Zero Tolerance [RP]

James slowly climbs to his feet, deciding that he should survey the area.

He leaves his camoflague active, but it is slightly less effective since he is moving (i.e. you wouldn't really notice him unless you were actively searching)
Zink nodded her head in aggreement. Glancing at the screen that showed the location of the approaching signal, her left eye whirred quietly as it scanned it, saving the location they needed to go to.

"We need to go now then." Zink headed towards the door quickly, there was no time to lose. "We'll get in touch when we get a visual. C'mon Wolf," She said hastily over her shoulder as she sprinted out of the communications room and down the hallway towards the main gateway.
Zink made it to the Transport room, a large room filled with Hover Cycles and other transports vehicles surrounded by spare parts and mechanics, engineers who were working on the machines. There was grease and tools everywhere, also rails and ramps for launching the vehicles outside. Finally there was the main hangar door for launching the vehicles to the exit, the main entrance/exit to the Rebel Headquarters. There was also another smaller door for leaving on foot that was rarely used.

This was how the Rebels could get out to find out about the strange energy source.
Gust was woken up suddenly by the sound of running and frantic chatter outside the sleeping quarters, causing him to fall out of his cot. "Son of a..." He muttered in confusion. He walked out of the room squinting his eyes in the light. Someone bumped into him as they ran past but he was too drowsy and still a little buzzed from his drinking that night to retort. As he started to gain awareness he heard the word "Utonian" and ran back into the quarters and grabbed his Vibro Spear. He felt adrenaline rush into his body as he held his spear, nullifying his tiredness and inebriation. He hurried to find Circuit, quickly jogging and dodging fellow rebels bustling in the commotion. When he finally made it to the comm station he shouted at Circuit in a tone of both militaristic urgency and child-like excitement. "Utonians..Here?! Where?!!"
Wolf Ran after Zink and ran to the gate way. When he got their he snatched his visor, vibro sword, pistol and silenced SMG off his rack. Strapping and placing them in his allocated areas. He noded at Zink and went to fetch his Hover Bike before hovering it on top of the Elevator that lifted them up and out of the base."You Ready?"
James pauses his search and presses a button on his cybersuit. A small hologram keboard appears. He types a quick message, then sends it towards one of the air units to forward back to base. The message reads "Any idea when 'The weapon' is planning on making an appearance?". He decides that he has seen enough of the area and crouches down again.
Circuit saw Gust and spoke very quickly.

"We're not sure, but something is coming!"

He went back to the monitors without a second glance, if Gust wanted in he would have to rush to catch up with Zink and Wolf.

"You won't need your Hover Bike Wolf, it's already almost here... Besides it may attract to much attention."
Circuit said to Wolf through the Comms.

The smaller doors were opened for Zink and Wolf, to allow them to exit. Once outside, Circuit led them to where the signal was coming from, they were standing not too far from Drake, but would be unable to see him due to his technique. He was also unable to see where they had come from having lost focus to write that message.

Outside they are greeted by the same nothing Drake had seen, however before they can even question if this is the right area, they feel it...

The ground is rumbling as the sand of the desert slowly shakes, something is coming and they can feel the shaking all the way from here as the sound gets louder and closer.
Seeing how busy Circuit was, Gust decided to make his way to the transport room. He wasn't going to stay behind when there was a potential infiltration at hand. He had to wait for the elevator to make it's way down, evidence that someone had left soon before him and that he wouldn't be alone. While in the lift he tapped his foot impatiently then he started to feel vibrations. A grin spread on his face. "Wow, sounds like 'something' alright!" As soon as the doors were opened he bolted out into the desert, boosting himself slightly with some of the air reserves in his suit. There he saw Zink and Wolf. "Okay kids, sharing is caring! It's been too long since I've had a go at something as big as this thing sounds!"
Hearing Circuit's comments over their comms, Zink ran over to a weapons storage unit where she kept her sniper rifle and headed straight for the smaller personell doors. Exiting the disguised entrance, Zink looked in the direction they were to head to; there was nothing there yet, just the continuouse bleak desert they called home. Guided by Circuit, she and Wolf made their way quickly to a position where they should be able to get a visual. But there was still nothing.

A whirring sound came from her eye as she took to scanning the horizon for movement but, again, nothing. Prehaps, had she turned slightly to her left, her scans might have picked up slight fluctuations in the light hitting an area close by. "Wolf, I don't-" Her sentence dropped as she feel a slight tremor in the ground start up. The tremors continued and increased until the entire area was quaking.

'Damn it, what is it?' Zink thought to herself and started another scan. "Circuit," Zink spoke to their leader through her mike, "We can't see it, but we can feel it coming, the whole place is shaking."

Zink heard movement and spun around to see someone coming towards them from the base, she recognised Gust from the bright green armour that he wore. If this thing was as big as it sounded, they might need the extra set of hands. Zink turned back to the direction it should be coming from and spoke into the comm again, "How how far
up does your blocking signal extend Circuit? Maybe if I jet up a few metres I could get a visual."
Zink found that she wouldn't have to fly up as mystery signal was about to reveal itself, not just to the three Rebel Fighters, Circuit and the Operators, but also Drake.

As the sound got louder and the rumbling stronger, it began peaking over the dunes revealing itself. Riding on large tank like treads it was easily bigger than an elephant. At least the size of two buses, it was built to be massive with a thick metal hide that no gun or blade could easily penetrate. It's lower half was heavy riding on the tank treads with thick arms built into the side that could easily hold an entire person in the mechanical hands. It had a squarish shaped with no neck, simply built into the body with a square flap that can be imagined as the mouth. It had a completely flat square top head with the long visor like glowing mechanical eye. It rolled towards the trio at a slow speed, causing the ground to rumble.

"No... they built it..."
Were the only words to come softly out of the comms system from Circuit to all three of them.
Gust stared at the mechanical leviathan in awe. He tried to maintain his confident grin but he couldn't help twitching in the sight of something so huge. "Well it looks pretty slow but a bit too sturdy for my liking. Maybe I could distract it and you guys can look for weaknesses. looks like it can only concentrate on one direction at a time."

James notices the monolith and gasps. He quickly recovers and chuckles to himself, muttering under his breath "Well, you really outdid yourself this time, generals". He hurries to get out of the way of the machine.
The creature suddenly opened it's mouth flap revealing a huge cannon inside it's mouth that came out. Suddenly a huge beam blasted out of it's mouth as it shot across the desert creating a powerful shock wave of energy and sand. Even though it completely missed the trio, the pure force of the attack that extended outwards would be enough to send them flying back and kick a huge amount of sand.

Even the hidden Drake felt it as he would be sent flying back.

The cannon retreated back into the machine's throat as the flap closed.

Circuit was still speechless.

"How could they actually build it...?"

Was all he could repeat to himself.
"Nevermind..." Zink said quietly as she stared at the huge mechanical creature making it's way over the dunes.

Gust was right about the armour and Zink didn't like it either. Zink could see that her bullets wouldn't be able to penetrate it's steel hide and neither would her Claws, that ruled out trying to hack into it unless there was an exposed area of circuitry somewhere, but Zink doubted it. She took a step back when the cannon emerged, but she didn't have time to react before the thing opened fire. The shock wave knocked her right of her feet, sending Zink flying backwards as well as much of the sand in the area. The sand softened the fall somewhat but it took a moment for her to recover and dig herself out from under the sand that had covered her.

"Circuit!" Zink coughed into the comms, trying to brush the sand from her eyes and even spitting out some,"Circuit, tell me you know what this thing is!"
Circuit was still in shock when Zink yelled at him through comms.

"But they... it was just suppose to remain blueprints, I saw the plans for it with my own eyes but I never thought he would actually make it. It was never actually suppose to be made, it was too dangerous, too powerful and destructive. It's a Behemoth!"
Circuit was speaking to himself, but it was loud enough to be heard through the Comms.

The Behemoth then began rolling towards them slowly on it's tank treads.
Crimson glanced at the screen again, the Behemoth had missed its target and was advancing. She looked away from the live stream she had routed from the weapon's main camera feed, back to the miniature Gauss rifle she had been working on all day. Though she had gone through the trouble of tapping into the security feed, she had little interest in the new weapon. It wasn't her department, and even if it was she doubted that it would be half as interesting as working on this pint-sized weapon. The rifle was for one of her scout drones, which had been disappearing in alarming numbers lately. Normally she had a few dozen of these basketball sized fliers scattered to the winds in every direction out from Utonia searching for more than mutants and Trojans, but she suspected someone or something trying to hinder her efforts. So far her discovers had not amounted to much, but she had seen evidence that convinced her of her theories. Theories she hadn't shared with anyone else, which was why when one of her assistants entered the lab from the far side of the room, Crimson turned once more to the live stream feigning lively interest.
"You saw plans?" Zink was shouting now, she had to the noise of the machine as it trundled closer was getting louder and the desert ground was shaking violently now. Zink tried to scan the large robot but her left eye suddenly sparked and she felt a sharp pain flare around it. Some grains of sand must have gotten caught in it and there was no way her gloved hands would be able to clean it out here. She could still see out of it as if it were a normal eye, but any other function it served would be impossible now. Damn sand, it gets into everything! Zink cursed loudly, not just at the pain - which was starting to ease now that she wasn't trying to scan anything - but because this would make the already daunting task of defeating the Behemoth that much harder for her.

"Wolf? Gust?" Holding a hand over her eye, Zink called out as she looked around for the others, spotting the large shapes of her comrades partly covered by the sand.

"Circuit, snap out of it.!We need you," Zink yelled in her comm as she trudged over to the closest rebel to help him up.
Circuit snapped out of it as Zink reminded him over the danger.

"That thing is too powerful to take on by yourself, you will need to work together to damage it as best you can. It's made to deal devastating blows, so you can't let focus remain on you! It's slow and built to be simple, working together and attacking in tandem is the way to go!"

The Behemoth had rolled to Zink and sent it's huge fist flying towards her, ready to crush her with one ultimate punch.
Before Zink even made it half way towards her teammate, the giant Behemoth had trundled forward enough to reach out with it's metal hand and attack her. Seeing the oncoming fist rush down towards her, Zink activated her jets. In less then a second the engines on the back of her suit came to life and blasted her upwards. A narrow miss, the wind disturbence from it made her lose control momentarily and she was sent spinning the current. Zink quickly engaged the jet thrusters on the back of her calves to stabalise herself and flew higher, starting to circle around to draw it's attention away from the others.

"Guess I'll be the distraction..." Zink muttered as she brought up her sniper rifle and took aim at the beast. Without her eye, her aim wouldn't be nearly as good however that wasn't really the point. All she need to do was keep the thing focused on her for the moment to give the others a chance to attack it as well. "UP HERE!" She shouted at the robot as she aimed at its visor and fired a shot.
The bullet shot off the top of it's head, ricocheting off. It then reached out it's hand to grab her when suddenly it was hit by a very large explosion.

"You look like you could use some help..."

The man with the orange CyberSuit smiled. He had brunette hair that was all a mess and brown eyes. He had a burn scar across his cheek and his suit had pipes running through it. He had a half-destroyed Teddy bear strapped to his left shoulder and carried a huge rocket launcher which he was holding to the side. It was the Rebel Fighter known as Leos "Flare" Ren.

(Told you I'd give you some help...)
Zink jetted up further into the air as the robot reached for her a second time but it failed to reach her when it was attacked from an entirely different direction. Zink looked over an saw another rebel fighter, he must have come out while she was understably distracted by the giant roboto.

"I like your timing!" Zink spoke into her comms to the new arrival, "And yes, I could use a hand."

She flew around to a different position so she was on the other side of the Behemoth from Flare.

"I'll distract him. Aim for the treads and see if you can disable them," If they could at least stop it movin forwards, it wouldn't get any closer to the base.

(Ok, but I had hoped the others would've posted)
(Well until they do which could be a long while, we can do it just the two of us until they return or more join)

Flare nodded as he aimed as rocket for the treads, however this time the Behemoth reacted and sent it's fist into the ground to shake up the area and cause Flare to fall over as his rocket shot up and then fell to the ground damaging a random area.

"Dang! That thing has some power!"

Circuit noticed as the Behemoth hadn't turned around to go after Zink.

"I think that is it, this machine doesn't seem to have good peripheral vision, it only sees what is infront of it and with those treads I doubt it can turn very well!"
"Ugh," Zink had to cover her eyes as sand was sprayed upwards from the impact of the the robot's fist. Hearing what Circuit said, Zink flew back into the Behemoth's line of sight, using the thrusters on her calves to hover just out of reach of it's robotic arms should it attempt to attack her again.

"Alright then. Flare, you get behind it where it can't see you and attack from there. I'll keep it's focus on me." As she spoke, Zink raised her rifle and fire two more shots at the beast, aiming for the visor once again.
Zink's shot hit as the damaged the Behemoth's head, but the visor was buried deep within the armour so it remained unharmed, but the head was showing dents and scorches.

Flare raced around the Behemoth as it focused on Zink and her shots, he then took aim as he put the launcher on his shoulder.

"Take this you giant s...."

He fired as the rocket smashed into a tread with an explosion causing the Behemoth to immediately halt it's approached as the tread was completely damaged and the Behemoth began to sink to on side as it now slouched to the right, but was still active from the above section.
"Nice work!" Zink shouted with a grin on her face. At least now the giant robot wouldn't be getting any closer to their base. "Now see if you can sneak around the front and fire at it's head. We need to disarm it now." Zink fired a few more shots at the thing so it kept it's focus oh her.

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