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Wild Cards


Retired M
The day was hot, most likely one of the hottest days on record for the big city of Marraston. Looking up at the sky, Rhea shielded her eyes and took not that there were no clouds, just the endless blue reaches of the ozone layer and the bight unresting sun. After taking a few moments to appreciate the clear skies, Rhea moved her way down into the subway system to catch the train. Sitting down on a bench, she opened up her book and started to read it, though her mind was more on the current day events.

Today she went to go see her brother, who is graduated out of college and now in his own apartment next to the hospital. He had just graduated with his doctorate and started his job as a children’s Doctor. Rhea was immensely proud of him, knowing he worked hard to achieve the place he is now in life. Sadly lately her brother and their parent’s relationship has decayed, over things she did not want to think about, so she was no longer aloud to see him. So on the weekdays, when her parents where both out working, Rhea took this time to sneak away and see her loving brother.

Coming to a screeching halt, Rhea jerked her head up from her thoughts to see a train stopping on the platform. Standing up, Rhea pushed her way into the cabin with the rest of the crowd.


Work had been excruciating, Sage thought to herself. Ever since the summer had come about, Sage went to get a part time job at a restraint as one of the part time chiefs. With school coming up though, Sage thought it was about time to quit her job.

Sage, I came to pick you up!” A older man practicably yelled. Sage glanced up to see her father was standing in front of her, his bald head shinning under the sun. Where is the car?” She asked, not surprised to see him.

“I thought I should take the train today, good for exercise! Besides I need to work off all that food you feed me and your mother!” He said, patting his belly and laughing out loud. Sage laughed with him and lead the way to the train station, talking to him about her last day of work. Both waited for the train, but by this time her father had taken the conversation onto a whole new level, mostly about how Sage never brought home any of her Girlfriends or Boyfriends, both her parents very accepting of her bisexuality.

Sighing, Sage began to explain to him while boarding the train, that if and when she found someone truly special, he would be the first to know.
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Another hard day of kendo training. Shania sighed her brother had come to pick her up but with his car impounded they would have to take the train. She pulled her hair back into a pony-tail in an attempt to stay cool. "So sis beat the boys up again?" Her brother asked in his normal chipper cheerful way his own short cropped brown hair was glistening with a light layer of sweat from his run to the gym to pick her up.

"Naturaly," Shania replied she was one of the best in the gym unfortunatly with school coming up she wouldn't be able to make it to the small building as often as she had in the summer. Shania smiled up at her brother the man who basically raised her after their mothers death, he was always so cheerfull and hyper he lifted the spirits of whoever was around him.

"So sis how about we stop at the icecream parlor when we get off the train, I bet it'll be busy in this heat," when he saw her nod he gave her a quick hug and took off "Race you to the train!!" he yelled and she took off after him laughing.

Kai sighed as he sat in a train he hated heat it made him sweat! He had his hair pulled back for once the vibrant blue a stark standout against his milky pale skin. "This heat is ubearable!" he whinned. Though by some miracle his eyeliner ad yet to begin to smear, he was going to see his Mother at the station the next stop down and they were going out shopping. That was the only thing that made travaling in this heat bearable, the thought of a well deserved shopping spree. When the train came to a screaching halt he covered his sensitive ears and winced "What is going on?" he stood and ,as gracefully as he could muster in his slightly heeled boots, went through the croud of people.

Ebony sighed Waiting on the train a book in her hand. She hated crouds absolutly hated them! She kept herself distanced and tried to block out the noise of people chatting and walking around. She worked at her step mothers dance studio and that was where she was headed under her simple jeans and baggy shirt she had he leotard on and she would be ready to dance when she got there. "beat the heat with exersize," her father always said, and she repeated that mantra in her head whenever she felt the heat. Then the train brought her from her musings as it stopped in front of her.
(Sorry I am going to move the intro a big fast to get them into the actual story, So bare with me :P )

Flopping into and empty chair, Rhea sighed as she watched several people pile into the train after her. Today was rather busy, but that is the day and life for a city weekday. When the train doors closed and the train started to move, Rhea turned her attention to her book once more.

She quietly flipped through her book, listening to the chatter around her. Everything was rather peaceful, until a scream erupted from the cart. Rhea’s head snapped up and there she saw something horrifying. It was huge, almost as big as the cart itself, its mouth curved around its body, its eyes glowed green and its skin was black. It looked like a frog but bigger and scarier. It had a woman in its grasps, slowly dragging her to its mouth. No one move, until she was tossed into its sharp teeth and the was chewed up before her.

Rhea threw up, completely over taken by the gore and blood. That’s what the cab began to panic. The alarms were pulled. How did such a thing get into the cart without anyone noticing? The train started coming to a screeching halt. Soon after to stopped moving it to shake, like an earth quake. Then ceiling over Rhea’s head collapsed, Rhea felt her body get crushed, everything felt like it was going numb… black. Was this death?


Sage jumped when the alarms in the train went off. It did not take long for Sage’s Father to move in front of her, “what’s happening?” He asked out loud. It was not long till the train shook and half the cabin collapsed. Sage glanced at the wreckage, the whole cart before theirs had collapsed, but there were… things crawling onto of the wreckage, and they were eating body parts. “Dad…” Sage said.

The screaming around Sage was ridiculous; everyone was panicking, and truthfully so was Sage. “Run Sage.” Her father said, but Sage did not move. Two of the creatures looked up from their feast. They kept making clicking noises, mumbling noises, as if they were talking to each other. “Dad!” Sage warned again, pulling on him to move back. The creatures were long, they had arms that looked like daggers, and their heads were like lizards. What where they?

One of them approached them; Sage’s dad took the defensive. It was no use though; the creature took its massive dagger hand and pushed it through her father’s chest. “DAD!” Sage yelled, just before the second one push one of its claws through Sage’s chest. Horror washed over Sage’s face. There was so much pain that Sage was not sure if that was what she was feeling anymore. She felt her body get lifted up, and then she felt her eyes close.
Shania was talking with her brother till they heard a scream. Shania out out of trained reflexes she got infront of her brother till she saw what was happening "Oh god," she said seeing the monstrocity. Her brother pulled her back and behind him sheilding his sister with his body trying to hide her incase the monster came at him. Though he knew if they ran they'd draw attention to themselves his adrenaline shoving back his nausia. However the monster cut through his body easily leaving his sister covered in her brothers blood. She lost all thought at that moment and went to attack the creature but she felt pain... blooming burning pain; and with that and a horrible slash on her side she passed out.

Kai heard the scream and instantly went to see what it was his mother toke off as she unlike him had self preservation. He saw the monster and covered his mouth in horror his eyes wide. However he tried to move he was frozen in place half out of fear half out of disgust. The gore the screams god he was stuck in a cheaply produced horror movie! was the thought going through his head till the stench of blood and bodily fluids hit his nose. Kai's mother jumped from the trains window her head meating the metal sides and her neck snapped Kai unaware of this looked for her still frozen in place.

Ebony swooned nearly fainting at the smells the sounds she didn't even have a full grip on what was occuring her body felt weak her legs turned to jelly. She gripped the pendant at her neck and with all the air in her lungs she screamed. The sound so peircing and full of fear it cut over even the emergancy alarms. Afterwards she promptly fainted.
(Levi's Speech

Rhea's Speech

Sage's Speech

Lucifer's Speech)

"Wake up, all of you!"
A rather deep voice screamed.

Rhea opened her eyes when she was told to wake up. Moving to sit up, she only felt one of her arms move. Looking over to the not responding arm, she gasped. Her right arm was missing, half her shoulder was not attached, and laying right next to her.
"What.. ah.." She tried to say. She did not feel any pain, which was strange.

"Welcome to my Domain my new Guardians." The voice boomed again.

This time Rhea forced herself to get up, looking up at the detection the voice came from, Rhea wanted to cry. It was another one of those creatures. This one was slimmer and had wings, it probably stood almost at 7'5. Looking around again, Rhea took note of the surrounding, everything was black, like an
infinite world of darkness, but she could see everyone just fine, as if they were day light in the void. Wait... everyone. Yes.. there were others. Two other girls, two boys.

"None of you scream or ill rip your tongues out." He said, noticing a few of their faces.

Sage stood up, pressing a hand to her wound. It was no longer bleeding, it no longer hurt and it was slowly healing itself. What was happening? Where was her father? Was the same thing happening to him.
"Who are you? What are you doing?" She snapped, "Are you responsible for this? Where is everyone on the train?"

"You are very demanding. Listen carefully, because I will only say this once. Everyone on that train died but you. I saved all of you because you 5 posses something very special. I am pretty sure some of you are very interested in revenge. My name is Master or Lord Levi to you lot, and I am about to give you a second try at life, and a whole new life to boot." He moved around the group quickly before reaching for Rhea.

"And you, will be the center piece of my trump cards." Rhea tried to scream, but all that came out was a shrill squeak as Levi picked her up in his twisted claws like a doll. Picking up her arm with his other claw, the placed it together like he was solving a puzzle. A faint glow illuminated from Rhea as she felt her arm reattach itself, a strange warm feeling was radiating from her arm. putting Rhea down, her legs gave way under her as she sat down, looking at her arm. An ugly scar ran itself around her arm and up her shoulder.

"Who is next?" He said, turning to the group, "It is time to receive your powers."

Sage's mouth was gaped open, unsure if she should speak or not, what... what was this guy?
View attachment 11271View attachment 11272View attachment 11273 My three chars in black and white because i'm too lazy to color.

Shania got up her glare cold as ice "I will slaughter all of them," she said her body shaking in rage "they took the only person i had left they stole my life... now I'll take theirs," Shania was drenched in blood hers and her brothers in this state she looked like an amazon from the movies ready to kill.

"Wait wait wait!" Kai said "I died?" he asked a little more then a bit flipped out. "And you mr monster saved us... and this insane chick is gonna kill something?" he held his head "Where is my mother where are the hidden camera's? this joke is not funny!" he said in a paniced voice. Then he saw her arm was reattached. "Holy god," he covered his mouth and felt faint.

Ebony was just watching wide eyed she wantewd this to be a dream just a bad dream. This guys not real these people aren't really real. She covered her eyes ignoring her surroundings muttering to herself "it's just a dream," over and over again.
Levi ginned, a long toothy gin. "At least one of you show promise." he said taking three large steps to Shania, extending one large claw, he reached into her pocket and pulled out a small dagger, "How quaint." he said simply before engulfing the dagger in a dark flame. When the flame had completely gone out, a large sword was reviled, "Take your new power fledgling of the sword." He said handing her the new weapon.

"I as well... Give me this power you are talking about." Sage spoke up. Levi turned to look at her, "Another brave one, I can see now who will be doing all the work around here." He said laughing, approaching Sage. Trying to hold her ground, Sage made a sour face thinking about her father. That other girl is right, She intends to take any monster involved in this incidence life.

When Levi moved his claw into next to Sage, he pulled out a rather fancy looking pen,
"This will do." He said, pulling the same process with the Dagger. When he was finished, a large long Scythe appeared "Ah... this is certainly an interesting weapon. Welcome to the world of death." Levi said, handing Sage the weapon. She fumbled it for a moment, before she used two hands to give it a wide swing. It was as if the weapon was made for her to hold. Griming Sage laughed, "This will do indeed." She repeated Levi's earlier phrase.

"Who is next?" he said, taking long strides to the two that were left to receive their weapons.
Shania tested the eight of the sword it felt like it was mearly an extention of her, it was flawless perfect it's blade sung when it sliced through air. Oh this will do well those monsters will all pay. She watched as he transformed the other girls pen to a scythe she examined the others blade as she still tested hers.

Kai took a breath "so this is all real?" he asked his hair falling down from the pony-tail he had tied it in. "What is it you want drom me?" he asked his body relaxed as he felt a bit tiered his overstressed mind refused to process any more information. He stuck his hand in his pocket to finger the Joker card he kept with him since he was a child.

Ebony looked up and when she saw he had not disapeared she squeeked and began fiddling with her hair trying to disapear behind her black locks. The woman with the scythe looked frightening so did the one with the sword. She didn't fit in here she was a dancer just a dancer.
"Yes, very real my little worm," he said, reaching for Kai and pulling on his arm. out with his arm came a card, Levi took the card from him and smiled, "The Joker, interesting." With that, the card burst into flame, and turned into a double headed halbert. Handing the halbert back to Kai, Levi smiled, "I want you to fight for me."

Turning around Levi picked up Ebony and smiled at her,
"Hello little one. Time to get up, you no longer get the pleasure of crying." He said, pulling off a necklace around her neck, squeezing it in his hand. putting the girl down, he throw down a bow that was slowly emerging from the flames to the ground in front of her. "That fixes all of you I believe. This will not be the last you see of me, we will meet again some time soon." He said, before his own body was engulfed into the black flame that had surrounded the weapons he had transformed.


Rhea sat up with a jolt, the room was unbelievably bright. Was she dreaming? She swore she was awake just then, talking to a demon with other children... Where was she?
"Shes awake!" Rhea's head snapped to look at the voice, it was a women she had never seen before, one with black hair, pale skin and bright red lipstick. "Roen she is awake."

"Roen?" Rhea's voice choked. In moments both her parents and her brother Roen walked into the room, a doctor following with them.

The days events where tiring but went by quickly. She was in a train accident, apparently the tunnel for the train collapsed and she was one of the lucky five that survived. Five? That's how many where in that dream. No no, it was just a dream, everything was a dream. Rhea'a arm was still scared, completely covered all the way up from her hand to her should. It was ugly burn and scrap makes.

Over the next few months, Rhea spent it recovering at home, never leaving her parents sights and almost no vistes from her brother. School was starting soon and with nothing to do, Rhea just studied, preparing herself for the 10th grade.


When Sage woke up, her mother was asleep at her bed side, tears stained her eyes. looking at her stomach she saw she had not scar or anything to even suggest she had gotten inpailed by the creature. Was everything a dream? Looking over to her side, she saw the Pen that... thing, Levi was it? Picking up the bed she clicked it, noting that it just opened like a normal pen. Trying to concentration harder, Sage squinted before the Pen was engulfed by shadow and transformed into the Scythe she has in her possession once more. It was not a dream... that was real, which means she will see Levi again. Hiding the Pen, Sage woke her mother. Just as she feared, her father was dead and only her and the five other children survived the event.

The new explained the death of so many people by a cave in of the subway system. Of course, Sage knew this to not be true. Over the next few months Sage had attended her father's funeral and recovered until the first day of school came. She did not cry about her father, no she smiled, his death will not be in vain.
Shania with no family left to go to lived on her own training she didn't care what the news said she new the truth she would kill all those creatures. The people in the hospital wanted to keep her longer but she had refused to stay. She had not gone to her brothers funeral "No, I'll see you again brother i refuse to say goodbye," she said swinging her newly gifted sword she found it heavier then her wooden sword but the weight was a confortable and welcome one.

Kai woke in the hospital holding his card "a dream," he mused. His mother was dead, oh well. He wasn't the kind to really care everyone was less then him after all. He went home and for the rest of the break just studdied for school. He still kept his card with him but he didn't touch it as often afraid it would transform again.

Ebony was sent home earlier then the others no marks marred her body since she had simply fainted. What her father found odd was she had asked for archery lessons. He gave in and let her take a few courses at a local shooting range. She was a bad shot at first but she steadily increased in skills she could feel a weight in her pendant now days and it made her remember the monsters the man who had scared her and disapeared in fire. If he reapeared she'd be ready... "I think I'll be ready," School is starting now, life was going back to normal.
First day of school. Rhea pulled over a long sleeve shirt even though it was still mid summer. She felt extremely ashamed of the Scar that marked the right side of her. She was always getting so much publicity since she was one of the few survivors of the train wreck, people always wanted an interview from her. Rhea looked at her scheduled after she was dropped off by one of the women who worked for her parents. Rhea was no longer able to go alone anywhere except school. Moving quickly, she tried to get into the classroom in the most invisible way possible.

For the most part, the class room was empty, save a few souls from her class last year. She never talked to any of them, she just read. As soon as she walked in, whispers filled the few student's time, Rhea could only begin to guess about what.

"Hey..." She heard, looking up, it was that blue haired male that had the Scythe in her dreams. Rhea immediately jumped up, fear speared across her face.


When Sage got to the class room, she recognized the female that had had her arm reattached, she was the only one Levi did not state have a power, but he did say something about being the center piece.
"Hey..." She said, trying to get the girl attention, but before she finished the girl just about jumped out of her skin. "Oh come on now, that's not how you treat a fellow survivor is it?"
Kai loving the plablicity hammed it up even at school a young girl lead him to his class comletly taken by his perfectly managed blue hair and skin tight leather pants and jacket. "It was all like a dream," he mused and kissed her hand befor entering the class his eyes wided "Perhapse dream was a strong word," he said looking at the two. "Now what the hell are the odds?" he asked himself outloud.

Shania hid herself with a loose fitting jackett she hated how people stared at her with pity or with hatred. She ducked into the classroom pushing the blunett out of the way without really realizing it. She took a seat and set out her things without a word she really would rather be training today...but her brother... he would have yelled at her.

"Um... are you?" a small voice said as a girl walked to Sage and Rhea "you were both there weren't you?" she asked her voice little more then a whisper somehow she had managed to get to school and in class without anyone ever noticing her.
(Oh god, they are both play boys too. This is going to be a mess.)

Looking around, Sage was beginning to notice ever one of the children involved in that crash was here. That was insane and really lucky. Spotting the girl with the sword, if Sage remembered correctly, Sage flashed her a cool smile. She seemed to not noticed the commotion as she bumped into the small brown haired girl. Forgetting her for a moment she scanned the room. The others were not really speaking with each other. Sage shrugged, she was not stupid, she had a feeling she was going to need this little girl in front of her out of anyone in the room.

Turning around when a small voice grasped Sages attention, She smiled at the girl,
"Why yes I was," She said, leaning closer to the girl, "My name is Sage, what is yours?"


Rhea shrank when a girl asked if she was a survivor, sitting back down, she watched the boy named Sage speak with one of the girls from their class. This had to be a dream, why was she talking to her? Maybe it was the news... maybe she just knew she was a survivor from the new too. Everything felt like it was moving too fast, why were these people here? How where they all in her class? Does this mean that that was not a dream several months ago...?
Kai approched the lady and the boy and gave a sweeping bow "My lady," he said to Rhea "and to you friend," he said to sage. "I do beleive we have met before in a dream perchance?" he said sickeningly smooth his voice soft and charming. Ebony fiddled with her shirt they hadmn't heard her maybe? "Um," she said again "hello," she touched Sage softly her slender fingers broshing her shirt. "I'm sorry," she pulled back quickly and Kai being there only made her more nervious he had a reputation for being a trickster and she didn't need to anger him. Shania looked up her eyes were still like the day her brother died cold and full of rage.
Rhea shrunk even lowed when Kai gave her a bow, was that normal? Was any of this normal? Rhea started to panic a bit.

"Don't be sorry. You were the last, am I correct?" She asked, pulling her hand into Sage's. "Don't be shy. And you were the third?" She asked the Female? Geez she was not the only one who was in question.

"Everyone sit down." The teacher said, walking into the class room. "We should all meet after school. Just stay in class." Sage said quietly, winking at Ebony.

Sitting down, Sage made sure to stare at the sword girl, she was the only one of the group that did not come to greet everyone, she would need to catch her before she left today. The school day left quickly, the five got much attention, even from teachers. Today was mostly introductions of the teachers so nothing was really said or done that day. When the bell rang, most of the class had gotten up to leave, while Sage got up to go intercept the sword girl.

"Hey." She said to her.
Ebony blushed through the entire day she knew people stared at her and she hated it! The boy was nice to her though... after school she'd introduce herself she would... or so she told herself.

"Hey is not a proper greeting," Shania said her voice only slightly warmer then a bizzard. "You were there too," she stated and spun holding out her hand that had bruises on it from extream training "Shania, I am Shania Marie Royal,"

Kai walked up to them "Ah hello I see the three of us are here we are missing the two little ladies," he smiled at Shania then looked away as she glared at him.
(Sorry we are trying to get this online Game Table to work so I am a bit slow)

"Ah, I am Sage, Sage Ruusu. It is Italian. Nice to meet you two." She said, shaking Shania's hand. "I believe out lovely ladies are still in their seats over yonder. I think we have somethings to disguise." Sage said with a pleasant tone. Moving forward Sage took a peak down the hall before she shut the door and locked it. Coming back, Sage sat down on a desk and looked down at the two young girls still hiding.

Rhea shifted uncomfortable. She did not want to be here... this all had to bed a dream.

"So how do we start?" Sage asked. "Perhaps by introductions? If so, I am Sage, and I believe my special ability is the Scythe Although, I know nothing about the weapon." She said with a smile, obviously not bothered by the fact.

"My name is Rhea... Addora... I have no idea... what my power... is." She studdered, pipping up in the back ground.
"I'm Shania Marie Royal I am a Kendo master and seems my power is that of the swrod," Shania said. Kai raised an eyebrow.

"No wonder you are so scary, I'm Kai Shiro Sohma I ... prefer to think of my power as my charm and good looks," he flipped his hair and smiled.

"Um, I'm Ebony... Ebony Rose," Ebony said shyly "I've learned to shoot a bow... I can hit close targets," she was fiddling with a bow in her long hair.

(that's perfectly fine take your time and good luck)
Suddenly, the room went dark, and a familure scene appeared. "You all are so adorable. I told you we would meet again." Levi said, appearing next to Rhea.

Rhea jumped up and tried to get get out of the desk, but Levi wrapped his hands around her, picking her up.
"No little Rhea, don't go anywhere."

"P-please let go of me." Rhea stuttered.

"So did you guys miss me? I have come to give you guys a proper chat. Look like you all have adjusted well." Levi said smoothly, placing Rhea on his lap, She looked like a doll. Rhea felt absuloutly scared for her life.

"Levi was it?" Sage asked.

"Master or Lord Levi to you guys." Levi said in response.

"Not. A. Chance." Sage said in an irritated voice.

"I picked some people with nasty adittudes..." Levi said a little annoyed. "Any Questions before I go on my spell?"
"When can I kill something?" Shania asked dryly. Kai shuddered "Can I be transfered to a new group she's a scary one," He said stepping away from Shania. Ebony hid behind Sage as much as she has trained she didn't like this guy at all. Shania was in the same state as when he left she has yet to shead a tear or smile even slightly. Kai looked over Levi and was picking out his outfit flaws as the seconds ticked on.
"There are no teams..." Levi said, obviously not amused. "And you will get you time."

"Anyway... I am here to give you guys a gift." Getting up, Levi moved to each of the children, poking their heads gently, still holding Rhea like a Rag doll. "These marks on your head will give you powers unlike normal humans. You will have increased strength and harder skin. So you won't get hurt as easy or bad... but be warned you are not invincible You can and probably will still die.... in less...."

Sage looked up at Levi, curiosity tweaked in her eyes.
"In less...?" Sage said.

"In less you have Rhea here. I have made he designated healer. She is different from you guys. No matter what the damage, she can heal it. But she has no way to defend herself, she is weaponless." Levi said, patting Rhea on the head.

Rhea looked around, completely flabbergasted, she was going to have to heal people? How? Why? What if she did not want to?

"One healer... 4 of you. Sound like you guys will have to share. I suggest staying in a group. Any other questions?"Levi asked.

"W-wait... how... how am I suppose too?" Rhea asked.

"Hmm I guess you will have to figure that out." He said, putting her down.

"It's ok Rhia I will protect you," Kai said with a smile. Shania sighed "You really could have done better then him," she said "though this poses a good question, why were we chosen?" she asked. Ebony nodded wanting to hear why she the timid not to brave Dancer was chosen to survive when brave people died. Kai also looked at him waiting for an answer. "Also what is it you want us to do with these gifts you bestow apon us I'm sure there is a catch," She said and sat down she was no more afraid of this man then the dust bunnies in her closet.
(Game is done... SO, my answer will be a lot faster! :D )

Levi chuckled,
"I wish I could have. As for why, that is an answer I can not give you right now, perhaps later." He said, pushing Rhea back towards the group. Rhea felt so scared, her legs could barely move. Sitting down on the ground, Rhea let out a few ragged breaths.

"With these new gifts, I want you to go out and smite demons. When ever you use your weapons, they will activate your Gem, which is now in each of your heads. The Gems will warp your appearances to any human's eyes. It will look nothing different in your own, but that is the beauty of it. Demons are most powerful with the moon. So when the moon is out, so are the demons. However, when the sun is up, the demons are weak, but they can very well still venture around the world. With these gems you can see them, anytime, anywhere, even when no human can."

Sage sighed, he was talking too fast, so much to take I,
"Ok let me get this straight, these Gems are out disgieous, our strength, our sensors to see demons during the day... Demons come out mostly at night because the moon is their power... Rhea is out healer, don't do anything stupid without her around... Anything else?"

Levi smiled,
"I have two more things to say and one more thing to give you."

Rhea looked behind her at Levi again, another thing?

"I suggest you don't tell anyone about this, it would make your lives easier when dealing with demons." He said casually. Sage nodded, not really thinking of telling her mother about something like this. Levi looked around at the others, making sure they were understanding, he did not want idiots running around. "There has been several rips in the dementions between the demons and the human's world. There are ways to seal them back up, Rhea will also be capable of this, with the help of you guys of course. Again something you would have to figure out on your own. So your jobs will be kill any evil scum that wonders around eating humans and seal any gaps you find around. Easy, right?"

Rhea looked teared up and started to cry, How was she suppose to do all these things? She did not understand...

Sage smiled and shook her head, already knowing the two weakest links, Rhea and Ebony who hid behind her.

"Any Questions up till now before I give my final gift and leave?" Levi asked.
"I have one question,"Ebony said very softly, "Why are you putting all this on Rhia? I's not fair you not telling her how to do all this," once she felt eyes on her she returned to hiding.

"the quiet one has a good point," Kai said "also if we are attacked at our homes it could be problematic..." he said actually making sence for once. Shania nodded agreeing with Kai. "Besides doesn't this put our families in danger?" Kai asked touching his joker card. Shania's expression changed to one of pain as if she had been stabbed when Kai sad the word family. She just held out her hand to Rhia ignoring Kai at this point.
"Your families are not my responsibilities. Perhaps if you guys do enough work for me... I can do something about your families." He said simply, watching Shania. He had high hopes for her, she was the most willing of the group, the most angry.

Rhea looked up at Shania, then took her hand and stood up, still filling a bit weak legged.
"Thank you." She said between teary breaths.

"Rhea should have no issue using her power, just as I know you 4 have had none so far. Closing the portals on the other hand will be... problematic. It is going to take a lot of energy on her part, of course you guys can assist her." Levi leaned in a bit, looking kind of bored, "You lot are no fun. anyway, I am sure you all will figure it out. The reason I give her all the responsibility is because I feel like it will keep you guys alive longer then if I had given this child a power."

Sighing, Levi lifted his hand up and ran a claw through the air, opening up a small hole. Falling through the hole was boy with horns much like Levi's, landing on his face, obviously passed out.
"This is my last gift to you..." Kicking him over, Levi pointed a finger to the new boy's forehead and put the same mark, the gem. "This is a demon, like me, but he will be on your side. He will help you in what ways he can. This gem is like yours, but reversed, giving him a human appearance when he is not using powers. Keep an eye on him... he can be stupid at times." Levi said, sounding kind of tired. "I bid you all good bye... ask the boy if you need to speak with me again." And with that, Levi dissapeared with his black domain, leaving the children inside the classroom again, the new male passed out on the floor in human form.

"What a useless gift." Sage said, running her hand's through her hair.

Looking at the clock, Rhea took note that not a single second passed by on the clock. Time did not move in Levi's domain.

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