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Fantasy Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ-ZAO-Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Additional IC

Xiong watched as Sachi and Shara went back and forth. He looked to Shara "Despite your differences, no one deserves to be "burned out". Every Zoa has a right to live and we should be more inclined to help, not hinder." Xiong looked down at Sachi and then to Shara "As for Sachi, I will be responsible for her while we are visiting."

Xiong looked around to the others and gave them a nod. He reached for his pack and slung it over his shoulder, kicking out the fire with dirt. Xiong looked to Sachi and motioned for her to ride in on Panya, hoping the sight of the ninetails will help to keep people at bay.

Xiong and Mark followed Shara into the heart of the cave where the village lay. The layout was simple and the air seemed to be much less tense than back in the Wolf Village. It might have had to do with the fact that he wasn't the center of the village's attention now. That however was handed off to Sachi. It was a bit eire to see the bears giving her looks, but Xiong hung back a bit and walked in the middle of the group, returning the looks that were given to them as they walked.

Finally Shara made showed them to an area near the river that was a bit less crowded. She waved a hand at an empty camping area, complete with a bit of a makeshift hut and cooking/camping fire area in-front.
"You can stay here. The other bears around here shouldn't give you to much trouble. So long as she behaves herself." Shara went of towards the cheiftains hut and left them to their own. Xiong sighed as he looked around their area, heading towards the hut and peared inside to check its contents. "Looks like there are a few bed rolls in here. If anyone needed to rest." Xiong looked to Mark who was going through his own bag now. Xiong walked over to one of the seats around the fire area and relaxed a bit, but also kept an eye on the area in case any of the bears should get to curious. "I hope the others get here ok."

Vali gave a small sigh of pleasure as he dug deep into the bedroll, pulling it around him as he did so. There was barely any time between when he did this and when he fell asleep. It was instant. The second he fell asleep, the pressure around him changed as his shield automatically activated. At this size, his body could keep it up forever. It also served to keep him safe when he was asleep.

Aside from that, he looked quite adorable as he slept. His ears twitched slightly as he did so. His small furry face had a look of contentment on it, a very rare sight for Vali.

When Vali dreamed, he dreamed of things he had no memory of. Of the other Carbuncle's of his species, of a song that was both beautiful and sad.
Sachi sighed as she went into a corner pulling her feet up to her chest. She had always felt alone in her own home, but now she truly was alone. Panya rubbed her hand to comfort her, but the she-wolf seemed beyond comfort. In her head, she replayed the death of her first love and afterwords she envisioned the death of her whole pack. Is this what we get for trusting outsiders, she thought to herself as she looked around at her new companions. It isn't their fault, she berated herself as she tried to lay down to fall asleep. Will I be the last wolf of the pack? Sachi questioned as she started to fall asleep.

Panya didn't trust all that was around him, so he remained on guard in full size. He also wanted to be awake for when Blake arrived for him. He whimpered slightly qat the fact he wasn't with his companion. He could sense her distress, but she didn't seem hurt only in a rush. Feeling satisfied that Blake seemed to be on her way, He held guard next to Xiong. He would not rest until Blake was resting beside him.

@Seraph Darkfire @zCrookedz
Xiong watched as the small community of the bear tribe went about its business as usual. Every now and then they one one or two would do a double take as they noticed Xiong and the rest of the motley crew. Though he was a bear, and much more at home here than in the Lyco group, it must have been still strange to see a bear colored the way he was. Even more so one without a Companion as most of the bears here had one.

Xiong had always wondered about the relationship between Zoain and Beast, but his bloodline had provided him with his animal side and the panda bears of Xiong family had not been around for some time. Still the thought of another living creature sharing a bond with him was interesting to say the least.

Watching as Mark went about trying to gt a campfire going, Xiong lifted himself and placed a hand on Panya's head. "You are very vigilant in your duties my foxy friend. Thank you for your help getting Sachi here, Blake is very lucky to have you." He wasn't sure if the fox would appreciate the pat on the head, but Xiong did it anyways, just to show his gratitude. He walked over to the edge of the stream and placed his sprig in his mouth. He felt eyes on him and turned to see a young female of the tribe watching him from a little ways down the river. Xiong looked in the opposite direction, not seeing anyone he turned back to the young bear and made his way towards her.

The young girl looked around as if to check if anyone was watching before she dipped the bucket she had been holding down into the river. Xiong nodded to the girl and gave her a smile
"Hi there. My name is Xiong. I'm not from around here, but I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about what happened to have the bear tribe turn against the wolf tribe." At first he was concerned he might be a bit forward, but he wasn't going to get any answers from just standing around.

The girl seemed a bit taken aback before he heaved the water up and onto the bank.
"Ferra, its a pleasure to meet you Xiong. The war? Well it started when one of our sleuth vanished without a trace. Least that's what I heard."

Xiong's sprig twirled a bit as he thought over the story. Not much to it, but it sounded awfully familiar. He bowed his head to the girl "Thanks for the information Ferra." The girl nodded with a smile and went off back to her home as did Xiong. Once back to their little place Xiong walked over to Sachi and looked down at her. She was fast asleep, and Xiong would feel horrible for waking her. He looked over and grabbed a blanket and placed it on her. With that he turned back to Mark and Panya "You two stay here and wait for the others, when they get here let them know I've gone to speak to the Village Leader and will be back shortly. Keep an eye on Sachi and the village. I think she'll be ok, but never hurts to be precocious." Xiong then looked around the village and found the building in the center and began to head for it, hoping he was heading for the place the chief would be.

@Syrix @RubyRose
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Xiong walked through the village towards the center for a good long while. He wasn't in any particular hurry and it was nice to be among his own kind, even if they were more of a distant relative than anything else. He did acquire the occasional second glance but for the most part the other bears simply nodded to him and smiled.

After a long walk he made it to the hut in the middle and knew he had to be in the right place with the armed guards at the entrance. He walked up to them and the two bears looked at him quizingly "Hold there outsider. Whats your business here." They were not aggressive towards him, merely doing their job. Before He could speak however, a head popped out from around the door and Shara's face smiled at him. "Ah come on guys, he's fine. Come on in Xiong, I was just talking to Ulfric about you and your little group."

The two guards looked at one another as Shara opened the door for Xiong. He smiled and bowed his head to the two guards and made his way inside. The inside of te hut was very warm thanks to a very large fire in the middle of the hut that stretched up towards the ceiling with pillars of smoke. On the walls of the hut rested many relics of the bear tribes including masks, skins, staves, and various weapons. At the far end of the hut across from the fire sat a man in traditional bear attire with golden yellow hair. His piercing along the bridge of his noes was hard for Xiong to make out if they were a type of metal or possibly bone. His angular face watched Xiong as he got closer with piercing blue eyes like ice.

As Shara stopped, so did Xiong who immediately dropped to one knee bowing his head to chief.
"Great leader of the bears, I wish to thank you for you hospitality and allowing us to enter your village with our traveling companion." HE wasn't sure if he should say Sachi's name as he wasn't sure how the other bears might react to the wolf being in the village.

The man smiled at him and waved a hand in the air
"Ah don't be so formal my friend, your going to make the others feel out of place. You can call me Ulfric, and Shara has already told me about your little group. I must say, I was a bit surprised to find out that one of the Betas had shown up on our doorstep asking for help." Ulfric stood from his chair and stepped over to Xiong. He placed a hand on his shoulder and gave it a bit of a shake. He smiled to Xiong "Come my very distant brother. Lets go meet your friends." With that, the two of them filled out of the hut and headed back to the camp.

@Syrix @RubyRose @Seraph Darkfire @StoneWolf18
Vali opened his eyes at Mark's words and slowly sat up, shaking his furry body to clear away the cobwebs in his head before standing up and stretching his legs out. Surprisingly, he looked like a feline when he did so. He looked towards the sleeping Sachi and nodded. As a Carbuncle, he loved sleeping, especially to clear out frustration. He also approved of anyone who could sleep soundly in any situation.

Since there was no one around, he shifted back into his human form and flexed his fingers slightly "Such a cumbersome body" he mumbled as he reached into his bag and began pulling his clothes on. As he straightened his tie, he used his free hand to rummage through his bag and pulled out a small piece of fruit which he proceeded to eat calmly. He was always really hungry after sleeping.

As he ate, he continued to watch Sachi as he'd been asked to.

@zCrookedz (Mentioned)
"Mark!" Don exclaimed, a bit of his old energy returning to his voice as a dim light returned to his eyes. "Please, do ya know've where we can find somethin' ta dry Dysis off with? She's goin' ta suffocate if we don't getter back to that other form... that is, if she hasn't suffocated already. She's spent a long time in her fish form." Don said, moving to where the Crane Zaonian stood, amazed by the relief that washed over him from seeing a familiar face. The fire held great prospect, as well. Don really needed to get Vitawni near one, the sooner, the better.

The thought struck him that perhaps he shouldn't trust Mark... but somehow, Don didn't seem him as part of Dysis' group. Perhaps it was becausethe crane hadn't attacked the alpha that Don thought this, but upon further inspection Don just didn't see the bird as part of a dark group that would kill to advance their plans. Especially considering the way he had helped Xiong with the wolves- showing the strength even though he was not an exceptionally strong Zaonian. No, on further reflection Don felt that Mark was not one he needed to fear trusting.

@Syrix @StoneWolf18

At the sounds of more voices, Jenoah bypassed getting something to eat- instead choosing to change to Chameleon form and camouflaging himself to the wall colors. It was a little more difficult then he felt it should have been, climbing the pock marked walls of the bear caves, but then it was also cold and Jenoah wasn't as nimble as he would have liked. He watched the discussion go on between the new arrivals to the bear caves, recognizing them as people apart of the group that he and Gihal had been apart of and been separated from.

A group of travelers entered the halls of the wolf village and slew the Alpha of the pack.

Jenoah knew that if his eyes could widen in this form, they would. His tail curled tightly as he thought about the repercussions of such an action, and why he hadn't been debriefed on such an act. Unless there were two groups of folks that came up into the mountains? But the coincidence of two groups making a trek at about the same time seemed highly unlikely. He continued to listen before deciding that it may be best to openly show interest instead of hiding. It wasn't like they were discussing information they wouldn't just as easily share with him. A grumble from his stomach reminded that he had yet to eat. The Zaonian heaved a sigh- he missed his home especially in this moment, there would always be insects around to snack on but not in this place. So Jenoah went back on the hunt for a morcel to eat.

(@NoOneInParticular- just wanted to drag Jenoah back into this xD )
Panya got off of Blake as they entered the caves. The bears all watched the two of them closely. For a second, Blake almost thought she would of had a better chance with the wolves. It seemed that the bears were slightly weary of the two Lycos even if they weren't exactly wolves. Panya rubbed against Blake's hand as a form of comfort slightly snarling at the bears if they attempted to harm his Blake. She gave a quick pat on the head of the fox and tried to calm him from being so quick to growl.

Blake picked up pace and entered the place where Panya lead her to rest. Sachi was in there already fast asleep, so she joined the she-wolf in rest. Panya went underneath Blake's head as the redhead laid down on her companion with a sigh. "I hope tomorrow is a better day," she sighed before looking up at the ceiling as she waited for the others to join her.

@Syrix @Seraph Darkfire @StoneWolf18 (When yall are ready we can time skip)
Vali unfortunately, had his face stuff when Blake and Panya showed up, so all he could do was wave when they arrived. When Blake laid down, he made a small face at the thought that he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep until everyone was back, but until then, everyone else was bound to go to sleep before him. Silently, he shrugged and continued to eat. He was still starving, though he was in a good mood over all, which was rare.

He wondered exactly what was going to happen later on. He supposed that if they could convince the bears to help, it would be good for both sides.

@DemonKitten I'm ready whenever everyone else is.
The path way back up towards the campsite was a bit more boisterous than Xiong had expected. Ulfirc did not inspire fear in the village bears here, in fact it was the exact opposite. The bear zoa would talk as they wen't on their way to every single Zoa that approached or raised their voice to greet him. He was truly a leader of the people, and they people loved him dearly.

It wasn't until they were about half way back down the path that Ulfric turned back to Xiong and spoke directly to him. "So tell me cousin. Where is it that you hail from? I have heard of the other bears scattered around Zoa, but never one that looked quite like you." Xiong stiffened at the sound of being addressed, and began to take a faster pace to walk beside the man. "Uh Gi̱ ti̱s Parádosi̱s, sir.....I mean Ulfirc. Sorry." Ulfric chuckled at Xiongs stumbling. "Ah makes sense. Haven't ever been there myself, but I have heard other travelers talk about it. Beautiful mountains from what I have heard."

As the small group rounded the corner Xiong felt a huge weight lifted from his chest when he could see the group had made it through the mountain pass and were now standing around the camp. He picked up on Don yelling about something, but before he could go to check on the griffon Ulfric's guards were already heading towards them. They pulled their cloaks off and began to wrap Dysis to dry and warm her. Xiong walked over to them and motioned to bring her closer to the fire Mark had been stoking. "Glad to see you all made it in one piece."

@Syrix @StoneWolf18
(Timeskip. Tag everyone)

Blake awoke the next morning with Panya by her side. The cold from her bones had withered as she stretched and yawned revealing sharp canines. She looked around for the others, but some still appeared to be asleep. Turning to where Sachi had been laying, she looked for the she-wolf, but was shocked to find she wasn't there. "Panya! Did you hear Sachi leave?" she barked at her companion who jumped up in response. The ninetails sniffed at the spot where the brown wolf had been fast asleep noting that the scent had been an hour or two ago. "That long?" she looked at Panya as the fox told her. He nodded and whimpered followed by a slight chirp.

"We must tell the others," she began, but thought for a second about the horrors they had all been through. She hated to cause them more trouble by stressing them out over this. For all I know she just went to get fresh air, she thought to herself in which Panya agreed silently. "Let's go look for her. They will barely know we are gone," she told her companion confidently as they excited and slunk past all the bears in search of their poor wolf friend.


@Zafirah @Penance @RubyRose (If I forgot someone, please tag them in your post)
Don was curled in a tight ball with Vitawni nestled under one of his wings. Every now and then the smaller gryphon would twitch in it's sleep, but the two were otherwise peaceful as Blake and Panya left. Vitawni awoke a short moment later, ears perking up at the soft padding of the ninetail's feet, before getting to it's feet. Careful not to disturb Don, the little creature followed after Panya and Blake, 'stalking' them at first before bounding ahead to walk at Panya's side. It was glad to see the fox was safe and sound. Especially after all the crazy things that had gone down.

The larger gryphon continued to dream until much later, not noticing the lack of his partner at his side or the absence of his teammates as he dreamed of life back with his family and his village. The dream ended up taking a turn for the worse, reverting to the time with Dysis and the killing of the Alpha, which had the Gryphon sitting up quickly, eyes wide as he sought out to see different things in the area. His excited behavior had his wing bop into a nearby creature, effectively waking Jenoah and causing him to give off a soft sigh of annoyance.

"Have you seen Blake or Vitawni or Panya?" Don asked the reptile quickly but Jenoah just shook his head.

The Chameleon immediately felt like he had failed in his job by not keeping a better eye out but the cold hard really taken it out of him. He could have probably slept a little longer if the gods had allowed it. Awell... he was awake now. He looked around at the others in the cave, some still asleep, some beginning to wake, some absent.

"They might have gotten up to eat breakfast." Jenoah offered in a neutral voice.

"Maybe." Don said doubtfully, pushing to his feet and stretching slowly. Curious himself, Jenoah got up and followed as Don left the cave to find his friends and his partner.

Panya chirped as Vitawni approached, explaining why they were up in his own way. He was still in his large form weary of the way some of the bears looked at Blake and so wanting to appear threatening in the least bit or to remind them that she wasn't a wolf that many mistaken her for. "If they look at me in that way, just wonder how they react when a wolf is walking around on her lonesome. They might think she has come to attack if we don't find her," she turned to Panya to notice Vitawni next to the fox. "Oh, have you come to join our search?" she asked sweetly before stroking the gryphon on the top of the head.

"Perhaps they will look at us with less distrust with a friendly figure beside us, huh Panya?" she nudged the fox that barked in aggreement. "Though where is Don? Hopefully he isn't too worried that you have gone missing," she offered a smile before continuing on her quest. Blake sniffed for Sachi noticing that her sent went out of the cave, but before they could exit, she shivered. "For Sachi...." she grimanced as she braced the cold. "At least right here it isn't windy," Blake sighed, but her breath appeared to freeze as the words were spoken. It may not be windy, but it is for sure freezing, she thought to herself. "Let's go," she motioned for Panya, whose nose was much better suited to looking in the form he was in. "Brace yourself, Vitawni. We probably will have to face the wind," She warned the gryphon as they started to approach the end of the blockage from the icy wind.

Vitawni chirped at the friendly pat to the head, continuing to follow after Panya and Blake. It paused a second as they reached the cold, unsure if it really wanted to go back into that. Vitawni had almost frozen into a popsicle the first time, and had gotten so close the second time that the thought of going out into the snow again? But it also didn't want to leave Blake and Panya to face the icey area alone, so Vitawni continued to follow, keeping close to either Panya or Blake so as to hide from most of the cold and the worst of the wind.

Wanting to make sure that Vitawni hadn't just gone to breakfast, Don checked their first. He got a few friendly hellos from some bears, and a nod here and there, but when he asked if anyone had seen a small gryphon everyone shook their head.

Jenoah was beginning to feel like it had been too long since he had had a proper mission, and so assigned himself to finding the missing gryphon and two ninetails. He climbed a nearby wall of the cave while Don chatted with the bears, but saw nothing that looked remotely dog like. He climbed back down, asking the bears he came across if they had seen anything. Everyone shrugged.

"Ninetails can't become invisible... can they?" Don asked Jenoah once they had regrouped.

"Not that I know of. But even if they could, your gryphon can't."

"Oh... right." Don mumbled. "But... perhaps they aren't even together."

"That is a possibility. But then... anything is a possibility."

Panya stayed to the side of the gryphon while Blake covered the right side of the small creature as to block the small body from any permanent damage. Sure, neither Panya or Blake were born in the cold, but their ancestors had lived in these frozen wastelands before, so they could stomach it, even though it made her flames wilt. It was blue fire that could withstand the icy winds as if it was ice itself. That is why white foxes lived in the snow, not red ones. She shivered, but couldn't get words out. The cold was too much to bare so she pulled the gryphon in to her jacket as for them both to try and stay warm. At least the snow isn't blinding my eyes, but it is freezing my throat, she thought.

It must of been doing the same for Panya, because he tried to bark his findings only to give a squeak in reply, but it was enough. There, Panya found a small cavern that was drenched in Sachi's sent. Though not ever a smart idea to jump ears first, Blake was a fox and the listened as much as if not less than that of a cat. With that being said, she jumped in with much haste, followed by Panya as they entered the warm cavern below. It was about seven feet down, but Blake had jumped from higher as she landed with a thud, watching as not to crush the gryphon. "Here you go, Vitawni. It is warm in here," she let the little gryphon out into the warmth of the cavern. Blake loved the feel of the cavern as it warmed her skin and fur. In fact, it was a little warmer than one would expect from a cavern under snow, but she shrugged it off.

Having left his clothes back in their sleeping area, Vali was flitting about aimlessly. Ironically, he couldn't get back to sleep, even after everyone had returned and went to bed. He didn't really have a goal in his mind so he continued to run around in his smaller form. Not having to match someone else's speed, he was at full sprint. Anyone who saw him would have barely noticed him as he was little more than a small green blur most of the time.

During his running about, he noticed a few of his party going about, yet he ignored them, feeling that they had their own reasons for going out to explore. He himself didn't actually have a reason. Sometimes it was just nice to get out and run. The Bears gave him no problems as he generally stayed out of their way. Sometimes, he would stop and take a break, only to be spotted by children.

It was amusing to watch as they tried to capture him, only to have him vanish as he ran circle's around them. They didn't seem to mind it, seeming to enjoy the little game he was playing with them. He never had any problems with children. They were innocent...at least in some aspects. They mimicked their parent's prejudices without actually understanding them so he couldn't blame them for the things they did or said.
Asyra had maintained her human form, sleeping among her companions after traveling through the harsh conditions of the blizzard and running into the cyrophoenix, Kalidar. Her dreams were no easier. She was clenching her fists in her sleep and she was sweating, only something a phoenix would do when in great fear. In her dream, she had fallen in the blizzard but instead of Kalidar saving her, it was Terrorwing that approached her vulnerable self and her charge in Dysis. Terrorwing was a monstrous Zaonian avian of which Asyra didn't know the kind. This demonic bird haunted the Aurum Mountains and struck Asyra with a fear of the night ever since her first and only encounter with him.

She turned restlessly in her sleep but never awoke - as if locked in a deep trance.
Xiong's eye slowly opened as he felt the morning begin to call to him. At least he assumed it was morning, it was very hard to tell inside the cave. He shifted himself in his corner and the lifted himself from his cot. It had been a very nice peaceful rest, he assumed it might have something to do with the bear sized beds that were provided in their hut that fit him.

As he looked around the hut he realized that everyone had gotten up and left already. Even Mark had left with Grey without waking him. He just assumed that they were getting a meal and stood. He did not feel as if he needed his armor and the cold of the cave felt nice against his bare skin so he merely pulled on his trousers and began to head for the entrance of the hut. Just before he exited he looked back and noticed that Asyra was still laying in bed. He wondered if he should rouse her, and decided not to be rude and turned to leave when he noticed a slight shake come from her. He tilted his head and made his way over to her cot. He placed a bare hand to her forehead and immediately recoiled it from the heat. He sighed and thought to himself "She's a Phoenix dummy.." He looked her over, sweat covering the visible parts of her body, Xiong shifted his arm into a white furry paw and brushed her shoulder with the fur covered paw so as not to get burned. "Asyra, are you alright?"

Asyra shuddered, despite her incredibly high body temperature. In her dreams, everything sped up and it seemed as if the blizzard was turning somewhere. She couldn't feel her body until something from the real world touched her. Her dream state turned into a burst of fire and her eyes opened wide. With a gasp, she launched herself back, away from Xiong so her back slammed against the wall. Her breath was heaving, her chest rising and falling dramatically. Asyra's hands were up in fists, also against the wall as all of her muscles seemed to clench in fear. The blizzard had hit her harder than she initially thought. She couldn't see anything upon waking up, everything was too blurry. But Xiong came into her sight and she started to relax and slump a little bit against the wall. I don't know how to answer him... Asyra thought. I can't be a burden, I must help... but how can I in this condition?! "I... I don't know, Xiong," Asyra said, breathless.

Xiong looked at the girl with a start as she jumped up and jumped back towards the wall. His arm shrank back down to his normal size and brought it back to his side. He sat back on the ground cross legged and looked to Asyra a bit curiously. He hadn't had mush time to get to know Asyra, what with the craziness of the wolf tribe and everything, but he could tell something was obviously wrong with her. "Ah, well I am sorry if I startled you and woke you. I just didn't want you to be left behind cause it seems that the rest of the group has gone to find food." He looked around the tent when he mentioned the others, and then lifted himself from his seat. He walked over to Asyra and cautiously held out a hand to her, hoping he wouldn't get to burned. "Would you like to go with me to find them?"

Asyra calmed down and took a deep breath. Her ruby eyes set on Xiong as she replied. "Yes, yes I would." Help get my mind off things at the very least. And I could use something to eat... She felt her stomach churn at the thought of food. She took Xiong's hand and her skin was only a friendly warm. She stood up with Xiong's help started out of their shelter, looking around to gather their bearings.

Vitawni was surprised to finally find itself snatched out of the snow and in a jacket, but it calmed down as it warmed up, curling into a ball and beginning to doze. The little gryphon peeked its head out of the jacket to look at the cave, but pulled it back in, preferring to remain inside the jacket despite the jarring movement that happened for a moment. Vitawni peeked it's head out once more to see if it could spot the creature they were seeking, but didn't spot much of anything. His eyes were still a bit blinded from the bright snow, but after a moment it did decide to pull away from Blake so that it could help look instead of being a hindrance.

Don smiled softly as he watched Zaonian children playing, but paused as he spotted a familiar patch of green fur. "Perhpas Vali knows!" Don said excitedly, heading over to where the game was taking place.

"Hey Vali! I hate to interrupt, but Vitawni, Blake, and Panya have gone somewhere an' I don't know where... have you seen'em? Do you have any ideas where they could have gone?" Done questioned. Jenoah stood at his side, watching the Carbuncle with interest. In all of his missions and all of his explorations, he had never seen such or creature or even heard of them. He wondered where Vali had come from... he would make sure to do some research on it once he returned back home. He did at least know Carbuncle gems were precious commodities, but then he had always thought the gems to be mined from mountains, not stolen from actual living creatures.

@DemonKitten @Seraph Darkfire
Vali paused and cocked his head, hearing his name being called. He turned and looked towards Don and his entourage. He was asking about the others that he'd seen leaving. He nodded and quickly drew a small arrow pointing out of the village "They left, but I don't know where they went afterwards" he wrote underneath the arrow. Now that he thought about it himself, it was a little strange that they'd ventured out into the snow "Perhaps they were looking for something as well?" he wrote again.

He'd been awake for a while, it was possible that something had happened after he'd left that had caused the others to go looking. His ears twitched as he listened to the sounds of the village, trying to pick up any more information. Having large ears did pose an advantage. He moved his paw towards the ground once again "There is some mention of seeing one of the Wolf Clan wandering about sometime this morning"

He then shook his head, signalling that he didn't know more than that. While a Carbuncle's information gathering can be above most, it was limited as well.

Xiong gave Asyra a weak smile as he helped her up and the headed for the exit. The inside of the cave was warm for the most part, however there was always the looming cold of the mountains that hung in the air. The mountain air was quite bracing and it felt soothing against Xiong's bear skin. Of course should the cold become to much he could always shift and grow his fur so that he was warm.

Xiong looked around for the others but did not see them at first. So he began to look around the area and saw that none of them were eating anywhere near the camp. Xiong scratched his head and turned to Asyra "Huh, I was expecting them to be somewhere around here." Xiong nodded his head towards the village's inner housing. He looked around as they walked until he caught a quick glint of a bright green shape in the distance. He sighed in relief, the green little Carbunkle was a sight for sore eye's. He called out to him as they rounded to corner and found that there were a few others here as well. As they approached Xiong greeted them all. "Good morning everyone, everyone sleep well?" He looked over the faces, he realized that Blake and Sachi where not with them.

@Syrix @Seraph Darkfire @RubyRose
Don was fascinated by the sudden glowing arrow pointing out of the cave that was now in existence. It took him a moment to catch that there was writing beneath and he squinted his eyes. The gryphon spoke the words that were written under the arrow slowly, sounding them out as he went. He wasn't particularly good at reading, even though Shen had taught him... it wasn't something that was required in the village and some of the Elder's even scoffed at it- feeling that word of mouth was enough ot keep the important information from dying. He probably sounded a bit like an idiot as he spoke, or at least like a child, and after he sounded a word out it would click into his mind what word it was. It took him a long time to piece together what the message was.

"So they left the cave?" Don asked after the Carbuncle had finished his message. "What could they be lookin' fer?" Don watched as Vali's ears twitched and the little green creature seemed to become exceptionally focused. "A wolf member? Here? Thought they didn't get on with wolves 'round here." Don said, having been completely oblivious to there being a wolf Zaonian here earlier.

"Sachi, she came with Panya earlier when Blake and Panya were split up." Jenoah explained softly. There were definitely many pluses to being an observer of others and listening to what other people had to say.

"Mornin'." Don said, waving enthusiastically to Xiong. "Glad to see you made it safely!"

@Seraph Darkfire @zCrookedz

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