s o f t b e a n
AceOfSpades0210 said:Raymond's eye closest to her winked open, revealing an amber yellow tint to it, and qickly shut before she caught sight of any movement from him. Of course, it was just a quick peek, but one can never be too careful with the people in their current situation. He shifted slightly, purposely knocking over the case beside him to reveal the lettering in her direction. As the plastic covering fell against the steps, the lock keeping the package shut came undone to reveal the contents inside. Rolls of bandage, gauze, rubbing alcohol, medical supplies of all sorts filled to the brim. It was no wonder the lock came undone with such simple movement. His intent? Get her closer, arms distance at least.
~*Melina Herford*~
Continuing on her way, taking each step, slowly and quietly to not cause a noise, she began to a send the steps. It was then the case fell causing Melina to jolt then freeze. Great. That would be sure to wake him up. Wait....he was still asleep? Huh, odd. That was pretty loud. Her eyes flickered to what had busted out of the case. Just what she was looking for, medical supplies. She wasn't going to steal them, no way. What if that person was in the exact same position she was? But she was coming closer, not to take them ((as tempting as it was since she wouldn't have to go inside the scary building then)) but to check what was there, if anything it would give her an idea of what kind of stuff was available in the hospital. Now standing just near the case and ((much to her panicking)) near the man. One quick peek and then she could go. Adjusting her glasses on her face. She looked at the cases contents and took a mental note of what was there.