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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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CellistCat606 said:

"According to my calculations...I'm going to need some help."

Appearance: View attachment 259479

(The eyes would be Brown instead and she wouldn't look insane)

Name: Jaqluin (Jack-lin) Bors (Boars)

Nick: Jaq-Jaq

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Female

Height: 3"4

Age: 10

Crush: Nobody

Personality: She's a sassy girl who's never worked a day in her life (unless you count whining). She'll start of being her sassy self but after a few hours she'll turn a lot nicer. Jaqluin is Known to be a big Blabbermouth so try not to trust her with any secrets. She is also really smart at science for her age.

Weapons: Syring and her heavy backpack

Leader of some sort of group: None

Likes: Teenagers, new science sets, getting spoiled, and her parents

Dislikes: Working (unless if it's science), kids, Things not going her way, Zombies, and sports.

Bio: Jaqluin was a pretty normal girl if you count being rich and really smart as normal. Jaqluin's parents were the very well known Nicole Bors and Nate Bors and if you don't know who they are well they created the cure for cancer! After that they became rich so Jaqluin was used to having everything handed to her. They also home schooled Jaqluin because they were worried of her having teachers who weren't as smart as they were. When Jaqluin was 8 years old she remebered her parents talking about some big research assingment from the government and how it would be the next big thing. 5 weeks after Jaqluin turned 10 her parents brought her into a room fully made from steel and that could only be opened from the inside. There they explained to Jaqluin that someone had broken in to the test facuility and somehow created zombies. 5 weeks later they were at there last bit of rations. The parents looked to see that the zombies were waiting for them outside. Seeing no chance of survival they gave Jaqluin a piece of paper that was hopefully the cure but not there was still a few things missing. The parents took a backpack and put the last of the rations, syringe, science equipment, a list of the cure (hopefully), and anything else Jaqluin should need. Her parents then opened the door and yelled "run!" All Jaqluin can remember hearing is the sounds of pain and a human screaming in pain. Jaqluin didn't go far and hid in one of the apple stores and has been hiding in it since then.

Other: She was spoiled rotten as a kid so she has an iPhone.

-=-=((One of the parents is still alive if anyone is interested in roleplaying as them))=-=-


Jaqluin realized she woke up late when she looked outside to see that it was dark outside. Jaqluin sighed and figured she would text AJ tomorrow after she goes to sleep. Jaqluin then yawned as she went to sleep on the couch.

-=-=((General Post))=-=-

Amy looked at him "He doesn't want to kill his friend or family. I asked him a little more, I must keep the rest between me and AJ. All you need to know is that he is still somewhat stable," she said sitting on a pew, and looking at the ceiling.

(Well ok, I should start and cook s-*Thrown back into closet* WHAT THE HELL, I WAS GOING TO BE EATEN AND YOU GUYS DID NOTHING!)
Amy sighed as she walked outside, she reached into her pocket and took out candy "My only sanity, rapped in paper. I am going to enjoy the this," she said as she grabbed a lollipop before putting the rest away, staring out from the porch.
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I sneak up on her silently like a deer, I aim my duel under over sawed offs at her "tell me....Anyone here with the sir name Johnson?" I have traps behind me. a backup plan of bear traps if I need to run she can't follow me.
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Amy spun putting the katana under his chin "Ya gonna pay for getting in between a girl and her lollipops," she said her eyes seemed to burn as she said this. She used her free hand tor grab her shotgun and aim it at his head.

I see her trying to grab my shotgun. I see the katana and stop fighting. "I have 2 brothers, one red haired and one with a brown and red eye" I see that she is not a bandit...I drop my shotguns and some salted meat seeing my mistake and try to compensate for what happened. "Your not a bandit, I have no reason to hurt you. Sorry but when you live alone in the woods you can get a bit...paranoid of people"
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Amy looked at him, she picked him up. Even thought she was 5'4 she was still strong, she stared at him "You're not lying, I know when they are lying. I'll meet you inside," she said putting him down, and waiting for him to walk.


(Wow we are the xbhrjrsnckrc vcNBEBhbxhQUI2389HR MINE I WANT TO PLAY! NO MINE YOU CAN COME IN TOMORROW! I WILL EAT YOUR FLESH *Continues to struggle*)
I walk inside,I look disgruntled and hardened. "So my brothers AJ and Johny...there here?" I lay down my pack, I keep my non essentials there while food and such stays in my belt or coat. "Want some jerky?" I pull some out of a MRE bag and take a piece, I leave the rest on the table. I take out my guns and I carefully unload them.

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Amy pointed the katana at his head "Less talking more doing, I will take your head, burn the flesh off and then give it to the kid as a birthday present." She said as she snatched the jerky from his hands before taking a bite. She glared at him before kicking him inside and going in herself.

"Lass I have a gernade strapped to me so if you kill me prepare to go out with me" I walk into the church

I see someone walk in, it's Marcus. I go in for a hug and he hugs back "I'm so happy to see you alive, AJ is alive too but out somewhere else"
(AJ and Mira would be such great friends,AJ will proboly screw around with Keon for a bit and knock him out before he rescues him)
(Jason:I am the original but thanks, I guess, Amy: Thanks fucker, Peace: Glad to be here, Threat: Where did I come from, Chili: Uhh, i'll tell you when ya older K kitty, The cook: Aww, i'll make you into a nice, moist cake :3, Knot: There is more of us, ya know, Bill: There sure is shamrock, Tye: I AM THE MIGHTY TYE, AND I AM HERE AS WELL, Tesla: I had a long day of shipping so thanks :) , Karl: It is my pleasure to be here, Narrator: I MUST AGREE!, Peridot: I am the only one who can speak in green you clod >:( , Me: They have swarmed my house and night ;-;)
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I wake up because of the seering pain in my leg.

"Is anybody up?" I ask to the either. Unable- or maybe unwilling to get up. I didn't want to see who else the camp had just let in from the outside after they tried to kill me.
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[QUOTE="White Shamrock](Jason:I am the original but thanks, I guess, Amy: Thanks fucker, Peace: Glad to be here, Threat: Where did I come from, Chili: Uhh, i'll tell you when ya older K kitty, The cook: Aww, i'll make you into a nice, moist cake :3, Knot: There is more of us, ya know, Bill: There sure is shamrock, Tye: I AM THE MIGHTY TYE, AND I AM HERE AS WELL, Tesla: I had a long day of shipping so thanks :) , Karl: It is my pleasure to be here, Narrator: I MUST AGREE!, Peridot: I am the only one who can speak in green you clod >:( , Me: They have swarmed my house and night ;-;)

(D-do you actually have that many OC's in this RP? O.o )
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