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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse: Death Road To Canada [IC][OPEN!]


No weapon formed against me shall prosper.

It was a normal day exactly like everyday in USA, 20 April, 2016. People are doing their job in the big cities of country, nothing is unormal untill people noticed something while watching breaking news on the TV. A dead body has been found in a backyard of one houses in the state of Georgia. Of course it's not very suspicious in this big country but what made it important. A person who found this dead body saw him walking around his house at first, punching at the wall, making disgusting voices and doing other unnormal things. That guy (his name was Philips) thoughts he is a thief so he came out of the house after he took his shotgun from inside, aims the gun on the walker but he was he continues doing his job with walking around and making voices, he warned him three times to stop doing it but suddenly he turns around and shows his face to Philips.- Philips says "I couldn't believe what im looking at, his head totally blew up like someone killed he before, i saw his eyes bleeding and his fingers are all black like he didn't wash it for a year. All of things i saw was only like a DEAD MAN." in this time that walked walks towards him and tries to attack him with bite him, philips hits his face with a gun but he didn't got serious damage, after that he shot at his torso, almost next to his heart but he saw he stands up like nothing happened. "I just scared and ran towards my home, locked the door and waited for polices to come". After that cops tried to arrest him, but after some minutes they shot him in the head so he stopped walking and passed away. People saw these news, but probably no one believed it seriously.

Same thing happened in LA and it made people to believe it better than before. After some days disease spreads around the USA and starts infecting people, government doesn't wanna do something for people, army is making the people hopeless about them and all of the things are against people, it happened in a day but stayed in the world for a year, before that people tried to kill those "Zombies" with them weapons, such as shovel, sword, or any tool they can find but when they noticed that this disease is dangerous they just made themselves ready to travel, in search of a safe place. five days spent and TV finally got a signal to tell the people an important news about this mess in the country. They told people about disease, a person who got bitten, is not alive anymore, they told people to stay in their homes and try to stay alive until government help them. But after some weeks and month no one came to help.
People just divided to a lot of groups and gangs to help each other to survive, bandits, refugees camp, ETC. But none of them got enough chance to survive in this mess, number of zombies is increasing everyday and people are dying, because of suicide or zombies. After one year radio and TV is still streaming help messages and keep telling people to wait for help, people are hopeless and in these years only 25 percent of the country breathing healthy.
In the first weeks of this mess, government made the army ready for battle with the infected people when they found out the only way for this is fighting with them. But the population of zombies was more than people in army, and the ammo was limited so they just fell back and escaped, some of them tried their chance in army and others just splitted up to survive alone.
After some days in the first week of these messes, A group of scientists tried to make a cure for this infection, their LAB in washington was advanced with the best cure-making tools and machines, but after some months when the zombie population in washington was in the worst condition the LAB got attacked by a huge amount of zombies so they all got killed and turned to the zombies, army couldn't make the LAB clean from them so they just ran off,and the cure project canceled when it was almost ready to use. However the cure making project was extremely hard to do but they tried to do it one more time in the Georgia but they couldn't make it and all of the project got destroyed in a zombies attack, All of the scientists there got killed and the half of hopes for cure gone.

Very soon gossips about safe places spreads around the USA so people starts traveling together to find those safe places in order to stay alive and survive. People are getting killed and dying everyday, many of zombies are waking up and camps are burning at fire of bandits. The country is not lawless so nothing can stop the zombies, only a good plan which can save the world, but who can save the world when they're not even in a safe place? Many countries got destroyed, here's nothing to tell people what's going on in the world, in the age of 2017 all of TV channels and radio signals are down and here's nothing to allow people to make a call with others, Here is the end of the world, but still some of people are alive around the world after two years. 99 percent of big cities are destroyed and full of zombies, even quiet places aren't safe enough for people, zombies can hear and smell humans, one bite or scartch from them is enough to make you killed. People are trying to stay alive and they will do anything for that, even killing another human. The money and other things in modern life is unvaluabe only food, weapons, safe places and supplies are worthy.

After some years a big gossip spreads around the country or maybe around the world, some of people are talking about a safe place, it's different and isn't like those unsafe camps. A place without any zombies, without bandits and without anything can put you in danger, but it's a long way towards it, you have to move from a lot of cities, and jungles, deserts etc to reach there, and it's a dangerous road between you and that SAFE PLACE, It's a dead road, towards the Canada.
That camp is located in the CANADA and now many of people are talking about this story, they saying there's a extremely big city with big walls , and USA army is protecting people from zombies, and other bandits, there's like thousands of people survived there. Food, a place to stay, weapons, and anything is ready for them. some of people just ignored it and continued searching around to find a way to stay alive until they get a help from government however they know the government won't do anything for them. But others decided to try their chance to reach CANADA, and stay safe till this mess get over. People who decided to go there chose the hardest way to survive but if it be really right, so they chose the best way. It's a long way towards canada, full of zombies and bandits, for people who are strong enough to go there...

  • This roleplay is story of your character which trying to survive from this Apocalypse, your character hears a gossip about a safe place in canada, with food, shelter, weapons, walls and guards. These are all of worthy things in this world. You can do anything with your character to make this game better and better, but always remind that, here's no unrealistic things except zombies and their following activities. Your character must be a human only because here's no magical thing and others like that. We are going to keep this story realistic and great so please never try to ruin it. Your character can do anything in this world and choose his way of life. living in the world full of zombies is always hard so your character probably will face problems and zombies and will fight to survive in this world. Your character will meet with other survivors and make friends or maybe enemies from them. Your character manner depends on you and we won't force anyone at choosing the character. You character can be a man, woman, kid and any type of human.
    If we make it simple, here you will write the story of your character in way of survive.
    You can fill out the character sheet in Characters tab, but before starting read the rules and other tabs for more information that you need to know for start.



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Damian is wearing dark-brown leather jacket with a jean pants, a hat with logo of a pizza on it, an empty backpack is behind him. He is holding a crowbar with his left hand, walking very slow like a very tired person, its like a month he is on the road to go to a better place.
hears his voices on his head telling to himself "It's like a month im going to no where, after that night in the camp, here is nothing to loose for me and nothing to get, still i see some of people in my way, they dying in front of my eyes and i don't do anything, i can't do anything..."
notices a sign wirtten on it "500 Meters to Osanda", sighs and continues walking slowly.
reachs the small town after some few minutes walking as he doesn't changed his walk style, notices an old bar. walks up towards it and lowers his speed. taps two times on the door. finds a place to sit and wait for some few minutes. notices some zombies inside they all came next to door. Damian blocks the door to don't let them to open the door. he did it with a box in front of door.
2 minutes later, walks behind the bar and tries to find a door there. found it and counts to three then kicks the door to open it. steps inside and starts looking for foods there. there would be a dark room he is inside of. suddenly notices two zombies there, starts hitting them right in the head with his crowbar, destroyed their brains with it as he exits the room, goes to the food stash. there would be some cans of food. picks four of them as he takes a bottle of viskey too. puts them all inside of his bag.
door of stash room opened and zombies came inside. tries to open the back door to exit from the building. he suddenly noticed that there would be a gun in bar and it would help him to survive more.
starts hitting zombies brain with his crowbar. he killed three of them and walked towards cashier table, starts searching there as he found some shotgun shells but there isn't any gun. the door of other room opened and a huge groups of zombies came inside. he starts running towards back door again but he suddenly sees four zombies. makes his way back he doesn't know what to do. he is in siege starts kiling zombies after some few seconds he killed five of them.
they are still coming. he takes a chair and throws it towards others. pushes his crowbar inside of other zombies.
when the space is getting wasted there by zombies he ran towards the cashier table again and hides there. lot of zombies are coming.
tear is going down from Damian's eyes. "So it was the end? i spent all of my life cuz of this?"
thinks about his life. takes his knife from his eft pocket and places it on his neck, says "Forgive me Sara". going to cut his vessel to suicide.
SUDDENLY notices a hidden door under the table. opens it and jumps inside it. closes it and places his crowbar on it to make sure they won't open it easily.
sits somewhere and takes his flashlight...
turns on the flashlight and tries to scans the area. "Ah s**t". notices a dead body on the ground, it would be for another survivor, places his flashlight betweem his lips as he takes a deep breath and keep searching the dead body to find any items, he found a shotgun next to his body with few shells around it, he smiles for it.
reloads the shotgun and puts the shells inside of it. checks his watch the time is 13:23, he decided to wait for some few hours after he saw those zombies on the floor are still walking and trying to break the door to find and eat Damian.
2 hours spent, it seems zombies are tired and they are going to search other places to find fresh meat. Damian makes his ears closer to the door as he tries to hear a sound. nothing noticed by him. the flashlight turned off because of low battery.
takes out his lighter and makes a small fire to see the things around himself. takes the crowbar and makes himself ready to open the door to go out and escape, counts till three and opens it. puts the crowbar into his bag and holds the shotgun with his both hands. tries to sneak between few of zombies those are inside of bar. makes his way towards exit door and reached it.
damian finally escaped from the bar.

Damian walked towards inside of the city, saw a huge group of zombies, he walked away from the town without being seen by zombies.
holds his shotgun with his left hand, uses the road and walks on it to find a place for tonight. His dirty leather jacket is mess and a wind makes his cap to fall down from his head.
sighs, continues walking without any attention about his environment, thinks about his girl friend sara that he lost him, imagine his life with her, he knows his lost them all and his life won't be like old days.
after some hours he camps in jungle and takes out his can from his bag, opens it with his knife and starts eating it while looking at a tree next to himself.
drops his body on the ground, takes some breath with peace as he notices a zombie is coming, he fell down and starts making scary voices, his leg is broken as he can't stand up. Damian stays on the ground and doesn't changed his position because he saw that zombie isn't dangerous for him.
Serena opened the door slowly, and listened. Quiet as the dead. She turned her phone's flashlight on and made her way towards the cash register. Without looking down, she felt around the dark shelving until she found what she was after. A small pistol. While she didn't know how to use it, it was better then nothing she figured. She walked around the store, throwing what she thought was necessary in her bag. Food? Check. Water? Check. Batteries? Check.
She was about to leave the store that had been her home for the last two nights, but stopped. She had forgotten two things. Things to trade. As fast as she allowed, she ran back into the store, grabbed a couple bottles of wine, some beer, and three cartons of cigarettes.
After some minutes taking a rest damian stands up from his place, back of his jacket is covered by some leaf so he just shaked his back to make it clear. takes his knife from back of his pants as he finished the zombie that fell on the ground quickly.
takes his bag which was on the ground, zips it down and noticed Sara's picture inside of it (his ex-GF). takes it with his left hand as he looks at it for some few moments, takes the map from his bag and starts finding his location on it.
After some minutes trying finally found his current location in the map however he is not 100 percent sure the location that he found is correct, tries to find something to mark the point on the map but he couldn't find anything to write, goes towards the zombie that he killed just before, raises his hand with his glove and touchs the bleeding part of that zombie, a drop of blood got moved by his finger, so he places the blood drop on the map exactly where he thinks he is.
stands up from his place and takes a deep breath.
Time is 16:32 on his watch.
grabs his bag and places it behind himself.
takes the shotgun from it before, makes sure bullets are inside.
put some dirt on the fire to turn the fire off.
checks around, starts walking with shotgun and map on his hands.
damian starts checking his plan on his mind, "The map i found will give me the right direction of a nearest city that is in my east, i will keep walking towards there until i get a car and maybe more supplies that i need, the only reason that making my wat towards that city is a hope to find some food and maybe a safe place, i dunno where i gonna go and i dunno how long i will survive. It's like a week i didn't see any human, maybe i find some good people there, but if they are still in the earth.".
His way is between trees of jungle and he knows maybe it's not safe enough but it's better than getting robbed by bandits in the middle of the road.
"WiedKnecht will be my new home?".
50 minutes spent with walking. Raises his hand to check the time by his watch, it's 18:14 but the sky isn't like it gonna be dark soon.
Tries to find somewhere to see the jungle from the top, he wants to make sure if he's going there from right way.
Notices a sound from behind a tree that is right next to him, suddenly raises his left hand up which is holding a shotgun with it, aims his gun towards the tree, around of the tree is covered by some grasses, so he isn't able to see behind it.
he takes some few steps towards it slowly,somethong pushed him abit from behind "Aah, S**t!" tumbles himself on the ground and sees behind of himself after turning around on the ground, notices a zombie, a woman one, damian looks at her eyes, her mouth is torned and her face is spoiled, the old and dirty clothes of her took his attention, takes out his knife slowly, zombie got blocked from walking by a stolk, damian couldn't handle it and he just put his knife inside of her skull to damage her brain, he killed her so he takes some deep breath freely.
takes his gun and goes near a tree, he can see all of the jungle on there, notices a lake on his way, he smiles cuz he know he is going from right way.
V walks slowly through a small neighborhood in a small town. His patched up pants and vest covered in dust and dirt from sleeping on the ground. He's carrying a decently large backpack with his supplies inside, but it's gotten quite a bit lighter the last few days and he's starting to notice how hopeless it looks. The tall man breathes in a deep breath slowly, running a hand through his messy downed mohawk. There's nothing here. He's searched most of the houses, avoided a few zombies, yet still nothing.
V looked around, searching for his next way to go. Noticing a thick forest-like area nearby, he starts heading there. If he can't find food in the city, maybe he'd be able to hunt. He only had a pistol with one clip, but it's better than nothing.
Damian while holding his shotgun with his both hands trying to come down from the small hill , he is still thinking about what he will see in that town, a new place for living, or maybe bandits, foods or zombies.
after some few steps he decided to go through the lake, he is searching around to find a way.
After looking around the environment for some few seconds he noticed an old wooden bridge near his current location, the bridge ain't looks good and from appearance of bridge damian can see it won't be safe if he use the bridge to reach that area he wants to travel to.
Looks it's the only way if he doesn't wanna throw heavy bag and weapons on the lake.
V slowly and carefully made his way to the woods, making sure to be aware of his surroundings and avoid closed in areas. As soon as he gets a few feet in, he hears running water. That's a good sign, there's a water source meaning animals may be around. He took his pistol out of the holster on his belt and held it slightly raised as he listened for movement nearby. V slowly walked forward, trying to make as little noise as possible. He followed the noise to a running stream, then continued following down stream.
Damian walks towards the bridge with a shotgun on his hands, he walked between some trees to reach that bridge, when he reached it he saw some zombies there, "Oh not again!".
Ten of those zombies are there and two of them saw damian standing near a tree with a shotgun in his hands, they are coming towards him, he takes out his knife and places his shotgun on behind of his body.
One zombie is trying to scratch damian's face with his hands, Damian holds him by his neck and finishes him with his knife.
two others came from behind, he makes one of them on the ground with his elbow, and kills other one. trying to kill the one who is on the ground, pushes the knife inside of his skull, wants to grab his knife back, but it got stuck, "Oh D**n it", he couldn't take his knife from the skull so he let it be there, takes his shotgun, another zombie from the behind of his body pushed damian on the ground, damian shoots him on the head, reloads it then goes for the other ones, the sound of gunshot was loudly. Kills two others of them with shotgun, he notices his bullets are going to be low, stands up from place and goes to take the knife from the dead zombie skull. Takes it quickly.

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