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Fantasy Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ-ZAO-Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ *Always Open*

Who should be my co-game master?

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Penance said:
Alen was sitting at a bench counting his money in the tiny bags of coins "these people should know better than to talk around with this kind of dough..." He said grinning ear to ear. He placed all the bags into a bigger on and put in it a safe place so no one would pickpocket him.
He got bored since he already stole everyone's money and looked around for some entertainment. He didn't really care for the mission he was asked to do and figured the others didn't either. "Why would someone risk their lives for nothing? Waste of time to me...." He grumbled to himself. His ear then twitched a bit as he heard dysis' voice. He looked over to where it was and saw her talking to some fox dude 'why is she talking to him..?" He wondered as he kept watching
Uh penance, that 'fox dude' is female
@Syrix The Carbuncle species died out over a thousand years ago. Vali is the last in existence. Unless Asyra has lived for thousands of years, she couldn't have met any other Carbuncles.
Um... a glitch with my computer somewhere that didn't load the images into the actual character sheet.

I think I've fixed it now?
@RubyRose Looks good. I like your character. Are you going to add the characters that are part of his history? If you don't really want them as a big part, you can always make them neutral characters for certain use later.
Could you explain the difference between adding a character and making them neutral characters?

Because if it were a choice I'd love to have Shen join up with Don later on, and Veneno is still running around causing trouble...

and Miri and the gang I could see as being neutral characters I guess?
Well, a main character is someone who you will use often and probably want to develop. A neutral character is there for plot or only around for a brief moment.
Alright, then Don is my absolute main... and later on, Shen could be my second main? (I worked for about 4 hours on Don's character sheet and kind of want to brew a bit on what Shen's full backstory will be like)

And then, if it's ok with you, I'll add Veneno, and Miri's band of rogues to the Neutral characters- free to be used in whatever you see as fit :)

Does that sound right?

Also, this roleplay is a heaven send. The concept is fantastic and the world is beautiful <3
Thanks @Yonsisac

I really appreciate the compliment ^.^

I realize I'm late to the game and I really wanted to show that Don is a worthwhile character to join the roleplay :)

That, and it was just a lot of fun writing him :D
You are welcome @RubyRose and are you really a Rose made out of Ruby -3-

and just by reading the CS and all the work that has been place and Overall written on it its clear that Old Don is fit and ready for this RP
Unfortunately I am not a Rose made out of Ruby. How cool would that be, though?!

-Must find a Ruby Rose now, one that is not the Australian Model or the Anime Character but a crystalline rose-

And thanks for your vote of confidence :D I'm super psyched to get him into the story!

The only question now is how. And how to explain why he was late...I don't think the excuse of traffic works in this.
.....Pleas tell me if ya finde a rose made out of that precius Red Gemstone!!!!

Hmmmm....well....that is hard but maybe you could just say you went to save a Princes but only to finde some one that tells you she is in a Nother castle...
I will let you know.

Not a bad idea. I'm going to check with Demonkitten and see if they have any recommendations.
Ok sorry for that on a serius note maybe he was late because the Location was far of,he can fly yes but might get tired and land to rest and continue his way,but aswell weather problems could be envolve aswell to extend that time and Give more reson for being late.

sorry i get kinda Goofi wen bored...
It's totally fine. Rather amusing :)

That's a good point. Getting lost because he's never traveled to the city before could also be a valid reason.

Thanks for your help in thoughts and tips, I do appreciate it Yonsisac :)

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