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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse

Miyuki thinks to herself as she sees Tammy walk into the house, asking for help. Getting curious about what she wanted, she puts on her coat and gloves as she goes. Looking over, she sees Jennifer by herself as well as Jorik. "Hey guys, we need to talk about something," She calls out as she goes to where she was next to Tori and the now dying/dead generator. "That doesn't look good," She mutters as she looks up at Tammy and Tori, "What are we going to do? Do you guys have a plan?" Miyuki doesn't know too much about this type of thing so she was clueless.

@Jennifer Shotain @tammynorthland @Lola Shimmer @Runakei @Crono @Dibbydoo
Tammy begun to elaborate on the plan to Miyuki vocally. She explained her plan to use local stuff to try and harness wind enedy. Something that was a quiet alternative as well as a smarter move to efficiently produce power for their place they got to call home. Tammy furthermore explained how she was able to sketch some basic plans in her head but would definitely have to produce blueprints in her head onto some paper to efficiently be able to draw out the plan to create the windmill. Tammy begun to write down some of her ideas onto paper that would be useful for getting the needed equipment. They would definitely need wood or aluminum to serve as the fins for the windmill. In addition a large pipe or even pole of some sort equipped with a swivel system that would create the ability for the fan to 360 degree swivel up in the air above the house.

"Ok I wrote a list of needed stuff while we are out. I think the best bet is to take Miyuki -hopefully-, Jorik, Tori, Austin, and Jennifer. This should be enough, we will take Hollidays beloved deisel if anyone can drive it. Which I am clueless how to use a manual car."

Tammy begun to pack up the needed things that would serve their journey successful. She acquired the Hydra that would be most important, a backpack she always used that was emptied apart from her basic gear she was going to need like food, water, and a small tin of lighter fluid with dry tinder. Just in case for herself.

Tammy unloaded a few bulky but light things from Hollidays truck she hoped and prayed she wouldnt be murdered by him when he came home, but then again shed kill him if he hurt her new toy she acquired. Tammy placed half of the trucks equipment in the garage where she then sat it all down nice and neatly in the corner away from any moisture.

the others were free to help in any way she needed while they packed up and got ready to proceed with the mission. Soon enough less than an hour or so she was all situated. She called everyone to the front of the manor. Where the truck was started for the sake of warming up but not moving anywhere due to lack of knowledge of how to drive it.

"I hope everyone is ready."

@Lola Shimmer @KathleneWilliams2121 @Crono @Jennifer Shotain

The morning begun with Hive moving down the perimeter with TY, they both were armed with silenced pistols only. Had to keep it quiet with the lurkers in the area. Hive made hand signals to scan wide and far. The snow was thick and they were in snow shoes to properly be able to maintain their footing. If a horde came running would be near impossible, but then again it would be near impossible for them as well. Hive forwarded his position to get toward the rocky outcrop that served a wonderful natural barrier. Any opening in the 40 foot wide rock cropping that erupted from the border of their camp on the east side was closed up with razor wire, wooden spears, or steal pikes to catch and impail any unwanted visitor. as for the height the rocks were to steep for even humans to climb. This was their best vantage point from outside Axehead.

An hour passed and the recon went very well, they scavenged a few rabbit carcasses and managed to even find a fox that would serve a great scarf for the locals in their gulch they made their home. Hive moved back into the campsite as the morning begun to spring to life with the neighbors all moving up and about of their homes. It was a small town, seemed to be a tourist spot before the Collapse. This was the term they at least called the world before it was overrun with the undead. Hive saw Vulcan begin to move about his front porch he planted as his home. The shop was also where he resided but also a great trading post for him. It provided the outsiders opportunity to give their findings from other parts of the states and cities wherever they may travel from. The shop was loaded with bullets, which of course had a higher price than the guns, firearms, gunpowder, old explosives, food, water, gas containers, even certain car parts like batteries, alternators, and tires. Hes seen handfuls pass through the gulch. Only on foot of course due to the only way in being a fucking train wreck of crashed and parked cars. Hive greeted Vulcan.


"haha, Good morning to shit head!" Vulcan spat back. They gave a good morning handshake and begun conversing with the locals in the area. They all had their own feelings about each other and how they all behaved with their friends, family, and acquaintances. Certain rules of course followed this town with no law. they were very simple.

1) Kill a Axehead civilian, lose your life as well.

2) If you travel, others are required to come with you.

3) any traveler is welcome, but only with permission of a Guardian

These were the law that kept the town safe, a Guardian was a hand selected bunch that allows people into the town, if seen as the threat they will be expelled with any force they choose. there were 10 guardians in the town of 50. Survivors came across every few weeks sometimes every few days, but during the winter months the visits were much much less.

Vulcan moved about the home he lived in shuffling for some hot tea over an open fire on his front porch. He set it up himself to be used for cooking and heat. The open flame provided a beautiful warmth in the morning.

"Hive you know we still have to visit the coal cabins at some point in the day today right?"

hive nodded his head gutting the kill on the side of the porch in eye and ear shot. "correct."

"whose coming with us, 2 Guardians."

" anyone is welcome, most likely a local who remembers the path from snow cover."

Vulcan sipped his pine needle tea and nodded. he absorbed the warmth from the tea while wearing full winter gear. "What about TY?"

Hive shook his head." he can but its not necessary, after losing another Guardian he should stay here keep watch. We are down to 8. If one of us dies out of three Guardians, that's to risky. We can use a local most likely."

A few hours past, Hive decided on bringing Vulcan, his close friend, Cage- a local hunter of the area, and Pike, a younger woman who was a geographer before the Collapse. They made their way on their 2 snowmobiles, 2 per snowmobile up the mountain trails that led all over the Gulch they resided at. The town begun to shrink in the distance as they left safety once more.

There years ago...

"Honey, the pain killers will kick in soon. It'll all be over soon. The doctor's will fix you. I promise," said the mother, looking at her daughter, struggling to breathe, chest pain making her moan in the pain it gave her.

A sudden knock was heard on the door.

"It's Dr. Wenkowski," the voice said before a doctor in his late fifties came in.

"What's going on with my daughter," asked the woman before the man, the daughter's father, chimed in.

"Is she okay," he asked frantically.

Jennifer turned her head amidst the pain, and finally locked eyes with the Doctor, her voice fluttering with painful moans and attempts to catch air.

"Am I," she started before being interrupted with trying to catch a breath, "okay..?"

The doctor looked at them, and it became apparent that he brought with him was nothing easy to say.

"I'm afraid there's good and bad news," he started as he walked over to Jennifer. He checked her vitals quickly on the machine before he turned to both of them.

"Your daughter contracted a rare enterovirus. It's causing swelling of her heart, which will lead to myocarditis." He paused briefly, "in other words, her heart is failing."

The heart rate monitor in the room started to beep faster as Jennifer heard the news. She started to attempt to catch more air. Her parents started to cry.

"What can we do for her!? Will she die!?" They cried out in shock and emotional distraught.

"That's where the good news comes in. We have put your daughter in the top of the organ donor list. As soon as a donor heart becomes available, and you decide to go through with this, we can try a heart transplant. But, even then, it won't be an easy road from there on out. You'll need to be monitored carefully for awhile to make sure the donor heart isn't rejected. Furthermore, recovery won't be easy. And you'll have to be on medication the rest of your life. And, after 15 years, odds are that you'll need to get another donor heart, and repeat this process all over again."

The doctor walked over to her parents, he had a piece of paper in a clipboard.

"Talk this over. See what you want to do. But if you don't, she will d-"

"We're doing it," Jennifer struggled to say, cutting the doctor off.

"I'm afraid that you can't make the decision and sign yourself. You are only seventeen. You would need to be eighteen to do so. Consult with your parents, they write the signature that gives us the okay."

Jennifer turned her head towards them. She stared at them momentarily before she tried to speak again, through the pain in her chest and the difficulty breathing.

"Do it... Or I will.. Die."

Her parents looked at one another. The doctor studied both Jennifer and her parents. They consulted one another, before her father took the clipboard, found where his signature went, and wrote it as quick as he could before returning it to the doctor.

"We'll get her prepped for surgery soon. We just have to wait for the donor heart to come in, which is never a thing we can put an estimate on. It could be five minutes from now, or five days. You never know. We're bumping her to the top of the list. You'll hear from us as soon as we get the heart. You now rest," said the doctor as he took the clipboard and exited the room.

One day later...

Jennifer clutched her chest. She couldn't breathe. Her pain intensified. A nurse came running in, but she couldn't see. The doctor soon followed in.

"Her heart is failing! It's not much longer until it dies. We need her prepped for surgery now. Right now, damn it! And sedate her!"

The doctor yelled at the nurses. Once sedated, she was rushed to surgery prep, her parents waiting where they could. They had her attached to a machine while they waited for her new heart to come in. The hospital frantically tried contacting the place at which a donor heart was. They had one on the way.

Her parents say in the waiting room, waiting, hoping that their daughter would live. She was all they had left in their lives now. They carefully watched the clock, watching the hours tick by. Her doctor finally came out of the surgery room and approached them. Her parents hopped up, holding one another's hands, bracing for the worst, hoping for the best.

"This was not an easy surgery. There were some complications. But," he started before letting a smile come through, "she'll make it."

Jennifer's mother began to cry tears of joy, her father smiled at the relief. Their daughter was going to live.

Present Day

Jennifer awoke from her sleep. She hadn't thought she would have dosed off so quickly and easily. But, as she remembered, walking in snow always makes a person tired. It was a workout all on it's own. Getting up, she opened up her door and walked downstairs. The people of the house seemed to be moving around. She was wondering what was going on.

As soon as she got downstairs, she heard Tammy call everyone to the garage. Wondering what was going on, she made her way there.

"What's going on," asked Jennifer as she stepped into it.

Jórik Aríelsson He was playing with a deck of cards he'd been lucky to find in the small building they were residing in. It was some sort of way to keep his mind active and keep quiet, though, as the woman stood before them and began constructing a plan he'd look up and listen. Though, once she was finished and led them outside, Jórik looked to her with a look of concern, "If we get the supplies, are you sure you don't want to wait to find a more stable base before we put something so permanent up? It is a good idea, I am just trying to be cautious." he looked around at their surroundings, "If we are going to do this, I would like to request people also try to find herb plants or seeds... It would be good to try to build an herbal garden for the hotter seasons."
Tammy noted the awakening of Jenn, she glanced at her clothing totally unprepared for the travels they were about to embark on. "the generator broke, Tori and I plan on creating a windmill to power the home we reside in. its quieter, better, and will always be spinning. at least hopefully. Pack up feel free to join." Tammy left out one key thing about the journey. The map she looked over showed the best option for grabbing all the supplies was not close by. In fact it would be a 2 day journey. possibly 3. She left this info out until the driving would occur she already packed sleeping gear in Hollidays truck along with the needed supplies like food and dry wood. She left a lot of the bed space empty for the materials and the generator they would use as their new backup as well. All these things created potential for new living abilities. Better power, less gas, More to leverage upon Axehead. She only hoped it would all piece together no problems.

She took note from Jorik. He made his way outside. Most of the other survivors in the Manor were already beginning to get all their things ready to leave as well. She could only assume Jorik would be apart of it. "Yes we will need winter grown herbs and such as well but sadly I dont know anything about that stuff." Tammy laughe loudly giving off a familiar chime from an old friend she knew in the gulch. She wondered how they all were doing since she departed yesterday. More importantly she knew this power source would be cital as well. Food and water were relatively abundant thanks to the recent kills they were given. But now they reached the point in where they would be departing. "EVERYONE LETS GO!!"

@Lola Shimmer @Runakei @Jennifer Shotain @Crono
When they had finally decided on their plan of action all be it..it was a little shaky but the best they had right now Tori had dove inside and quickly...well kinda quickly she was still easy winded these days, ran up to her room. The woman had quickly swapped the lighter clothes she had been wearing for inside into her winter ones...that she actually hadn't got much wear out of...it slowly dawned on Tori that she hadn't left this place since they arrived. Hmm oh well..she pulled on a pair of thick trousers and yanked a t-shirt over her head, followed by a light pull over and then a thicker hoodie, her coat was in the kitchen and she would put it on when she was heading out the door. She slipped her knives into some homemade sheaths and tucked them into her shoes. glancing in the mirror she sighed slightly and headed back down stairs.

On the way down the steps she quickly strapped the side arm to her waist. She was far from a pro shot but at least she could use the thing now, all be it that it would be a last resort. She picked up her backpack that she had got in the habit of keeping by the door these days just incase of a quick exit. I had her shot gun in it along with a day or two provisions if she streatched them she could probably go to four. It was tins of food she culd eat cold...some water and a couple energy bars. By the time Tori had made it back to the kitchen and put her coat on zipping it up she realized the vehicle was packed and she was running behind "Im coming!" she shouted and the blonde quickly jogged out and joined the others

@tammynorthland @Runakei @Jennifer Shotain @Crono
Jennifer noted as everyone grabbed their stuff and went along. She was ill prepared, and felt that she should sit back on this one.

"No, go ahead. I want to sit back at home and watch everyone else. I need to do some stuff back here, anyway."

She had already been out the previous day on some supply type mission, and she didn't feel like going out this day. There were people still at home, and she wanted to make sure that everyone at home would be safe. With the babies, Tiff, Austin, Nikole and the Patch guy, she felt there needs to be another person here to handle things, given how Nikole is mentally and how Austin can't do everything himself, and then Tiff having two kids go care for and Patch being in the garage.

"Y'all need anything else before you head out? I'll get what you need, since I have to run inside for something real quick," she asked Tammy, who was eager to leave.

@tammynorthland @Lola Shimmer @Runakei
When it became appear-ant on who all was going Austin couldn't help but inwardly groan. They all wanted to leave Tiff here with the babies and Nikole along with the recently free'd, much to Austin's dislike prisoner. That's exactly what Austin saw him as, a prisoner until they shoved him back to the dead world from which he'd come. Luckily Jenn had the same thought and had volunteered to stay and watch over things. The man was sat in the drivers seat of Holliday's beloved truck with the window cracked and had shaken his head at the younger girl's question, waiting patiently for the other three females and single male to get ready and get in. Fact was he'd grabbed what he needed and moved to the truck fairly quickly in anticipation for getting out of the damned place they called home. "You sure you got this all by yourself? Don't let the termite out of your sight." Of course he was referencing Patch.

@Jennifer Shotain @KathleneWilliams2121 @Runakei @Lola Shimmer @tammynorthland
Jórik Aríelsson His current outfit consisted of a leather coat that had deer's pelt on the inside to ensure he was warm, his pants were no different, nor were his boots. He wasn't a tailor, though, he had years of practice of survival in the wild. Lifting the hood of the jacket to cover his head before looking to the male in the truck. Walking over, Jórik tapped his finger against the window in hopes the male would roll the window down, if he had Jórik would softly speak to him, "I told Tammy that we along with the windmill, we need an herbal garden for medical use as well as spices for trade... If you know anything about winter herbs let me know if you find anything." As he finished speaking, Jórik leaned against the car quietly with his bow resting on his back, the string going along the front of his torso and the leather quiver on his back with at least fifteen hand-made arrows within it. A bone dagger rested in its sheath on the right side of his hip. He was indeed ready to go whenever everyone else was.

@Jennifer Shotain @KathleneWilliams2121 @Crono @Lola Shimmer @tammynorthland
Miyuki stays quiet, keeping her questions and comments to herself. She thought that patch should be ok, mean after all if his group were to attack they would have done so by now, but having someone keep an eye on him wouldn't hurt anyone either in all honesty. Miyuki goes inside to let Tiff know what was happening and that she would be out. She felt bad to leave her with the babies but she knew that her daughter needed Tiff and she couldn't risk her life. Once she was done she walks to her room and picked up her quiver and then walks outside, ready to go as she sees Austin in the truck, ready to go, "Holliday is going to kill us." She says as she climbs and sits in the bed of the truck, figuring that the cab would be full.

@Runakei @tammynorthland @Crono @Lola Shimmer @Jennifer Shotain
"Oh, our friend Patch? Don't worry. I won't. He tries anything; I shoot him. He runs away; I put two in his back. We don't really know who he is. I don't trust him. Plus, I like to shoot first, ask questions later," Jennifer replied to Austin.

"Alright, y'all be careful out there. I've got to do some stuff with my gear and inventory. I'll see you when you get back."

With that, Jennifer turned around and made her way inside to her room where she grabbed her backpack and medicine bottles. She always liked to keep inventory of her supplies every here and there, and see if she needed something. Last time she did it was nearly three weeks ago. With her gear in hand, she made her way downstairs to the garage. She wanted to be close by with Patch. She didn't trust him.

Entering the room, she put her gear down and looked at him. She studied him, not liking what she saw. She didn't trust him at all.

Sitting down, Jennifer first took out her Sig. Taking the magazine out and emptying the chamber, she turned the takedown lever to pull the slide off. From there, she took out her barrel, recoil spring and guide rod. She always liked to see how her barrel was doing, she she turned to a light and looked through it. Just the normal was there. Carbon build up on the feed ramp, chamber. The barrel itself was dirty. She took Luther cleaning kit and started to clean her gun, making sure it was in the best of shape. Once done, she reassembled the weapon. She racked the slide with no magazine in and aimed at Patch as a sign of control in his situation.

"You do anything I don't like," she started, "and... Click."

The she pulled the trigger, releasing the hammer. Since the gun was empty, nothing happened more than just the sound of the empty click.

"I will shoot you without hesitation. And if you run, I'll put two, no, three in your back. Your name's Patch, right? Well if you do anything stupid, I will make sure that they need to "patch" you up when I'm done with you, if you're alive on the off chance."

Jennifer came across as a total bitch to him. She knew it, and she didn't care. He was a threat to her. And he was going to show her control and dominance over him and his situation if need be. She wanted to put him I his place and no there was no bullshit with her.

Jennifer continued to look through her backpack, checking the amount of ammunition she had and other supplies. And finally, she counted her Prednisone. She had at least 187 days worth of it. She was far more than good for the time being. But, as always, more is better for her.

@Crono @Dibbydoo
The diesel was lugging along the trail. Tammy wasnt the driver as she did not know how to drive stick shift at all. Tammy watched as the home they made got further and further away from their site. The manor was relatively large. Hell it was a damn manor for that sake. There was so much to the home. the rooms, the bathrooms, The huge kitchen and living room. It made her wonder who must have owned it before in the past. Tammy shook away the thoughts after a while and took notice to the road. The truck was having a decent time traveling down the road. The situation seemed pretty obvious. All they needed were the supplies for the windmill. It would not be to hard to make Tammy had a couple ideas of the gear she would need to uild it properly. And on top of that she knew there was other things they would need in town. Ammunition was a bit short at this time. Not for holliday of course with him owning that reloader he mentioned a few times Tammy tediously put in a safe spot for fear he would murder her if she damaged it. Mainly her plan was to also hope to come across other recourses. She skimmed through the drawings she had made in her sketchbook she always had in her pack. There were notes from a few books she kept like jarring foods, and notes on making brakish water safer to drink by basic filtration for any dry months. The snow fall was light the last few days with little to no fresh snow in the area. This made getting into town alot easier.

20 minutes past by. They made it to the first small town which was followed along the main road for a safe journey through. Zeds were less abundant in this part she tended to notice unless a horde moved through the area she wasnt to nervous. The real issue would be under the snow if any were caught in poor weather and buried. None the less these were risks they told everyday. Things that made them survive, be stronger. Tammy held her grip firm on the Hydra. The beast she created a few weeks after the hospital. The pace was relatively slow with the truck pacing 10 mph. At the rate they were making it would pose the idea that the next town would take forever.

The town came into view. The driver made great timing trusting the 6 wheels of the dually combined with the snow chains Jorik found a while back. She knew thats what helped them make the safe journey. The town grew into view. It was barely 2pm according to her watch she had from the small cabin during Holliday and Toris recovery. they took a couple hours back at the manor and a couple more to make it back. They only had about 2 hours for supplies that meant to get home before dark. Snow begun to cloud up above as dark clouds made their way over them.

Snow starting to fall.

@Lola Shimmer @Runakei @Crono (didnt metnion who was the driver so you guys pick) @KathleneWilliams2121

Snowmobiles flew through the trails of the snow. Hive and Vulcan along with Cage and Pike moved about the trails making their way to a hunting trail only marked by a hiking sign saying "Devils Peak" pointing one way to the location they were aiming for. The trail strayed off from the main gulch which led downhill into a valley. The trails were teaming with wildlife. It almost felt surreal in the world they now had to live in ruled by undead. Hive glanced through his goggles and face mask at Vulcan who was keeping his eye on the trail. A lone stumper was fallen by frostbite. He must have been trying to make his way through from the town before twisting and ankle....eventually meeting his lifes' end. Hive nodded at his copilots Pike who fired a shot with the pistol in the head ending its life a second time.

They didn't waste time as they moved up the mountains and down and back up once more. They started to move through the less tree filled area with more meadow like clearances. This was from the construction by the local miners to build their cabins in the area just south of the trail entrance and south west of Axehead Gulch. It was close to their small settlement but far enough where people didnt venture to it by foot, let alone in the snow. But by snowmobiles they had no worries. It was a great score for the Gulch.

Hive looked up seeing clouds begin to form as the day passed and they neared the mines. 'Snowfall?'

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Jórik Aríelsson He sat in the trucks bed, his animal pelt jacket, and pants made it easy to withstand the coldness as he sat with his back pressed against the cab. Laying around him was everyone's stuff they'd packed along with a spare in case things got too out of control and someone lost their stuff. Holiday was indeed a neat person, though, while he felt back for technically stealing his truck. He knew that it may have been for the better good.

He was lost in thought when small flakes of snow passing past them from the entrance of the trailer's tent sent him back into reality. Turning around he slid the window open and spoke into the cab, "We might want to pull over and get some firewood... It'll be best if we already have it when we take camp..." lucky for them, when he closed the window with letting them consider the idea he purposed, he was staring at two wood-axes.

@Lola Shimmer @tammynorthland @Crono @KathleneWilliams2121
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Tori sat in silence for the majority of the trip, the blonde was lost in thought her mind working and re-working ideas on what way would be best to pull this off. She had no doubt that they could pull it off but even so it was certainly one of the more challenging things she would have done in her life. She sighed and scratched the back of her head before nearly jumping out of her skin when something cold hit her hand, she pulled it down to watch the snowflake melt against the heat of her skin. "I thought we had seen the last of the snow" she mused out loud though to no one in particular before she sat up a bit straighter and started to pat attention to the journey. She had completely zoned out of the whole thing and was certainly realizing just now that, that was not a good thing. She should be more alert especially after what happened just afew months ago. Shifting her positions to ease sore muscle from sitting still so long Tori peered over the edge of the vehicle so she could see where they were.

"So where are we thinking of hitting up first then?" She asked and this time she looked more toward Tammy...since well she supposed it had kinda been there idea to start with so they really ought to take the lead on this one. The blonde frowned as the snow still kept falling...that wouldn't bode well if it got any worse or too heavy they'd be screwed.

@tammynorthland @Crono @KathleneWilliams2121 @Runakei
Slapping the floor shift from two wheel drive to four, Vaskar growled as he slightly struggled to make it up the snow covered hill. His hummer could do quite the cross country movement, but when it came to snow. Practically nothing worked. He missed his bike. Having to lock it up for the winter, he'd traded its place with his hummer he had found long ago when it started. Packing the supplies he had on his V-star, along with what he had locked up with the hummer he would have enough supplies to last him a couple months. As he made it up to the top, he noticed something in the distance. Placing the hummer in neutral and gripping the brake, he shut the the truck off. He wanted to be careful in case it was the undead, or worse. Looters. Stepping into the back he, grabbed a pair of binoculars from his pack and unlocked the hatch in the center of the vehicle. It was suppose to have a fifty cal. Machine gun, but he decided to take it off for it had no use in this apocalypse. As he popped it up and took a look through the binoculars. He could see a large town in the distance and as he moved to the right. Almost two miles away he could see a small group, piled in a large deulie diesel. He looked up to see the large storm above beginning to slowly come down, one flake at a time. He looked to them again and the rate they were going. "They won't make it in time." he whispered to himself. He had seen something like this happen before it all came to an end. Vaskar thumbed his nose, debating whether it be best to stay away. He sighed knowing it wasn't in his nature to ignore those in need. It was a bad trade of his ever since the beginning of this new world.
Jórik Aríelsson He continued to sit in the back of the truck silently as the others debated as to where they were going to go first, Not having a specific say in this topic he just continued to keep his mouth shut, after all. He knew what he was on this mission and that was extra muscle. He wasn't one to complain, he was a nordic male who followed the traditional nordic virtues which meant he was a very tall, muscular man... And very intimidating to those who don't know him. Reaching into his bag he pulled out a water skin and took a couple of sips from it before twisting the top back on it and placing it back. "If I fall asleep wake me up when we get there or if something goes wrong... I suggest anyone who isn't driving try to get some sleep as well... Energy is needed on missions like this..." he leaned back and closed his eyes quietly and attempted to fall asleep. though, was having a lot of trouble thanks to the trucks roaring engine as it drove up and down hill.
The air begun to whirl during the next 20 minutes as winds started to pick on the dually. For Austin being a good driver not even snow was a obstacle he could overcome. Tammy glanced back as she was riding shotgun to the others. Jorik sat in the bed of the truck with the camper shell as cover. There wasnt much more room for him in the cab even though he could fit. Tammy knew the guy was different, I mean he wore untraditional clothing from his hunting skills before the New World. On top of it the guy stood over 6 foot, he was very well built enough to make any man jeleous and he had greasy long hair from the untamed hygenic life of the apacolypse. So did Tammys hair though. She sighed dreaming of finding nice hair products dye or even abudance of soap, which they had a little of at the manor. Tammy glanced outside as the storm got worse.

Soon the winds beat on the truck another 10 minutes was all it took when they reached the heart of the town. The chains struggled. they lost traction as the truck slid into the middle of an intercection. All wheels lost traction sending them into a slow, 5 mile per hour or less slip and slide trip over a small embankment. Tammy closed her eyes as the truck shuddered to a jolting halt causing the passangers all to jerk around like a box of jellybeans with 5 left at the bottom.

'Fuck,' Tammy thought 'Holliday is going to kill me.'

Tammy glanced back and spoke loud enough so that Jorik could also hear her voice through the opening in the back window that led into the bed and shell of the truck. "New plan?"

@Lola Shimmer @Runakei @KathleneWilliams2121 @Crono

The snow became worse and worse as Hive and Vulcan along with thei copilots flew up the mountain side toward the cabins that once were refuge for the miners after a hard days work. Hive glanced over at Vulcan who waved his attention. He knew what this meant.


Vulcan flew up as it became harder to see from the snow and the wind pelted at the vehicles they were mounted on. The snow pecked at all their goggles. Hive was right behind him at a slight right angle to avoid extra flying snow. They all couldnt believe this was going to hault their mission. It was a good thing that 2 guardians went on this trip but on top of that Hive and Vulcan were best friends, they almost never travelled seperate. Hive knew they had at least 10 minutes to get to a cabin and get inside. Their next worry were undead at this point. Hive saw a shadown in the distance. As it grew in shape and size he recognized it as well as a few more cabins 40 yards away each to be housing for their journey.

They drove the snomobiles into an old storage barn that had nothing inside but a few handaxez and actual dry firewood. Only ten feet away was the cabin they broke into using close quarter military room clearance style. Vulcan bashed open the door as Hive and pike flew into the entrance expecting other undead to be in the cabin.... none. "The room seems clear." Pike said. Cage followed in with a axe he collected from the storage where their snow steads rested keys no longer in ignition.

"Check all the rooms to be sure." Cage followed. "lock all windows and doors and barricade as well."

Cage knew his game. When he used to hunt you always should protect yourself. you never knew what you would encounter. This law helped him survive the wilds of the end of the world. The places he knew that undead corpses couldnt access. As well as how to avoid them sometimes in plain sight. He knew his shit, but he had firearm and hunting training. Along with basic survival skills he relyed on Hive and Vulcan to teach him the rest back when they met.

Hive cleared all the rooms while the other 3 began locking all the cabin entrances up.

Vaskar watched as the small group made their way to the town. "I'll be damned. They made it." As he was about to pack up he heard a loud squeal of tires and a muffled clatter in the air. He quickly placed the binoculars back over his eyes and searched for them. His worst thoughts came true as he saw their truck now wedged into the snow as half of them rubbed their heads. "Must have lost traction and spun out." He sighed and slid back in his seat. He was thankful he had closed the truck up when he did. As it now down poured with snow. Gripping the wheel, he fixed his jaw a couple times. Now trying to figure out the best way to approach the situation. If he wasn't careful they could just kill him and take the truck for themselves. But he couldn't leave them like this either. Especially not in this storm. Thumbing his nose again. He made a decision. He would wait and see if they could get out of the storm. If not in that town, he would then do his best to help them. He sighed and grabbed a small bag with MRE stamped across it, checking his watch. It was time for his daily portion anyway. Kicking up his black combat boots onto the dash, he looked down to the picture of a women next to the milage gauge. It seemed like so long ago, he thought to himself. As he began to prepare the small food heater, he glanced outside as the storm gave it's all. He would need to tighten the tire chains so they didn't fall off. He was gonna need them.
Jórik Aríelsson felt the truck come to a hault after at least a minute of being jerked back and forth. Something bad had happened and he knew it, though, what to do now was in his favor. Looking towards them he spoke softly, "I suppose that firewood would be nice right about now huh?" he said in a very joking manner before grabbing the axes and slipped from the back of the truck, it was cold... Very cold, however, the snow wasn't falling to hard and they needed to have some sort of warmth and soon before a blizzard came and froze them solid, Looking towards the other male he spoke, "Come with me..." taking the fire axe and tossed it on his shoulder and made his way towards the nearest batch of trees.
Tori's eyes widened when they first started to slip and slide and she quickly anchored herself into space so as not to get jerked around to much...she swore if this was it..she was not going out on a damn snow slip and slide after surviving the apocalypse. No way no how was she dying in the dammed snow after all this! so help her god she would destroy something. However when they finally came to a sharp halt she let out a long breath. "Well that would have been a bad way to go right haha who wants to be a Popsicle when you could go as a walking meat bag?" she asked in a positive and looking at the others. With a chuckled at herself and then laughing at what Jorik said Tori shook her head. To be honest she was starting to think she was just giddy at being out of the house. "New plan? umm how bout what plan A usually is, Don't die?" she asked and looked at Tammy with a shrug. They had been in so many tight situations now they really weren't all that fazed any,ore it just went straight to what can we do to get past this.

When Jorik got out and lifted the Axes Tori nodded to herself..that was a good idea...she was trying not to think about the fact they might have just killed Holiday's baby. She didn't fany the death penalty for that..nope nope nope. "Ah well me and Tammy can do a short distance scout and see if there is any better shelter...we can hardly light a fire int he truck" the blonde pointed out and proceeded to get out of the vehicle herself.

@Runakei @tammynorthland @Crono
Austin had thought everything was fine, but he didn't have much experience driving in the snow admittedly. So when the terrain started to become a problem he only pushed the truck further, until suddenly they weren't moving at all. The man laid his foot against the pedal causing the truck to jerk a bit before he gave up with a grunt. "Well that's just perfect." He said, turning the vehicle off and stepping out into the frigid air. Looking over where they'd managed to get stuck he started trying to think of ways to free the truck.

Maybe he shouldn't have driven after-all, but it wasn't like Miyuki would have done any better with her inexperience at driving in general. Austin's head turned at the sound of the other mans voice, Jorik was already giving up...or getting ready just in case they weren't going anywhere. He would have likely argued that someone else could go with him except he felt a little responsible for the whole damn situation, so he just turned to follow. Looking over his shoulder at the others, "Don't wander too far, we don't need to get separated and if something happens give a whistle."

Once he caught up with Jorik he glanced at the fire axe, "Handy thing to bring, what gave you the idea to take it with us?"

@tammynorthland @Lola Shimmer @KathleneWilliams2121 @Runakei
Vaskar shifted in his seat as he took a bite from his MRE. He sighed at the bitter salty taste. It was suppose to be spaghetti but it was just too salty and flavorless he thought. Setting it down he pulled out the rest of the "meal" that went with it. Besides the main course he had a dehydrated fruit punch pouch, vegetable side pouch, assorted caffeine pills, gums and seasonings. And best of all, the desert. He looked at it and smiled slightly. A small square of pound cake. But it wouldn't last forever. None of it would. He sighed and grabbed up his binoculars again to check in the group. As he watched them the snow began to fall heavier, almost like a fog. "White out." He whispered. It was time for him to act or they would all get lost and die. He took a bite out of each pouch and tossed them all back into the bag. Stepping out of his truck, he tightened the chains on his tires. The military treads could move some, but the chains made a big difference. Stepping back in, he turned the key to fire up the beast, gripping the wheel he spun the tires to fly down the small hill. He headed right for the town. He was lucky to have noted the coordinates on his dash compass before the storm completely came down. Slowly rolling along he noted the path toward the town was very rough. Must have not been used in a long time.
Miyuki lies down on the bed of the truck while the others were in the cab. She didn't mind as she could shoot anything that comes close to them because of her arrows. Closeing her eyes, she starts to think about the last time she was out, the hospital. After the mistake with Jennifer and the way that everyone turned out,with Holliday was still hurt and Jen was now cold, she didn't trust herself to go back out there as she is worried to risk the lives of everyone around her. She shakes her head, "You have to forget, it isn't that big of a deal anyway.....right?" However, it bugged her, pecking at her mind like a bird pecking to get a worm. Miyuki needed something to distract her, anything. Right on cue, she looks out side the window, and sees snow fall. While she would normally smile, as where she lived she didn't have snow, she became worried as the group thought that the snow fall was over for the rest of the year. While the truck was slowing down, Miyuki looks through the window at the wheels, how they were slipping and having a hard time getting traction. Falling due to the jolt from the truck, causing her to fall on her side in the bed, Miyuki looks at the cab and at Austin, "You're kidding me!" There seemed not to be one time where she rode with this group and she hasn't ended up falling either on her face or on her back. She gets up and looks over at the truck, "Oh Holliday is so going to kill us......mainly Austin." She says as she hops out of the bed. She looks over at Austin, "Great driving, thowing me down like Tammy did." She says as she grabs her quiver and bow. She sighs as she looks around, looking at the rest of the group. She agreed that they have to find a safe place away from the cold.

@Crono @Runakei @tammynorthland @Lola Shimmer
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Holliday gunned it down the trails, what did he care. He hadn't driven an ATV in so long that he almost forgot the rush. Cold wind assaulted his face. To combat the sting, he wore a neckerchief outlaw style to keep it from biting his cheeks. Every time he hit a bump or a sharp turn, Holliday sped up enjoying the rush. His hands flew over the wheel instinctively knowing what to do to correct the situation. It was second nature by now. Once upon a time, his family would take trips to the mountains and blaze trail. The Polaris 500 had always been a favorite, but he had logged many hours with a Razor. Holliday had almost forgotten how much fun it had been. He took the machine to the edge of its capacity without hesitating, there were plenty of worse ways to die than being in small wreck.

A few hours passed and somehow he managed to make it over the mountain without killing himself, what a pity. He paused for a second to pull up his map. The whole area was new to him, so he needed to make sure he was going in the right direction. Sure enough, it seemed he was. As he put the map away, he turned towards the sky. Dark clouds loomed overhead, Thunderheads was what they had called them out west. Where ever they appeared, large storms followed.

Holliday bit his lip. This new insight would sure as hell complicate things. He quickly got out of his seat and found the black trash bags he kept in his survival pack. He placed them over all items he wanted to keep dry. Though guns had finally rid themselves of politicians, their other great enemy, rust, still remained.

Once that chore was done, Holliday strapped several things down with bungie cords and duct tape. The truth was Holliday had never been in a true blizzard and didn't know what to expect. That being said, he was smart enough to know it was coming. He figured his best option would be to make haste and find some sort of sturdy structure where he could hunker down for the night. This was going to suck.

An hour and a half later, Holliday approached the backside of Devils Peak mine. The snow had been falling down heavy for a while now, causing him to travel at a mere five miles an hour. He swore nearly the entire way until his lips were to numb to move. Tired and weary, Holliday pulled up to the very first building he saw. There was no time to worry about scavenging, his priority was not freezing to death. He grabbed his shotgun and unwrapped it, getting it ready to go. Then he slung his survival pack over his shoulder and proceeded to the back door. With a good kick, it flew open.

Holliday leveled his shotgun and scanned the room to make sure the room was clear. There didn't appear to be any hostiles in his immediate area, but there was no telling how long that would last. Clearing the entire building seemed foolish given the circumstances. No, he would just whole up in one room and make sure it was well defended on the chance something came his way. He quickly tore down some of the wooden boards on the wall, and reused them to help seal the doors. When that was done, he took out a small headlight and used it as a lamp of sorts. The light give him his first good chance to look at himself, he looked like a damn Yeti. Snow was caked on every inch of his body, he quickly tired to get all of the wet clothing off. First was the bandana around his face, then his boots, then his long jacket, which did a good job keeping everything underneath dry.

Once finally settled down, tore up some rug and used it as a blanket. Holliday huddled in one corner, shotgun on his lap. He'd try and get a little rest and try to wait out the storm. Eventually, he nodded off to sleep.


Holliday woke to the sound of footsteps. Something.... no based on the cadence someone was coming his way. He sprung up and grabbed his shotgun, not knowing what to expect. From what he could guess, someone was clearing the rooms. Holliday laid in wait off to the side of the doorway. Even if someone was smart enough to cut the pie, the angle they would have to take to spot him would be extreme. Both barrels were filled with a load of double ought, and it would make a hell of a mess out of any man.

Finally someone entered, "Move an inch and I kill you." Holliday stated with grim determination in his voice.

"Im going to check the last room." Hive announced quietly not even bothering to help in the main quarters. the others begun to work on the locking up of the building and the last room, which was the forth room in the back of the hallway past the second temporary living quarters were once used for the miners. He drew his assault rifle at port side. Hive was no moron. He knew if they waited a minutes longer to hold out from seeking shelter they very well could have lost their lives.

Back when the world was normal and it had a real sense of living in for the American dream Australian Immigrant Hive once was a marine in the U.S. government. He went on in the military as a dream since he was a young lad. Of course he had a kid though, and on top of it at the time they requested him as a new cadet for special forces. He could not turn down such an honor. Back then Hive made all the wrong choices, during his next deployment he went through the loss of his wife from a drunk driving accident. To make matters worse he couldn't even come home to see her funeral let alone visit his motherless son.

Hive glanced down looking at the door.... it was broken into like the front door. "hmm?" He said tilting his head disracted by his thoughts from the times long since gone.

Hive heard a slight russle from inside. He opened the door barrel first drawn up level to a potential target. Allowing light in the old dusty living quarters that once had busy miners occupying the inside. He pulled off the safety...

"Move an inch and I kill you."

Hive allowed full light in the room from the door opening... a ripped rug remains covering a snow covered........child???

Hive stared in disbelief. The fuck this kid say to Hive? Hive himself wasnt violent. But he certainly didnt mind having to make a kill. Who the fuck is this kid?

Hive gave a genuine smile. "Mate dont flip your lid."


The group stayed close together but had alot more to do than stay outside and build a fire they had very limited time to see refuge and get inside. "Gus we might be best breaking into a building." Tammy was not a weather woman but she knew this fast of winds couldn't be healthy.

Tammy felt movement underneath the snow. She glanced down and saw a hand moving slowly. Tammy jolted out of her skin and slammed the hydras head into the powder of the snow connecting to a rock hard piece. She yanked it out revealing small amounts of blood... She brushed the snow with the blades end revealing a frozen corpse. Skull rock hard from being frozen so long. most likely the winter months...

Tammy felt the wind smashing at her scarf covered face in her green mountain jacket. This was bad. "Guys listen." Tammy stopped moving and heard faint ever so faint groans of the undead coming in. "Lets definitely get the fuck out of here, its becoming a whiteout." Tammy noted to Miyuki, Tori, Jori, and Austin. Tammy saw shapes beggining to form. "we arent much use against the Corpsers in a whiteout!" Shit was just not going their way this day.

@Runakei @Lola Shimmer @KathleneWilliams2121 @Crono
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