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Fantasy Zalnar Academy CS

Name: Gabriel Cavalry


Age: eighteen


Sexuality: Straight


Race: His race is called the Luminos (Lumonic), a race that is the most good and virtuous people in existence. They believe in all things good, and obviously scorn all darkness. The Luminos are virtuous to the core, but even they, are not perfect. The Lumonics hate all darkness, and have been known to destroy evil creatures such as demons, dark entities and vile spirits, in hopes of cleansing the planet of all darkness. The Luminoc people are shown to be very fierce fighters, and will show no mercy when killing dark creatures.


Appearance: (preferable anime or fantasy, but also realistic):



Personality: Gabriel is a very strong believer in all things right and just, and he's also incredibly honest. He can be stubborn as well, but is a nervous wreck around crushes and girls in general. He is also naive (in an innocent way), and intelligent. Gabriel loves a good book, and hates evil and violence. He's pretty serious, but can be funny. He's also very driven, and ambitious of his goals.


Rank: (Don't be a perfect S/A from the beginning): C


Bloodline ability: (Don't be overpowered): The Luminos all have the ability to reequip into different armours and summon weapons in seconds and Gabriel is no different. This ability is the Lumonic people's special trait. Gabriel can summon different kinds of armour and weapons with different kinds of advantages and disadvantages, as well as effects. Here are the armours and weapons Gabriel can summon into:

  • Fortis Armour: this armour, when worn, increases the user's strength by 3x, but lowers the user's speed. Is also very durable armour, can withstand heavy blows. The weapon that goes with this set are two large, silver blades, each designed with hooked ends. These are very powerful, but drains Gabriel of his energy the longer he uses them.
  • Rushing Wind Armour: this armour is the complete opposite. When worn, the user's speed increases to almost superhuman standards, while it lowers it's strength a considerable amount. It's not as durable and sturdy as the Fortis, but it's easier to deliver way more blows. The weapon for this armour is a large, oaken bow decorated in gold. Uses silver arrows, and is really good for long-distance combat.


  • A large mace
  • silver longsword
  • two steel Khopesh swords (type of Egyptian sword)

Bland, I know, but since Gabriel is in C Rank, he hasn't got that much stuff. As he grows in power, he obtains more space to summon more weapons and armour. His armours and weapons also grow in power the more he grows powerful. For now, he can take in two sets of armour with weapons, and a few extra weapons too. 

Secondary ability: (Can be a talent or another power of their race): Gabriel is spot-on in archery, and in a game of darts, if you ever put him in one. He's also a great swordsman, learning how to fight ever since he was just five-years old.

*Tell me if I need to change anything.*
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Name: Gabriel Cavalry


Age: eighteen


Sexuality: doesn't really have a preference..


Race: His race is called the Luminos (Lumonic), a race that is the most good and virtuous people in existence. They believe in all things good, and obviously scorn all darkness. The Luminos are virtuous to the core, but even they, are not perfect. The Lumonics hate all darkness, and have been known to destroy evil creatures such as demons, dark entities and vile spirits, in hopes of cleansing the planet of all darkness. The Luminoc people are shown to be very fierce fighters, and will show no mercy when killing dark creatures.


Appearance: (preferable anime or fantasy, but also realistic):


Personality: Gabriel is a very strong believer in all things right and just, and he's also incredibly honest. He can be stubborn as well, but is a nervous wreck around crushes and girls in general. He is also naive (in an innocent way), and intelligent. Gabriel loves a good book, and hates evil and violence.


Rank: (Don't be a perfect S/A from the beginning): D


Bloodline ability: (Don't be overpowered): The Luminos all have the ability to reequip into different armours and summon weapons in seconds and Gabriel is no different. This ability is the Lumonic people's special trait. Gabriel can summon different kinds of armour and weapons with different kinds of advantages and disadvantages, as well as effects. Here are the armours and weapons Gabriel can summon into:

  • Fortis Armour: this armour, when worn, increases the user's strength by 3x, but lowers the user's speed. Is also very durable armour, can withstand heavy blows. The weapon that goes with this set are two large, silver blades, each designed with hooked ends. These are very powerful, but drains Gabriel of his energy the longer he uses them.
  • Rushing Wind Armour: this armour is the complete opposite. When worn, the user's speed increases to almost superhuman standards, while it lowers it's strength a considerable amount. It's not as durable and sturdy as the Fortis, but it's easier to deliver way more blows. The weapon for this armour is a large, oaken bow decorated in gold. Uses silver arrows, and is really good for long-distance combat.


  • A large mace
  • silver longsword
  • two steel Khopesh swords (type of Egyptian sword)

Bland, I know, but since Gabriel is in D Rank, he hasn't got that much stuff. As he grows in power, he obtains more space to summon more weapons and armour. His armours and weapons also grow in power the more he grows powerful. For now, he can take in two sets of armour with weapons, and a few extra weapons too. 

Secondary ability: (Can be a talent or another power of their race): Gabriel is spot-on in archery, and in a game of darts, if you ever put him in one. He's also a great swordsman, learning how to fight ever since he was just five-years old.

*Tell me if I need to change anything.*

You are ok. Accepted! ^^
Name: Keito Arbiter

Age: 15

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Keito is from a race of warriors called the Werebeast. Werebeast are known for their enhanced capabilities, being faster, stronger, more agile, and having faster reflexes than most races. Werebeast also have amazing senses. Some even being able to have a sixth sense. Werebeast all have animal features and also seem to have animal tendincies aswell. Being a warrior race, they don't have much technology. However, they do have really nice clothes.

Appearance:  5'5"


Beast Form:  (A green aura goes around him)

2016-11-28 02.55.11.png

Personality: Keito is best defined as a flirtatious goofball. He's energetic and likes to joke around and make puns. He is a huge flirt, often using cheesy pick up lines. Keito has the weird tallent of being able to stay up all night and wake up with enough energy to go through the whole day by only taking one or two naps (which je usually takes during class). He's a responsibility dodger and usually waits last minute to do an assignment. Keito is very proud of his clan, he even wears his clan symbol on him at all times. (His wrist bands.) If you talk trash about his clan he will not hesitate to fight you. He doesn't admit it, but he loves it when people scratch behind his ear, pet his head, and call him a good boy.

Rank: C

Bloodline ability: Keito has the ability to form energy around his hands in the form of claws. He can launch energy slashes at his opponents by slashing in the air. But do to him not having full control over his abilities, he can only do five.

Secondary ability: Keito has the rare ability to use an ability called Kekkai or "Beast Form". Kekkai is an ability very few Werebeast have. It allows them to enhance their abilities passed their physical capabilities for a limited amount of time. However, after it is used the user's body takes a huge toll. The stronger and more time they have while using Kekkai, the bigger the toll. Keito can only use this for about twenty seconds. And afterwards he can hardly stand.
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Can I ask where is the difference between his normal, human body, and his werebeast transformation? Is it really just dark shading around his face?
I have, yet those are not werebeasts.

User with this ability is a werebeast, a being with the power to transform into an animal form, either purposely or after being placed under a curse and/or therianthropic affliction via a bite or scratch from a werebeast, or some other means. Taken from google, my friend.
I have no say in what you do, im just saying, If his look does not change, then he should not have a transformation.
Ok. I'm just basing it off the No Game No Life werebeast. ☺

But, if it shouldn't be a transformation, then what should it be?
Then please know that THEY DIDNT HAVE A BEAST FORM, seeing as they are always living in the beast form.

Hold on Hold on, lemme rephrase that. They dont have a beast form, seeing as thir beast form is their natural body.
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I said it was based off them. The actual name for it is Blood Destruction form. But I didn't like how that whole thing works so I changed it up a little.
Based off really just means you took from directly, so please. Next time, use inspired, or something, seeing as you have edited it to fit yourself.

can I make a charecter who can take people's powers from a range? Not use them but keep them as a kind of gem?

i swear to not use this power with malicious intent, I would use it strictly to better the roleplay :)  
Name: Annie Moreau

Age: 17

Sexuality: Female, straight

Race: (Be imaginative, you can be an already known race or a totally original one):  French

Appearance: (preferable anime or fantasy, but also realistic): medium height, 5 foot 8. Dark blonde hair and blue eyes.

Personality: Shy, but fierce. Opinionated and generally happy. Loves watching movies with close friends an family.

Rank: (Don't be a perfect S/A from the beginning): C

Bloodline ability: (Don't be overpowered): Mind reading

Secondary ability: (Can be a talent or another power of their race) Flotation

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Name: Annie Moreau

Age: 17

Sexuality: Female, straight

Race: (Be imaginative, you can be an already known race or a totally original one):  French

Appearance: (preferable anime or fantasy, but also realistic): medium height, 5 foot 8. Dark blonde hair and blue eyes.

Personality: Shy, but fierce. Opinionated and generally happy. Loves watching movies with close friends an family.

Rank: (Don't be a perfect S/A from the beginning): C

Bloodline ability: (Don't be overpowered): Mind reading

Secondary ability: (Can be a talent or another power of their race) Flotation

View attachment 212128

Well, good character. Accepted.

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