony was due any week now with their next kid. He was probably the happiest demon dad in the world. He loved all his kids, they were a complete joy to have and very smart almost painfully smart.

Sage would answer Rose with a kiss, what had spawn this moment after laying in bed depressed for several hours, Sage was not sure, but she wasn't planning on stopping here.
Shania was there indeed she had just got done with training and she was rather happy with herself. "Yue, want to head back get a bit to eat I think the girl you got googly eyes for is in the dinning hall," Shania said then froze as she saw Rhea were her eyes playing tricks on her?

Ebony sort of hopped the next child she had would be a bit easier to come out but she loved all her children and would have as many as her and Luci could.
"Oh really? I don't smell do I?" He asked suddenly lifting up his arms to check himself, though after a moment he noticed Shania staring down somthing. He wasn't sure but he was pretty sure that was Shania's invisible girlfriend that is never around.

Rhea looked up at Shania and she froze too, not sure enough if she should approach Shania or not, though she did eventually wander over to Shania. She diden't look up at her though, mostly looking at the ground, "S-shania.... can... can I get... a moment..?" She asked, not sure if she would come with her after she had probably ignored her for... what did Kai say, four years?
Shania was in shock the girl.. the woman had not expected to see Rhea without dragging her out of the library. "Sure Rhea... Yue you stink go shower first," she said though it lacked her normal playfulness. she went to Rhea and hugged the smaller girl Shania had grown taller and a bit bustier though she still had softness to her face and her hair was still as long as ever though it now took to curling at the ends.
Yue waved his hands in a dismissing fashion and walked away, "See you later." He said as he walked off, knowing she probably had something better to do now.

Rhea had not noticed, but she herself had grown a lot. She actually grew a few inches taller. She had also gotten a bit bigger in the bust herself and her hair and long as ever. Though because of running out of contracts, she ware large glasses now. "Shania.. I don't.. Kai... he... he yelled at me earlier and made me... realize I.. i've been a horrible person..." Rhea actually started to cry again, she couldn't not cry she felt so horrible, "I am so sorry... I am so sorry to you..."
Shania hugged Rhea "shh it's ok Rhea, it's ok I understand you are just doing the best you can," Shania said soothingly in fact if any demons saw her now they' have to double take she was only soft when in the palace or with Lucifer and the kids.
Rhea gripped Shania harder and cried a bit harder, "I'll come out.. I won't do this anymore... I am so sorry.. Shania.. please don't be mad.." She said through teary breaths.
"No Rhea I'm not mad at you I'm not. I've just missed you," Shania said and held Rhea and softly wiped her tears "It's ok, lets get something to eat and maybe wash off this pretty face so I can see you," She softly kissed Rhea;s head.
Rhea smiled softly though she was still crying, though she quietly went with Shania and actually hung out with her family.

It was a few weeks later Ebony had her third, or fourth child. It was another boy, though as adorable as her other kids. Lucifer was beyond happy, though with the increase in males in Lucy's family, Sillia and Mokii had become increasingly fond of Ivory. Lucious was actually helping his sister escape everyones constant pestering, not that the girl needed it. Uncle's Sage's pranks over the kids grew and Rhea realized how much she had been missing and almost resented herself for it, though she did immerse herself back into her research, it was not as bad as it was before. Often taking breaks and less reluctant to be dragged out of the library by Shania or Lucy. Rhea often tried to get Zek to break with her, Tannis also started to push Dasuke to lay off the research some.

Things went smoothly and seemed finally settled for another year, counting five years of being stuck in the demon world. Even Tannis was finally falling into a comfortable role of King. Sage, Kai and Shania's trainings had been very successful, as was Lucifer's though he did not train as hard being the dedicated father he was. Things we better and getting good...

Rhea and Zek were actually outside, and it was night. Rhea had found a substitute of energy by binding her own energy into a jewel similar to the one she had for the negative energy when closing portals. She had one of those around her neck at all times to avoid accidents like last time. Rhea was writing a few things in her note book again. "Ok Zek... test number 357... This time I'll be moving the energy in pattern err.." Rhea checked her notes again and read off a few things that her and Zek had done during testing.
Ebony had fallen into the role of mother well she didn't train alot but she really didn't have to since there was no war and she could always protect er children with her bow.

Shania and the group had enjoyed their time with Rhea greatly it made them seem like a family again. Zek started to join them more and more often at Rhea's insistence. Dasuke as stubborn as always would study when Tannis wasn't looking.

Kai had actually gotten a little better with the hole group together he didn't go off into insanity very often he also adopted the habit of holding Momo in his lap when he'd sit down.

Zek looked at Rhea "alright, be careful and remember if we need o stop just tell me," he told her as he watched the night sky.
"Yeah.." Rhea said quietly. "Here goes nothing." Rhea said. after the first 100th test Rhea had given up on it every working, but she still tried but not with the expectations. As always to her test she expanded a light shield, the brightness was a soft glow in the nighttime. Gently she gripped the jewel in her hand with her energy's in and started to draw from its power as she pulled the energies of the shield into a ball and then pushed them out to make a twisted sparkles and what seemed to be electric sparks. Rhea gritted her teeth a bit before she pushed a bit harder, pulling more energy from herself and sending it through the light. It was then Rhea felt somthing.. connect. She paused wide eye'd before she had not enough to hold it open.

When it closed Rhea fell to her knees, though it was always normal for her to be tired after one of her tests. Rhea looked to Zek and smiled letting out a long breath, "We've done it..."

-End Wild Cards-

Continue with
Wild Hearts

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