- Zodiac - [Inactive]

One moment… two… three moments…

Each felt like a heartbeat to Akira as the world was going more and more silent. Each and every thought contained a different possibility of the “thing” that would emerge from the river not even a leap’s distance from her. Continuing to proceed with caution, Akira crept from partially behind the tree, inching toward the rocks on which she originally sat when the fell wind from earlier began to blow. She began sighing in relief that no atoning response was wrought by this sudden onslaught of her own stupidity, coupled with an insatiable curiosity which drove her to proceed. Standing on the rock, she looked further. The waters had long since calmed. For this to be a calm river, that area had to be deep in particular for nothing to have moved as of yet. If whatever landed was drowning, surely she’d have seen the surface water stirring from its futile efforts for survival. The fact that no movement could be seen even from where she stood, gave her the understanding that whatever was thrown was likely killed before it landed upon the river waters. She then looked to the shrubbery it rolled over in almost a skid, from where the thing must have been thrown.

It’s like it left a trail. Whatever threw that thing must’ve been incredibly strong.” She thought, looking at the waters a final time before hopping over the rocks along the riverbank and eventually reaching the shrubbery nearby. “This isn’t smart. If that thing doesn’t know it killed its victim, it may follow the skid trail the prey left in an effort to find and probably devour it.” She stood to the side of the marks, enshrouding herself in the shadows of the greenery as best she could, follow the noises being made in the distance. Shortly, a great flash of light lasting for a matter of seconds nearly blinded her. Quickly, she ducked behind the nearest large tree she could find. “W-what the hell…?” She whispered as quietly as she could. “Who’s using a flare in broad daylight?” Hesitantly, she peered up, unable to hear the words being had between any of the fighters standing only a matter of feet away from her area. Smoke filled the opening but from a short distance she could definitely see figures stirring. The girl’s mind began to race. “Whatever was thrown from here… it had to have been by a powerful animal or an explosion! Right! The noises I kept hearing! Are these people what caused it!? It’d definitely explain all the smoke in the area, but whoever’s moving within this smoke… it’s not an animal.” Instantly, her eyes caught an immobilized figure near a tree nearby. It was a male and he appeared to be hurt to the extent that he couldn’t move, but there was so much risen debris in the area that she couldn’t completely tell. It was then that her eyes caught the defining features, the most different of which was the attire. But the face was definitely recognizable…


|Battle Prairie|


Dario squinted his eyes at the little slip of kanji written paper Len had placed on his scepter. "Is that..? No.. What is that?" Dario backstepped and charged up a stronger jolt of lightning. He held his palm out, aimed at Len. As the energy hummed, and increased in pitch the jumping arcs of lightning grew stronger and sparked more violently. "Fry." A ball of light inflated in front of Dario's palm just as he was about to fire... A hard kick connected with his back, throwing him forward. The focus he had on his bolt was lost, and the energy settled. He turned behind him, to find a battle ready Angelo. Legs spread, feet planted firmly on the ground, and an open palm extended outward. "Dario." Dario's eyes sprung wide, it was an awful coincidence to have seem Angelo again. "The meteor that destroyed Old City." Almost caught up in a grim reunion, Dario had almost forgotten about Len coming down towards him. As quickly as he could, he threw a shield of Earth behind him to temporarily ward off the guardian.

|Following beside Adonna|

|Take in that fresh air|

"Aaaah, don't you just love that fresh air? I used to practice in places like these. Sparring, meditating, hell-- Even fish. T'was good ole' days. It's the most I can remember about my past life." Ulysses had phased into existence at Adonna's side. He had his hands held behind his back, floating alongside the silent giant. "So Adonna. How did you like my old host, mmm? I felt something familiar close by you. I wish I had a better way of putting it... Ahah." Ulysses had whisked up a rock from off the ground. The stone orbited around his wrists with the use of telekinesis. "Ah... Seeing him again makes me realize you've a loooot to learn ma'dear."


-Brookfield Mountain-

-Interacting with Her Study Crew

      • Climbing Equipment (takes up most of the space)(x2)
      • Flashlight (x1)
      • Batteries (x2)
      • Empty Chip Bag (x1)
      • Camera (x1)
      • Pocky (x1)

The climb up was not so bad for Alice though she did have to be careful on the rocks she steps on. One false move and they would all be falling since Alice was the one in the front. Alice knew the procedures in climbing and the danger that could happen at every step they took up. If anything were to happen, Alice would have to use all her strength just to make it work out but with the weight of them and the wind picking up, it made Alice need to work harder, gripping onto the rocks tightly and pulling them up little by little so the back could catch up with her. If she was doing this alone or Zage wasn't so sick, she could have done this in seconds and they would be able to get the flower just before the sun set over the trees but sadly they were gonna be here for a while.

The wind continued to smack at them, trying to break their grip and make them fall to their doom but Alice didn't budge, pulling on through the current of air blowing into her face. Finally, Alice saw the top, trees above them and reaching out, she grabbed hold of the surface above and pulled herself up onto the top of the mountain but once she was up, she noticed a dark, eerie cave before them. Alice didn't expect to find a cave so soon but it seemed that they were either lucky or dead meat.

"A cave?" Alice mumbled and pulled on the rope to help the others get up faster, her tug a bit too hard as some of them kind of went flying upward and safely landing onto the ground,"Oops... too much force." Alice thought and scrambled through her bag for her flashlight. Taking her flashlight out, she heard strange "twinkle" sounds and glanced back at her group with concern,"Seems we encounter a cave... I need you guys to stay close and don't do anything stupid here, a cave is not something to go messing around in so Zage, please keep close to us at all cost, I don't want anything to happen." Alice said and flashed on her flashlight,"Don't yell or do anything loud... we don't want to disturb whatever could be in here." Alice said and lead them into the dark cave with her flashlight the only source of light.

-I was gonna let two people stay behind (Sam and Zage) but I think a group is more fun~ >:3-


- - -



| Saturday |

| September 27, 2014 |

| Wilderness |

| On top of the mountain ; Cave entrance |

Upon stepping into the darkness of the cave, a fierce gust of wind blew backwards from within the cave, like a draft, or wind tunnel. It would have been figured as so if it wasn't for the strange vibe coming from the place. The same vibe given when Hollows were near. The entire cave screamed danger, but as they descended down into it's depths, all that could be heard was the faint dripping of trapped rain water.

Tyrik manifested herself beside Alice. At this point in time, she hadn't known Clark could see her, let alone being a host.
"Easy." She laid an armored hand on Alice's shoulder. "You don't see it, but there are dozens of spirits here. They're not aggressive, and pose no threat to you." On the ethereal side of things, small, crow-like birds were scattered within the cave. Their feathers and flesh missing in some areas, but all around they seemed rather pathetic, and poorly fed.

Further down the cave would have been another entrance, on the opposite side of the mountain. It was a much smaller clearing than the platform the four had climbed up on, and it only consisted of a patch of green grass and various flowers. It felt like their target could be hidden within them.

| Wilderness |

| Just next to an open field |

Dominic felt that the time of resting was over. During his downtime, his body was being mended by the surrounding debris in the air. It did little to soothe the actual pain he had, but it did however patch up the open wounds and restore bruises. Knowing this, he diverted all of his energy into his limbs to stand, only to end up slumping against the tree with his shoulder. "We need to get you to someone who can properly tend to you." "No.. I can keep going." The determination in Dominic's tone was truthful. He felt a need to keep fighting when it was apparent his friends were in danger just as much as he was. If Len fell, who else would stand in Dario's way? He could easily pick the rest of the hosts off, since they were completely oblivious to the event. Dominic was just about ready to march back off into battle...

| Wilderness |

| Open field |

The appearance of Angelo aided along with Dario's wall to falter Len's advance. The boy stood temporarily confused at the base of the wall, before ultimately deciding to sprint around it all together. Still, this cut off a lot of time for him.

|Battle Prairie|

|Hit it|

Angelo clicked his teeth. Hearing that title brought back some bad memories. A sour title, really. "I hate being called that. We both know the damage was mutual." Dario teased Angelo with a confident chuckle. "But who was the one who exposed himself, AND leveled a city in the process? The public believed it was you. Until it was passed off as a quake. Still. You're not a welcome site at Brookfield. As far as I recall, you were depor--" Angelo threw an impressively quick right jab. His fist propelled towards Dario's head. Dario sidestepped the punch, avoiding a broken nose. The force of the punch was great enough to break into the dry dirt wall he conjured up. With him to Angelo's side he saw this as a perfect opportunity to counter attack. Hand charged, he launched his palm towards Angelo's neck. From the corner of his eye, Angelo saw the attack coming. He spun his body around and caught Dario's arm, halting the attack. Angelo then followed up with a left elbow that crashed into Dario's nose sellion. You could hear Dario's nose crunch from the blow. Stunned, and in panic Dario called up a pillar of Earth under Angelo's feet. The rising pillar threw the man over Dario. Angelo took this air time to his advantage. Once aligned right with Dario's back, he threw his legs out, mule kicking him. Dario was thrown forward more, in line of Len. When he hit the ground, he rolled onto his back and hopped back to his feet using his two arms like piston springs.
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    • tumblr_n7ho6kePzO1smqpouo1_500.png

      **Fixed, whoops.

| Ca-- We are in the freaking woods |

| Lost....? |

Hotaru was following Nikky but her mind was cursing off everything. She was yelling at the branches for growing in places that would jab her in the rib-cage. She cursed out on the bunnies for looking hideously cute. Hotaru swore at the bushes that she thought might be poisonous. She was having a grand time yelling at nature.

The girl was very glad that Nikky wasn't able to hear her thoughts, or else she would have been labeled as crazy. There was already enough talk about her being some type of Satanist. They were right....partially. She could go into the whole subject and ramble on and on about how she wasn't a dedicated satanist and she only wanted to mess with the dark forces. If anything, she didn't really believe much in the devil or ghosts. That was before she met Marabel and had these dreams with her friends. She was a bit glad, her silly pastimes had helped out her friends.

Her thoughts were snapped when her friend let out a low noise. She looked around, blinking a bit as she realized that she had no idea where she was. Nikky seemed to conflicted because she had stopped walking all together. Nikky was looking around identifying every sound that came to play. Hotaru stayed still waiting for Nikky to do something. Her patience was thin and lasted about ten seconds, "What's wrong?" was written on her slate within five seconds.
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|By the river, somewhere close to Akira, I guess?|

|With Nakamura|

For a moment Nikky couldn't hear anything, and for a few seconds she had quiet before it all started back up again. She looked at Hotaru with a reassuring smile before heading off again. Her faith sorta wavered and honestly, so did Nikky's faith in herself for a moment.

It was hard to pinpoint just where the noises came from so she continued towards the loudest soundwave, the rushing of a river; a grin was on her face. It reminded her of the times she spent exploring her backyard when no one was watching. Her family had always told her not to go running around in the woods by herself when she was little, but Nikky had learned a loophole: as long as she wasn't caught, everything was fine. She did a lot of sneaking around as a kid, so it was second impulse when she crouched low as she reached the edge of the forest to the river before her. She realized her action and laughed at herself before standing up straight and approaching the rushing water. Seeing the water reminded her of a bad experience she once had as a kid, she looked at Hotaru feeling like it would be best to warn her now,

"Don't drink the river water if it's untreated, else you might get giardia." Nikky paused a moment remembering Nakamura might not know what that is, "In short, it gives you diarrhea. You don't want diarrhea here." Giardia took some time to get in effect and since they were just going to stay for the weekend it probably wouldn't be much of a big deal.

Nikky felt antsy, this was unlike her. She shook her head in an attempt to wave away those feelings and continued up the river. Now that she had Hotaru here she wanted to ask her something,

"So, why is it you don't talk?" She had already heard her speak, yet she still persisted in using a board. She figured it was because they were with others but Nakamura still used a board even though they were away from the campsite and any other souls. It's not like the board was the easiest way to communicate though she commended the girl for being able to write so fast. She also had another question concerning her Zodiac, Caroline was it? She was bad with names. Cara-lin? Merlin? Laroco? For the life of her, she couldn't remember the name Elijah had told her. Now that she thought about it where was the female Zodiac? Her mind was wondering and focused back on Pinky, waiting for her to answer her question.



Love, Tapatalk


-Brookfield Mountain | A Dark Cave Filled with Dead birds and shiz-

-Interacting with Her Study Crew who she may sacrifice-

      • Climbing Equipment (takes up most of the space)(x2)
      • Flashlight (x1)
      • Batteries (x2)
      • Empty Chip Bag (x1)
      • Camera (x1)
      • Pocky (x1)

Once they stepped inside, a strong gust of wind blew from the cave, almost knocking Alice off her feet but she kept her ground and tried to move forward but a strange vibe told her that she needed to be on guard which she already knew but this vibe meant something else... like a hollow was near. Alice wasn't sure what it was but she knew that this was for real now. Taking step after step, carefully making her way through the cave, she swayed the light over the walls of the cave, making sure there was nothing. The cave was very dark and she couldn't see anything except the flashlight.

The sound of water dripping and her footsteps along with the others could only be heard as the wind blew on. Her breathing was soft and slow so nothing would hear her but then she felt something touch her shoulder glancing back to see Tyrik by her side but the sight of her old friend after many days passed surprised Alice a bit but she didn't jump, only flinched a bit but quickly regain her composure,"Spirits?..." Alice thought and looked around them only to see nothing but darkness.

Flashing the light over to a corner, she noticed some strange looking birds, the poor creatures looked terrible and Alice couldn't help but feel pitiful for the poor creatures but at the same time she couldn't bring herself to them now, this cave was luring with danger. These birds could be one of the danger and Alice needed to be on her guard so she flicked the light over another wall so the others wouldn't see them, hot wanting them to go towards them and if anything, she wished for them just to stay put and don't do anything but follow the light.

Getting deeper into the cave, Alice saw a small light ahead, quickening her pace and tugging on the rope gently so they knew the signal. Quickly but silently making her way to the entrance, Alice shielded her eyes from the bright light, blinking to clear away the blindness. Looking around her, they seemed the had came through the other side of the mountain and were in a meadow of flowers, Alice astonished by how many different types of flowers there were.

The sight of the many colorful plants were amazing but they weren't the one Alice was looking for. Putting her flashlight back in the bag, Alice turned to her group to check if everyone was here,"We made it out alive surprisingly and now here we are in some kind of flower paradise... but these are not the flower we are looking for exactly." Alice stated and sighed,"We better start searching for it so I have a plan, we split this place in four spaces and each of us take that space." Alice suggested,"I'll take the top left of this part, Sam you take the top right, Clark you take the one below Sam's part and Zage can take the one at the bottom left. Now let's get searching." Alice said and went off to her side of the field while the others did their little search.

The flower wasn't gonna be easy to just pick and take, they needed something sharp and luckily Alice had the tool for it but she needed to be careful when cutting it, one bad move and the flower would die in seconds before they even got back to camp. Scavenging through the many plants, Alice couldn't seem to find the flower no matter how hard she tried. It seemed that this plant was must more rarer than they thought, the sun beating down on them as they tried to search the field,"Nothing... Tyrik do you know where the flower could be?" Alice asked her ghostly friend since she was here though Tyrik would maybe be of no help since she wasn't here for the most part to know what had happened the past few days.

-If you're confused with what part of the field you search in, it doesn't really matter, just search for the plant xD -
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/AD01077AiDee.png.6aca7c536254028640cd253d14ce6142.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21127" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/AD01077AiDee.png.6aca7c536254028640cd253d14ce6142.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

- In the Trees / w Nature Appreciator -

It seemed that despite being just armor, Ulysses could interact and feel the world as anything flesh and blood could. In this case, appreciate the fresh air. It seemed the knight was in the reminiscing mood as well, just like that chaperon.

"Old host...? Be-" No, that made no sense. Adonna had earlier assumed that the Zodiac's old host was no longer in existence, and that was why he'd chosen a new one, but this disproved that. Wait... "Angelo?" she ventured a guess. It made sense, no? He was older, a martial artist, and... "Yeah, he's... pleasant," she sighed, "and interacts with people like I do."

"Ah... Seeing him again makes me realize you've a loooot to learn ma'dear."

She laughed at Ulysses' statement. "Like a martial art?" she joked, "I don't think I have the personality for that."



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Climbing the mountain ---> Inside a cave

With Alice, Sam & Zage

Clark kept a strong grip on the mountain face despite the sudden strong winds trying to pull him off. Clark's eyes shot down to look at Zage. Glaring? What? Who does she think she is. Clark thought to himself as he now began to glare at Zage. Before Clark could say anything Alice yanked the three of them up with surprising strength. Although he landed with a hard thud he was happy to be inside and let his hands rest. No doubt they'd be sore tomorrow. After standing about and dusting himself off Clark was about to go on a tangent about Zage . However, his voice escaped as he saw...something appear behind Alice. She seemed to notice it but then continue walking through the cave. Clark followed Alice and the rest of his group at a snails pace, he didn't want to lose them or stay out of the flashlights range but he didn't dare stay too close to the 'thing' behind Alice. Once Alice stopped and began giving everyone instructions Clark remained frozen on the spot, not listening to what Alice had to say. His legs failed to work and his voice still refused to work. He simply stood on the spot, his body stiff and his eyes widened in fear as he stared at whatever it was that was standing behind Alice. It wasn't until Alice had finished that he finally spoke with a measly voice. "A...Alice..." Was all Clark could muster as he shakily raised his handed and pointed to what was behind Alice.

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| Guh, by a river |

| Fifteen feet away from death and a friend |

Nikky gave her a smile that said that everything was alright. Hotaru blinked a bit and nodded as she gained her trust back in her. They neared a river, it wasn't a surprise or anything, but Hotaru felt a bit surprised. The water was a bit hypnotizing and she felt like she should be scared of it. Hotaru took steps back towards the trees. She was fine with trees, but water was a no no. She could hear the rushing of water get more intense. Hotaru rubbed her cheek as she stayed by the trees.

Waiting for Nikky to move away from the water. Hotaru watched as Nikky examined the water and warn Hotaru. Hotaru puffed her cheeks and stood by the large oaks of the forests, "No need to warn me." She murmured. Noticing that Nikky was by the river and she won't be able to hear her words, Hotaru wrote out a different and much more cheerful sounding message, "Oh okay! Don't worry, I wasn't thirsty anyways~"

She held the slate out as she walked. Nikky and Hotaru continued up the river, Nikky was by the river and Hotaru by the trees. There was about a five meter distance from the two. It was a nice atmosphere until Nikky directly asked as to why Hotaru doesn't talk. She would have spat out something if she could, like a cartoon spit take. She swallowed the spit in her throat as she held the smudged slate close. Simple answer or a complicated one that will make everything more confusing than it has to be.

Rubbing the back of her head, she shrugged. She even drew an emoticon on her slate, "┐(´-`)┌ It's too loud." It wasn't enough for an explanation, but she really didn't know what to say. Hotaru decided to let some words slip. The loud rushing water would keep it from being heard anyways, "Paranoid, that's all."


Flower Hunting

Alice, Sam, Clark

Zage sighed and coughed as she glared back. After behind yanked onto the top, landing on her butt with a thud, she got up and looked around while following behind everyone into the cave. After a bit of walking she felt a tug on the rope and went the rest of the way into the cave. She looked around the cave, quite amazed as Alice told them what do to. Nodding she did as Alice told her went to the lower left side of the cave. She saw tons of flowers, ranging from blue, pink, yellow, green, red, and purple but she couldn't find the purple one they needed. "So, what do we do if we find it?" she asks Alice.


|Floating besides Adonna|

|Oh Angelo|

"A martial art is a start." Ulysses remarked, increasing the speed of the orbiting rock. "Angelo surprisingly is a lot like you. At least, he's as hot headed as I've noticed you can be. Tis' why he took up an art." Ulysses' fireballs for eyes narrowed, mimicking a pair of sullen eyes. The small rock orbited his wrist one more time before falling into his palm, with a tiny "clank" noise once it made contact with his metal palm. "Ah.. But, he wanted a normal life. I knew he longed for it. I joined him when he was a few years older than you. Maybe a year or tw-- Oh goodness, listen to me ramble. Am I encroaching upon that age already? Bwahaha!" Ulysses tossed up the rock and caught it in his hand. "Ma' dear. The good thing about having me around is that your reflexes and discipline improve so much that you eventually teach yourself an art. Angelo had an art under his belt before hosting me. So good golly was he quite the young lion. Don't worry. As long as you develop, so to does your abilities you share with me." Ulysses peered at his stone, then shifted his orbs over to Adonna. "Think fast." Ulysses flicked the stone with his thumb over towards Adonna's shoulder.


< - -



| Saturday |

| September 27, 2014 |

| Wilderness |

| Mountain ; Inside of a cave |

And so, the small band of short-tempered students swiftly went to work on finding their prized flower. All the while, Tyrik reclined back on her own source of blue flame as it acted like a seat for her. She hadn't noticed Clark's stammering voice. Hell, she didn't even care to notice any of the three besides Alice herself. Her host threw all of her effort into finding some random flower. "Nothing..." The two made 'eye' contact for a brief moment. "Tyrik do you know where the flower could be?" "Do I look like someone who spends their free time in dirt?" Almost immediately the Zodiac felt a ping of guilt in her being, forcing her to answer differently. "..No. I wouldn't know."


A thunderous boom echoed over the forest as a dark clouds moved in, covering the setting sun and the surrounding sky. Instantly, the atmospheres above shifted to a dark reddish hue as rain started to poor down intensively. It was followed by lightning that struck down seemingly near.

| Wilderness |

| Open field |

Angelo was a surprisingly skillful combatant against Dario. It was worthy of noting that the two shared a history, something Len ear hustled whilst rounding the wall. However, he had to hold back as the two engaged in close quarter fighting. When Len's opportunity arose, he darted towards the recovering Dario. Just as the attacking man got on his two feet, Len was there to deliver a swift prod with one end of his staff. If and when it hit, he flicked it up to smack it into Dario's recoiled face and finish his assault with a back spinning kick to the gut.
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The sounds of fighting filled the area while Akira remained posted amongst the shrubbery just outside the plains. The smoke that filled the area was clearing and Dominic was once again on his feet, though only temporarily as he involuntarily slumped back onto the tree using his shoulder to quell the impact that his body withdrew. Examining closely, Akira saw him mouth a few words, though she couldn’t make all of them out. She was near enough to the struggling boy that, under normal circumstances, she’d have been able to hear him. However it was the constant battle sounds that drowned everything out for her. Resisting the urge to speak, Akira instead decided to crouch further into the shrubbery and stand against a nearby tree, watching the scene while half hugging the trunk in case she needed to make a quick and stealthy hiding maneuver.

What the hell does he think he’s doing?! He’s hurt and he’s trying to jump back into this blind fight!” Finally looking over, Akira was able to catch a glimpse of the current combatants, the most recognizable of which was Len. The other face, Angelo, was also a face from the camp that Akira had recently seen. “This can’t be… both of the chaperones are—fighting each other… no. There’s a third person.” Immediately her eyes caught the figure of Dario, though not fully able to make out a face. Peering further to the scene, each turn to be made during the fight made her wary that she’d be caught. Fully, she turned her figure behind the tree to hide, thoughts running rampid about the cause of the situation. This appeared to be something from some type of movie. There were even weapons involved, but the image of it all both intrigued and frightened Akira all at once. “There are four… no. ‘The one in the river that I saw earlier is likely gone.’ There WERE five involved in this. Now there are four. Dominic was able to rest and was vulnerable, so chances are that Angelo and Len are helping him, but then that’d be three against one unless the one that was thrown into the river was—” The sound of a thunderous boom interrupted Akira’s thought process as she looked upward, viewing the darkening of the skies above. “My luck…


-Brookfield Mountain | Flower Paradise -> The Dark, Scary Cave-

-Interacting with Her Study Crew who she may sacrifice-

      • Climbing Equipment (takes up most of the space)(x2)
      • Flashlight (x1)
      • Batteries (x2)
      • Empty Chip Bag (x1)
      • Camera (x1)
      • Pocky (x1)
      • Bag of Chip (x1)

The response that Alice got from Tyrik was quite rude as Alice was about to snap at her but Tyrik corrected herself as she said it in a more nicer way. Alice was surprised to see that Tyrik had suddenly started to be kinder little by little. The first time they met wasn't very pleasant and just thinking back at it made Alice angry at how Tyrik humiliated her but Alice got over it after spending these little times with Tyrik. The strange spirit had helped her out many times and Alice couldn't deny that she owe her a lot giving her the power to protect herself even with her friends but the most part was Alice herself. She had the will to fight and Tyrik was only a small part of what was helping Alice along the battles that faced so far but Alice still thought she needed to at least give something back to Tyrik for everything that had happened,"That's fine Tyrik, I'll search for it until then." Alice said and continued on her search.

Wiping the sweat from her brows, Alice turned to look at Zage as she asked what they would do with the plant,"Well, just call for me and I'll cut it out since I know what to do so don't touch it. It's not something you can just pull out of the ground so easily." Alice warned and was about to continue her search when... Clark suddenly gasped and called out to Alice in almost like a whisper, looking over at him to see his face pale white,"Yes Clark?... is something wrong?" Alice asked confused why Clark was acting strange all of a sudden when the sound of a loud drum burst in the air, Alice glancing up at the sky to see the dark clouds cover the sky,"Woah, when did it become like this?" Alice thought but before she could do anything, the rain came down instantly soaking Alice and everyone in a shower of water,"Get back into the cave quickly!" Alice called out and ran off into the cave that they came out of earlier.

Shaking herself off, Alice pulled out her flashlight and turned it on so they would be able to see. Outside the cave, the rain poured down hard onto the ground making it wet and muddy, the thunder roared loudly along with the flashes of raindrops rubbing against one another to create the zig-zag lights that could burn down anything if touched by it. It was already afternoon and Alice had only just started their search after climbing the mountain and here she was soaked wet to the bone and taking shelter in a dark cave that screamed with danger,"Great... now it'll take us longer to find the flower." Alice mumbled and looked around her group who were all wet,"Shit... I should have bought some extra clothes... maybe a blanket too." Alice thought, mentally smacking herself for not being fully prepared but the rain just came out of no where so how was Alice suppose to know.

Alice could have made a fire if they had collected some wood but she had totally forgot about it and now all the wood would be wet anyways so there was no point in making one. She didn't have any supplies that could help them keep warm and dry off their clothes so they were all miserably sitting here on the hard floor of the cave that blew with freezing cold air and what made it worse was that Zage was sick. With all this terrible weather and temperature, Zage must be burning hot with a fever by now as Alice glanced at her way,"Zage, how are you holding?" Alice asked concern for her health.
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The Caaaaaaaave


Sam sighs as the rain starts to pour down like some sort of inverted flood. He occasionally looks over from his spot out into the cave entrance where the water pours down like some sort of bucket fed machine. Sighing he goes through his bag, pulling out some basic foodstuffs that will keep them fed, as well as a small blanket big enough for two people at the most. He looksaround then sighs. "This is all I brought with me, sorry. I didn't expect to get stuck with a group." He laughs. "A bit dumb of me huh, I knew about the outing but didn't prepare as well as I could have." He then goes to the meager food pile and pulls out the marshmallow bag that he was so excited to make into some sort of campfire treat, he starts handing a few marshmallows out, even though he's clearly exhausted. "Cheer up guys, it could be worse." He smiles. "Nobody's hurt, so we have that. The storm should blow over soon." He slumps back against the wall for a second time, exhausted look on his face saying he's too tired to be his normal cheery self.


Sick as a..Something that's really sick

Alice, Sam, Clark

Zage squealed and ran into the cave, slipping on mud. They had made a fire and Zage was currently sitting next to it. Looking up to Alice she shrugs and coughs. "One second I'm shivering and another I'm burning up. But don't worry about me, I don't want to mess up our hunt for the flower." Zage gave her a forced smile as she grabs her bag, "Hey Alice, need a dry shirt? I know my pants probably wouldn't fit you." she says with a small laugh as she grabs her bag, to grab her spare clothes, flashlight, and her camera. She turns it on and looks through the lens to snap a couple pictures of the cave and the group.


The cave


Sam, after resting for a short time stands up. "You know, I don't think I'd ever been caving before, you know how weird it is when you think about it?" He laughs. "We climbed up a mountain in the hopes of finding a flower. It took us a good chunk of the day to do it too. And we might not even be able to find it because of the rain." He chuckles. "Its weird how things can be just out of our control huh? Like rain in the wind, just trying to get by without going too far off course." He looks around at the other three. "Sorry for dragging everyone into this, it was my idea to look for the flower, we wouldn't be up here if it wasn't for me." He stands up, a determined look on his face again. "Now, rain is just water falling from the sky. So if you'll excuse me, I have a flower to find." He starts walking back towards the small field-esque area where they were searching. Turning his hat around so his neck doesn't get splattered. (Which we can all agree is an unpleasant feeling.) He drops to his knees and starts searching. Rain won't kill him, the worst thing that could happen is he gets a bad cold, and if it means he makes this trip worthwhile, Sam's fine getting a runny nose for a few days. "C'mon you stupid thing...show yourself." He mumbles to himself as the rain falls around him. After clearing out his quadrant, he moves onto Zage's. He'll find this flower one way or another.

|On the scene|

|With Hotaru|

Nikky looked over at the girl reading her body language, apparently she wasn't a fan of the river from what she could tell. Hotaru distancing herself by practically a mile was just a small hint. Nikky walked closer to her and shook her head, a smirk stuck on her face. She watched the girl scribble, her hand darting across the board and the marker bobbing.

"┐(´-`)┌ It's too loud."

"Paranoid, that's all."

Nikky pointed to her ears, there was hardly anything she DIDN'T hear, not something she could just cut off either. She wondered if she should tell Hotaru about Elijah, but then again, it might just jinx her peace, so no. The girl suddenly crouched down as the noises became louder, they were really close. She knew this was no matter to joke around, they had walked onto a battlefield. She felt like watching her feet for land mines. This moment reminded her of her time with Clark and Ukime when they were dodging bullets like a war movie.Her eyes lit up, she always liked thriller movies best though.

As she was peeking she noticed a girl, who she didn't recognize, looking from behind a tree. "wh-" Nikky's words got stuck in her throat as a boom sounded over her head, she wasn't prepared for rain and she could feel a drop hitting her skin. Crap. She turned her attention back onto Akira, the girl was looking off at a certain point. Where the noise was loudest, she cringed a bit at the volume before her ears turned it all down to a hush. Strange. She got a bit closer to get a better look to see the fight.

She got so caught up, she forgot Hotaru was still there. She glanced backwards to be sure she hadn't left her behind.

Can see Akira. (kinda)

Across from where Akira is located.

Can hardly see the fight.

Hiding in bushes.

In front of Hotaru.


|Battle Prairie|


Dario was pushed into the brunt of Len's swinging scepter. The scepter made the ringing sound of metal colliding with bone. Dario had enough of his wits about him to drop his two forearms, guarding his abdomen to protect himself from Len's incoming kick. The force of the kick was strong enough to push Dario back, his heels digging into the soil. "Dammit!" Dario cried out, rubbing his jaw. "This close quarters combat isn't in favor of my techniques. I'll have to fall back for now. But at least I know who else is on their side. One of those Guardian folk, and Angelo. Never thought I'd see his face again." The outline of Dario's body began to glow blue. The light intensified, and soon he was being engulfed by space itself. Angelo saw his escape, and was quick to attempt at interrupting. He sprinted over to Dario and leaped up for a mid-air roundhouse, but his leg hadn't reached Dario in time. The man had vanished just before the kick connected. "Sh*t!" Angelo landed back onto the ground, spinning on his feet. "He got away. What the hell was Dario doing attacking? I haven't seen him since the Old City incident with that giant Hollow." Angelo stuffed his hands back into his pockets and turned around to face Len. From behind Len he could spot Dominic prepped up by a tree, still hanging on. "Well at least the kid is alright... Anyone else you know of hurt, Len?"

|Camp Mutton|

|Wakey wakey|

Damian's eyes had opened back up, and he could see the setting sun on the horizon. Following was a clump of thick, dark clouds. Looks like a storm was brewing... "If it rain's I'm sh*t out of luck... No umbrella. I really should have thought this through." Damian shifted into his shadowy state and slithered down the bark of the tree. He looked around the camp and it looked pretty empty. Not many students were hanging around, so Damian could only assume they all went on their own adventure. "Guess I can just hang out here--" His monologue was interrupted by a very loud, growling stomach. He hasn't eaten much since the trip, and even before so. He didn't really eat a nice breakfast aside from Farra's cheesecake. The rumbling was quite uncomfortable, with how strong it was. "I need to eat something." Damian wondered if one of the chaperons had some food stored in case of situations like these. But Damian's embarrassment wouldn't allow him to even go and consider it. "Mmrph.." Damian sat down on the ground, and huddled himself, while staring at the embers left behind from the fire. Wasn't much else for the boy to do. Hadn't a clue where Dominic went, he wasn't going over to the girls' side by himself, and he surely wasn't going into the wilderness by himself. Damian kept his focus on the embers, watching the wood cackle and glow a warm orange. "You could always go find a beehive. Honeycomb is actually pretty good." Lance suggested, appearing from literally nowhere. Damian looked at his Zodiac and simply huffed, blowing some hair out of his face.

|Oh hello Nikky|

|Hooooooooooo' the outdoooooooooors|

A thin, yet pretty strong arm locked around Nikky's shoulder. A freckled, orange haired face had rested on Nikky's shoulder with a wide grin on her face. "Heyo, Nikky dahling." Elijah called out. "So you're out camping huh? About time you had some adventure! Have you ventured out yet? Took a hike? Watched some wildlife? Sang a campfire song~" Elijah let Nikky go and placed her hands on her hips whilst looking down expectantly towards her host, hoping to get some juicy answers. From the corner of her eye, she also noticed her pink haired friend. She wasn't sure if the girl could see her, but it was worth making a silly wave towards her.
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| Saturday |

| September 27, 2014 |

| Wilderness |

| Open field |

The swift barrage of attacks Len threw Dario's way hit with ease, though the impacts weren't as great as it would have been against a Hollow. This was a complete human, one who had more than likely had Zodiac experience longer than Len had been walking. Luckily, the man dissipated before any more harm could be delivered on either side. "Sh*t! He got away. What the hell was Dario doing attacking? I haven't seen him since the Old City incident with that giant Hollow." Meanwhile, Len flicked his staff once into the air, the steel pole retracting to a handheld cube which landed perfectly in the palm of his hand. The charm falling as well. "Well at least the kid is alright... Anyone else you know of hurt, Len?" "No." The boy glanced around his surroundings. The area was a mess, and showed clear signs of a fight of otherworldly proportions. Len ran a hand through his short hair before catching Dominic approaching the 'earth' dome created earlier. Meanwhile, Kenshi approached the two.

"You know that man?" The wolf asked, his ears flickering a little. Dominic had luckily been able to shift into the dome and back out with his travel bag. In doing this, he overheard the conversation being held and was also approaching them. "Is.. Is he gone for good?" He asked as the rain poured on.

|Open Prairie|

|Old City incident|

Angelo nodded towards the wolf. "You're Kenshi? Right? Boone's old Zodiac. Lucky that I can still see em'. Guess it's just the exposure. Heh." Angelo turned to Dominic, seeing the boy was pretty shaken. "I don't know. Can't say, I haven't a clue why he would be after you. Or anyone here." Rain drops hit Angelo's forehead, trickling down to his nose. He gazed up at the darkening sky, watching the rain hail down from above. "Yeah, well... I know of him. He was present during the cataclysm of Old City. As I like to call it. There's was a shifting Hollow. Big guy. He only took on his gargantuan form when Dario exposed him to the book's magic...

Vehicles strewn about the streets, pavement, and some lodged into store windows. The populous running amuck the streets, all scattered in fear from the state of emergency. The asphalt rode was bore into, blown apart. Craters left here and there. Sinkholes caved in, crevices spread wide down the business roads. Skyscrapping buildings in flames, miring the air in black smoke. Old City was on its last legs. The carnage wrought by a single, vengeful Hollow. The Hollow shrieked in unbridled rage. His anguish could be heard, but not seen. Only the cities destruction was what the human eye could perceive. Angelo, brought down to one knee was catching his breath. This single Hollow was giving the combat master a run for his money. Ulysses floated beside him, his armor dinged, scratched up, and damaged. The Hollows mouth dragged open wide, his blood curdling cries blasting from down his throat. Angelo looked to Ulysses and gave the Zodiac a single nod. Ulysses returned the favor. Ulysses vanished, and Angelo closed his eyes beginning to focus. A third, flaming eye appeared at the base of his forehead. The fire them plumed, a brilliantly burning flame erupted from around the eye. Angelo then opened his eyes. His eyes were replaced by a magenta colored blaze. His brows tightened to a focused furrow. Lifting his hand to his side, he faced his palm behind him. His hand illuminated, then boom! Angelo disappeared. The road broke apart under his feet and a shockwave of fire was only seen. Angelo himself disappeared into a blur. The Hollow was still crying out, howling at the running populous. Soon his noise was cut to pained whines. Angelo speared right into the Hollow, delivering a brine of punishing blows from flaming fists. The Hollow caught fire. His body slowly being engulfed in wrathful fire. When the merciless blows ceased the Hollow howled out in pain. The intensity of the flames would incinerate anything taken by it's burning embrace. Angelo leaped back, and disappeared again. Within a split second of his vanishing speed, he appeared again. Shoving a rising elbow into its jaw. The Hollow was thrown into the air, and over it was Angelo. His fist was guised by a wild, rushing flame. Taking the pristine time to strike, Angelo threw his fist into the back of the Hollow. On impact, there was an explosion of fire. From the explosion, shot the Hollow. Raining down to the ground like a magenta comet. He hit the ground crashing into the asphalt. Eating through the Earth. The Hollow was taken in nothing but high rising fire. It lied in its kiln, burning to death. Angelo reappeared at the foot of the blaze. His eyes now normal, and the third eye simmering down. He hunched over, supporting himself on his knees, gasping for breath. While catching his breath he could hear the tapping of footsteps from behind him. He turned over his shoulder and saw Dario, book open and held by its spine. "Brilliant. I knew that you Zodiac users were basically made to fight Hollows but I hadn't a clue you could hold such magnificent power!" Angelo rose his brow, unsure what the man was talking about and what the tome he was holding was. "You need to get out of here. The city is falling apart!" Dario flipped a page, the book's glow grew stronger. "Oh, interesting. Lets see..." Dario faced the open book to the crater left by the flaming Hollow. Ethereal wisps flew into the wall of fire and merged with the Hollow. The black body inside could be seen rising from the ground, and growing in size exponentially. Angelo faced the wisps and saw his deranged adversary growing twice, no three times, even four times in size. Angelo's eyes opened wide at the shock of what he was witnessing. He jerked himself around to Dario, who was already vanishing into thin air. "If you kill this Hollow and live, I want you to seek me out. Dario. Remember that, Host." Dario vanished before Angelo could grab the book from his possession. He was about to curse, but his attention was taken by a hard thud. Looking over his shoulder he saw the Hollow rising up from the wall of fire, unaffected by the blaze. Ulysses appeared beside his host and readied himself. Angelo returned to his flaming state. Ready to face this Hollow one last time.

...It didn't leave much of the city left, that battle." Angelo sighed and started to return to camp. "I need to make sure the kids are doing okay."

|Hidin' out, super sneaky|

|With Hotaru|

Nikky's heart nearly leaped out of her chest when Elijah arrived, almost mistaking her arms for a snakes choke hold. That brought back some bad memories; she didn't even realize how tensed she was. She was so focused on the conversation and story Angelo was giving she sort of zoned out. But the fight was over and the two had managed to miss it. The aftermath wasn't all that pretty either. Nikky looked over at the smiley woman, somehow she managed to jinx herself but she was still fond of the ghost, apparition, Zodiac whatever. Her smile was contagious.

"Heyo, Nikky dahling." Elijah called out. "So you're out camping huh? About time you had some adventure! Have you ventured out yet? Took a hike? Watched some wildlife? Sang a campfire song~"

"Hiya and yes, kinda, I've watched sheep run around a camp! does that count? And No" Nikky kept her voice down, worried about being detected. The girl moved a stray hair out of her face, thinking leaves and branches were most likely stuck in it, but on the brighter side, she'd have decent camo. We should get moving before we're caught, she glanced over at the girl behind the tree and waved at her. She was afraid she'd be heard if she called out. Nikky blinked as another drop of rain fell, it's gonna be pouring rain soon.
Physical Health: 13/20

Low = Someone get her to a hospital.

High = She's ready to take on the world.


Emotional Health: 17/20

Low = She may be needing a pep talk.

High = Hell, she'll give you the pep talk.


Mental Health: 16/20

Low = This girl is going insane.

High = She's as sharp and witty as ever.


Energy & Strength: 14/20

Low = She could use a nap or two.

High = Steer clear! She's fully charged.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf8224eb9_HoshinosNewIcon.png.f087378f6dd809c134189769d4580bda.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21223" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf8224eb9_HoshinosNewIcon.png.f087378f6dd809c134189769d4580bda.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~{Camp Murder}~

~{With No One}~

Hoshino had decided, upon finishing breakfast and a few more paintings with Shun, that going back to the camp would be best. She bid him a friendly farewell, and she knew she'd remember that wondrous night and morning for a long time to come. Though she wanted to be completely energetic and joyous about it all, her sniffles and now present coughs prevented that. Despite all the tea and good food she ate, she still felt the cold developing within her rapidly. Though Hoshino is strong and healthy on a good day, when exposed, her weak immune system is revealed. Apparently things like that run in her family, sadly.

So, as she rested up in her tent upon changing into a new set of clothes, she huddled up in her sleeping bag and attempted to feel better. She took naps all through the afternoon, and even turned off her sights of the threads of existence for a while. The transition made her vision blurry and her eyes a little achy, but as she took naps and rested, all was nice and normal again. She woke up hours upon hours later, and before she knew it, the moon was back out again. That wasn't what caught her attention, though. What set her off was the thunder roaring in the turbulent gray clouds above them. A storm raged on from above.

Oh, no... Hoshino thought was the held Gom and Coco close. She curled up into a little ball, trying her best not to tremble. Her stomach grumbled for food, which she had plenty of, but she didn't have any appetite. With a sigh, she ignored the pleas her body made for food, and let out a soft whimper every time the thunder resonated around her.

She had the feeling that she was going to have a long, long night.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf8238581_Chic(2).png.bd62db10efcc63411184d34ef0573fb6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21225" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf8238581_Chic(2).png.bd62db10efcc63411184d34ef0573fb6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Minus the boots and the jacket for now, being that she's resting in a sleeping bag..

(Amu FTW)



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