Zombie Apocalypse

CJ picked up his stuff and went to the SUV with Reyna. Just as he was going to the back like Reyna instructed, the woman in the front seat went out saying he should take her seat. She mentioned another name and looked a bit discomforted. CJ looked at Reyna and asked "what's her problem?". CJ thought that he'd have an opportunity to introduce himself properly. For now, their priority was to get out of here. He placed his stuff at the back of the SUV and took Reyna's offer. He searched the back and found a can opener and canned goods. He took and opened one and helped himself while he made his way to the front seat. He introduced himself plainly to the others seated at the back seat.

After that other woman stormed off, it became awfully quiet in the SUV. He made a mental note of the people who he was with now. He only counted five but wanted to know for sure since the other woman said he was gonna ride with someone else. "So Reyna... how many people are with you guys?" he asked. "Who's that Vincent guy the other chick mentioned?" he added.
It was getting dark outside, not helped with all this rain they were getting, but even in the winter months the sky darkened earlier in the day. He heard the distant echoing of the steady drip of water into buckets for the various leaks in the roof. The soft glow of amber lights came on over head, they'd only be on a couple of hours before they went off for mandatory curfew. There was the hum of the generators and the faint sound of voices bickering obnoxiously from across the building that was damped under the thunder of rain against the ceiling high above.

"Violet, sweetheart," Geoff called softely, just loud enough to be heard over the ambient sound of rain, but low enough not to be carried across the building. A few moments later Violet ran soundlessly down one of the aisles. Geoff stopped down as she closed in, automatically she wrapped her arms around his neck as he straightened up. Violet's long lithe legs locked around his waist. "I told you not to wonder off too far, honey"

Violet nodded and looked at him with wide "I was playing Marry Susan in the clothes racks,"

"I know, I just don't want you slipping and getting hurt with all this water, especially when its dark." Geoffry Vanheis told his daughter. But that was only partially the truth, and he was sure Violet was aware of this matter, but none of his family dare mention it. Bad weather got their neighbors antsy and stir-crazy. He wasn't going to instigate any reaction from them, he didn't trust those red-necks, impulsive and neurotic, a true clan of double-crossing back-stabbers.

While Geoff wanted to be far from these idiots and never look back, his family was never allowed out of the building or out of sight. They wouldn't be able to leave, they'd have to escape. But even that would get complicated, entrances were either blocked off or guarded at all times. And while Geoff had a gun, his 'neighbors' had much more firepower. Their vehicle had been confiscated for the sake of the clan, so even if the Vanheis' managed to kill the guard and escape, they'd surely be followed until all three of them were dead or until they succumbed to the fate of a swarm. A wave of chagrin and anger swept over him, guilt as fresh as the first moment he'd realized his grave mistake by accepting their offer of safety here. He'd unknowingly put his family in more danger this way. It was no ones fault but his own.

Violet nodded again. "I know, daddy," She patted his cheek, seeing how worry was practically written on his face. Geoff smiled weakly, guilt still riding through his, made worse by how easily his family, the people he most loved in the world, so easily forgave him for putting them in such considerable danger.

"Go get ready for bed. I love you, sweetheart." he kissed her forehead, and set her down. She went off in their designated living area in what used to be the frozen foods aisle. Geoff walked over to Rebecca, and despite himself he couldn't help but smile. Seeing her, her beauty, and the personality that radiated off of her, he felt privileged to be married to such a remarkable woman. He opened his mouth to speak, but the air was filled with angry shouting booming from across the building. It wasn't moving towards them, but Geoff automatically shifted himself between the shouting and his family in case their 'neighbors' did decide to visit them from their area in what used to be Home and Automotive.

His brows furrowed and his nostrils flared. Geoff's voice dropped low. "We have to get out of here," he hissed. It seemed imposible, but somehow stating this out loud recognized their current unstable environment and their need to find better living conditions. One day he would get them out.
He sighed looking up from his seat. He had been riding with them for a while now and just watching as things happened he really didnt want to say anything because he felt he wasn't in the right position to. He looked at Giselle who decided to turn her head back at him and give him a smile. Weird. He smirked back at her winking. He felt a bit comfortable just laying back and relaxing while the rest of the group did all the work.

Noticing the space int he car was getting tight he sighed and climbed out of the back window climbing on the roof. He layed on the roof, grabbing some rope and spinning it around his hand and tying the other end to the roof of the car just incase they had to make sharp turns. Being on the roof had both advantage and disadvantages. One advantage was that if something where to happen he could be the first one off and that he could shoot freely from the room as cover fire without falling off. A disadvantage was that he could fall off and probably be left behind. And the weathe could do some damage. But that was the risk he had to take. Everyone had given up something it was his turn to give up a space in the car for the survivors they encountered on the way. Someone had to do the dirty job besides the ones driving.

He pressed the back of his tied hand to the coldness of the tin roof and smirked as the wind hit his face coolingly as they drove. There was a guy infront of them. Good timing.
Jakal, despite his usual aggressive and alert self, was completely unaware of his surroundings. He had dozed off for about an hour and a half ago. He was just trying to keep himself occupied now.

He silently fiddled with the cloth that hid his face. The faded material was soft to the touch.

The assassin's calloused fingers left the bandana on his face and went to his lap, his fingers interlocking and resting on his thighs.

Releasing his hands from each other, he went to messing with his blades, flicking his fingers to allow the dark metal to reveal itself. He checked the twelve inch blade, looking for dried blood or dirt. Finding none, he flicked his hands again and allowed the blades to slide back to their hidden positions with a light "cling!".

He relaxed in his seat.

He then learned that you can become bored, even in a zombie apocalypse.

He felt his face again. Earlier, a few days ago, he was jumping down from a story, and as he was about to jump, the floor below him gave out, making him fall back to the ground. He had been scratched and a nail had gone through his cheek. He used the last of his bandaids in his backpack trying to stop the bleeding an help it heal. He was lucky he found the bandana a building away. It helped conceal his face and keep the others from thinking it was a zombie's wound. Which it wasn't.

Its not like they would care. They probably hated him. All they needed was an excuse.

He hoped that wherever they were going had supplies he could use.

Back to his blades...
It was finally getting dark. A sign of the end, slowly beckoning a new beginning, hopefully. There was no telling how much time was left, since the clouds obscured any light remaining. The rain poured down on Isabella, as she trudged along the side of the road. The rain was bittersweet in a way; as the drops washed her lightly scarred face and hands and provided her with some degree of refreshment, it also left her cold, her father's coat drenched, and her boots as good as ruined, every slosh and squish a constant reminder. The material items she held were now worthless, but to Bella, their sentimental worth had become much more than anything.

There was no telling what it is Isabella searched for, as her view had become nothing too scenic. She could just as well run into some dead end, leaving her to walk her entire journey back. She could so easily run into more of the dead, and on her last four bullets have her retreat cut off and allow the curtains to fall. She had already lost so much in one fell swoop; her parents, her fiance, her entire life. Still, she had to stay strong. She had to find some haven, at least for tonight. As far as she's been holding up, she certainly wasn't ready to go. Not without a fight.

Her tired, dark eyes shot up at a dazzling flash of lightning ahead. She thought she had heard thunder soon after, but the sensation came from her howling stomach. She looked down at her hands, which held a basket of walnuts she collected earlier today. It would be a good idea to try and open them. Bella stopped to look at the wet ground, looking for a rock perhaps. The search was nearly in vain, as the collection of water flowed and joined the darkness in blocking her vision. Sighing, she looked back up, spotting a flicker of light ahead. It could have easily been her imagination, yet she had noticed some of it reflect on the water. Maybe it is, or maybe she just needs some sleep. If that happened to be the case, she has to find shelter sooner than she anticipated.
As it was getting darker, Reyna decided they needed a place to stay for the night and regroup. So when she spotted the neighborhood Walmart Reyna could help but think it would be an excellent place to gather supplies and rest. A relatively open space, it would be easy to clear of Walkers. She pulled into the parking lot, next the sidewalk about thirty feet or so away from the doors, for a hasty exit if needed. Turning off the vehicle, she attached she sword to her belt, reloaded her weapon and stepped out of the vehicle, her MEU ready. Across the parking lot she saw a shadowed figure stumbling along, a few others behind it. Four in total, she took them down with a bullet in each of their heads. She did a 360 around the vehicle, finding no other threats she went to check out the doors to the building. The sliding doors were locked shut. Reyna went back to the vehicle grab a crowbar, not wanting to break the plexiglass because that would become a liability. The rest of the team was climbing out of the vehicle by the , even the new girl, Bella. Reyna didn't know how good of a shot she was, but hoped shed be able to hold her own. She motioned for the others to be quiet, going in blind wasnt something she did without precaution. Noise attracted Walkers.
CJ stepped down from the vehicle after near-emptying his backpack. He only kept the essential stuff inside like tools and the works. Smashing in their heads still made his stomach churn, even if just a little bit. It still made him feel sick despite it being a regular happening now. He was hesitant to use his gun now after what happened with his brother. He doesn't know if he has it in him to shoot anything now. Still he had to buck up and deal with it. He kept the gloc holstered on his right side waist. He held his trusted steel bat and strapped it on an improvised holster he made.

He followed the trail of dead walkers Reyna left behind and made a mental note not to mess with her. CJ closed in on Reyna as she stood in front of the door and from the look of things she was about to make another mess.

"Whoa, wait a sec." he said trying to dissuade Reyna. "Are you really gonna try and yank that door open?" he asked. He didn't wait for her reply as he already took a pouch out of his backpack. Inside, it had pin-like objects all bound by a big circle ring made of iron aside from other things. He took them out and gave his backpack to Reyna. "Here, let me help you out..." he said. "If you really wanna be discreet about these kinds of things then just leave it to me." he knelt down and started inspecting the door. After finding the keyholes, he started working on it. "Just watch my back." he added. He fiddled with the keyhole and his pins. In just a few moments later, the door was unlocked. CJ confidently opened the sliding doors saying "Voila."
As the others were trying to avoid zombies and tinker with doors, Jakal decided to go his own route and meet the group inside.

About ten feet in the air, there was a small ledge along the side, and it looked like it could hold. So, he separated from the group when they weren't looking, and approached.

It looked solid.

So, he stretched his legs, and then ran at the wall, planting his foot out and pushing himself up higher. But it wasn't enough. He wouldn't make it with just one step. He outstretched his arms to grab the ledge when ready, and took another, less powerful step. This final wall step allowed just enough traction to get to the ledge. As he hung on, he brought his legs up, keeping himself steady and able to cat drop in he had to. He looked up, noticing more ledges nearby, leading up to the roof.

He let one arm hand down, before throwing it up along with the rest of his body as hard as he could, giving some momentum, and allowing him to get a hold on the next ledge. The next few leading up to the roof were closer now. It wouldn't be much different that climbing a ladder.

And it wasn't.

Now he was on the roof.

There were small vents that dotted the roof. Releasing one of his hidden blades, he curled his fingers in, turning the blade to make it more like a usable cutting knife, then gouged it into the side of hard plastic, and began to rip it off, revealing the air ducts inside.

Now he felt like some blasted spy.

Eh, that wasn't TOO far off from his skill set.

Setting his blade back and retracting it, he crawled into the duct, and began to move through, looking for a vent to the inside.

Not hard.

When he found one, he kicked it in, nearly missing the catch and allowing it to clang around on the ground and attract every zombie in the area to him.

Almost. Almost missed the catch.

Bringing his hand back, and moving the vent away, Jakal, positioned himself to fall.

And fall he did. All the way from the ceiling.

The landing was strange. Not his usual roll. It was a combination of silent, intimidating, and in it's own way, graceful. Hitting the ground and falling to one knee as he did so, pulling an arm out to help absorb the shock.

It was still dark inside, he would allow the others to turn on the lights.

He wanted to find the guns.

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