- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Akira remained at the water’s side for a multitude of moments, having taken only two pictures of the wildlife there. One was a dragonfly, another of a few tadpoles that happened to swim nearby. Up close… they didn’t look nearly as adorable as she’d thought they would. But they were interesting to watch. One fluttered to near the water’s surface and immediately dashed downward, followed by its evident siblings. A peaceful scene… The wind blew for a moment, a rather gustily one at that. It was then that the tadpoles immediately swam away, as highest a speed as their miniscule forms could achieve. To follow were a number of butterflies and other colorful life forms, flying past as the gust passed by. Their multiple colors illuminated by the sun gave an incandescent display of life that was almost entire foreign to Akira. But then other animals began to follow. The fish nearby were beginning to swim in the same direction as the tadpoles and even a few squirrels could be heard scurrying. Akira looked behind her to see a number of them headed in the exact same direction.

Well that’s rather odd.” She thought, standing on the rock to get a better view. There was a sudden disquiet about the forest, yet nothing felt wrong to the girl. “An animal’s instinct is better than my own and even I feel something odd about the world today. I’m an unlucky girl though, so maybe… Perhaps a small bit of rain is coming? I’d best head back to the camp.” She turned and began walking up the small rocks, a greater distance from the riverbank than she’d been before. It was then that she heard a distant noise. It contained enough base that it sounded as though it should be louder, but perhaps because it was at a greater distance, it wasn’t as loud as it could have been would Akira have been nearby. “Huh… and they say that when a tree falls, if you can’t see it, it doesn’t make a sound. The greatest of scientists come up with the greatest philosophical anomalies my ass!” The sound suddenly repeated itself. An ominous silence soon found its way over to Akira as she looked in the direction of the noise in question. Without warning, there was a loud sound as though something of moderate size was crashing through the foliage of the forest not even a great distance away. The sound of an incredible splash diverted Akira’s attention away from returning to camp, and soon toward whatever could’ve made the noise. She stared deeply at that area of the river, from a distance. Having caught the event late, all Akira saw was water rise high into the air, thus explaining the splashing sound. However, its source was unknown to her. “W-what the--…” Akira’s attention was entirely caught, though she remained in place, half hugging the tree near which she stood after being able to grasp it. Partially behind the trunk of said tree, she awaiting for the now disrupted waters to subside that something, whatever was thrown with that much force that it made that big of a fountain of water… would soon emerge.


-Camp Murder / w coaxing food-

Ben managed to get Adonna to follow him to where it seemed hot dogs had been cooking. The lingering smell made Adonna's stomach audibly growl. Though there were no hot dogs left, Ben was able to procure a bag of chips. Adonna's first instinct was to grab the bag of offered chips, she was so damn hungry. But, was it really okay to take when she had nothing to offer in return?

"You sure you wanna turn down such a humble request lass?"

The voice of reason came from a recognizable figure, the chaperone from the bus. Has his eye on things, she noted. Well, he was right, she hadn't eaten since. Adonna rethought her descision and gratefully took the bag of chips with a, "Thanks," and a nod to Ben's direction.



< -



| Saturday |

| September 27, 2014 |

| ??? |

| Open field |

With Derek up and out of the picture for at least that moment, Dominic had narrowed the fight to a strict one on one. Dario's ability to manipulate the environment around him kept Dom on his guard at all times. The constantly changing abilities this man had acted as a barrier, keeping Dominic on the defensive more than anything. If it continued, he would either be dead or badly beaten.

And speaking of changing abilities, Dominic caught a glimpse of electricity surging through Dario's hands. Without warning, a quick bolt was sent through the cloud, electrifying Dominic to the point of completely dispelling the smoke. The shock did well to scramble his brain for the time being, leaving him stunned. For now, he crouched on one knee, barely able to cope with the pains that were already flowing through his body.

  • Pockets are empty.

| Camp 'Murder' |

| Campfire |

The appearance of Angelo was startling to say the least. While Adonna wasn't in the least bit intimidated, Ben found himself jumping from little things. It was one of those paranoia days. "Angelo.. Are you one of the teachers here?" At the mention of Boone, one could only assume Angelo was a teacher of some sort. The way he carried himself gave off that vibe. Regardless, Ben returned the nod of gratitude and began munching on his bag of chips.

The camp itself, however, was beginning to look more lively. After food resided in
nearly everyone's bellies, they started moving around a lot more. Mutton approached the small study group of Alice's just before they could depart. "Going somewhere?" He asked, visually inspecting what they had. "Try not to linger too far. We may go hiking in an hour, so it'd be great if we could all be here when we head off."

|Mutton Prairie|

|Sundown Kid|

Dario's little theory was disproved. If Dominic wasn't gas... Then what form did he take? "Not gas... Perhaps smoke? Either way, I still struck him. I didn't get the satisfying boom I was aiming for. Humph... S'pose that's a good thing." Dario thought to himself. He found Dominic on a single knee, scrambled from the brief surge. With Dominic knelt down, his head was in perfect position to be blown to bits by a well placed bullet. "Hold still." Dario raised his hand again and charged his shot. The ripples vibrated more violently and sporadic. It almost looked like a different technique entirely. His fingers were angled, he was ready to finish this bout. "I'll keep this clean. This bullet will bore right through your head. I don't need a gray matter spewed mess."

|Camp Mutton|

|She's interesting|

Angelo grinned, seeing the friendly gesture be recognized. And that the girl finally ate. There goes some weight off his shoulders. "Isn't this who Ulysses chose? She fits the description he left me before he disbanded. Sigh, man oh man. I really don't want to go and make a wrong assumption. Don't need the lass thinking I'm crazy." Angelo's thoughts were cut off by Ben's little question. "A teacher? No, no. Just an old friend of Boone. I was going to visit him, but he's at... A funeral right now. But he said he needed some extra eyes for the trip. I volunteered. Of course, I had to sacrifice a seat at the sermon." Angelo said, with a little huff. "Not to say I dislike my little position. Nature's nice. But... I'm just no good with the youngsters. See. I never had a lot of time for fun and games growing up. Never really learned how to do some friendly communication. Save for Boone. But we were always exchanging blows. A wrestler and a martial artist in one room. Hell you'd think would happen. Eheh..." Angelo crossed his arms. After replaying what he's been saying in his head he felt like he was pretty awkward. Hell, man's thirty years old. He's not that old and out of touch with the times. He hoped. Right about now, he felt it was time he'd leave the kiddos alone. "Know what, I think I'll digress for now. I'll be lurking between camps if you need me." Angelo parted with the two. Giving a single wave from the back of his hand.
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< -



| Saturday |

| September 27, 2014 |

| ??? |

| Open field |

With one un-irritated eye, Dominic glanced up at would have been the barrel of a gun. Dario's gun signal was strangely powerful, like a .50 caliber round with an extra punch. Dominic's own body betrayed him. The extensive use of smoke paid a toll on his mind as well as his body, especially having to mend together his own wounds. He was able to fight back the pain until now. It seemed all strength was sapped from him, like his body completely locked up.

Imagine time slowed.

A small capsule-like object flew in from the side, between Dario and his victim-to-be. It's shell exploded to release a blinding light that no doubt hindered the two of him. A deployable flashbang, simply put. When Dario's eyes recovered, Dominic was gone from sight. Instead, he was lodged with his back against a tree trunk, Kenshi at his side. Already the wolf was visually inspecting Dominic for injuries.

Len stood in for Dominic, seeing as how he was the only able body at the moment. His staff swung through the air creating whooshing noises as a result. He didn't need a pre-fight narration to know what was going to happen. As soon as everything became clear, Len struck down towards Dario with a two-handed vertical bash with his metal staff. All the while, he kept his legs bend and his body agile for quick dodging.

  • Pockets are empty.

| Camp 'Murder' |

| Campfire |

Ben listened contently to Angelo as he began to replay old memories in his aged head of his. While Ben couldn't relate or picture Boone and Angelo going at it, he figured it was quite a sight. "I had no idea Boone was a wrestler." By the time he snapped out of wonder, Angelo waved off to another portion of the camp, leaving him to enjoy his snack with Adonna.

And on that note, he turned towards her with a more curious expression. "You're a host, right?" The memory was faint, but he remembered her the night when Dominic rushed off in search of Damian, as well as the cookout incident. Both times Adonna had been present. There was no way she hadn't a clue about what was going on. There was a strange power coming from her that Ben felt. It was the same feeling with any other host. "What's the name of your spirit friend? Err, Zodiac, if you don't mind me asking."


-Camping Grounds | Boy's Side-

-Interacting with Her Study Crew

      • Climbing Equipment (takes up most of the space)(x2)
      • Flashlight (x1)
      • Batteries (x2)
      • Empty Chip Bag (x1)
      • Camera (x1)
      • Pocky (x1)

Alice stared at Zage not falling for her act but it seemed that the girl would survive a bit and Alice was here so if anything went wrong then she'll take the pain. It's not like she'll die that easily though even with Tyrik's powers, she was still a human and was able to die either way,"Okay then we'll set off but just keep close to us okay Zage." Alice said and glanced at Sam who warned them to not take any risk as Alice huffed,"Don't worry Sam, since I'm the oldest one here I'll take care of any trouble we get into." Alice said reassuring him that she would take care of the rest while they just sit in the back of the car and she was telling the truth since she was older than them by a year.

Now giving Clark some attention, Alice nod and was about to go get Mutton when speak of the devil, here he was telling them to not go far as Alice just nod,"We'll just be a few miles ahead if that is alright Mr. Mutton, I know my way around so they're in safe hands." Alice said and turned to her crew with a grin,"Now let's go." Alice said and ran off after Zage who had took a head start off into the woods,"Slow down Zage, we don't want anything bad to happen so soon now just follow me. I did some research and find that the best place to find the rose is by climbing up that mountain there." Alice said pointing towards a tall mountain a few miles away,"It'll take us a while to get there so I hope you guys are prepared." Alice said and continued on the path towards the mountain.

Once they were deep in the woods, the sound of nature surrounded them and the sound of their feet crunching the leaves below since fall was close so the weather was a bit chilly along with the leaves changing colors and falling off the trees,"Seems nothing is going on here... wonder what that feeling was." Alice thought remembering that strange feeling before,"It felt just like when the hollows attacked... it couldn't be." Alice thought but it was likely that a hollow could come and attack them, Alice keeping her guard up just in case.

-It was shocking but surprisingly Alice is older than all of you three!!! XDD-

|Mutton Prairie|

|The cavalry has arrived|

Flash! There was an eye searing surge of light. The intense flare drove Dario to leap back. Rubbing his eyes, forcing them to develop Dario's eyesight was welcomed with Len driving his staff down towards him. "Of course." Dario coldly snapped. The man began to rise into the air, his eyes aglow and the grass underneath him being pulled to him like a magnet. After two seconds of charging, Dario outwardly released the energy in a powerful shockwave.

|Camp Mutton|

|That's suspicious|

Angelo had left the two to their musings, but he could hear quick steps in the distance. Twigs snapping, leaves crunching, and heels scuffing. Angelo threw his head to the direction of the noise. It wasn't a sight to gawk at, but he could see what looked like Len quickly running through the forest. Judging from his direction, out into the treeline. If someone like Len was not only leaving camp grounds, but also in a hurry something was up. "I'm surrounded by Zodiac hosts, and a Hollow fighting guardian. This ought' to be good." Angelo followed towards Len's direction.

    • tumblr_n6q216ahuH1smqpouo1_500.png

      **It's pink, I swear

| Camp 'lololololol' |

| Satan is Santa |

Hotaru's eyes lit up as it dawned to Nikky that Satan could be Santa. It is possible, it would explain why Santa gave the naughty children of the world, coals and not lint or something. The girl had a perfect ritual to contact Satan, though it did require a holy place. She began to wonder why the girl brought the salt. Salt played a major role in rituals and had it's share in the superstition aspects. Salt protects, yet if treated wrongly it will be considered as a bad omen.

Nikky examined Hotaru and shot out a causal question before asking how she slept last night. Hotaru wondered why she asked the last one. Hotaru tucked the bottle of salt back in and played with the zipper while she quickly adjusted the slate to her liking.

Before responding to the first question, a 'guh' sound came out of the back of her throat. It lowly vibrated in the air as she wrote her message, "Nature sucks. I officially kicked myself out of the tent I was in." She hesitated to show Nikky. Hotaru sounded like she was whining, nonetheless she showed the slate. Hotaru erased the slate and wrote the response to the next question.

"Well...I didn't have a good dream but I know the cause for that, Dominic has my teddy be--" She trailed off, her eyes skimmed the camp. She had forgotten all of about her teddy bear. Hotaru unzipped her bag and placed it on the ground. She quickly searched for her bears. One....two....three. She looked down in defeat. Zipping the bag up, she slung it back on her shoulder.

Hotaru decided to finish up her message, "-ar. Why did you want to know?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/AD01077AiDee.png.5a7cd604f60c350d336e59e7abb1a070.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20936" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/AD01077AiDee.png.5a7cd604f60c350d336e59e7abb1a070.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

- Camp MurrrdurrNearlyWentDown / w that chaperon Angelo -

So he wasn't a teacher, but a chaperon. Adonna listened to Angelo's explanation

and his momentary reminiscing. Right after which he disappeared.

A martial artist versus a wrestler...

That left quite the mental image. She herself had never learned any of the many fighting disciplines. They required, well, discipline. Adonna had only ever felt the need to know how to fight when she was in a fight.

"You're a host, right?"

Adonna nearly chocked on a chip.

"What's the name of your spirit friend? Err, Zodiac, if you don't mind me asking."

Swallowing the chip that nearly killed her, she turned her gaze down to Ben. Well, he wouldn't be asking such specific questions if he didn't already know... right?

"Yeah... Uhm, Ulysses..."

would he even know who that was?

"Are you? A host, that is."



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Walking through the woods with Crew

Interacting with Alice, Clark, and Sam

Zage stops walking and lets the group pass her. She stands absolutely still, so she wouldn't disturb the forest animal. Looking around with a happy sigh, she admires the forest, and all the forest and all it has to offer. "It's so beautiful out here." she says, looking back at the group. "Oh uh, sorry to hold y'all up!" she says with a sheepish grin and turns and runs back after them to catch up. Zage chatted with Alice for a bit until they reached the mountain they were supposed to climb. Getting out her climbing equipment she looks to Alice and asks "Well, what should we do now?" with a forced smile and she fights the urge to throw up.

//Poor Zage\\


The Path the the Rose


Sam follows the group silently, a bad feeling in his cut, but his attention is quickly brought to Zage and her distracted self. He laughs. "Don't worry about it Zage, we've got a little while to smell the flowers on the way there, just don't take too long." He then sees her smile. "Just take yourself easy, don't get sick on us." He sighs and looks to the others. "You guys feeling alright? I don't want anyone getting sick on us, its hard to get treatment up here." He looks out over the trees at the camp below. "Let's try and get back before it gets dark, navigating the mountain in pitch black conditions? No thank you." He looks back to Alice. "So Captain, how far is it to the treasure?" He says with a fairly bad pirate accent. Its clear he's trying to lighten the mood and the tension between Clark and Alice, although how successful it may be is beyond him.


|Camping grounds|

|Chattin' with Nakamura|

Nikky nodded and smiled as Nakamura 'spoke'. But her eyes were distant and her attention was obviously somewhere else. She only came back to Hotaru when she had asked her why,

"-ar. Why did you want to know?"

Nikky had stayed up most of the night listening to the things that went bump in the woods, but apparently no one heard what she was hearing most likely thanks to Elijah. She was glad the bags under her eyes weren't too noticable. It wasn't comforting that when she finally did go to sleep she had a nightmare, but at least she wasn't alone it seems.

Her expression relaxed and she smiled,
"It's just most kids can't sleep very well in the woods the first night. Especially with the skin walker running around and whatnot." A devious grin appeared on her face and she left it at that before quickly switching to a different topic, "And my tree is always open for ya." She adjusted her totebag and ran a hand through her hair, which was getting puffier and puffier with each passing day. Anytime now and she'd wake up with a fullblown afro.

"So yeah, wanna go see if ther-" Nikky paused again and frowned looking off towards the distance treeline. She couldn't ignore it anymore and her curiosity was killing her, she looked back at Hotaru knowing she couldn't hear what she was and grinned.

"Ya hear that? Sounds like a party. Wanna go?"

Adventure calls.

Love, Tapatalk


- - >



| Saturday |

| September 27, 2014 |

| Camp 'Murder' |

| Campfire |

"Yeah... Uhm, Ulysses..."

For such a tall threatening figure, Adonna seemed to be quite the opposite inwardly. However, it did dawn on him that Ben's question was out of the blue. The energy coming off of her was much different than any ordinary person, and the same time, very similar to those like Dominic, Damian, or the rest of the known hosts.

"Are you? A host, that is."

"I don't know." The words sounded truthful, though the thought of Ben not knowing if he was a host or not was baffling in it's own right. So far, every host had experienced a dream the night prior, where what they saw, and what they went through, were as real as the conscious side. The following day would bring their dream to life with the existence of a Zodiac. How could Ben not know if he had one?

"I want to say no, but it doesn't explain those bad headaches I have whenever there are Hollows around. They seem to be getting better every time, but I don't have a fancy spirit buddy to go along with it." In a sense, Ben saw himself as half a host. A single being with the side effects of a host, yet free of a Zodiac itself. "It's pretty scary, honestly. I don't know how you all can take it."

| ??? |

| Open field |

It was only a mere inch or two between Dario and Len's quickly descending staff before a shockwave separated them with force. While the staff flew a good distance away from the fight, Len landed a backwards flip as a result of the shockwave blasting him back. "Guh-" He took a good moment to size up Dario. There wasn't anything spectral about him. ".. You're a host.." Len thought out loud. A host was just a human with flashy abilities to Len.

Reaching into his jacket pocket, Len withdrew a single charm from within. Kanji letters would spell out "Nullification". Len stepped back a distance to retrieve his staff, then placed the charm on the staff like a sticker. At the moment, there was no immediate change in his weapon. No visual glow or vibration of the air. Just a Japanese sticker on a metal pole.


Dozens of feet past the treeline, Dominic sat rested against the tree with Kenshi standing guard behind him.
"You can't just run off like that. Have you forgotten you're living for two?" The wolf scolded Dominic for his previous actions. All the while, his body was slowly regenerating from his wounds, thanks to the smoke lingering in the air. "That's right.." Kenshi shook his head with displeasure, but something told Dominic that the wolf was worried for more than his own life. He spoke like a parent would to a child who had gotten themselves in potential danger. This realization brought a bloody smile on Dominic's face. The sight catching the attention of Kenshi. "Why are you smiling all of a sudden? This is no time for games."

  • Pockets are empty.


In search of the rose

Sam, Alice & Zage

Speak of the devil. Clark thought to himself as Mutton quickly appeared beside the group. Questioning where they were going. As Alice explained what they were doing to Mutton a breezed rolled by. As it did Clark felt a shiver run down his spine. He quickly shook the feeling off however and began to follow the rest of the group once they started walking. Clark never was one to believe in bad omens or signs. To him, it was all a lot of crap. Clark remained silent throughout the whole journey to the mountain and once they made it there he simply stood beside everyone. "What do we do next. Oh mighty leader?" Clark asked Alice as he looked up towards the sun. Wondering how much time they had to search before it got dark.

    • tumblr_n7ho6kePzO1smqpouo1_500.png

      **Fixed~~ With a coloring of my own~

| Camp 'Hah, I hate this place' |

| Adventures with puffy gal |

Skin walker? Hotaru raised a brow, it may have been Nikky trying to scare her but it only made Hotaru more curious. Before she could even ask what the skin walker thing was about, Nikky quickly switched the subject. Hotaru gripped her strap, twisting it around and played with it while she thought about it. A tree sounded better when the person she'll be sharing with will enjoy her company. Hotaru grinned a bit as she wrote on her slate, "You sure? I won't be a bother, promise."

Nikky seemed distracted. She was from the beginning, but Hotaru didn't want to be rude and ask what the problem was. Instead Nikky seemed to change the topic to what was bothering her. Hotaru pushed aside her hair to listen for whatever the girl was hearing. A blank stare in her eyes and her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion was enough to give Nikky a hint that Hotaru had no idea what it was.

Yet, she closed her eyes. The rustling of the leaves grew louder and spread chills down Hotaru's spine. Birds claiming their territory, flies buzzing around some animal's remains. Students conversing and the trees whispering with the wind. And the insane feeling that Hotaru got. It felt like bugs were crawling up her right leg. Hotaru's eyes snapped open and she looked down. She wanted to let out a shriek of some sort, but she held it in as she shook her leg.

There was nothing there, yet she couldn't help but feel like the action would help calm her nerves. She looked up at Nikky, about to complain that the nature around her will keep her from doing anything. The look on her friend's face kept her from saying anything else. Hotaru erased her slate with one swipe and wrote hastily, "A party? Maybe it will keep my mind off of this place. Let's go."


-Forest -> Mountain-

-Interacting with Her Study Crew

      • Climbing Equipment (takes up most of the space)(x2)
      • Flashlight (x1)
      • Batteries (x2)
      • Empty Chip Bag (x1)
      • Camera (x1)
      • Pocky (x1)
      • Bottle of water (x2)
      • Bag of Chip (x1)
      • First aid kit
      • Knife

Alice didn't mind if one of them were going off on their own as long as she got her eyes on them, glancing back at Zage as she stood still frozen in spot watching nature do it's work as Alice giggled,"Hurry up Zage, we can't let you go wondering off now!" Alice called out, Zage coming back and starting to chat with her a bit until the arrived to the mountain where the flower would be grown at but Zage seemed to not look well as her face looked really pale than before. About to tell Zage about her health, all three of them suddenly attacked her all at once with a question that meant the same thing "What do we do now?" question as Alice felt like she was being put with all the pressure onto her,"Why am I captain here?" Alice thought but then again it was her who seemed to lead them and because she was older it much have been that.

Getting her equipment on and strapping on the belt, she pulled out a rope and tie it tightly onto her belt and held it out for Sam to tie it to his belt along with the others,"First off we need to be safe so everyone keep close and listen up well or you'll put us all in danger." Alice instructed and looked among them to see if she got their full attention. Once they gave her the respect she needed, Alice continued,"The rope here connect us all so if one of us gets tired, the others who are still able to move on can carry them so Zage, you don't have to worry about holding us down because we'll be able to carry you up the way a bit." Alice said and looked towards the boys,"Sam you are a decent climber so you should know by now so I'm counting on you to keep up with me and also help Clark and Zage with whatever happens." Alice said putting Sam in charge of them since Clark had no experience in climbing and Zage was ill a bit,"Clark, I want you to follow Sam and follow his footsteps and though I put Sam in charge of both of you, I still need you also to watch after Zage since you're the closest to her on the rope." Alice said pointing to the rope,"If anything goes wrong with her then all you have to do is find a safe ledge, untie the rope on you from Sam but keep it on Zage and just sit there until we get back also here, for you to help care for Zage." Alice said rumbling through her bag and giving Clark a small first aid kit box, two of the four bottle of waters and the bag of chips she bought with her for him to use,"Sorry if I'm being bossy here but I just want to keep you guys safe so please cooperate with me." Alice said glancing at Clark who was the one who seems to have the least liking to her and the one who seems to have a problem with her which Alice wasn't sure why since really all she was doing is trying to befriend him but maybe what she was doing was what he didn't like,"Such a hard guy to please." Alice thought.

"Okay now just follow my lead." Alice said and went over to the mountain, placing her hands onto the rocky wall. Examining the wall for a ledge, she saw a small ledge and placed her foot on it, testing if it was strong enough. Placing her other foot on another ledge, she started to climb upward onto the mountain and made her way up a bit but stopped for Sam and the others to catch up,"Up we go." Alice called out to them softly, not wanting to cause an avalanche.

-So just check everything I have on here and just follow what your role is~ XDD-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/AD01077AiDee.png.4ccd0d7868377751128994cdfd8fa19c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21012" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/AD01077AiDee.png.4ccd0d7868377751128994cdfd8fa19c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

- Camp Murder / w Ben -

Didn't know? Well... the explanation made sense enough. Adonna felt something of sympathy for Ben- it was hard enough dealing with what they had to deal with, but having to deal with it without so much as a guide... "Maybe it's hiding," she offered. Or maybe it was shy. Why not? From what she'd seen, the Zodiacs all had different personalities... and forms... maybe it was both invisible and mute. Adonna kept her speculations to herself, she was sure they wouldn't be helpful.

"It's pretty scary, honestly. I don't know how you all can take it."

...How indeed. "It is, but... it's happening. So, what else but go with it?" she thought aloud more than answered. What else could have been done short of acceptance and adaptation? "Same thing you did, I'm sure."

The chips were all out now, Adonna shook the crumbs to the corner of the bag before lifting it above her mouth. It felt good to have gotten to eat something. But the chips, in their salty nature, left her feeling thirsty. This was no matter, not in the least, because forests were things that had streams, no? How else would the trees grow. "Ben, right?" It was that, or David, "Thank you again. Quick question," she spoke as she gazed at the treeline, "do they have a map of this place?"



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Climbing Up a Mountain

Interacting with Alice, Sam, and Clark

Zage grumbled about being sick and being tiny and light weight. "Sorry you have look after me like I'm a baby." she said to the group as she felt around for a scaffolding to place her feet so she could start climbing. She waited for Sam and Clark to get ahead a little then she started climbing herself, really grateful that had she on combat boots and that she wasn't afraid of heights. While lost in thought she slipped a little but quickly clutched back onto the rocks, her knuckles soon turning as white from holding onto the rocks so hard. Looking up at her friends/acquaintances she smiles a bit as she hides the small struggle it takes to sufficiently keep up with the group, as she complains more under her breath about being sick, and tiny compared to everyone else.

//Gah! Why am I so uncreative!\\

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Climbing up the mountain

With Alice, Sam & Zage

Clark listened to Alice's instructions. He was surprised that she would be at the head of the group and holding everyone's weight. She was obviously a lot stronger than Clark thought. Even if her small height said otherwise. Clark took the first aid kit and waited for Alice and Sam to get ahead slightly before he too made his way up the mountain. Clark was thankful that he only had to hold Zage's weight, it was like helping up a child but he still cursed at her in his head. While everyone pulled their weight she was just being dead weight. Clark never voiced his annoyance however. He only had to keep one person up, meanwhile, Sam and Alice were holding taking the lead and the weight. They seemed more sympathetic towards Zage so Clark remained silent. As they continued up Clark felt his arms and hands getting weary but he continued on. The stamina required to constantly hold himself up was difficult but he was surprisingly agile otherwise. Every so often he'd glance down to check on Zage and hoped she didn't need any help. Clark was no medic, nor did he really care too much for her.


- - -



| Saturday |

| September 27, 2014 |

| Wilderness |

| On the face of the mountain |

The winds would have been much more active once the 'crew' reached above tree level. If it wasn't their own bodies that caused the rope length to sway, it was the wind. If and when they reached the top of the reasonably sized mountain, they would have found the entrance to a dark cave entrance. Usually, caves never existed in mountains, but a noise of 'shining' would have been heard echoing from within, warding away any typical doubt.

Climbing a mountain

The Group.

Sam, being second in the line has a job more demanding then Clark, not only does he have to keep up with Alice, he has to make sure she doesn't start to outpace the others leaving them in the dust. He also has to carry the weight of three people, trying to alleviate as much weight that he can that would otherwise be on Alice, and he does a fairly good job. After a while the wind picks up, and he struggles to keep everyone attached to the wall. Gritting his teeth in a grin he climbs forward, occasionally checking down on Clark and Zage to make sure that they're alright, as well as glancing up at Alice to make sure she's not overworking herself in the scramble to climb. Its not easy to Sam but he knows what to do, and the weight he's taking on makes the trip noticeably easier on everyone else. However its a strong physical toll, and Sam is oddly silent, just going and going and going. Determined to reach the top.

|w/ Hotaru|

Nikky smiled at her new recruit and checked behind her towards the camp before disappearing into the treeline. She was glad to have someone with her, she wasn't sure if she would be able to cope roaming by herself... Her eyes scanned her surroundings, they were no longer in the clearing where the camp was located but instead walking through the forest at the feet of towering trees and leaves crunching underfoot.
The noise, Birds chirping, leaves rustling in the breeze, the rush of a river not too far away, Hotaru's heartbeat, the blood churning through Nikky's own veins-

Nikky came back from her thoughts as her shoulder bumped into a tree branch, she realized she sort of lost her way. Typical.

"Uh." The girl looked around and tapped her foot trying to tune her ears to the earlier noise.


school supplies


Bleh, stuff.


Climbing a Mountain

With Alice, Sam, and Clark

Frowning she looks up at Clark "I'm trying my best down here! You don't have to glare at me!" she grunts as she picks up the speed trying not to be pulled by Clark. She starts climbing her self and soon gets about a foot or two behind him. Not wanting to be a burden she says, "If you're gonna glare then we'll swap places on the way back down!" not speaking just to Clark but to anyone who wanted to take up the offer. Still grumbling under her breath she keeps up 'well' with the group, her face getting a bit paler.

//Jeez what am I doing?!\\



- - -



| Saturday |

| September 27, 2014 |

| Camp 'Murder' |

| Campfire |

Because of the absence of a couple students, Camp 'Murder's climbing event took a backseat. Mutton wasn't about to further divide the camp by sending everyone to the mountains. It was a great deal away, and it would rob the missing students of their only hint of where the camp was; lively hood. Without the noise, laughter, and overall activity, it would have been much harder to find their way back. In turn, Mutton decided to postpone the climbing event for the major group until tomorrow. However, in doing this, it became more and more apparent that students were indeed missing. Whispers turned to rumors that Mutton was starting to panic a little. He had put his trust into Len and Angelo to round up the missing bodies before something terrible actually happens.

Meanwhile, Adonna put up a straight forward but sensible response.
"...It's happening. So, what else but go with it?"

Yet another answer Ben's soul wasn't entirely happy with. Regardless, he accepted it with a shrug. He didn't know 'how' to go with it. Do it differently than the hosts, and he could end up losing his life. The fear and trouble of it all nearly pushed him to spill everything to the police, but upon further thinking, Ben would have just ended up in a mental hospital. Zodiacs? Hollows? A story for madmen.

"Ben, right?" He nodded. "Thank you again. Quick question, do they have a map of this place?"

"If you have a signal, you can use a GPS app on your phone, but other than that, I don't think so." Ben glanced around the horizon, the area filled with life. "Maybe you can ask the teacher? He might know."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/AD01077AiDee.png.23a5f2f59d767ea0040512fadd1c77cb.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21076" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/AD01077AiDee.png.23a5f2f59d767ea0040512fadd1c77cb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

- Mad Adventure Begins! / w the halfahost -

GPS? Why hadn't she thought of that? Such a simple solution. "Right," she nodded to him, "Take care, I'll see you around." It seemed simple enough. In fact, why even ask the teacher? Checking her phone, though it wasn't happy with her for not charging it, it was still at half battery and had a singular on-and-off bar of signal. That was fine. All she had to do was save her current location, then once she'd found the lake, river, stream, or found herself lost, she could just get it to calculate her way back. And to save battery, she could just keep the device off in the meantime so it didn't die on her and leave her lost. Now, for the question of truth. Which way to start? The water would give itself away once she was near it, such a noisy thing, but she needed to be in the woods to have a chance, not in this clearing. Hmm... that direction looked good enough! Adonna made her way to the edge of camp, disappearing into the treeline.

- Into the Trees! / w self -

Who knew walking offroad would be so noisy? It felt like each step Adonna took had her stepping on something. Things squished and crunched beneath her as she slowly made her way further into the grouping of large-trunked trees. It was considerably cooler in the shade of the canopy of leaves. And as Adonna walked within it all, she realized one thing. How completely and utterly out of place the woods was for a city dweller. She stopped, listened for the sounds of rushing water, but heard nothing. So she continued onwards.



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