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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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The Bandit would approach a well hidden apartment building and knock in a certain tone. The door would open and a bandit would be standing their "Damn that is 3 now" he Would grin and move out of the way to let the other bandit through. The bandit would walk Into the apartment to the living room and would throw Skylyn onto the ground and would take all her weapons and gears and place them away. after that the bandit would start to grope her body with hungry eyes. Other bandits would watch with evil amused eyes @Mira1
She was walking down a high way trying to avoid the zombies. She had her pistol and was ready to shoot at any moment. She started to wistle new romantics by taylor swift
the bandit would start to rip off Miya clothing exposing her body to the world he would then start to grope her exposed flesh.
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Miya had awakened around the time they arrived at the door. She heard the faint knocking. She would quickly forget about it after a while. Next thing she knew was that she had been thrown onto the floor. Her weapons and clothes being taken from her. "C-Congratulations." She giggles slightly. "You caught me." She then spits on him. "Do your worst t-trash." She says and smiles at her kidnapper.

the bandit would wipe the spit from his face and drag her to a room and throw her on the old bed. Soon a tall musclar man would enter the room.

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((At least its not in detail ^.^

Morning everyone.))

Two startled awake and clung lightly to the blanket she had. 'O..oh... I have a blanket...' she thought and hugged it closer. That was... comforting at least.. Freya and Nick had got out a bit earlier to start gatering fallen tree limbs. They needed to reinforce the barriers and thrushers inside the cave.. it was neat. They'd flooded the mouth of the cave with deadies, so when someone looked in all they'd see was walkers. However, on the opposite side of the cave there was a secret switch that was connected to a special rig.. in essence it was a huge spiked heavy log that would swoop down from the cealing and kill most if not all of the deadies in there. Between that part of the cave and the basement/sleeping part, there were various store rooms filled with... well. Supplies.
She walked tourds town haveing to shoot sometimes she stopped wistleing and walked tourds a church. "Hmm... There should be some things in here"

(Where is everyone in the rp?) @any one
VampiresRule said:
She walked tourds town haveing to shoot sometimes she stopped wistleing and walked tourds a church. "Hmm... There should be some things in here"
(Where is everyone in the rp?) @any one
((Sorry, the church is hidden in the forest))
(aj and his brother arw in the chucrch jason is somewhere in the town freya and nick are heading to the town and everyone else is in the mansion
Slasher999999999 said:
the bandit would wipe the spit from his face and drag her to a room and throw her on the old bed. Soon a tall musclar man would enter the room.
She sat up on the bed and smiles at the new man walking in the room. "Look it's Mr. Tall Tan and Handsome!" She says more insulting than as a compliment. She held out her hand politely. "I'm Smiley, nice to meet you TTH."
he would handcuff her wrist to the emtal bed point and after that would start to grope her exposed breast "hehhehhe your a funny one"
Freya hefted up an armload of sticks and glanced to Nick. "Okayh, we shouldh have enough.. lets goh." She said to Nick. "Okay." He said and hefted up his own load. He smiled at her and they started walking back.
Slasher999999999 said:
he would handcuff her wrist to the emtal bed point and after that would start to grope her exposed breast "hehhehhe your a funny one"
She looked at the handcuffs and growled at him. "That's not what I meant." She said and smiled. "But thanks, I am well aware I have a sense of humor."
Mine said:
A click, perhaps familiar for most of those inside the room, was barely heard across.
Safety off.

A boy stood just a few meters away from the gathering, entering unceremounisly inside, gun pointed at the man who clearly could not keep his hands to himself. For this young man, something definitely felt very wrong here. Or maybe he was just jumping to conclusion, who knows.
"Hands off." His voice is menacing, filled with a tranquil fury he is clearly not used to experience.

Jacob walks through the desolate streets, his cards clicking against each other in his hands. He turns a corner and sees a church, an inhabited one, at that. He walks down the street, his frayed suit coat soaking up the warmth of the sun.

He walks into the church. "Hello?" He calls out.
Mine said:
A click, perhaps familiar for most of those inside the room, was barely heard across.
Safety off.

A boy stood just a few meters away from the gathering, entering unceremounisly inside, gun pointed at the man who clearly could not keep his hands to himself. For this young man, something definitely felt very wrong here. Or maybe he was just jumping to conclusion, who knows.
"Hands off." His voice is menacing, filled with a tranquil fury he is clearly not used to experience.

(first there is a guard at the door and secound how do you know where they are and you would have to have gotten through 50 bandits to get to the bedroom which has no windows and this is takking place in a aprtment building)
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Slasher999999999 said:
he would cut off the rest,of her clothes leaving her completely naked
She glares at him. "Come on TTH! Those were my good clothes!" She whines jokingly. Then flips him off.
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