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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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MiyaTheNeko said:
Mira walked in behind him and watched him go to the pew. She leaned on it for a second and stared at him with a smile on her face. She walks over, lifted up the blanket, and found herself resting her head on his chest. She looked up and kissed him gently. "So, how did you like our walk?" She asked with a smile.

Aidan smiled at the man and opened the scotch. He started with a big swig and chuckled to himself. He shook his head and gave the man a thumbs up. "I have to say... that is some good scotch." He took another drink but a smaller one, chuckling some to himself until he noticed Arc checking him out. "See something you like?" He said obviously joking some. Set the glass down and lowered his head. I must be dreaming... he is staring at me... what do i do? Should I just... let him or confront him. He was confused and didn't really know what to do so he just sat there and let this happen.


Arc chuckled a bit. "Calm it. I'm hetero. Don't get all defensive." He stood up, and extended a hand so he could help you up. "Where you headed?" He asked, with a slightly unamused expression.

Avery rested his hand on her head, and ruffled her hair a bit.
"I loved it..." He said, with a sweet smile. He looked down at her, with a relatively calm expression. "I don't want this moment to end..." He said, as the glare from the sunlight caught her hair, giving her a beautiful glow. He ran a hand through her hair, and tucked a bit behind her ear so he could see her face better.

She'd look better covered in blood.

Quillicious said:
((Boe, Dream Killer, Solace, Dewitt, Que, Ochre, Kin, Avery, Sandra, Arc, and Axel: SHIT!! WE MISSED IT!! *They all throw their popcorn on the ground* Fuck!))

Aidan looked back up nervously. "I uh, wasn't trying I be defensive I just..." he trailed off and shook his head some. Way to go ass hole... he took the man's hand and stood up, noticing he was unamused by his joke. "I was heading out looking for someone..." He thought about Max again, wondering how she was doing with Jay. He hoped everything was going okay.

Mira smiled at his answer and giggled when he messed with her hair. "I'm glad to hear that." She lifted her head so her chin rested on his chest. She looked up at him and tilted her head into his hand. "It doesn't have to if you don't want it to... we have to move eventually but we can make this last as long as you want." When her hair was moved by his hand there was a clear bruse on her face from where he had hit her. She didn't really mind it and hid it with her hair. She would use makeup but she was allergic to most and didn't like it anyway.


"C'mon, Jay. Very funny, let's go." She picked him up under the armpits, or at least attempted, and dragged him back to the car. She plopped down in front of his slouched body. Max poked him with a nearby stick, waiting and watching.

iiCupcakeCraver said:

"C'mon, Jay. Very funny, let's go." She picked him up under the armpits, or at least attempted, and dragged him back to the car. She plopped down in front of his slouched body. Max poked him with a nearby stick, waiting and watching.

((-guy shoots himself- O... -pokes with stick-))

Avery brushed his hand against her bruise gently. "I-It doesn't hurt bad... Does it..?" He asked, obviously feeling horrible about it. He'd make it up to her. And he knew just how. Avery sat up with her, but hugged her against his chest, careful of her bruise. "I'm so sorry..." He said, obviously quite ashamed of himself.

Ark nudged the guy.
"You got a lady..?" He questioned, with a smirk. He began walking in a random direction, waiting for an answer. It's gonna be nice having a bro again... Maybe this one won't bitch when I do crazy shit... Or die when I do crazy shit. Ark thought, with a chuckle
Jay groaned, not noticing Max yet. He didn't open his eyes.

"Why won't you let me die? It'd be better for both of us."

"We both know why. You know we can't run away from our sins. I know I can't wipe them away."

"So what? We end it and we're done being tired. I told her what we did, you know."

"Why?! You can't just do that without consulting me! I'm part of you, t-"

Jay sat up quickly and opened his eyes. He saw Max and sighed.

"Fuck. You blew our cover, man."



((I can relate so much... Life is hard. Songs like this help me get through it all...))
Mira felt him run his hand along the bruse causing her to shiver a little. "No, not anymore unless pressure is applied." She said with a smile and felt herself being pulled up onto his lap. She hugged him back and places a kiss on his cheek and rested her head on her shoulder. "It's okay Avery..." She said running her hand across his back to hopefully make him feel better.

Aidan chuckled and shook his head some. "I have a crush..." He said looking at the direction he was going. Aidan approached the man and placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him. "Lad I came from that direction, we need to head that way." He said pointing behind him. He laughed a little and heald out his hand. "The name is Aidan by the way." He waited for the man to shake his hand and exchange his name.

"Ha. Another joke. Heh..."

But the look on Jay's face said it wasn't a joke. He took her hand and got up, brushing off his pants.

MiyaTheNeko said:
((Pfffft sleep bah! I never get... -yawn- sleep... -falls asleep-))
((Right?? I could go DAYS without sleep!! Probably!! Not!! At all!! *Curls up next to you like a cat* Meow. *Falls asleep*))
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