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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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My leg looks like a kebab but more bleedy. I hoped the owner would come back soon to take it off. My foots gone numb. But my leg.

I try to scream for help but no words come out. Just a series of noises.
Mira1 said:
(Damn I didn't have her hide the chloroform...)
-=-=((But you did use it on him when you had Keon tied up so I assume that Miya brought the quote on quote evidence with her.))=-=-

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I walk to the man "Marcus, survivalist and trap expert a your service." I pry to trap off "tell the others an they will die via traps"
CellistCat606 said:
-=-=((But you did use it on him when you had Keon tied up so I assume that Miya brought the quote on quote evidence with her.))=-=-

(I had the liquid, but used a different rag when I tied him up and stuff.)
Adam smiles and picks Chika up. Putting her on his shoulders, he quickly runs twoards the church. Hoping to hear her laugh, or giggle.

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The bandit would shoot open the lock and slam the door open and would charge at her swinging widely at her the leader standing behind them watching her on how she reacts.
i walk in "hey kid,want to know something about my family?"

@White Shamrock
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I writhe in agony as Marcus just looks at me.

Does he expect me to get up and walk. Does he expect no one to notice my leg half hanging off.

"I'll do anything. Please, just help me". I plead. @Yappi
"by the way that bear trap didn't even hit bone, your body must be over reacting" i show out his wound and its crude but his leg will ultimately heal

CellistCat606 said:

"If life isn't fair, make it."

View attachment 256595

Name: Amber

Nick: Six Year Old Killer

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Female

Height: 4'0

Age: 16

Crush: Girl has never had a crush so if she had one she never would know

Personality: Amber is not one to be sentimental she'd rather laugh but would keep it to herself (even though being rude isn't something she hesitates on). She most likely will be seen teasing (just as a joke) or pulling pranks. She acts tough because she is tough okay or do I need to repeat myself? Sometimes Amber thinks that if she acted like a shy, kind, innocent girl, that she will probably will be helped more than if she acted like herself. Don't get on her bad side she has a HUGE temper.

Weapons: Her bracelet (it's the sharpest thing she can have because of her predicament).

Leader of some sort of group: Was a leader of a couple of fellow prisoners at one point.

Likes: Being in charge, Joking around, Being better than someone, Having a good laugh, prisoners she knows.

Dislikes: Pets, cops, people of the law, and people who act all overprotective with her.

Bio: Amber was a normal girl. She was mostly kind, joyful, cheery, & empathetic. She never knew her parents since she was an orphan. One day when Amber was 6 years old she woke up to seeing cops looking around for clues of who murdered all the other orphans last night. Amber was the only orphan to survive the attack which made her highly suspicious to the police. The owner of the orphanage also recalled last seeing Amber holding a knife, the owner took it away from Amber and put it on the counter so Amber wouldn't hurt herself. Amber got upset at this and immediately ran to where she slept sobbing. The case was then immediately closed because the cops thought they had found the killer whom was Amber(was it Amber or someone else? not even Amber knows) because they found no evidence otherwise. Amber then spent her life getting pushed around by the other prisoners for being only a measly 6 year old. Ten years went by and Amber's personality changed from a nice little girl to a rude teenager. Amber gained respect from the other prisoners by getting stronger and faster, soon she had her own group! They were planning an escape route when the zombies attacked. Out of confusion the group split up and Amber was on her own. Except a cop found her 3 days later and hand cuffed her so he could bring her back. When the cop was at the gate to the jail he got a surprise sneak attack from the back. Seeing her chance Amber escaped the cop, but is still unable to take off her hand cuffs. So now Amber is looking for helpful survivors before the zombies get her.

Other: Amber can be seen with bruises and cuts everywhere on her from the brawls she had with the other prisoners. Her height and speed lets her be able to go into small places fast. She also is best with a two handed weapon.

@Libra259 @JPTheWarrior


Amber watched the (bat? pipe? log? wooden club) swing right over head. "What you never tried to hit a kid before?" She said while making fun of her height. Amber chuckled "Well your lost," Amber swung at the Insane guy's legs hoping to chop them clean off with all of her practice that she took at the edge of the mansion.


-=-=((Remember she has been practicing almost day and night.))=-=-

Yappi said:
"by the way that bear trap didn't even hit bone, your body must be over reacting" i show out his wound and its crude but his leg will ultimately heal
"It still fucking hurts. You MOTHER FUCKER" I shout louder as the pain in my leg gets worse. But I get up using the crutch.

I need to be brave
"should have watched your step" i walk back into the woods and into my camp, i start up a fire and cook up some game i killed yesterday
Yappi said:
"should have watched your step" i walk back into the woods and into my camp, i start up a fire and cook up some game i killed yesterday
I make an attempt to bandage my leg up and hobble to the church. I go in and collapse my body on the nearest pew. I scream in agony. But think of an excuse to tell the others.
CellistCat606 said:

Amber watched the (bat? pipe? log? wooden club) swing right over head. "What you never tried to hit a kid before?" She said while making fun of her height. Amber chuckled "Well your lost," Amber swung at the Insane guy's legs hoping to chop them clean off with all of her practice that she took at the edge of the mansion.


-=-=((Remember she has been practicing almost day and night.))=-=-

The bandit would scream in pain as his legs where chopped off he would collapse onto the floor screaming in pain and spewing curses out of his mouth. The other bandits would stop for a second but would soon charge at her swinging their bats, pipes and knives at her. They would surround her and start to attack more violently their eyes shinning with glee at the prospect of spilling blood. The leader would still be watching all of this going down with his sword resting on his shoulder.
[QUOTE="White Shamrock]
(How do you always make me laugh xD )

-=-=((Jaqluin: "I already told you, because I'm the only sassy rich girl with a brain so big every other spoiled brat (like me) wants it for themselves. Sadly there is one of me, oh who am I kidding, it's great!" Jaqluin then does a sassy hair flip and walks away.))=-=-

Jason looked at the man as if he was insane "Ok ya crazy bastard, stop humming," the tune got stuck in his head. He tried to stop acting like a jerk but he couldn't seem to shake it.

Threat got bored and decided to look for one of the twins, he went inside, and then went downstairs "Lexi, John any of you here," he asked the empty space around him.

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