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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Kira came back downstairs from where she'd brought Ashlie to change her. When she walked downstairs, she was surprised at the scene. "Uh...Keon?" She asked quietly, walking over to where he was and wrapping an arm around his waist. "What the hell happened while I was gone?" she laughed and looked down at her sleeping daughter.
Avery looked up at her, "He's being an asshole. Don't tell him he's using baby powder. This shit is hilarious!" He said, covered in white baby powder
Avery sat back, "Can you let us go?" He asked, as he spat out some of the white powder. He slid his left arm from the shackles, as there was no hand to hold it in.
She smiled slightly. "Why am I honestly not surprised?" She laughed and looked back down at Ashlie, who was reaching up for Keon. "Oh dear. She's attached to you." She laughed.
She turned to look at Jason. "Hello Jason" she laughed slightly at his current condition. "Ashlie's fine, but you probably won't be after this. What did you do to get yourself in this situation?"
He looked at Avery "This jackass had a chance but he ruined it when he gassed the food, and fractured my jaw," he is twitching more.
"I'm proud of what I did." Avery said coldly, as he glared at Jason. He eyed his jaw, and found it was slightly crooked. Avery smirked, proud of what he'd done, despite his lack of a wrist.
"Language" she growled, staring him down and motioned to Ashlie. "She may be sleeping but she can still hear things."
Jason laughed "Keep laughing Pirate cause soon I shoot ya other arm. Then you won't have nothing to make fun of anymore. Maybe i'll shoot your eye out to help with your get-up."
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Avery got a little pissed, "Oh will you now? Cowboy wannabe son of a-" He was cut off by a small whine from The sleeping newborn, "Son of a kind, and loving mother. You are truly a unique individual, sir." Avery said, still cold, and heartless, still honoring the new mother's wishes for her child.
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Jason smirks and whispers "I'm the wannabe, I ain't the emo who cries into Mira's shoulder, and don't play that-I mean I thank you for being a wonderful person" he stays quiet after that feeling better.
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Avery simply sighed, and took the insult, knowing he deserved it.

[QUOTE="White Shamrock]Jason smirks and whispers "I'm the wannabe, I ain't the emo who cries into Mira's shoulder" he stays quiet after that feeling better.

She sighed, taking out her gun and shooting the floor between the two. It wasn't a loud shot, but it's volume was high enough to let them know it was there. "Will you two please shut the hell up?"
keon would gently take ashlie from Kira hand rock her back and forth gently whilee cooiing at her, keons eyes would sparkle slightly
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