
Forgive for being a grouch.

@GreatGavino do you mind if he shot above her instead? That way she can't chase them because she's getting buried alive by bricks.
Ok, so the Archdemon kidnaped Evah between when Trina threw her ax and when Rider retaliated. Now I have to figure out why Trina would sit there and do nothing while Evah gets... molested by a demon.
Meanwhile I'll finally land with cat like grace and take a smoke break and wait until the death flag is triggered on some of these demons and then go full HAM
^^^ Enchantment magic is capable of making him that strong.

Thought I think you mean empowering magic was used, to buff yourself, not an item?

Me choosing magus and doing a non-mage character I decided that that area of magic would be conducive to doing cool stuff

Not to say he's useless without magic but it cranks the crazy a bit higher until he's like a mid levelish Acrobatic warrior in anima

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