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Fantasy Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ-ZAO-Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Additional IC


Handler of Souls, Destroyer of Hearts

To keep from getting confused on where everyone is at, if there are two interactions in two different areas this is where the second interactions will go.

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Justin was gone from the rest of the group for quite a while. He decided to find himself something to eat down by a river. He sunk into the water, his swimming ability keeping him from being taken by the strong current. He dipped his head into the freezing water searching for... well, fish. Not too hard either as they were pretty abundant. The only thing he'd have to watch for is- suddenly someone grabbed him and pulled him out of the water. "What do you think you're doing on our fishing grounds?" A voice asked him. "Great," Justin muttered. It was a man, tall, buff and we'll built. Except he beat Justin by several inches. His animal... a bear. "I'm looking for a meal," Justin snapped back at him. Sure bears were very territorial but he wasn't going to let that stop him from going fishing. (NPC continuation here)

@DemonKitten @StoneWolf18 (Justin is interacting with an NPC from the bear tribe)
(@rapjack123 @Everyone not with wolves just respond to this)

A great black bear alongside a woman with light brown red hair appeared from the woods noticing one of her own with a man she had never seen before. "Calm yourself, Yojo," The woman said calmly as she placed a hand on the large, bear mans shoulder. She looked at the stranger noticing he wasn't built for cold weather. Giving him a kind smile, she introduced herself. "My name is Shara of the great Feouren Bear Tribe," She used her hands to motion to the land and water around them. "This is our home, but it is not just ours so we must share our fish with others," She nudged Yojo who bowed in response to her words.

"What brings you to these lands for it does not seem like a place one as yourself would be?" Her words were curious but kind and she held no anger towards anyone. You even wondered if this woman had anger in her muscular built body.
Justin walked out of the water and took off what little clothing he had over his stocked upper body off to rinse off the water. As he did so he looked at the girl standing next to the bear. A bear tribe? "What brings me here? Some mission, I don't even know, it's supposed to be for Megima," he said as he put his small vest back on and patted his shorts. "I'm here in the river to get myself a badly needed meal," Justin said, indignantly out of spite of the male, Yojo it was? Screw him..
Shara noticed the boys displeasure of her companion so she whispered in his ear to return home and to next time not be so hostile without knowing facts. Yojo bowed to the woman before running off back to where their home resided. "Do not be angry with Yojo. The wolves have gave us issues for many years and he fears them taking our river out of spite. Though they are not good fishers," She smiled and chuckled to herself. "My people are not usually this hostile but the resent battle with the pack has left them worried," She walked over to the river and starred at it's surface as she started to walk into the water.

"We are patient creatures, but the wolves are hasty and it causes us to be more defensive," She sighed to herself as she remained perfectly still in the icy waters not even a shiver to pass through her body. In moments, she swooped her hand down and caught a fish tossing it over to her bear companion who did a quick blow to kill it before offering it to Justin. "A token of apology. Though you seem like a water dweller as well, these cold waters must be rough for you," She said as she walked out of the water to where he stood. "Once you are done eating, you may join us for the night since they are extremely harsh, but only if you wish it," She smiled kindly as they waited for him to take the peace offering.

@rapjack123 (Try and Keep at least six lines)

"S-Seems like it'll b-be our b-best bet." Jenoah agreed and began to pick up his pace so that he was heading in the direction of the light. He really hoped that they had been correct and that there were Zaonians up here that knew the mountain and were hospitable to those who found themselves lost. The Chameleon found it interesting that his companion presumed the fire had to be witch made to be sustained in this weather. He was considering it may not be fire, or if it was that there was some sort of shelter around it protecting it from the wind. Either way it'd be senseless to argue the point.

"H-Hello?" Jenoah called as they got closer. The chill seemed to be breaking through with every sharp cut of wind now, chilling the poor Zaonian to the bone. He wondered what animal his traveling partner was to also be surviving the weather so far. It was odd how he felt a companionship with this other creature though he did not even know their name. It was a strong bond that was built when two were in misery together, and possibly battling for their very lives.

"Hello?" Jenoah tried again, realizing he had been too quiet to be heard over the wind the first time around. "D-Do you know a s-safe place to stay? To escape th-this cold?"


(@DemonKitten for the Bear??)
A blonde, large and bulky man similar to a viking heard the voice of Jenoah and turned to where it was coming from. Those his appearance appeared rough and edgy, Bahmun was actually a kind chief to his tribe as well as outsiders. Standing up revealing a man about 7"4 and a threat to be reckon with. "Hello, young Zaonian. You look as if you are freezing out here," His voice was deep, but soothing as he approached Jenoah noticing another with him as well. "Ah, There are two of you. A rare sight in deed. We never get visitors out in these parts," He gave a great big chuckle before smiling at the two.

"You said you need a place to stay?" He repeated the words that the chameleon had spoken and took a second to run the ideas in his mind. "Well, I can take you back to my people. They can provide you with food and warmth for as long as needed," He put out the fire and walked in between the two companions. "Come on for it will get too cold soon. My tribe will be happy to have visitors. Those wolves always run them off," He laughed with very little bitterness in his voice towards his enemies being a man that had lived through a lot in his time.

@RubyRose @Phosphoro
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A loud roar seemed to cut through the entire land. It was so loud it caused birds to fly away in fear of what just let out a mighty wail. The roar was enough to cause any animal to run in fear. The roar came from one person, and that was the large, muscular bear known as Berengar! With each footstep down the hill a slight thump could be heard, his fur swayed in sync with the blistering cold wind as he neared closer to the tribe, he hadn't been here for quite some time because he's been too busy adventuring for months, but now he was finally back and ready to begin serving his tribe once more with loyalty and strength. The 7''11 tall Bear Zaonian shook violently, knocking off the snow that was beginning to build on his broad shoulders. The vigorous shake also woke Kota, the small sun bear hooked onto his back. He opened his small mouth and let out a lond yawn.

"So my shake woke you up, but my roar didn't?" The large Zaonian asked with a deep and raspy voice.

"Oh don't get it wrong... That roar woke me up for a moment but I fell back asleep." The small companion replied with a tired and soothing voice.

Bear just turned the other direction and continued on with his small venture to the tribe, behind him was a long trace of footsteps in the shape of a bears paws. The sun bear looked back at them and began negotiating with himself "What if we're being followed? I don't think it would be wise to leave footprints behind, we have had out fair share of enemies in the past who he hasn't killed. Nevertheless I've never seen Bear lose a fight in my entire life so I'm not too worried." Bear glanced back and could tell Kota was thinking to himself but he didn't stop walking. He also didn't say anything, he trusted Kota with his life. Kota climbed onto Bear's large furry head and scouted the area as much as he could see through the snow. "Nobody. And I don't smell anything." With that the small black and gold bear crawled back onto Bear's back, trying his best to avoid touch the scar that ran downwards.

They were at the tribe with minutes to spare, a small smile ran across Bear's face as he inhaled and exhaled deeply. "Nothing's changed since I left. That's a good thing." Bear said to himself before another bear Zaonian walked up to him, she had to look up to stare at Berengar's eyes. At first Berengar didn't know who this female was but as he got a better read of her face, he knew exactly who she was. But he wasn't so certain she knew who he was. Being very rude and competitive he puffed up his chest and cracked his neck with lifting a hand.

"What are you looking at? Get out of my way, Orsola I've got better things to do than chat with you."

"I-it's you. Berengar. How are you? How have you been? Where did you go?"

He didn't even answer her questions, instead he shoved her out of his way and continued on to the tribe. Everyone stared at him for a long while before continuing on with their usual jobs. He simply scoffed and continued on is way to his old fort. A blast of nostalgia rushed at him as he entered the small fort he built as a child. He smiled and sat down in an old chair which amazingly still held him up. He was home.
Guiding the two young Zaonians to his home, Bahmun whistled a small toon being a very jolly chief. He thought about something before speaking to them both. "Ah, I forgot to mention my name. I am Chief Bahmun, but most just call me Chief Bah. It is much easier," He smiled at them as they arrived to a normal looking small cave that seemed too small to hold a whole tribe of bears. They entered, even having to duck, but as they went further the ceiling skyrocketed and revealed a bustling community of large Zaonians all towering the two Zaonians.

"Welcome to my tribe!" He said with a booming voice that slightly echoed. He let the words sink in before continuing. "Ah, there is Berengar," He noticed as Orsola walked with her head down as if rejected again. He laughed a little at the normal occurrence between the tribe. "Berengar can be a little rough around the edges, but I think he could learn from some traveling Zaonians," He told the two as he guided them over to him. "Berengar, meet our two new members of the tribe or at least until they find what they came for," He smiled at them, but recalled he didn't know their names. "Ah, yes, What are your names?" He asked them.

@Phosphoro @RubyRose @Exiled Wanderer
(Sorry it's just that I write from my phone so it's hard to judge what'd be long and what's too short @DemonKitten)

Justin observed the way Sara hunted. It was similar to his way of hunting too. Stay still until the perfect moment to strike. Except he hid from view completely, and they didn't. Justin eyed the peace offering, not accustomed to accepting help from others. For a moment he debated if he should take such help but in the end he took it. He took a huge bite of the fish and walked up to her. "Stay the night? No... I need to get back to the others. Care to know where they might be?" He asked, nonchalantly.

He didn't want to be separated from the group for too long. It felt like something might happen and if they were with the wolf tribe that couldn't have been good. Shara talked about how the wolves were hasty and aggressive. Definitely a mob of his type. No one could be his type without beating them into their place. Then Justin remembered that he also needed to get back on track with their plan. Yup, staying a full 24 hours away from them was definitely not an option.
Gihal followed the Chameleon as best he could as they made for the fire. The wind road in his ears, a loud incessant stream and he feared he would go deaf. He pushed the thought away, as far as he knew his healing abilities might stretch to repairing his ears but he was in no hurry to test the theory.

He drew up short at the sight of hulking figure in front of them. The man became clearer as the wind dipped, stopping for a short time, he towered over Gihal and the Chameleon. Gihal felt himself shrink under the man’s gaze, though the stranger’s eyes were friendly, he felt insignificant next to the tall man. ‘At least Muscles can get us out of the cold.’ Barriottok said, darting his head out of Gihal’s coat quickly to take a look at what was happening before once more retreating into the soft warmth of the fabric.

‘Please, Tick Tock, keep quiet for now. I need to concentrate.’ Gihal answered softly, he doubted the tall man would appreciate being called Muscles. He walked beside the Chameleon as the tall man guided them towards a cave. He gave his name as Chief Bahman. Gihal felt the feeling return to his feet and hands as he walked.

The trio entered into a room packed with huge Zaonian’s each one much bigger than he would have expected to find in a cave, but then, it wasn’t a small cave with a cramped ceiling. The room he found himself in was enormous, its walls smooth and the ceiling as far distant as the tallest of trees in Vrochi Forest. Gihal scratched nervously at his face, extra conscious of his scales, as Chief Bahman walked them over to a large man covered in fur. At the man’s side stood a bear. ‘So, we found the bears.’ Gihal remarked to Barriottok who still hid in his coat.

“Berengar, meet our two new members of the tribe or at least until they find what they came for,” Chief Bahman smiled. “Ah, yes, what are your names?”

Gihal had been looking around the cavern with unchecked interest and wonder. He forced himself to look up at the Chief then looked at the Chameleon at his side. “Please forgive my laps in manners, a snow storm does not lend itself to introductions.” He said then turned his head to include the taller bear, Berengar. “My name is Gihal and my companion here is Barriottok,” he said indicating the Salamander who had ventured his head out of the coat, “It is an honour to make your acquaintance.”

@RubyRose @DemonKitten @Exiled Wanderer
Shara looked at the zaonian boy with curiosity. "You shall not find your friends in the cold that covers the mountains at night," She informed him using hand motions to signify just how intense the storm to come would be. "Perhaps your friends have already taken camp for the night. If you really wish to find them taking care of yourself is a requirement," she continued as she moved to stand by her companion.

"If you still do not choose to come than your safety is not my worry and your death not on my consiousness, but I do hope you will reconsider. Your friends could possible be in the cave as well," She offered him, but was not sure if she could move the boy to her proposition. Shara started to saunter away with her companion towards the tribe caves. "I shall be heading back, you may follow only if you wish," with that she continued on her way.

Jenoah was so grateful that it had been a fire and that the bear had welcomed them in so easily, he almost collapsed into the snow. Thankfully, his legs continued to hold him up so that he wasn't covered in the cold and he walked along besides his companion, eyes widening marginally as the made it to the home of the bears. The loud voice caught Jenoah a little off guard and he shifted colors on accident- still in his human form so his skin and hair just flitted through a few colors before going back to the bright blue and pale colors he had previously chosen. He pulled back his hood to get a better look at the place he was being welcomed into. If it were anyone else, a smile would have spread across their face. Because Jenoah was fighting his show of emotion, though, his face remained expressionless.

A rather violent and ill tempered bear, by Jenoah's assumptions, pushed his way past another bear. The chief bear brushed it off, saying that it was something that occurred rather often. Jenoah glanced over at the other Zaonian who had been caught in the snow, eyebrows knitting together in concern. The chief seemed friendly enough but Jenoah wasn't all that interested in becoming someone's lunch, either.

When asked to introduce themselves, Jenoah let the other speak first. The Chameleon took a moment to really pay attention to the Zaonian as they spoke attempting to pinpoint a species. It appeared to be lizard like, possibly... Jenoah became more certain when the man introduced his companion. For a second, Jenoah had thought the other was going to introduce him... probably because he had been considering them companions... but then, Gihal didn't even know his name. Jenoah also found the other's manners interesting. He had gone so far as to apologize for not introducing himself earlier... a show of a good upbringing, and or balanced nature.

"My name is Jenoah." The Chameleon replied after Gihal had finished speaking. He didn't address the other bear, though he glanced over at him. He found it concerning to be around Zaonians that were so much larger than he. Yet most of them seemed friendly enough. It hadn't passed Jenoah's notice that the chief had also mentioned that he was curious why they had come here- though he hadn't explicitly said it to them. Either way, he didn't want to offer information without being asked... and he didn't know why they were up in the mountains besides that it was in their mission statement to come up here... but to do what hadn't been mentioned.

"I hope that our being here isn't an intrusion." Jenoah added, his voice quiet and difficult to pick up for those who didn't have enhanced hearing.

@DemonKitten @Phosphoro
He could feel an unwanted presence come near him, but all presences were unwanted excluding Kota's. He glanced up and saw the Chief, he didn't crack a smile or anything, he just stared back. Some would say that was disrespectful but he didn't care about those sort of things. He stood up and walked out of his old fort, each step followed by a soft thump. The bear listened to the Chief's words and in an instant his ears flicked once, this showed he was annoyed but Kota knew this and reacted. He lifted his small paw and slammed it against the giant's head.

"Calm yourself, every time your ears flick like that you do something rash! So think about whatever you're going to do and consider the consequences."

"Kota... you're very lucky you're my companion otherwise you'd be dead by now. But you're right I'll consider thinking my consequences in the future. And Chief I respect you and your choices but I don't think new members of the pack would be very smart, they're just more mouths to feed." He said with a firm and raspy voice.

He stood his ground and waited for a response, the sun bear hopped off Bear's back and wandered off somewhere, he was going to find something to eat. His steps were hurried as he didn't want to be captured by wolves or any other large Zaonian or animal. The bear found a small bushel of berries, they were half-frozen and covered with snow but they were still edible, he sat down and began grabbing one berry at a time, enjoying every morsel. A shadowy figure brushed past him, but was too quick and quiet for Kota to even see. The creature rushed past him again, this time Kota was able to see a glimpse of it's grey fur and react. He stood on all fours and attempted to rush back to the tribe but was cut off by the creature, a single wolf. Amazingly the sun bear didn't back down but instead bared his fangs and geared up to fight. The wolf simply chuckled and placed one foot in front of the other; slowly getting closer to the bear. Kota's hear thumped so hardly in his chest that it felt as if it was going to burst out.

"Kota!" A raspy angered voice yelled out.

It was Berengar, a furious expression dumped onto his face. He unsheathed his weapon and charged faster towards the wolf. The grey and white furred creature knew it was no match for the muscular bear and scampered off with his tail between his legs. Berengar wasn't going to let him go, he threw his axe roughly and it landed directly in front of the wolf. This surprised the beast and knocked him off balance, causing him to tumble down a hill, when the fall was over it had snow littered all across it's fur. He stood up, legs shaking heavily. The large Zaonian waked towards the wolf after plucking his axe from the ground. Each breath seemed like steam coming out of his nostrils. In one swing from his axe the creature was dead.

"Let's go Kota." He comanded

Without saying a word he scampered on the Zaonian's back with an apathetic expression. They were back at the tribe with minutes to spare. "I thought I was the smart one. Guess not, it was pretty idiotic of me to wander off into the mountains." Kota thought. This incident made Kota fully grasp the reality that the world was truly dangerous.
Bahmun shook his head and sighed. "We have been having some trouble with him so don't mind him," He smiled at the two and called out to the tribe. "Listen up everyone! Let me introduce you to our guest!" He motioned to them and all the tribe's eyes went on them. Most where very intrigues, a few weary, and a some excited. "Treat them like your own," He nodded and they all went back to their duties.

"Anyway, if you don't wish to tell me, that is fine, but you are still welcome to stay here," His face was genuine as he turned to leave. "You can stay in Shara's mystic den," he pointed at a very oddly decorated den. "I have to get back to my tribal duties and all," He nodded and walked off towards a returning Berengar. "Berengar, are you okay?" He asked concerned for the younger member.

@Exiled Wanderer @Phosphoro @RubyRose
[*jumps in like it's no big deal*]

Hawk was trudging her way through snow deep enough to bury her backpack in, knees shaking as the cold seeped through her two pairs of pants, one of those being cold resistant and obviously no good. Hawk must have taken a wrong turn somewhere, definitely lost and not on her way to Megima to street dance for a little coin. With a heavy and utterly defeated sigh, Hawk unfurled her wings to stretch them, the feathers coated in ice and heavier than she could stand.
"I don't think I am ever getting to that city in this stupid weather..." she snapped to herself, her teeth giving a truth-telling chatter. Flying meant getting wet and turning to a bird Popsicle since the altitude she always flew at was full of slush downpour that hadn't frozen into snow all the way... or ice, or whatever slush turned into.

The bird shivered as she pulled her wings back into her body, the warmth of the inside the only reason she didn't have them safely tucked into her parka and instead wrapped halfway around herself for the extra heat. Hawk didn't know what to do but to clear out some snow from under a fir tree and camp out for the evening until, through the mostly leafless trees, she saw a red glow in the distance, maybe not too far. With a smile, the girl began making a mad dash for what she was sure saw a nice, hot fire, but then noticed black shapes that didn't look like trees bustling around this enormous fire. Too bad, that, because it could have been a gaggle of bandits or some other kind of mean group. With a sigh, she realized that would mean that she was within area to be found and she didn't want to get caught by someone who could kill her...

Hawk thought quickly enough that maybe with her clothes being dark and all, she might be able to sneak close enough to see who all was around that nice, toasty fire. Yeah, that would be perfect. Without second though, Ayo crouched down into the rather tall snow and began her sneaky operation, ducking behind trees and lifeless bushes as she inched close enough to see lots and lots of... Bears!? Hawk cursed everything under the sun that it had to be a tribe of bears... but then again, Hawk remembered a few kids in the labs who were a lot more animal than human after their marking. Could that have been the case here? Maybe not, but before Ayo could think of turning back around to leave, she noticed a few people milling around the fire as well but looked much more human, much less animal. That gave Hawk some hope, but not enough to convince her this tribe or whatever was friendly...
Gihal glanced at the Chameleon, Jenoah as he introduced himself; who directed a confused glance at him. ‘So I’m just your companion now?’ Barriottok huffed. Gihal sighed. He should have introduced the Salamander as his friend. ‘Best friend.’ Barriottok added.

‘I don’t pick favourites with my friends, Tick Tock, you know that.’ Gihal answered with a thought. He watched as the large bear Berengar left them with his animal. Gihal felt a flash of concern that the pair were heading out into the freezing storm but then again, they made the cold mountains their home. ‘Stay close to me while we’re here, ok, Barriottok,’ Gihal worried someone may step on his little animal friend if he were to wander too far away. He didn’t know if bears ate lizard but he was in no rush to find out.

The Chief instructed the two Zaonians to stay in Shara’s den indicating an eccentrically decorated place. “Are we to head over that way, then?” Gihal asked Jenoah after the Chief had left. “About before, I should have used the word friend. I’m sorry if it confused you or worried you or...” Gihal trailed off running a nervous hand through his hair. “Anyway, I’m sorry.”

@RubyRose @DemonKitten
"I guess..." Jenoah murmured, keeping his expression carefully blank after having given away so much emotion earlier. He was breaking his characteristics and that could be dangerous. Time to put the mask back in place and become the quiet wallflower. "I was expecting to have a little more direction on what our mission is." Or not. Jenoah eyed the odd looking den that they were instructed to go to, and the corner of his mouth twisted into a partial frown- showing his uncertainty.

"Friend?" The Chameleon asked, shocked. An eyebrow arched at this before he could stop it, and he forced it back into place. "If you're referring to us as friends, I believe you've misunderstood something. I only just learned your name, and you mine. So don't concern yourself, we're merely comrades, teammates, or travelling companions. Not friends." Not at the moment, anyway. Jenoah added to himself, allowing himself to believe there was a small opportunity to become friends with GIhal.

"I'm sorry if I'm being rude but... what animal are you?" Jenoah finally asked, unable to take not knowing any longer as he began to head towards the cave.

Gihal felt his face twist into an involuntary grimace. You really got to stop thinking everyone thinks the way you do, Slick. The memory of Mirjio’s voice floated through his head. “I...meant with reference to Barriottok. He’s my friend.” Gihal said regaining control of his facial features. ‘Tick Tock, get out here please, I look like an idiot.’ Gihal urged the Salamander still resting in his coat. Barriottok grunted but obliged, crawling his way slowly up onto Gihal’s shoulder where he sat gazing lazily at his surroundings. “This guy here,” Gihal pointed to the lizard when he had settled into place. “It is pleasant to be your travelling companion though and it may be that in time we are friends too.” Gihal smiled, flushing a little from being so forward with someone who no doubt now thought him a little strange.

Gihal coughed, a little nervous sound, “I’m a Salamander, like most of my family. We come from a town on the outskirts of Vrochi Forest.” Gihal said. He wondered fleetingly if they were meant to keep where they came from a secret on their journey. Probably not, he thought, after all we could end up travelling to somewhere one of us comes from. He had to suppress a chuckle at the thought of his family meeting some of the people to answer the call. “You’re a Chameleon, right?”

Jenoah bit his tongue against an 'Oh' or an apology. Instead, he gave no outward appearance of noting that Gihal had said Jenoah had misinterpreted what he was saying. He did take interest when a little salamander crawled out to sit on Gihal's shoulder, though. "Hello Barriottok." Jenoah said, always having had a soft spot for lizards and amphibians. He gave a small nod to Gihal when he mentioned that it was pleasant being Jenoah's traveling companion. Smiling a little, Jenoah found that he didn't want to be his usual shut in self, at least not at the moment. So instead, he decided to toss the mask aside for the time being- it wasn't like he was on a mission for a Hidden City or anything. "I hope we do become friends. You seem like a worthwhile fellow." Jenoah commented.

Ah, he's a salamander. Amphibian, not lizard. Jenoah thought to himself, disappointed that he had been wrong but Amphibians were still greatly preferred over mammals. "I come from Valtos Swamp." He said, feeling it only fair to return the information, and he didn't give out any information that could lead Gihal to finding any secrets. Though Hidden City itself was not a secret.

Smiling at Gihal for guessing right, Jenoah made his skin color ripple from pale skinned to as dark as dark can be before returning to his original skin color. Likewise, he made his hair change color to all shades of the rainbow while shrugging and saying "You are correct." It was nice to show off certain abilities every now and then- Jenoah really liked being a Chameleon. "So, think there's a place to get a bite to eat around here? Because I don't know about you, but walking through a blizzard and almost dying has left me starving."

(( I am not 100% what the entrance to the bears village is so im just gonna wing it.))

Xiong looked around their little dome of cover from the winds. It was like thousands of tiny white daggers flying through the air cutting their field of vision off save a few feet in any direction. The storm around them was raging, but thanks to Vali they were at least safe from the winds.

When the little Carbunkle originally sat himself on Xiong's shoulder, he immediately became concerned he was about to learn that Carbunkles did not like to walk themselves in the snow. But when he threw up his shield around their small band, Xiong was more than happy to let the little green fur ball hitch a ride.

He looked back, Mark was huddled in his thick jacket from before. Since the wind was gone, the stagnant cold was really the only threat. Though still cold, Marks coat was keeping the chill from his bones and he looked up at Xiong with a smile. Xiong could always count on Mark for a smile.

He looked beside Mark and say the ninetails with Sachi on her back. She still had not woken and Xiong was beginning to become concerned with her well being. Though if they did not get out of the weather, all of their well beings were going to be in trouble.

Xiong looked back ahead and continued on. He had not had long to surmise where the Bear tribe was, but looking at his little green book he surmised that it had to be somewhere near the cave systems that lie directly across from the wolf clans village. So he kept the group moving forward, each step seemed to be harder than the last.

Finally after several hours of slow moving, and the sky beginning to get darker, Mark moved up close to the barrier and squinted through the snow.

"My friends, I think there is something just ahead. Maybe we can use it for a shelter for the night."

Xiong looked ahead where his friend was pointing and sure enough through the blizzard he could just make out the feint outline of a what appeared to be a large rock. Xiong shouldered his pack and began to pick up his pace as the others followed a bit closer.

As they got closer, the rock grew and grew until finally they were able to make out that is was not just a rock, but part of a mountain before them. When they were within a few yards of the rock, Xiong picked up the pace a bit as he saw what appeared to be an opening of a cave.

Relief swept over Xiong as they entered the mouth of the cave and sound of the wind against their shield died from their ears. The cave was fairly large and looked like it had been used for camping before. A few feet in Xiong noticed a few barrels that looked like they had been there for a while.

He walked over to barrels and opened the top, empty. But that was fine, they were still useful. Xiong picked up one of the barrels and smashed it over a stalagmite into splinters. HE smiled as he gathered up the wood and nodded deeper into the cave.
"Lets get away from the mouth completely so we can warm up."

It didn't take them long to find a little place deeper from the mouth that had a few smashed rocks to sit on. Xiong did most of the heavy lifting, using Mark to hold the wood while he used the rocks to make a campsite. He dumped the wood into the middle of their camp and began sifting through his pack for his fire starting flint. "We should at very least be able to get some rest here from the storm. I think these caves are supposed to be part of the bears territories so maybe we will run into someone who can help us out."

@DemonKitten @Seraph
Sachi awoke screaming and following off Panya who attempted to lick her face to calm her. "Where are we? Bears?! We can't... I mean, they hate us! They'll kill me," she barked frantically before settling down from exhaustion. When she thought about it, did death really matter at this point. She wasn't sure. Sachi gave away to a sigh and turned to the group that had carried her out. They had saved her and to them, this was the safest place. Perhaps she should trust their choices.

A large black bear started heading their way and gave a puff of hot air at the scent of Sachi, but remained still and calm. A woman, just as equally large and intimidating as the bear approached them. Her eyes slanted at the sight of Sachi who whimpered as Panya covered her and gave a menacing snarl. Shara chuckled at the sight. "A fox and a wolf working together? How grand," she looked around at the others, noticing the diversity of the group and her eyes landed on Xiong. "Ah, fellow bear from a different land, I presume since it seems you are not equip for this snow," she gave a crooked smile before walking over to Sachi. "The young Beta, why do you bring her here?" her words were now not as friendly, but she was not straight out angry either. Shara looked at the brown wolf, noticing the shivering of her fur. "She is either a very good actress or something horrid must of happened," she studied the poor beta, before sitting up and staring at the bear, who she deemed was leader of this band of rogues. "Speak," she said clearly.
Xiong and Mark both jumped when Sachi awoke screaming. Xiong stood and walked over to Sachi, kneeling to help her to her feet. "Don't worry, no one is going to hurt you. Not so long as we are here."

Sure as Xiong finished, he heard the soft pad and grunts of the large black bear. Xiong pulled Sachi a bit closer to him as he watched the bear get closer. Listening to the great bear before them, Xiong could not sense any ill intent. But never the less he still kept close to Sachi and an eye fixed on the two of them.

Mark was the first to step forward and bowed to the bear woman
"Greetings, I am Mark. The bear you refer to his Xiong. You are correct we are from Paradosis. As for our wolf friend, there has been a horrid incident indeed. A group of travelers entered the halls of the wolf village and slew the Alpha of the pack. We were asked by Sachi's sister Rayen to bring her with us." Mark turned back around and pointed to Vali and Panya. "These are our traveling compatriots; Vali the Carbunkle, and Panya the Nine Tailed Fox."

Xiong looked to Sachi and then back to the woman "We have also come to try and help resolve the conflict between the Bear Tribe and The Wolf Clan. They could really use some support right now, since their alpha has been slain."

Xiong kept his back straight and stayed in his bear form, ready in case this woman decided to make a move for Sachi or any of the others.

@DemonKitten @Seraph Darkfire @Yonsisac (I know your MIA right now Yon, but I would want someone to keep me up to date if I was taking a sabbatical)
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Once they'd entered the cave, Vali had let his shield drop before finding a place to rest. Keeping his shield up for so long was actually quite difficult. When the bear arrived, he gave a little sigh and stood back up, ready to repel the new person if the need should arise. Though from the conversation, it wasn't likely to be the case. He decided that when they had the time, he was certainly going to get a good nap.

As he didn't really have much to offer the conversation, he remained in his small Carbuncle form, both to ward of the cold and to ward off the conversations of others. It was best to let the other's do the talking, especially while he was tired and more likely to be easily annoyed.

@DemonKitten @zCrookedz
Shara couldn't help but break out in a laugh at the idea of reuniting the tribe and pack from their feud that no one really understood to begin with. "Our most worthy leaders have attempted to fix this feud," she said as she wiped a tear from the intense laughing that she had just had. "What makes you think you, a bear as well, can fix the issues between us," she nodded to Sachi who was having trouble standing. "Look at this pup, that is exactly what she is. Too young for the position she has. That pack will burn itself to the ground. We have no need to heal the feud when they will soon self-destruct," she informed him.

Sachi feeling quite appalled by Shara's words stood up. After all the convulsing and crying, she felt better, more determined as she approached the she-bear with fury in her eyes. "How dare you say my pack is going to destroy themselves! You are the reason we had to lead so early! Your tribe killed our family, yet, you say you will not help us now!" Sachi calmed down as Shara's eyes were only filled with amusement. Relaxing, the brown wolf looked the woman in the eyes as she continued. "Do you not have any moral code or value? If you do, you will help save my pack," she spoke her words softly, but she did not beg. She would not beg for help from someone who didn't care.

Shara turned over her words in thought. She considered the benefits and the cons and the things that could happen if they didn't help. "You have grown, pup and for that I shall bring this to the chief. Until then, you may all enter our camp," She pet Sachi on the head who was displeased by this act. "Someone should watch the pup though. My people like visitors, but they do not like wolves," She nodded and walked off to talk to the chief leaving them to their own devices.

(Remember you can control the NPC's. Just keep in mind that they are friendly to strangers and open minded. They are only hostile to wolves like Sachi. Maybe skeptical of Panya)

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