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Fantasy Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ-ZAO-Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Xiong looked to Mark as he spoke, he had a point. Where they were going was going to be very cold, and even his fur would not be thick enough to keep him from freezing to death. He watched as the Carbunkle picked his own things and left, Xiong had hoped to get to observe him a bit more. He looked back to the pigeon's and walked over eyeing a large fur coat. He grabbed two of the coats and turned around throwing one of the coats to Mark. As he lowered his arm he caught a glimps of someone watching him. He felt uneasy as he turned and could see Justin starring him down. Xiong shouldered his own bag, the books inside making a dull thud as they shifted, before turning away from the man and heading towards Mark and the door.

He nodded towards the door when he reached Mark and motioned for them to leave. He was hoping that if they moved fast enough he could catch up a fair distance to the Carbunkle. As he exited the door he looked down the street a ways to see the green haired boy bobbing through the streets. Be fore pushing his way into the streets he reached for his pack and pulled a small book out of the side pocket. Green leather bound with a gold trim, the book was one of his favorites. It contained a some what detailed atlas/encyclopedia of the countries across Zoa. He flipped through the first half of the book before landing on a page that read Consulo across the top, and began to read the pages as he walked keeping an eye on the street, the boy, and most importantly his surroundings.
Still leaning gently against his pillar the boy watched as everyone gave their names, he rolled his shoulders out slightly and decided it was time for him to speak too. He squared his shoulders and stepped forward. “My name is Gihal and my companion, Barriottok,” he said indicating the salamander positioned on his shoulder. “We are here as instructed.” Gihal finished with a bow to Adel. He then stepped back, no one had outright turned to face him as he spoke but he knew they had heard and that made him nervous enough.

Gihal watched as Adel spoke, he was distracted from her words by her outfit; he had never seen anyone choose to wear a top hat before. The word Seer caught his attention and held it. He watched in amazement as she formed a ball that showed their homes. ‘I don’t like the idea of Hat Girl watching us.’ Barriottok informed him. Gihal suppressed the wide grin that threatened to escape. He already felt self-conscious enough without drawing more attention. He knew his scales, climbing from his right cheek and up over the bridge of his nose before dispersing momentarily only to re-emerge once more on his left cheek, disturbed some people.

The Howling Mountains, Gihal shivered, he’d never seen them before but he imagined them cold, beyond cold, freezing and empty. Adel instructed them to gather supplies and head out. She did not say they would have to travel together but Gihal would have preferred it if she had. He had only a vague sense of where he would be going. ‘Tag along with Greeny.’ Barriottok suggested helpfully. Gihal caught sight of the green haired boy fleeing the room and sighed. ‘No, Tick Tock, he looks scared enough as it is.’ Gihal replied hoping the sigh would be apparent in their telepathic exchange. He decided to move forward and gather a few sturdy clothes from the pile the Pigeon Boys had left, it remained largely untouched. Gihal noticed few people remained in the Tower some looked as uncertain as he felt about the journey ahead, perhaps one of them would make a good travelling companion.
Mark stood beside Xiong and saw some were leaving,he would then get hit by a Coat that he dint have much time to react and catch,Mark would hold the coat and look at the one who threw it,Xiong,he gave a sigh mix with a slight smiel and said towards the Panda "Thus next time warn me befor throwing such Object at me hehe"he look at him as well atleast he now had a coat to Protect him from the cold,especially wen he was thin and had no fur like some the cold would kill him ofcourse,he look at the coat,was preaty heavy well for him actually.Mark would look at xiong as he aproches.

soon he would see his Gesture to come,mark noded and began following his tall friend,as he did he would look behinde and gesture towards Amazon to follow them,he turnd arround and began to follow xiong as then went outside,he look and pass throught the Crowd of Zaonians,as he would ask Xiong "
so Thus we are making our way to the Mountains correct?"he ask as he Followd him.



Natasha look around as she heard and saw what they needed to do,Go to the Mountains good,she would nod to herself as she would walk towards the Pidgeons that were Giving coas and take one and Nod...yea might be cold up there...VERY cold as she look around she would Notice a Woman that seem to be coverd in scales and that caught her Interestes,natasha has seen some people like that but not like her,natasha was curius but aswell maybe some talk would not hurt and like her "sibling" said to interact,she noded with a smiel and aproche the Half Dragon lady.

as she did she smield and would say "well i have never seen some one like you around here...You are a Dragon correct?"she ask the Dragon lady tilting her head in curius minde she was,natasha would go out but later not now,she whanted to know of this Lady right here,as she did her Coat was inbetween her arms Holding it as she waited for a Repsonce from the Dragon lady.

Tela looked at the horned girl, her name was Natasha or something Tela thought, though she didn't know what the girl was she had some horns and was a sea green, but that could be a deer or something. The girl had a coat though Tela didn't know why really she had just ignored those as well she still thought the mountains would be warm like her home. Tela was also a little surprised that anyone couldn't peg her as a dragon, she wasn't like the hydra who had wings which reminded Tela about Phenex who had managed to not destroy everything while they waited.

" Yes i guess dragon are rare it is far away …. I think I not sure where here is' Tela said her speaking actually becoming much better after listening to others " What are you a deer?" She asked still not knowing what was green and had horns.
Natasha smield and Noded as she would say "Hehe wen i ment here i ment that i have not seen one"she aid with a smile as she would then hear her say that if she was a deer...Oh great was the bull now a deer? well atleast that made little more seans than the Bull one that got her preaty mad,but this one was more Understandable,she shook her head and gave a chuckle as she would answer "seem lots of people have Problems telling what i am...Im a Ceadeus not a deer...Let me Guess you dont know what is a ceadeus right"she said with a smiel.as natasha bet Tela dint know what was that anyway..oh Deer

Natasha would have imagen she heard her name from wen people were telling but she was not sure so desided to ask and not call her somthing else "
I dont recall hearing your name wen the Introductions took place...um what is your name? sorry if i ask"she ask hoping that dint Bother her asking her name,well she dint know but hey.

Ceadeus Tela had heard of that but she couldn't remember where. She knew it had something to do with something big but she couldn't place where this big thing was she was sure it was important. Well it was nice to have someone to talk to regardless as Tela had no idea where she was going, or well she knew where she was going but she didn't know which direction to go and it was a bit odd to ask for direction Tela knew she couldn't follow.

" I am Tela, you are Natasha right?" She said revealing that she had paid attention to the introductions.
Natasha smield Brightly and Node "Yep im Natasha! Plesure to meet you!"she said with a Posetive and Happy tone,she was very hapy to have found some one to talk to and a nother Mythik was nice too aswell! but natasha felt little enberast as she seem to have been hearing most of the Introductions,felt like terrible she has not but that is the past now and well they had to go somewere now that is,natasha would look at some that were leaving she would look at her and seems Tela dint have a coat,well if she was coming dint she need a coat? it was cold out there and well having one was Important indeed.

Arnt you gona get a coat?....because if you are going to the Howling Mountains you are gona need one...is gona be very cold up there ya know"she aid towards tela as she dint whant the poor dragon to get some frostbites, and aswell shivers up there,because once they are up,there is no turning back.

Tela looked at Natasha confused to her mountains were warm not cold, she had never seen a cold mountain, there were two things she didn't like the cold and water because water was cold and made you colder. This worked into her dislike of those things that liked cold waters like the giants of the deep.

" Why would they be cold I have seen mountains they are warm ?" she asked.

It was after she said that , that things clicked in her mind and she remembered what a Ceadeus, it was one of those giants that liked the cold water. This meant that the girl was linked to the hated leviathans, though the hate was more like childish hatred of something one never tried, even if it was one sided .

" Are you trying to trick me I know what a Ceadeus is they like cold water I don't like them " She said her reasoning no doubt confusing anyone who couldn't follow her childish thinking.
"well Very high Mountains tend to be cold especially if they are in cold areas"she said as Mountain were cold...well depends how high they are,the Higher,The Colder and Plus they reasive coats so it was gona be cold..sooo a coat was needed to survive and not get frostbites,maybe she has never been to a mountains? Natasha dint know but still she was just being Nice to her,as she stand there natasha would look at her coat and would place it over her shulder so her hands were not Busy.

As she did this natasha would hear her-...wait what? She was not trying to trick anybody and ceadeus? they are talking about mountains not-...wait...what did she just say?,natasha would norrow her eyes slightly confused a she heard she hated Ceadeus...But why?! Natasha look at her and said "
Hold on...You hate ceadeus?...But why?"she ask slightly confused...they were talking about mountains....

'Seems I'm being watched' Vali thought as he walked. He didn't really feel any ill intent, though it still bothered him. Anyone who was watching him had to have some unhealthy interest in him, such is the level of distrust he held for others. Out of the corner of his eye, he was able to pick out the most obvious person. The panda like appearance didn't help the man one bit. He stood out, even among the many strange Zoa around them.

As he walked he began to bounce a little on his toes. It was a normal process of his. This larger body was harder to move around in than his far more comfortable Carbuncle form, so he needed to rev himself up before running. It was a problem but he didn't want to leave his clothes behind if he didn't have to, so he wouldn't transform unless it was absolutely necessary.

Vali wouldn't run unless the man made a violent move towards him though, it was best not to draw more attention to himself than necessary. Once he was out of the city, he would be fine to change back into his regular form and head off to the mountains.
Xiong kept his eyes on switching from his book to the boy in front of him. When Mark spoke, he gave a simple "Mmmhmm" keeping his mind focused on moving out of the city. He watched as the boy began doing something odd. A very subtle movement added to his steps, one would miss it if they hadn't been watching him. He lowered his book a bit and glanced over to Mark "I think he is going to make a break for it once we are outside the city. He seems to be getting antsy." Xiong was caught at a cross roads. On the one hand, he could watch the boy until he decided to make a break for it and hope that they met back up towards their destination at the mountain. OR he could swallow his problem with being social for a moment so that he could possible get across his intentions were merely that of an observer and hope he would not disappear on them loosing his one chance to learn more about a race that was nearly impossible to find if not gone completely. He had been able to endure the cat woman out of strength of will, and he was going to have to do it again.

Xiong looked to Mark and gave him a bit of a nod towards the boy has he placed his book inside the chest piece of his armor. He picked up the pace a bit, swerving through the crowd trying to closer without spooking him. He assumed the boy was aware of them following him by now, he only hoped he did not misread his approach as a threat. Finally he mad it within a few feet and with one last giant step, he was walking beside the boy. He kept his eyes forward with his hood drawn a bit tighter to his face as he spoke
"You are uh, Wali, right? You were in the uhm tower with us? Do you....do you mind if my friend and I....walk with you a bit.." His sentence was a cascade of muttled words and he felt embarrassed by the lack of his ability to speak correctly, but he had gotten to the point. He looked to Mark with an exhausted look in his eyes.

@Seraph Darkfire @Yonsisac
Vali frowned when Xiong stepped up next to him "Vali" he said correcting Xiong "I do mind actually, without knowing your full intent I cannot trust you" his eyes were focused on Xiong's face "and since others lie, I cannot trust what you say is the truth" he could see that this man didn't handle conversations well, though this could have been an act. It didn't seem like it "Besides, if I can't trust you, then you can't trust me, the second impending danger arrived, I would leave you behind as fast as I can" he didn't like those who lied and only hid his race to prevent undue attention.

He believed in giving anyone a good warning of how it was like to travel with him. Unless he completely trusted someone, he'd most likely abandon them the moment he felt the danger was too much for him. He looked towards his friend, tall and thin, most likely more agile than his bulkier friend. If he had to run away from anyone it would be this man.

@zCrookedz @Yonsisac
Blake looked over the coats finding one that matched her beautiful red fur. She gripped at the coat and shoved it in her bag as she prepared for the journey. Looking around at the others, she noticed everyone was making friends while she was all on her own. "Uh," she began reaching out for someone, but it seemed she was once again alone. She went through the crowd of people trying to decide who to introduce herself to.

Feeling defeated by everything, Blake lowered her head as she stood behind a she tagged along with the others. Blake perked her ears as she listened to the others conversations. She noticed there was a Gata, but it look like she already had friends here and the boy she was with gave off bad vibes for some reason. She sniffed as she looked around at the others. The dragon girl, Tala, if she recalled seemed innocent, but rather reckless and confused. Blake shook her head. Another lycos as well, but he seemed a little wild, if that is the word. Xiong, she remembered seemed pretty calm and was probably different than his appearance gave off. He seemed to be picking on a rather lanky looking boy, which sort of made Blake giggle to herself. Blake sighed and looked around at the others, perking her ears up more.
" Because they like cold water and I don't like the cold or water so they must be my natural enemy " Tela said her reasoning betraying her mentality that really barely got past being a child thanks to her long periods of isolation and her ease of survival. " I decided it myself I don't think anyone else knows " she explained

Still there was the idea that Natasha was not lying about the cold as Tela expected one know liked cold things to know where was cold and were was warm. Still could she trust her new enemy, well not enemy as they weren't exactly hostile to each other, so rival maybe Tela wasn't sure for the right word.

" You sure it is cold I lived in mountain they warm very green and pretty ?" She asked suddenly coming back to the original topic.
Not knowing what else to do, Dysis drifted around the room. She let her gaze wander from person to person, wondering who to greet all while thinking about their next move. 'So they are going up in the mountains, eh? Well, lets see what we can get done up there.' Looking to Justin she was about to gesture for them to leave when she caught his gaze focused upon something else. Tracing it back to panda boy and Amazon. With a sigh, Dysis knew someone was jealous. Though he would never admit it. Next, she looked to Alen. Watching him pick pocketing as usual wasn't a surprise. He would walk out with an armful of goodies, and no one would even notice it had been stolen. Stifling a chuckle, Dysis planned on asking him to share when they returned home.

Wandering 'round the room a bit more, she began to grow bored and tired of waiting. Slipping through the masses of people, random tails and patches of fur catching her as she does this. Arriving where Justin was, she realized that he must have moved. Gritting her teeth, Dysis continued to bob and weave through the crowd. Looking for someone else this time.

Dysis was nearing where she assumed Alen to be, she turned and starting to walk backward trying to pin point his location. Yet as she did this, she rammed into someone. Quickly turning, she started to apologize "Er, sorry about that...I should have watched where I was going..."

Asyra was very confused as to what the purpose of this journey was. She didn't need anything from what the two pigeon boys brought over, so she turned her attention to making new friends. She watched carfully as the little carbuncle boy, Vali, slipped out. She saw the panda man and his friend walk out in pursuit of the boy. Asyra looked back at the remainder of the party before reverting her gaze to the door. She didn't trust any of the other adventurers in the room and decided her best bet was with those who already fled the scene. The Howling Mountains she knew where the opposite of her home. Cold and hostile... not an ideal climate to harbor a phoenix.

She walked out of the doors and scouted around for Vali, Xiong and Mark. Her ruby eyes could not locate them amongst the crowd. Quickly, she walked around the side of the tower and let fire engulf her. Her legs shrunk into avian form, her arms grew feathers and converted into wings. In the next instant, she leapt of the ground and took to the skies, fire trailing her from her take-off point. She flew over the city. Her keen sight scanned the crowds throughout the city until she found a small commotion near the entry gates. It was Xiong trying to talk to Vali and the carbuncle did not seem thrilled about the situation at hand. She banked her left, circling backwards to get a better angle on her descent. She did not rush this in an effort to not scare the boy, or any other bystanders for that matter. She landed lightly on the ground next to small party and looked up at them. She hated standing on the ground, but there was no perch for her to stand on.

She looked at Xiong, Mark, and then to Vali. "Pardon my intrusion... You're the only ones that seemed to be good souls amongst the crowd in the tower." She turned her gaze back to Xiong. "I gather you all just met?"

@zCrookedz @Seraph Darkfire @Yonsisac
Blake tripped over her tail, but managed to catch herself as she looked back with a slight snarl. She noticed a rather large, but sweet faced girl if it wasn't for the teeth. Blake stopped her reaction snarl as she noticed the girl apologize. She gave a quick sniff noting she smelt of salt and fish, which meant she was a Psari most likely. A very large one, Blake thought scanning over the girl again. "It's quite all right," She gave a big grin revealing her own sharpened canines.

"Was it Arya?" She asked politely, looking at the girl curiously. She was much taller than Blake, but it seemed she was just a sweet thing, not very threatening. Probably more confident in water, she thought thinking that her personality sort of fit that of most Psari, but which one she wondered. Recalling the girl might not remember her name she stood up straight and stopped her investigation of the girl. "Ah, my name is Blake," she grabbed one of her tails," and it is probably not hard to guess what I am," She gave another Cheshire grin.

Mark would Notice Xiong still after that Green...thing...He keeps Forgeting what it is Honestly,he sigh and would nod at him and say "Lets be stalkers and thus Chase this person...."he said with clear sarcasam as he would follow Xiong as they aproche.Mark Understood Xiong was curius of the...Thing...as well of how many questions he had but atleast they were gona talk to him and not stalk him,mark would think of its name but he was thinking thing as he Forgot what was it,mark dint have much of a Memory like xiong but he did just...rusted,once xiong interacted with Vali he would see he had some trust issues,Mark would slowly and carfully tand beside Xiong as he dint whant to scare Vali away...its like a deer just be carfull and wont run away.

Vali sorry for thus My friend confusing your name..we mean no harm towards you...aswell no lies shall be told thus now or never,i Understand your Trust issues and its accepted...But there is no need to feel alarm because of us"Mark said trying to admit to Vali they were No danger,he said with with a smile and a slight nod,as he was wearing his large straw har,as soon mark would hear a Voice he look back and dint see anybody...Only to look down and saw a rather large Phonixe as it talk,as mark would say "Oh...well hello there...and thus you are Correct my Avien Friend we have just engage in a Conversation...Care to Join us?.."He said looking down at the Majestic bird as he soon look at Vali and a Xiong...well seems the "Pure" Team is here.Aswell Good souls....Mark thought that was Right as most seem rather...loud and aswell odd...but he was sure they were not the Only once here that were Good souls.

@Syrix @zCrookedz @Seraph Darkfire


Natasha would look at her as she was kinda shock that she hates a majestic Creature that has lived for who knows how long and just hate them because they are in the cold? wow,she shook her head but soon heard her change back to the topic,natasha rather continue with the topic and not just continue with her hate towards Ceadeus,"well it depends on how high is the Mountain...if its to high its all snow and Cold and i bet were we are going is gona be cold.....But mountains are nice and green if they are Juuuuust right"she said as she would forze a smile just to look good and Posetive.

"Thus seem this one hase a hate towards thus my speacie......never thought but chieldish manners..."a Voice in Natashas head can be heard as he was right...but she dint need to hate her because of her dislikes...if she dint like it well so be it...But atleast she could have a nice conversation wih her she just dosent need to bring ceadeus up again

Dysis became weary as the one she had bumped into started to snarl, yet she hid her relief when it died in their throat. As they accepted her apology, she nodded in reply. She could tell that the female was looking her over, so Dysis decided to repay the favor. The woman had orange tinted skin, her hair following suit though in a darker shade. Her ears were quite noticeable along with nine tails. And with what she had said, it wasn't hard to mistake her for something else. When she grinned, her teeth were sharp, yes yet not as impressive as her own.

"Arya?" Dysis asked, then realizing that she had used a false name, she quickly recovered. "Oh yes. I'm surprised you remembered." Wanted to avoid the topic of her name, she continued onto the fox "Well nice to meet you Blake. A nine tails I'm guessing?" She wasn't surprised to see one here. With all the various mythical-based people in the current population, she was wondering why more weren't here.

Alen was sitting at a bench counting his money in the tiny bags of coins "these people should know better than to talk around with this kind of dough..." He said grinning ear to ear. He placed all the bags into a bigger on and put in it a safe place so no one would pickpocket him.

He got bored since he already stole everyone's money and looked around for some entertainment. He didn't really care for the mission he was asked to do and figured the others didn't either. "Why would someone risk their lives for nothing? Waste of time to me...." He grumbled to himself. His ear then twitched a bit as he heard dysis' voice. He looked over to where it was and saw her talking to some fox chick 'why is she talking to her..?" He wondered as he kept watching
Xiong was a bit taken aback by the Carbunkles attitude, but after a moment he realized it was not an ill placed observation of the world. He sighed and listened to Mark try and explain the situation to the boy. He kept his head forward but his yellow eyes peaked around the corner of his hood so he could speak "Yea, well, I guess it makes sense wanting to bolt when danger is around. I guess what I'm asking now is would you be inclined to uh....give us a chance? I am a purveyor of knowledge and uh....my books don't have a lot of information on you....I mean...your species....I mean Carbunkles!" He reached up and placed a hand over his face in exhaustion. Speak clearly damn it!! He thought to himself when something dropped out of the sky close and caused him to turn to look. When he looked Mark was addressing the Phoenix he had seen earlier. Xiong nodded to her question, still trying to real himself back from his embarrassment, giving Mark an approval nod when he mentioned her joining them. He knew with more people traveling together they would have a slower pace, but the more people the more protection for each other.

@Syrix @Seraph Darkfire
Vali continued to watch them, this little group was very strange. When the phoenix arrived, he took a small step back. The Carbuncle species had a strange relationship with those of the Phoenix. It wasn't a hatred or anything, they were generally an alright species, it was more along the lines that they were warm, far warmer than most species. To a Carbuncle who loved to sleep in warm places, it was like nirvana. For a Carbuncle, it was usually a good sign to see or meet a Phoenix.

"I suppose this is the will of Thana" he said softly before sighing "I you are so adamant about joining me, then I guess that it is alright if you do" he figured that they'd at least be able to cover any fighting they'd have to do on this journey. He'd have to keep some distance from the girl, her natural warmth would make him far more tired than he normally was.

@Syrix @Yonsisac
She looked at Mark and bowed her head in courtesy, "I would love to." She found her former composure and turned her gaze to Vali. She opened her wing closest to Vali and bowed her head to him. "I hope you are not troubled, my new friend," Asyra said, her tone very soothing.

Once more she regained her composure and looked at each member of their party individually. "If it is decided, shall we start making our way towards the Howling Mountains? Or does anyone have any further business in Megima?"

@zCrookedz @Seraph Darkfire @Yonsisac
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"I thought ya knew where you was going." Don's shoulder's were slumped from exhaustion and the tips of his feathers and tail drug on the ground thanks to the Zaonian Gryphon's lack of energy to hold them up any longer. He sighed, leaning up against a tree as Vitawni fluttered around his head, landing to sit right above Don's brow. The little creature sat haughtily, as if it were wrong to blame it for being lost.

"I guess I wouldn' a done much better." He agreed, pushing himself back to his feet after a brief moment. "May be that we are closer, now, yeah?" Don suggested in an attempt to lift Vitawni's spirits. Without giving the runt gryphon a chance to react, Don extended his claws and leaped at the tree. It wasn't too difficult to climb, though when Don reached the top the amount the tree swayed in the wind was rather disturbing. "Aw. There it is." Don crowed excitedly, leaping into the air and spreading his wings to catch the up drift of wind. Vitawni let out an annoyed huff at being knocked off, but otherwise flew contentedly beneath Don's right side.

"Where wazzit we were sposed to meet?" Don asked, trying to think back to the letter. He also berated himself for slipping back into the pronunciations of the tribe. Shen had despised that about him, the Cheetah regularly got on his case about speaking with a more eloquent tongue. You sound like some backwards buffoon from the swamps when you talk like that. Shen's voice still rang clearly in Don's head and he couldn't help himself when he let out a soft laugh. He had set a small goal for himself- that by the time he got back to Shen, his tongue would be as eloquent and beautifully spoken as any Shen had ever heard. Shaking his head, his mind went back to the letter.

Vitawni made a small growl in annoyance before pointing to one of the more impressive looking buildings.

"In thare? Idonno if I wanna go in thare."

Vitawni rolled its eyes, though a bit of fear could be seen on its features as well.

"Wish Shen were 'ere. Bet he'd know how ta run round the city."

Vitawni started it's descent, ignoring the larger gryphon s it made it's way to the bottom of the tower. Where as Vitawni landed lightly, barely making a sound, there was a thud as all the weight and muscle Don packed landed roughly on the ground. There was a soft whine from Don, shaking one of his hands as he transformed into the more human looking version of himself, his wings and fur leaving him. He gripped his wrist, checking it for any sprains or breaks, before taking a deep breath and heading into the building.

"Hullo? Anyone in'ere?" Don flinched inwardly at the sound of his voice. He did sound like an uneducated hillbilly, as Shen would often so kindly put it. Even though Don didn't live in the hills. He never did understand that reference- it wasn't like billy goats were dumb, either, living in the hills or otherwise.

Vitawni got Don's attention before promptly taking off.

"Hey! Waitup!" Don called, having now choice but to run after the lil tyke. Vitawni zoomed this way and that, before lurching to a hault in midair. It pointed down at a group of people that were sort of spread out yet seemed to perhaps belong to the same group.

Not wanting to look like he was exhausted and hoping he didn't look worse for the wear, Don set a brisk paced walk towards the group. He took note of the animals he knew, but there were a lot he didn't know. There was something that looked like a bear- at least what Don had heard Bears were like- but with odd black markings around it's eyes. There was a small girl with lopsided horns, pale and chilled looking though not by personality. Don had no idea what animal she could be- Buffalo weren't blue or any colder color, but a warm, strong brown. A lovely girl with many vibrant, fox-like tails seemed to be conversing with something of an amphibious nature it seemed. There was another creature, even more amphibious looking a little further away. There was something that looked cat-like, a couple bird-like Zaoinians, a lycos that had strayed farther from the group, and... Don felt his eyes widen. Shen had told him about dragons but he never expected to see one ever in his life span.

"Hullo there, everybody!" Don said, waving as he came over. "I'm Don and this 'ere's Vitawni and Vitawni seems ta be thinkin' that yer the folks I been lookin' for." There was soft mental derision at how terrible Don sounded, even to himself, and he put exceptional effort into making the next sentence sound a little less uneducated and a little more eloquent. "Is it possible you all are the folks I....'ve been lookin' for?" He asked. "I....'ave got a letter here, sayin' to come to this city."
Blake nodded her head, enthusiastically. "Finally! Someone to talk to," her voice was slightly silvery like most foxes in her kingdom. Soon a new voice entered the mix. He was a rather good looking boy, but not a gata that was for sure. "Let's go say Hi," she barked at her new friend that probably regrets bumping into her. She grabbed Dysis's hand and pulled her over to where the purple haired boy resided. "Welcome!" she said with a slight booming voice.

She motioned to Dysis. "My names Blake and this is Arya," Her tails wagged as she grew more excited. Panya come from out of her bag in sight of another small creature like himself. The griffin was Panya's favorite color and he made a weird chirping sound in excitement just like his companion. Jumping up on Blake's shoulder, Panya tried to reach for the little griffin, but due to his lack of flying abilities almost tumbled down if not for Blake catching him. "Ah, and this is Panya," Blake introduced holding the small, violet eyed fox out to the others.

@StoneWolf18 @RubyRose

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