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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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(Ohsht Yappi, I need some of that blue stuff, does AJ got it on his stash? hehehhe)

"Oy blin, you sure sound a lot like a Russian." Grigory looked back at Norman and Johnny. "You guys want to let him in?" He quickly asked before turning back around. "So... Ivan, do you wish to bring justice to this wasteland?" He asked, trying to not sound too serious. 'And I still need a gun' This thought appeared out of nowhere as he observed Pyro.
Miya enters the room and looks around. "Well... shit this is one nice room." She instantly runs and jumps onto the bed with a giggle. That's when she noticed aj pulling something from one of the floorboards. She tilts her head at the substance. "What... the... fuck." She said not amused. "Why is someone hiding shugar in the floor when it could be in ma mouth!"


((She is so innocent xD ))
MiyaTheNeko said:
Miya enters the room and looks around. "Well... shit this is one nice room." She instantly runs and jumps onto the bed with a giggle. That's when she noticed aj pulling something from one of the floorboards. She tilts her head at the substance. "What... the... fuck." She said not amused. "Why is someone hiding shugar in the floor when it could be in ma mouth!"

((She is so innocent xD ))

I smile at her innocence "It's

Not sugar, it's a drug called Coke or cocain. You snort it through the nose, don't take too much... You'll get addicted." I say before getting a small clump and snorting it and letting out a low moan "I CAN HEAR COLORS"
MiyaTheNeko said:
Miya enters the room and looks around. "Well... shit this is one nice room." She instantly runs and jumps onto the bed with a giggle. That's when she noticed aj pulling something from one of the floorboards. She tilts her head at the substance. "What... the... fuck." She said not amused. "Why is someone hiding shugar in the floor when it could be in ma mouth!"

((She is so innocent xD ))
(She wants sugar in her mouth?

k den...)
[QUOTE="Russian peestol pro](She wants sugar in her mouth?
k den...)

((Miya: That's not the only think I want in m- me: -Slaps her- Shhhhhh))
Miya raised an eyebrow and shook her head some. "Oh uh... n-no thanks I don't do drugs..." She said looking to the ground. She was sort of disappointed that AJ did but still loved him the same. "I'll be back in a second, I'm gonna pick up Rin at the church uh... don't go crazy okay." She quickly made her way out and twoards the church. Once she arived she didn't pay any attention to anyone that was there. She was just going to get her daughter and get out. She picked up Rin and slowly made her way back to the mansion where she entered and returned to the master bedroom to make sure AJ wasnt insane on drugs.

"Blyat! this must be a dream! The Motherland survived! I gotta contact them." Grigory looked around at the 3 men. "Any one of you have a long-wave transmitter?" He asked, once again looking like he was high on caffeine... or probably insane. "I seriously need to contact them, gotta be sure my family is still alive." He nodded at his own answer



I scuttled makin zoidberg noises for a while before I passed out. I just woke up when Miya walked in "Crack... Not even twice"
MiyaTheNeko said:
Mira smiled up at him and had to think about it for a moment. That's when she thought about it, the story that she was going to tell Laika and Jay. She smiled snd pulled him into a hug, giggling at everything. "I died." She said in the best serious voice she could do.
Avery smiled warmly at the hug, finding more warmth in it than she probably thought possible from such a small thing. He hugged her as tight as he could without hurting her, and rested his head in the crevice between her neck and shoulder. "What'd ya mean by that..?" He questioned, as he shut his eyes and enjoyed the moment. He missed her more than he'd thought... But he wouldn't miss her when she was dead.


"Sorry there set on no recive, I've tried 4 times. Your shit outa luck" I say scratching my neck
Miya shook her head and put a thumb to her chest. "Crack... not even once." She giggled and carried Rin over to AJ, laying her on the bed.


Mira smiled up at him knowing he would want to hear the whole story. "Well, there were like a million zombies crowing the church and I as out there being a total badass right. So I was shooting, blah blah blah." She giggled and thought about it more. "I was shoved by someone into the pile, zombies ripping at be but falling dead faster than anything. They got through my clothes but never scrached me or bit because the others shot them dead before they could. Well one fell on my head and knocked me out. The found me, thinking I was dead and buried me. Then I rose from the grave... literally..."


"There's a crib over to the right of the room, if you need it" I say standing up "I never understood why my dad needed a gun every 20 feet" I say lowering a painting and a Tommygum falls out "See what I mean"

Miya picks up Rin and walked her over to the crib, gently laying her down before walking back to AJ. She giggled and looks at the tommy-gun. "Well if your a mob boss what else would you send money on?" She jokes and lays back down on the bed.

MiyaTheNeko said:
Miya picks up Rin and walked her over to the crib, gently laying her down before walking back to AJ. She giggled and looks at the tommy-gun. "Well if your a mob boss what else would you send money on?" She jokes and lays back down on the bed.

I shrug "yea but imagine little 8 year old me finding one of these" I say jokingly and I sit on the bed
Miya raises an eyebrow and giggled. "Good point." She said sitting up and leaning on his shoulder. She looks over at Rin and smiled. "You know, I don't think I've ever been this happy..."

MiyaTheNeko said:
Miya shook her head and put a thumb to her chest. "Crack... not even once." She giggled and carried Rin over to AJ, laying her on the bed.

Mira smiled up at him knowing he would want to hear the whole story. "Well, there were like a million zombies crowing the church and I as out there being a total badass right. So I was shooting, blah blah blah." She giggled and thought about it more. "I was shoved by someone into the pile, zombies ripping at be but falling dead faster than anything. They got through my clothes but never scrached me or bit because the others shot them dead before they could. Well one fell on my head and knocked me out. The found me, thinking I was dead and buried me. Then I rose from the grave... literally..."

Avery hugged her a little tighter. "You're never doing that again... I'm not losing you again..." He whispered near her ear, followed by a slight shudder. If you kill yourself, that leaves nothing for me. Avery hugged her tighter as the dark thought surfaced. He shoved it back down into the back of his mind quickly, and began rubbing her back as he hugged her, pretending to comfort her while he was really comforting himself.

MiyaTheNeko said:
Miya raises an eyebrow and giggled. "Good point." She said sitting up and leaning on his shoulder. She looks over at Rin and smiled. "You know, I don't think I've ever been this happy..."

"I know... I've never been this happy myself. I have the worlds greatest wife and kid, now we have our own mansion... What could be better" I say smiling, silently remembering that I nearly killed myself multiple times

Mira nodded and smiled at him. "I promise you that I will never die again... until you know, natural causes." She said with a giggle and felt him hugging her tighter. She runs er hand along his back as he did to her. "Everything all right? You're very clingy." She giggled and wrapped her arm around him, stopping herself from rubbing his back. "I like it when you are clingy." She giggled.


She smiled and thought for a moment then sat giggled. "We could have a 1965 Ford mustang." She said purposely being specofic with it. It was her dream car but she knew it probably wouldn't become a reality.

MiyaTheNeko said:
Mira nodded and smiled at him. "I promise you that I will never die again... until you know, natural causes." She said with a giggle and felt him hugging her tighter. She runs er hand along his back as he did to her. "Everything all right? You're very clingy." She giggled and wrapped her arm around him, stopping herself from rubbing his back. "I like it when you are clingy." She giggled.

She smiled and thought for a moment then sat giggled. "We could have a 1965 Ford mustang." She said purposely being specofic with it. It was her dream car but she knew it probably wouldn't become a reality.


"He has one, he collected old cars" I say standing up and going into the basement. There is atleast 20 cars in there, one being a 1969 Monte Carlo. The Ford Mustang was to the far left. I open it up and find the keys under the car. "My pa always used magnets and put the keys under the car" I say throwing the keys to her.

Lucas' face always flared up every time he got kissed, it was a bit humiliating in a way. He plopped onto the bed, face still entirely red, and gently closed his eyes. A terrifying memory filled his mind, and his body stirred around uncomfortably. As the image of a a teachers face flashed in his mind, he started to groan with fear. The women's figure started charging at him, and his eyes shot open—screaming all the while. He sat up in his bed, hugging his legs as he shivered violently.

Miyas eyes shun happily and he quickly followed him to the garage. She saw the Ford and quickly ran over to it, hugging it. "It's beautiful!" She said happily and caught the keys. She was going to hop in and drive but decided not to. "We need supplies right? We will live here so we should go shopping. What's the biggest car he has?" She asked, reconnecting the keys to the car.

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