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Fandom Supernatural RP - Accepting Applications




Christopher ran his tongue over his lower lips and Gideon pressed, suggesting that perhaps the motel was just as good a place as any. “I think I can convince them to leave you in my care.” He teased quietly. He didn’t doubt the other man was remorseful for how he was introduced to this particular set of hunters. Chris knew firsthand what happened when you crossed Mackenzie’s trust and the unpleasant thought brought a shudder.

He shook his head. “They’re cautious, they’ve got kids. But they’ll see you’re not the problem - hell, you passed their tests. I think they’re just trying to make sure they do due diligence. But, if you want early parole… I can try and put a good word in, get you back on the road…?”




Mackenzie followed along behind the trio, never surprised at just how happy Skye and Liam were when they were together. It was always a baleful experience when they had to be separated, even at night when they went to their own homes to sleep. Somedays it was easier to fight off a pack of werewolves or a nest of vampires than to fight the wills of the delinquent duo in their care.

Within the restaurant, Mackenzie deposited the box of electronics before assisting Will in getting the pair secured to their chairs – if they didn’t do this, then the second they looked away they’d be out of sight and tearing something important apart.

She left Will to set up the entertainment; there was no point in her making any false attempts. All it would gain them was more frustration and angry children. Instead, she slipped around the counter and collected two pouches of animal crackers, opening each and dumping the contents onto the kid's trays. It would buy her enough time to get more food made and start prepping for the evening meal to come.

Mackenzie collected the dishes left over from breakfast, and loaded them in the industrial dishwasher and started removing prepped food from the fridges for the evening. She’d never thought of what or where she would have been if she’d never been a hunter; at least not until she’d met Will and had Skye. If her mother had lived and acted out her plan to escape the hunting world when she’d been a child. Would she still have the love of cooking and baking that she did now? Would she still be entirely useless with anything technology-based?

She knew, for certain, that she didn’t want Skye locked into the same destiny she had; they would teach Skye about the hunting world but only after she got to see what everyone else had. She would give her daughter the choice to hunt or not and the tools to do either.




Morgan smiled as Adelaide swiftly deterred any thoughts that their afternoon being lazy wolves hadn’t been enjoyable for herself. She appreciated that the witch seemed content enough to laze about and eat food and enjoy the little bit of peace in the sun. Oftentimes Morgan, Brody and Chase had to seek their runs under the moonlight; certainly no complaints and it was often their preference but Morgan liked the heat of the sun on her fur.

She settled in beside Addy, closer than was necessary but it felt good to remain close. She knew humans often separated the wolf from the person; she knew the other hunters at the hotel and even the colony did. But they’d just been lounging together, Addy with her head on her stomach. It was no different to her, no matter what the flesh.

Morgan leaned her head against Addy’s shoulder and closed her eyes, enjoying the warm breeze before muttering. “Brody is going to want to leave soon.” She knew Addy was likely aware of it already. The Pack Enforcer didn’t like to stay in one place too long as a wolf, and his pacing and the frequency of his patrolling indicated it was only a matter of time.

“Is there anywhere or anything you want to do today? Before we go back?”


Gideon thought about Christopher's offer for a moment - only a moment - and then shook his head. "Oh, no, you don't need to do that. Not yet anyways. I'm not itching to get back out on the road quite yet. I don't have another job lined up at the moment, so no place I need to be. And anyway - I think I'm due for a little bit of rest and relaxation at this point. A mini-vacation."

He took another sip of his drink, letting it settle on his tongue for a bit before he swallowed, and offered Christopher a smile. "Besides, as far as vacation locations go? Sure, this is no Paris, but its also not Compton. I could do far, far worse. Have done worse, too. I once spent almost a month in this shitty rented flat in Brooklyn where I had to chase squatters away thrice while I was there."

Gideon absolutely did look like the kind of guy to say thrice in casual conversation and not think twice about how that sounded to normal people.




William finished setting up the projector with a practiced ease, glancing down at the various movies in the stack before settling on Finding Nemo. The film and its myriad of colorful “fishies” never failed to delight Liam and Skye. With the opening credits rolling, he turned back toward Mackenzie to see her doling out a rather generous serving of animal crackers to both of the children.

He smiled, stepping out of the way of the screen and moving over to plant a kiss on each of the toddlers’ foreheads only to be ignored as they munched on the cookies and stared intently at the TV.

He circled along their high chairs to wrap an arm around Mac’s waist. “You want me to go round everyone up for supper?” he asked quietly.




Adelaide nodded as Morgan remarked that Brody would want to be leaving soon. She could feel the anxious energy from the Pack Guardian from here. It was hard to miss. She didn't want to contribute to it by insisting on sticking around, no matter how peaceful and enjoyable their present surroundings might be.

Her eyebrows raised as the young suggested there might be something else on her “to-do” list. She tilted her head in consideration before shaking it slowly. “Nothing comes to mind. I'm just glad we were able to get away from the madhouse… together,” she said with a bashful smile for Morgan before then inclining her head toward Brody. “Did you have something in mind?”




Christopher waited quietly as Gideon considered his offer; he wondered if the new hunter would take him up on his offer and quietly hoped that he wouldn’t. It had been a welcome surprise to arrive and find fresh blood - metaphorically speaking at least. He’d been concerned about turning up to the Inn and being surrounded by couples. Of course, there was Max and Chase, but it would only be a matter of time before Emile showed up and Max … Well, their relationship had become strained after everything with Thomas back at Vitae.

He was relieved to hear that the only other solo hunter in this state intended on staying. He was swiftly growing to enjoy Gideon’s company and didn’t want to part ways just yet. Chris nodded as Gideon commented that their tiny dust bowl in the desert wasn’t Paris, but it would do.

“Well, I’ll have to agree with you on that. It isn’t Paris … not that I would know what Paris is like, but I’m sure we can find ways to make it like Paris.” She swirled his drink, letting the bottom of the glass roll on the tabletop.

He set the glass down and reached for the board of meat and cheese, taking up a slice of each. He toyed with them a moment, considering, then went on. “So tell me, what do you think we need to do to make the Mountaineer Inn more Paris-like? Better booze? Silk sheets…?”


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