Zoids - Bio War

I'm afraid I'm gonna have to call it a night guys. I'll post tomorrow morning ASAP. I have some things to work out with Tree as well so I just don't think I'm able to do it now. Sorry ;-;
@XxDeAwesomeNessxX Actually, captains would not be responsible for paying the mercenaries at all. The person who would they would need to talk to would be Jacob Saunders, the mercenary liaison. Army officers have nothing to do with a soldier or mercenary's pay.

Also, if people could hold off on posts interacting with @DamagedGlasses, @Morridan, or myself for a few hours as @DamagedGlasses and I are trying to finish up a collab post that we started yesterday. Everyone time someone adds a new interaction, we have to keep adding to the collab post.
I know that. Xp I was stating I was gonna take you to someone. I guess the way i wrote it seems like it was that I'll edit it.

I edited it, sorry about the mix up.
And is she talking to Rylie? You haven't mentioned her in your post at all but you pinged me, and Rylie sorta moved away from them, I think..

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