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Wild Cards

"Kai you are already a killer. You've slaughter many demon lives already. I've slaughtered my own kind without remorse, and a few humans as well. Why you think killing demons and humans are two different things, I don't know... Death is death." Mia said pulling her hands away from Kai. "Sorry, I think it is fine that you think the way you do... I should probably keep my own way of thinking to myself."

Tanis purred accordingly, happy for everything to finally come to an end.

"I see. Its nice to meet you. I suppose I am a healer and doctor. I guess most already know that about me." Rhea said quietly.
"No it's the same to kill is to kill... but I still would rather not take lives and not feel it," Kai sighed her calling him a killer actually stung. "Killing is necessary and I will do it,but lok at Shania she kills and you can see in her eyes she wants to kill more, I don't want to like to kill,"

"We do we are all impressed," Zek smiled at her "for a human you are rather amazing you saved many lives,"
"I've been killing for years... and I still don't like it. If you truly want somthing Kai... fight for it... but don't lose yourself in the process... its harder... much harder said than done..." Mia said, "I've almost lost myself many time... while I was fighting... I think I did..." Mia admitted, she clasped her hands together, "Sanity is not easy to keep hold of when you always feel it slipping away. But I give hope that those around me will help keep me anchored to the ground."

Rhea blushed a bit, "Oh... Thank you... I try... I try to save people.. But I did not fight as bravely as the rest of my friends. But thank you... When I return to the human world I wish to continue to be a doctor... Pardon for asking but how old are you? Demon age is a bit hard to tell sometimes.."
Kai smiled at her "do you think I'll lose my sanity?" he asked honestly he knew he was slipping a bit but with Sage and everyone he held on a bit better then alone.

"I am 18," Zek chuckled "still young," He sat down "I studied a bit about you humans and your energy it's fascinating,"
"I see it in you Kai... in your eyes." Mia said softly. "It made me hesitate to give you my powers... but the cause you fight for is just... and I think even if you lost it... you would still fight for what is needed to be done... be it that it is black, white or grey." Mia said , though she had her eyes on the stars.

Rhea nodded, "It is fascinating, the fact we need the negative energy from a demon to even start to create the positive in the first place. I've actually studied the effects between the positive and negative energies. though it is like poison to the other side, it is amazing how they are needed to coexist with each other." Rhea said quietly, "I am very curious as to why the night effects each species depending on the world we are in. I wonder if it is because that is when the worlds are closest."
"An interesting theory," Zek smiled and sat with her. "I have books on the movements of day and night and the patterns of the veil,"

Kai laughed outright "yes yes, why am I worrying anyway? guess whats going to happen is going to happen no mater what I do,"
Mia smirked at him, "Thats the sprite." She said chuckling a bit. "The future will lead us. Fretting to much only causes unhealthiness. Now why don't you scat and enjoy the banquet." Mia said, shooing Kai to go. She stood up on the window seal before jumping out of it and landing on a tree a bit aways away, "Call me Kai, if you need anything." Mia told him.

Rhea smiled, "Fantastic. I have yet to actually wonder to the library here. I spend most my time in the one where Tannis's troupes were held before hand. As soon as I arrived here I taught myself how to read and write in demon. I can teach demons how to write and read humans. In fact I brought with me several human books, including my own personal notes from several person researches i've run." Rhea said in return, thought she giggled a bit, "You have a nice smile."
Zek blinked a few times "was I smiling well now I'll loose my reputation as being cold as ice, don't tell anyone," he winked at her. "I am impressed though you tought yourself reading and writing in demon?"

Kai smiled and waved before going back to the banquet.
"Yes, and the one who taught me how to speak was Raffer, a shaman demon who is apprentice to Broren. Last week I taught myself how to read and write, it was easy." Though she blushed a bit, "I speak tons of human languages..." She was not sure if he was kidding about the cold as ice thing.
"Ah I am fluent in many languages myself english being one," he said. "Shall we dance? it is a party,"

Ebony giggled "lets sit down for a little Luci," she said softly and hugged him.

Shania was by this point relaxing alone happily watching the festivities much like Tannis and Dasuke were
When the time came for them to leave most demons gathered to say goodbye to the guardians, in fact there was even a small surprise party made to say good bye to them. When it was time to go, Tannis opened the portal for all of them to walk through, saying their final goodbyes.

"You all finally deserve a good rest at home." Tannis said. Levi and most of Lucifer family was around fawning over Ebony before she left.

Sage was feeling so much better knowing she was going home to see her cat soon. "Yeah no kidding. We'll be around though." Sage said.

Rhea waved bye to most of the demons around, happy for their cheering, though she was leaning close to Shania feeling a bit shy at the attentions.
Shania held onto Rhea she was a bit akward at the suprise party and Kai thought she was adorable and at risk of life and limb pointed that out and got a shoe to the face.

Dasuke was holding his daughter Rose half wanted to stay but she would not leave Sage. "thank you gaurdians do come visit,"he said softly.

Ebony was blushing at all the attention even Levi was there.
Levi eye'd Ebony a bit, "Don't look at me like that... I am head of family and I make sure to take care of it... those little half demons even count." he said. Sillia smiled and pinched his cheek picking on the man.

When all was said and done and it was time for everyone to walk through the portal, the strangest thing happened and they walked right through it like it if didn't exist. There was a murmur of question when the guardians did not pass through the portal.

"Hm... I don't think I quite know what's happening." Tannis said. He opened another one and he himself tried to walk through the portal and went straight through it. "Strange.. Levi, Zek.. please open portals to the human world."

Rhea was wide eyed, her herself not understanding what was happening, but as Levi opened his own portal to the human world and unable to get through it, Rhea had a sudden realization and her face said it all. Broren told her... she told her this.

"What the hell is happening...?" Sage asked, worry clenching her.
Zek glared at his own portal when it didn't work "this is... not good," he stated.

"Are you saying we can't go home?!" Kai said "theres a war people are going to die I have to get home," Kai said.

"A war?" Ebony asked wide eyed and stared at Kai "what do you mean?" she looked to Lucifer wide eyed.
"Hold up. Kai don't panic..." Sage said after a moment, "Yes a war... Kai and I have been trying to keep one under wraps for a little while.. just recently it... escalated badly..."

Rhea clutched her hands together, "I think Broren did this... He told me... before we left. He said I was the key home. Then he said not to say anything till after we got to the demon world.. Kai do you have that thing Broren gave you?"

Lucifer was slightly alarmed though he huddled Ebony closer to him.

"It disintegrated...." Sage said quietly. Rhea opened and then closed her mouth, "I... it broke?" She asked.

"I don't think it was Kai's fault it broke..." Sage said gently rubbing the back of her neck.

Tannis was waiting patiently for the Guardians to talk amongst themselves. "What did Broren do exactly?" he asked.
"He said we'd curse his name... D@mn it!" Kai said and sat down he was trying to calm down... it wasn' working.

"What... what about my parents?" Ebony said "My dad and step mom... my uncle... what kind of war?" she was scared now she wanted to go home.

"Well... he said it was to save us right what could be so bad he'd trap us in the demon world?" Shania asked
Sage actually glared at Shania, "You don't understand. We Have to get back... Kai has to get back.."

Rhea picked up her bag and ran back to the castle, "Let me try and figure this out... I'll be in the library... Keep Kai calm please..." She said as she ran back to the castle.

Tannis made motions for most of the demons to leave the area, the only few demons that stayed were the one directly related to the guardians. Momo jumped close to Kai and gently took his hand, 'we'll figure this out Kai...'
"I'll... bring his @ss back to life just to kill him!" Kai hissed but took a few breaths and pulled Momo into a hug to calm down.

Shania sighed and rubbed her head this whole underground warring was beyond her.

Zek went after Rhea where he could be the most good.

Rose hugged Sage knowing the girl would be upset.
Momo hugged Kai back and gently tried to calm him. Sage sighed, she was more stressed than upset. Something was very very wrong...

What Rhea's research for hours turned into weeks... and what weeks turned into months. Rhea would not break often and would have to be forced from the library to eat or sleep sometimes. She would tell no one what her research was other than finding a way home. They tried the portal every day to make sure if it was open, but no one could manage to open it.

Tannis would even call Shamans from different part of the worlds to help figure out the portal. Eventually Tannis started to give busy work to some of the other guardians to help put their mind in other places.

Lucifer tired his best to keep Ebony calm and happy... but all the stress of her parents he was afraid was going to put her into early labor.

Sage spent a lot of her time with Kai, planning for thing that needed to immediately happen, though the busy work for them really helped out alot. Though ever since the disruption of going home, Sage still had not mated Rose, though this time she was not really neglecting her bird on purpose.
Shania had given up on pulling Rhea out of the library and busied herself into her training as seemed to be her way to cope.

Zek actually did the same as Rhea researching and reading he didn't like the guardians so stressed.

Kai had further degraded into insanity every so often he would go on bouts that made absolutely no sense but they never lasted long. He did his busy work and often wrote down what needed to be done. If it weren't for Momo's interruptions he'd probably kill himself in his work.

Rose had tried to calm Sage often it didn't work but she never gave up.

As time passed Ebony's stomach grew and so did her appetite and mood swings Lucifer was actually kicked out of the room once or twice.
A few more months would pass and it was not long till Rhea finally opened up to Zek and the two of them combined into a researching. Rhea often would have him open his portal for her to study. Rhea covered every corner and crevice in the basics of such events and finally started to build a hard foundation for a few ideas she would start to try. Sometimes Rhea would take trips to castles in another land with Zek to get ahold of information their own castle did not have. Rhea was shown to be completely determined and never faulting from her research.

Tannis and Mia both soon started up a training regiment, Mia completely determined to get Kai to learn the ability to pull and concentrate energy. Momo spent a lot of Kai, mostly trying to get him to loosen up and play. Sage was grateful for Rose, though she was a hard person to calm, she would be far worse without the girl. It was a few months later that Ebony had gone into a very early labor... 3 months early.
Ebony took a hold of Lucifer when her water broke "luci," she started to panic.

Shania was told and being one of the fastest runners she went straight to the library "Rhea Ebony... her water broke she is in labor," she said.

Zek looked up "she isn't due... " he said and stood he wasn't a healer but he could do it.
Rhea looked up, she had run out of contacts and was wearing glasses, "She... wait.." Rhea immediately slammed her book shut and jumped up, "Take me to her quickly." Rhea said.

Lucifer hugged Ebony tight, trying to keep her calm, "Its ok Ebony... you'll be ok.." Though truthfully he was worried too. Mokii was there and was holding Ebony's other hand. "You need to stay calm dear..."
Ebony tried to relax but she was scared she squeezed Mokii's hand and screamed as her first contraction hit the pain was impossible to describe "Luci!" she his her face in his chest as he held her. "i ... want Rhea,"

Shania was running with Rhea as was Zek.
When they came into the room Rhea immediately went to sit down on the bed with Ebony, "Heey Ebony, how are you feeling?" she asked. She heard the girl scream so she had a feeling she was having contractions already. This was way to early, all the stress must have really gotten to her... Gently Rhea put her hands down on her stomach and began to see if anything was wrong, though she was a bit scared the babies would get harmed, they did not react badly to her positive energy. "Shania you should go warn Kai and Sage..." She told Shania.

"Ok Ebony I need you to listen to me... I can take the pain away if you want.. but I also need to you be aware so I won't take it all away.. but if you want this completely natural then I won't take away the pain... there is no way I can stop this... your having babies today." Rhea told Ebony quietly.

Lucifer looked worried, "Will she be ok? And the babies? Rhea..."

"Lucy I need you to stay calm and hush.. I won't let anyone or thing die." Rhea said assured as she started to gather blankets and towels. Rhea had been reading up on birth because she was worried for Ebony and knew she was her only medical help here in the demon world, so she had been prepared for this...

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