

The Born Again Novice
For those interested, I am in the process and adding backstory and giving insight of where we are. Please bear with me.
That'd be helpful, thanks mate. Just don't over-advertise to the point it's annoying. :P If they have questions about the RP they can PM me.

Lovett is my last name :3

I use Lovette for a fancy version...

And Lovat for the real Scottish origin version, as the noble house named "Little Wolf"
I don't like it anymore though, I may change it. Not because it's not pretty, it just reminds me of my dad, who cheated on my Mom twice now. Their divorced now, but still.

But I guess I should keep it, besides, someone reputable needs the last name Lovett. (The entire Lovett side of my family, or the American side, are all really stupid. Only one of my grandmothers are really nice to my Mum.)
Well if we can get at least two more people in with CS done then we'll start. There's a lot of guys viewing the RP but not actually in it per say yet. So I wanted to give them a bit of time. If you make a second char it depends on who or what it is. Pm me. :3
We have gained enough people to start so I will begin making the opening scene or however you want to call it. A few people still have yet to make a character, but they don't need to make it immediately. Heads up, this is gonna be a long post. Anyway, if anyone has questions about something send me a PM and I'll try to answer it.
So update, sorry everyone I went to visit a friend and we chilled for a while. I was away pretty much the whole day AND I received a copy of the new Pokemon game. Forgive my insolence. x3 I'll try to be back into the groove and keep everything right.
Well, while this may not appeal to you, one does not need to immediately interact with others. :P Build your "story" a bit. Give background on her life, her duties, ect. Then when the time is right be like: "Oh hey, I'm here now." xD
Ants are pretty cool. I stepped on one, and crushed it's lower half, but it still lived. I wanted to test it, so I began slamming my shoe on the ground repeatedly, and it went towards it as if it wanted itself to die so it wouldn't feel the pain.
Ooohhh god I hate this song so much..so..so very much xD but its only cute because of the weird bunny child..and why is she saying anaconda when shes a girl and has no junk there o-o this confuses me so much..
x3, no idea. Nyanners makes everything better ^-^

Who knows, maybe she's a hermaphrodite, or tranny.

Lets get off of that subject.

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