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Fantasy Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ-ZAO-Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

It seemed to Tela that Phenex couldn't walk in a straight line without breaking something it was like her and getting lost though she was sure she had to take at least one turn to get lost or walk longer than Phenex had before she got lost, though with how big a city was she might be able to get lost that easily. Though what Phenex asked was a question she would have a hard time answering, as she didn't really know how to answer as she was from lots of places.

" places all over I get lost lots not sure where I from, got kicked out of my house and I couldn't find my way home She said giving an abridged version of her story her words once again betraying her lack of an education.
Phenex looked at her with interested eyes about the way she spoke and said "you speak weird but I can't complain we all have are flaws.. And mine is being anger problems and I never had contacts with people in over 10 years so I really don't know how to interact with people outside of the amphibious race" he said scratching his head while picking the last scale loose with his tail and after that his tail curled upas his wings folded themselves.
" I leave home early never taught many things like reading, writing , and math. I get lost to often to learn and think I forget some lost and alone for um…." She said having to count on her fingers how long she had been out alone though she counted her finger to many times for it to be just years " I think 10 years maybe I lost count after vaerosurakasurr " She said seemingly not worried that she had truly been alone for years without even her partner to speak with.

They quickly got to the tower and it looked really big up close, though she did wonder if it would stand with Phenex inside it he did seem to damage without thinking, but he was an ok guy in her book, though the only other thing in her book was an ancient dragon who had no qualms about destroying a village or two in the past . " Tower very big, you think council is inside?" She asked though really she felt phenex would have just about as good as an idea as she did on that subject.
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Phenex looked at her and said "well my family was attacked by sand servants and I escaped and my partner the hydra found me in a sand storm barley alive I lost count of time I mad a estimated guess for ten years but hydras my partner now" he said smiling and as soon as he got to the tower it was huge compared to them and he looked at Tela saying "I don't know if they're in there but they have a lot of explaining calling me out on a 6 day trek out of nowhere" he said as he started walking and he stuck his massive wing out and started pulling Tela along with it saying "so you don't get lost again Tela" he said smiling.
" Hey I got to the city and didn't get lost just when in here, cities very confusing' She said not exactly seeing the humor as such jokes were not things her parents had taught her and dragons weren't much for jests at all, at least that Tela noticed in truth her partner often told jokes. Though he did finally confirm what she thought he knew the mighty hydra, well the mighty serpent was something like the dragons, though it was more deadly in terms of power or so she had come to understand form the stories her parents told her of it which were mostly it eating bad children. Still despite her protest she let Phenex keep his wing around her as she walked keeping just a head of it resting on her shoulder, mostly ignorant of how it might look to others with them coming together with his wing on her. .
In a puff of pink smoke, a girl appeared dressed in very eccentric clothing and wearing a top hat. "Greetings ladies and gents, furry and scales. My name is Adeline," she bowed with enough cheerfulness to cause no animal to go hungry. "You may call be Adel if you desire. I am from the council of Megima and one of the ones that have called you here today," she turns and looks at the crowd.

"It appears everyone is here, but just in case could each one of you state your name and why you have accepted our invitation," Adel looked ecstatic. She loved learning about new people. Turning her pink eyes on the newcomers, she waited for all their responses.

(In other words, roll call!)
Xiong listened to his friend and nodded "I realize spieing on the boy is probably not the most proper way to go about it, I just want to see if the books I read are correct of not." He watched the boy a few more moments before a thundering crash of the doors caught him off guard. Eyes glowing yellow, he watched as another came blundering into the halls of the tower and headed straight for the Carbunkle. Xiong furrowed his brow as he watched the man approach the boy, and then his eye went wide when he saw the boys shields go up. There was no mistaking him now, he was a Carbunkle and the books on their shields had to be true. Satisfied with his observations, Xiong looked to Mark and nodded off. He had no intentions of introducing himself, merely wanting to observe.

As he turned around the appearance of a young girl caught him off guard. He looked to Mark and then back tot he girl, "Ah, yea. Hi. We were summoned last night." Xiong glanced around the room with his yellow eyes. Social interaction were not really his "thing" but when someone walks up to you, its incredibly rude not to at least answer their questions and introduce yourself. "Umm, Im Xiong, this is my friend Mark." He gestured to himself and then to Mark. After his introduction the cloud of pink smoke poofed into exictance and Xiong looked to the other two. He looked around and lifted his head to the pink eyed lady "Xiong of Paradosis, I came seeking knowlage." He dipped his back as quickly as he could, pulling his hood as forward as it would go.

@Syrix @Yonsisac @DemonKitten
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Alen nodded to dysis before entering the tower. He then tried blending in with the crowd but it was a little hard since he still smelt like fruit from earlier. So he walked around and made it look like he was mingling with everyone. 'I hate socializing....' He thought annoyed

Once the girl appeared with her smoke Alen raised his eyebrow 'wonder if she's worth anything? Money wise of course....' He thought amused. It seemed she was pretty much calling roll or something. Since alen couldn't say the real reason he was there he had to make something up. Alen raised his arm "alen. I came in search of money!" He said grinning widely. That reason was technically half true but they didn't have to know the rest. He smirked and kept walking around and pickpocketed more people's money as usual
Adi gave a huge grin at the two that chose to respond so far. Though one's purpose was clouded, she hoped this journey would help them realize there is more that they seek on this journey than what they first imagined. "Xiong and Alen," She repeated their name in a jolly tone as she bowed, "It is great of you to come join us. I am pleased to have you," She looked around at the others before she continued. "How about the rest of you? Name and reason for coming?" She inquired once again.

@Aqua @Zafirah @Syrix

Blake came to the front and turned to the crowd with a large smile. "My name is Blake and I came for the adventure," Her eyes sparkled with wonder and innocence as she dreamed of all that she would see. Her tail wagged back and forth at tremendous speed and kicked up dust everywhere. Noticing this, she stopped and grabbed her tail giving a bashful smile from behind them. "Uh, sorry," She said as she went to seat herself in between Xiong and Alen. She tried not to show her feelings of defeat, but her ears fell back in response to her feelings. Only downfall to having ears, she thought as they shot themselves back up in response.
"My name is Vali" he said quietly "I'm here for protection against...people who would wish me dead" he didn't really want to say who was after him. They're the ones who called him here, certainly they knew what he was and who hunted him. It was a bit impersonal really, to have them all together in this room. If the council was trying to foster a sense of friendship among everyone, he didn't believe that it was going to work. There were certain types that simply didn't get along with one another.

What he wanted most? To leave and find a nice warm place to take a nap. But he was here and he had to see what was going to happen.

Tela didn't really have any reason for coming or at least any good reason. Well to be honest she wasn't sure why she had come she had been told that she had been invited and she just set off in the direction she was told to go. Well reasons came with goals and she had no goals aside from live life and that she didn't really need help with living off the land was something that was oddly easy for her, perhaps because her draconic state prevented her from suffering most of the normal horrors of survival.

" I am Tela, and I get paper and told it says to come here so I come here ' She said the words becoming slightly more coherent as she talked to others, though she still admitted it without saying that she couldn't read what had been written.
He was late, again. He had made it to the city of Megima behind schedule. It wasn’t his fault; he had travelled swiftly, only stopping when necessary. He had lost time helping a little girl find her ball but he couldn’t walk away and leave her crying in the rain. The flower she had given him as a token of thanks poked out from the fastening on his cloak. He put a finger to it, reassuring himself it was still there then pulled his pack into a more comfortable position on his back and entered the city proper.

He had gotten his first glimpse of the thriving metropolis from the crest of a, now distant, hill. The sheer size of the city had slowed his steps to a stop. The streets and houses sprawling in haphazard ease across the valley, picked out in bright colours he had seen bustling market squares twice the size of the ones held back home. Rising at random from the city he had seen tall spires and towers reached to the heavens in a strange parody of trees, knowing that one of those towers was his destination had made him shiver and begin to move once more.

Now inside the city surrounded by the noise of so many other people, talking in various languages and yelling at one another he felt overwhelmed. He felt like he stood in the heart of a vast machine and he had no idea how it worked. He would have to come back to the city one day to explore its twisting lanes or perhaps to just get lost and appreciate its beauty. ‘Just find the tower.’ The voice in his head prompted and he set off in search of his destination, his mind focused once more on his task.

He navigated the streets with little difficulty, almost everything was signposted and soon he was following the arrows to the Council Tower. His brown eyes expanded in wonder as he turned the final corner and got his first true look at the building. It was grand but not as tall as some of the trees he had seen at home. He felt strangely disappointed by the discovery. He crossed to the door and found it open, standing slightly a jar, maybe he wasn’t last after all.

With a smile he slipped into the building and found the room the letter indicated. Miraculously that door too stood open, his smile deepened and he entered the room just in time hear a young girl covered solely by scales say, “I am Tela, and I get paper and told it says to come here and I come here.” The way she spoke suggested to him unfamiliarity with the language, he wondered absently where she had come from but brushed the question aide. He moved quietly to a nearby pillar and leant against it, hoping to look like he had been there from the start. He would speak up soon enough but, for now, he planned to observe the little gathering and hear why the others had answered the summons.
Dysis then entered after Alen. When she opened the large doors, it wasn't that spectacular of a display. Yeah she is tall, about 6'4, was well built but a bit more bulky than lean. Nothing special about her attire, dark hair or pale eyes. Truthfully, Dysis hardly stood out among the crowd. Letting her gaze wander the room, she caught sight of a woman speaking to the various people mingling about. Her curiosity taking hold, she drew closer but when she glanced behind her to see Justin "Man Handling" someone. Stifling a groan, Dysis pushed her way through the masses, which wasn't very hard considering her height.

Once she reached Justin, she asked "Sir, why are you attempting to touch someone you have yet to meet?" Dysis had to real him in on so many operations that she had become quite adept at acting like she never met him. No hints whatsoever were given, it was all perfect. She just hopped Justin would play along. Waiting for a reply, Dysis realized that the woman talking was calling roll. A slight worry blossomed in her chest, seeing as they hadn't received a formal invitation. Thinking quite quickly, she replied to the woman "Arya Seff. I Also had received a letter telling about this. I accepted because-I wish to right the wrong that had been done" She knew better than to use her real name in public, and what she had stated was somewhat true. Hopping that no one noticed her pause, Dysis, though nervous, she easily hid her emotions and waited for a response.
Justin stared interestingly at the boy before turning to Dysis that had spoke up to him. He grinned. "Why shouldn't I... I'd really like to see how much a Carbunkle's gem could fetch for in the black market," he said. The shield gave it away so Justin was aware of the type of animal the boy was. He leaned back in his chair looking over at the guy who was reading books while he waited. "You know a thing or two about Carbunkle's? I see you staring over here a lot. Tell me... how much are the gems worth?" Justin called out to the guy who seemed to have panda like features.

His attention was taken by the girl in the middle that had asked about everyone. Justin sat up, sizing himself up to everyone else in the room before talking. "Damion White!" His voiced resonated through the room. Justin wasn't dumb and followed Dysis' cue to use alibis. "I come for glory," he added with a sly grin etching itself on his face. His eyes darted from person to person, pausing for a moment on Amazon, flashing a subtle wink, then proceeding to give intimidating stares to everyone else.
Amazon walked in like, well, a Amazon. She swung her hips and tail and held her head high, attracting a large amount of male attention. It wasn't so sweet though. Her whip, Fulgur, was wrapped in perfect view around her forearm and a metallic glint would occasionally be seen through her fingertips . Amazon also gave a through inspection of the people and surroundings, a tall, muscular man that reminded her of a panda catching her eye. Walking swiftly past Dysis, Justin and the Carbuncle boy, she'd breezily say, " Hey, I wouldn't exactly mind if he put his hands me...". Snickering at the short remark, she'd also laugh about how many times her " wish" had came true.

Amazon couldn't help the cocky smirk spreading across her lips as the woman asked for their name and reason for being here, the brunnete loved " playing roll call ". Noticing her friends alibis-except for Alen, she quickly thought of a fitting name. Quickly cracking the whip, a sharp
" Crrccck !" resonated across the area, cutting of a decent amount of chatter. Once most were looking at her, she began, speaking in a odd but flawless accent " I am the painful yet pleasurable Trxye Levesque...and I am here since I want-" . Amazon paused to tap a blade like fingernail on her cheek then opening her eyes when she thought of it. " -Expirence. I want experience".

Xiong bowed his head to Adel, hoping that this would be the only questions that would be asked of them. Xiong watched as each of the members presented himself, particularly interested in the Carbunkle boys answer to the question. It made sense, seeking out protection when you are so hungrily sought out but hunters and others who wish to harm you. Xiong closed his eyes as each member introduced themselves keeping mental notes of who was who. He peeped one eye open and reached into his pocket retrieving his spare sprig and popped the end of it into his mouth. As he did, he watched as the fox girl come over and sat and returned to his contemplating. So many different face, so many different reasons for joining a group of people that none of them knew. Furthermore, not a single one of them seemed to be in the same boat as another. Adventure, money, knowledge, hell even just because they showed up; they were all here for something completely different. Xiong crunched down on the springs end, the sweet taste of the plants sugars covering his tongue.

Finally the doors swung opened again and Xiong opened one of his eyes again to peer around the corner of his hood. He beheld the tall cat like woman who was walking in as if some sort of goddess walking among mere mortals. The effect of her walk was apparent to Xiong as he noticed a few men standing outside the door watching her as she disappeared into the tower. For a second he felt her eyes on him and slowly he retracted his gaze. It for the woman was not beautiful, merely out of tradition and respect for her. However when the woman walked up and spoke to him, a chill crossed his spine hearing her voice in such a mildly suggestive way. He cracked a smile, raising the small sprig a bit into the air before turning to Mark and giving him a bit of a nudge. "Come my friend, only one of us needs to be anti-social."

He chuckled at his friend and returned his gaze to the others. Then out of no where, he heard the sound of someone speaking to him. He turned his head slightly realizing that it was the man he had seen earlier devouring fish. He gave the man a look over and was concerned by his interest of the Carbunkle. His eyes squinted, he could feel a touch of sinister purpose behind the mans question. He pulled his hood over his face breaking eye contact with the man.
"I do not imagine that the Carbunkle jewel would be worth anything to you. You would never be able to get to it through the shield anyways. I suggest you forget any ill intentions."

@Zafirah @Yonsisac @rapjack123
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Mark stared and look around as many people introduce themselfs,mark was not the best wen it came with crouds neather,he just like being silent and so many of them made him slightly nervius,he staid beside xiong but he slightly jump feeling his Nudge as he would raise his head towards him and shrug saying "S-...Sorry not Thus best wen comes to task of this level"he said slightly nervius as he would look towards Adel and would was preaty nervius but calm now,i mean he was call here for a reson,with a mental sigh he would respond "I am Mark Bluegrav I have traveld here for Knowlage Thus as same Xiong....and aswell in search of my Lost family"he said as he would bow for Adel Befor returning beside Xiong.

He sigh and would look up at Xiong and whisper "
Dont do that....it makes me nervius In many levels...especially thus as you calling me anti-social"he said as that just made him nervius wen xiong did that,that might have made some get his attention and was little nervius but better than anything.

(sorry for short)



Natasha was outside wating as soon as she saw some starting to enter the tower she noded making her way as soon she hears a Voice inside her head "Chield...i will leave you know as you dont need me here....speak to minde once you have compleated your reson in there"it said as natasha would stop and not even enterd the tower as she would say back "W..Wait! Dont just leave me!"She dint reasive a respond and sigh and look around,seems she was on her Own here,but was true she dint need to depend on him for many things,she took a Deep breaths and would push the doors open slowli and would enter,the tall Horned Woman look around seeing a few,seems somthing important from the amount,she made sure her Hornes dint disturbe anybody like last time,looking around she would look foward once she heard a Voice of Adel and ask for them and reson...Natasha dint have one but follow the paper of the Invitation actually but she did have resons.

"Im Natasha solotov from the Mona,s i came here regards of the Invitation mostly"she said with a Nod befor looking around for a place to sit or somthing,she dint minde and wouldstay standing but ofcourse not in the way,she dint minde and aswell she like more standing than sitting,sitting down taking extra space because people dint whant to be disturbed of her horns so standing is better,but she had to admit there were a few people here and interesting ones.

Asyra nodded at Xiong and looked at the others around her. "My name is Asyra." She looked around at the other individuals in the room as well as her surroundings in general. She didn't mind being indoors, but she most definitely preferred being outside. A diverse group, to say the least, she thought to herself. The Sunwatchers were a very diverse group of Zaonians, so she was comfortable with the variety.

When the pink smoke appeared, Asyra's eyes widened. She was not one to take surprises subtlely. Her body heat was rising to a point where it could be felt above her skin. Upon seeing who appeared, a ninetails, and with her introduction, the phoenix within calmed and she returned to a collected and attentive state. As Adel made her entrance and asked for everyone's introduction, she watched Xiong start the chain. After Natasha, the ruby-eyed girl spoke up. "I am Asyra Fireheart, a member of the Dawnguard in the Aurum Mountains. I was summoned here for purposes I'm still trying to unveil."
Looking over the young Zaonians, Adi gave a sinsisterly cute smile. "Glory, Fame, riches, adventure, knowledge, confusion, and mere curiosity," She began as she walked around to each one of them. "You have all had many reasons for coming here, but alas I already know what remains in your heart," Her eyes went dark as she returned to her spot and the lights dimmed. "I am the Seer of the Present," She began as she formed a purplish pink ball in front of her. "I have watched you all for quite some time and you all hold something needed for this journey. You will gain more than you originally wanted. Hope, understanding, Faith, Love, and even a Reason," Two shadows walk overhead as they watch the people below. "Those above you are other council members. Two of which are Seers of the Past and Future. You shall meet them on your journeys," She smiled as her little bowl of light started to show pieces of their home and what was happening at the moment. "You think you are hidden and no one knows your pain, but that is not the case. You were all chosen because you need something and this journey will make or break the futures that have been foreseen for you all,"

The ball of light vanished and the shadows moved away as the lights came back on. "Your first journey will be towards the Howling Mountains whom are in need of your help. You will find out more as you come upon them," Two pigeon like boys appeared bringing thick clothing with them. "Pick out what you need for your journeys to the mountains. Once you have finished your quest, one of us will provide you with your next quest," She smiled and bowed. "Until then, Good luck," A puff of pinkish purple smoke appeared and she vanished, leaving the group to their devices.

@Aqua @Syrix

Amazon smiled at the downward cast gaze of the panda man-Xiong, she believed it was. The small feline had to resist a huge urge to jump up and bat the little puffs atop his head. Instead, she'd give both men a nod of the head with a small half smile that would show a hint of a bright tooth. " I am Trxye has you already know...Xiong and Mark, yes ? Nice to meet you". Amazon would look amused at Xiong's shy smile, giving him a slightly girlish one back. " No need to be hesitant, I love meeting new people..quite the social butterflies, I see". Pausing to stand on the tips of her toes, Amazon gave Xiong a small peck on the cheek, throwing another smile as she went back down, " See..we're all friends here".

Xiong watched the girl before him as she got closer. She was very much in his comfort zone and she did not seem to be stopping. His golden eyes flickered from the girl to the faces around the room as she got closer and closer until her lips brushed his cheek. A shudder starting from his torso spreading to his limbs erupted as the girl lowered herself back to the ground. He kept his eyes trained on the girl, watching her as she spoke which he gave a weak smile to "Yes.....friends....." He kept his eye trained on her until the woman before them started talking.

Xiong watched and listened as Adi spoke. The magic she was wielding had him fixated on her words and the meaning behind them. Despite the weirdness of knowing that someone had been watching him, he was very interested in these Seer's she spoke of. Xiong had read a good deal on the City of Mutts, but not a lot of what he read mentioned in detail the tower they currently stood in. He wanted to ask so many questions of the woman, but knew this was neither the time nor the place.

He watched as the lights came back into existence and she revealed their future endeavor to them. Watching the two boys coming towards them he looked around at the faces of the others. Keeping an eye on Trxye for a moment before turning to Mark with a bit of a smirk "Sounds like we are heading towards home my friend." IT had been some time since the two of them had left the base of the mountain range. Thought he did not know where in the mountain range they were going, it would be nice to see the snow white tops again.

@Zafirah @Yonsisac
Justin watched as the others introduced themselves, sitting next to the Carbunkle boy when he introduced himself as well. Protection? ..Hm... that was interesting. There were just some things you couldn't protect yourself against. He watched as the woman in the middle stated what their mission was... their... 'mission'. Justin shot brief glances at Alen, Dysis, and... Amazon?

Justin saw that she was conversing with the man that had... Xiong, his name was. The panda. Justin trained his eyes onto him, smiling as he watched them talk. Then Amazon gave him a brief kiss on the cheek. One of their group members getting up close and personal with the others it seemed. Justin mused himself at the thought. But as Justin watched him, he went deep into thought. He fell completely silent, his eyes following Xiong, thinking... constantly thinking. This would make things interesting now that they were making friends with everyone here.
Vali frowned as the woman began talking about what they would gain throughout their journey. It was a bit too optimistic for his tastes. As far as he was concerned, everyone in the room was a potential threat until he was proven wrong. He'd spent far too much time running away from people to simply start trusting them now. Through this little exchange, he was already sure of who the liars where and who he should avoid the most.

The second she was done talking and he knew where he was supposed to go, he was moving through people, stopping only to grab a small bag. His small form and quick feet allowed him to slip through them with surprising ease. He didn't want to stay here any longer. There were too many people and no other reason to remain with them. When he reached the door, he stepped out into fresh air and sighed, feeling a little bit better before he turned and headed down the street.

'The Howling Mountains' he thought 'My fur will protect me from the cold, and I can store my clothes in this bag' he'd been there before, though he'd only stayed there for a very short time, not really having anything to do with the mountains. He wondered exactly what was going on there now?
Tela didn't speak as the mission was explained, and she really was sure there had been a mistake there was no way she was picked for anything, they must have just mistaken her for some other dragon. Well she had nothing else planned and mountains did sound nice though her only experience was with the mountains of her home so she knew only of mountains being warm so she didn't get the extra clothing. There was also the question of which way these mountains where, well she would do as she always did and just wander until she found something , though that was rarely where she wanted to go. SO Tela completely ignored the warm clothes being handed out and headed right out the doors, and if anyone knew geography from their location to the mountains, and went the exact opposite direction of where she wanted to go.
Mark stood beside Xio as soon he saw a female walk up towards them and say there names,mark Smiled and noded....Mark Notice how he was slightly acting maybe he dint feel Confy or somthing But hey he had to get confy around lets say...LOTS of people now that they needed to act,Mark was distracted as he heard there Quest and aswell the Pidgeon people....the Howling Mountains seems the cold would be strong,mark chook his head as he dint need any clothing agains the cold,he has lived ontop of the Mountains once he was use to the cold...well most of it.

Mark saw the woman give a Peck on Xiongs cheek and heard her say we are all friends,In some seans we are,he dint pay much attention as he was distracted by the Voice f there quest but aswell mark dint whant to disturbe the two as they speak,mark look around and saw the...um...He forgot wath was it calld,the one with the gem on there Forhead....maybe he would remember,but xiong had a point...was interesting,His eyes turn to the one that said was a Member of the Dawnguards.....interesting indeed.

He heard Xiong and would look at him and Nod as he would say "Yes thus our step will take us there.....I might not like Thus the cold anymore"he said as he would look around at the people seeing many of them,some with horns,some with scales,gems,etc....Many were out here and full of interesting speacies and...um...Things...some he dint know what they were.


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