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Fantasy Zalnar Academy CS


Selene Dectalia Demarco


18 years old


"Can you believe it, I fall in love with the soul and not the body...well maybe the body too."







Selene is seen as a daddy's girl since her father has spoiled her ever since she was little, and he still does. She tries to be an independent person without him throughout the years and it has helped her form the personality that she has now. She is strong, confident, blunt and very stubborn to most people. But she will not hesitate to speak her mind which usually gets her in trouble but it's because of her harsh honesty they take her seriously as a person. Selene can be cold at times, but inside that ice cold heart of hers she holds a warmth for whoever is willing to take the time to get to know her. She can be a flirt at times due to her mother being a succubus, she still holds the desire for lust but she eases away from it surprisingly. Selene is very outspoken and she can pull the attention of anyone she comes across by persuading them in her own ways.

Rank: B

Bloodline ability:

Hell-Fire manipulation- the ability to generate and manipulate the cursed flames of Hell, which can destroy anything entirely. The color of the flames varies from blue to white depending on her level of body energy.




Secondary ability:

Energy absorption since she is part succubus she takes this trait from her mother, because when a succubus is weak they feed off of the energy of their victims by absorbing it through physical contact.



- her weakness is purified water and for this is the reason why she adds in herbs when bathing

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Before Eternal gets on to you for it:

Hate to burst your bubble buddy, but you can only have 1 bloodline ability. As I see there, you got multiple. You gotta get rid of a few and bring it down to 1.
Lol, nah fam.XD 

I mean, it would be cool, but I remember you getting on to me about the multiple bloodline abilities so.. yeah.xD

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Figured I'd take advantage of the whole "Well, it isn't. In fact, they are in the modern era, but some of the characters are from old eras."

Name: 002-B

Age: 16 (Programmed.)

Sexuality: I couldn't tell ya. Full Pansexual?

Race: A subspecies of the original Golem, the self-proclaimed "Next Generation" of Golems had separated long ago from the original group. While technically all Golems were produced by other species, the NEXT have been focused on self-improvement, as well as true separation from their subservient counterparts. While they don't dislike assistance, and are on decent terms with races in need of arms, the NEXT are a militaristic race, unafraid to defend themselves should need be. Their systems are odd at times, and the majority of citizens are trained to finish off an attacker, rather than turn them in. It's seen as inefficient to leave a potential killer alive, especially without life-changing injuries. In particular, flesh targets generally receive less threatening blows in comparison to other NEXT, or Golems. A simple eye gouge would suffice as an effective elimination.

The NEXT, as mentioned earlier, are known for their weapons and ever advancing technology. To be exact, they're typically (As of now, since they started getting less intelligent batches.) 1-2 technological masteries ahead of the rest of the races. Suppose you take 2016… While the U.S. would be trying to get the F-35 to work, the NEXT would be mass producing polished, mastered versions, and equipping their tanks (And heavy infantry) with rail weaponry. (Considering we already have railguns, just not in service. I don't wanna skip too far ahead.)They hybridize both magic and technology, to fit complex systems which would take up 5 feet, down to a single foot. This also assists with difficulties that technology would take ages to solve, such as inefficient fuel sources. With technology advancing along with magic practices, they're also known for selling off the "Primitive" technologies of the past.

Appearance: Nice.jpg

For those that want a second picture...



To most people, 002-B seems like an determined or "tryhard" individual. To an extent, those people would be in the right place. Always ready for a decent competition, or beating her last score on a test, she can be found doing test runs or spars whenever possible. She gets along well with virtually anyone that doesn't go out of their way to be a jerk, and can typically forgive them afterwards anyway. (Though she does have a bit less tolerance for males…) Normally, she'll end up challenging the same (Jerkish) person the next day, even if the person in question has already apologized. This isn't out of anger or any negative feelings, but to see if the behavior was justified, or to see "If they're All That." If someone is better, she has a bit more of an understanding of why the individual feels as if they can behave in a certain manner. This doesn't mean she thinks it's a good thing though. She has her ways of correcting that though.

If she is bested, expect for a rematch request within a week or two, maybe less. 002-B thinks like this; "If I beat them, then they'll no longer be All That."(Thus losing the right to be a jerk.) That, and considering persistence is what allowed her kind to advance, 002-B believes that persistence can solve almost any issue. She doesn't care if she's going to lose every rematch, she's just going to request another. The opponent would likely get tired of the requests before 002-B even remotely thinks it's a lost cause. No one will ever call her a quitter.

002-B won't give up on a friend either, and is loyal to a T. Unless they've done something undoubtedly wrong, she'll defend them as best she can without diving into a hole of lies. She'll lie for somebody, but she won't create a whole book trying to defend someone. If it requires all that, then said person deserves what's coming to them. She'll keep her promises though, to the point of searching for someone if they requested to meet at a certain spot, but never showed up.

While she was advised to wear something "Special" considering she was the first of her kind, she refused since it'd be a detriment to her abilities. (As in, no long flowing dresses of any kind. Skirts are fine however, considering she doesn't really care about decency. Besides, she doesn't have reproductive organs anyway.)

Rank: D

Slight Summary: 002-B was oddly the first of her kind, the first NEXT produced by only NEXT acquired knowledge to be created. She is the symbol of becoming an individual species. (In other words, they advanced until they were able to create themselves without exterior help.)

Bloodline ability: 002-B is capable of summoning technology at will, albeit with a height restriction of 10 feet in all directions. (Basically, she could have one 10 foot cube.) However, her ability to summon technology more advanced than her race's is low. (For now.)

Secondary ability: While not a Bloodline Ability, the relatives of the Queen are known for their ability to quickly advance technology, though it's been waning as of recently… Perhaps 002-B can start it up again? As mentioned, they are technically machines, and thus have the usual benefits of being one. Unfortunately, this also renders them unable to take part in several human activities, such as eating and drinking… (Many would like to enjoy it, though even magic can't assist with that.) (To put it simply, she'll likely make more than two creations, and the basic racial bonuses.)
Figured I'd take advantage of the whole "Well, it isn't. In fact, they are in the modern era, but some of the characters are from old eras."

Name: 002-B

Age: 16 (Programmed.)

Sexuality: I couldn't tell ya. Full Pansexual?

Race: A subspecies of the original Golem, the self-proclaimed "Next Generation" of Golems had separated long ago from the original group. While technically all Golems were produced by other species, the NEXT have been focused on self-improvement, as well as true separation from their subservient counterparts. While they don't dislike assistance, and are on decent terms with races in need of arms, the NEXT are a militaristic race, unafraid to defend themselves should need be. Their systems are odd at times, and the majority of citizens are trained to finish off an attacker, rather than turn them in. It's seen as inefficient to leave a potential killer alive, especially without life-changing injuries. In particular, flesh targets generally receive less threatening blows in comparison to other NEXT, or Golems. A simple eye gouge would suffice as an effective elimination.

The NEXT, as mentioned earlier, are known for their weapons and ever advancing technology. To be exact, they're typically (As of now, since they started getting less intelligent batches.) 1-2 technological masteries ahead of the rest of the races. Suppose you take 2016… While the U.S. would be trying to get the F-35 to work, the NEXT would be mass producing polished, mastered versions, and equipping their tanks (And heavy infantry) with rail weaponry. (Considering we already have railguns, just not in service. I don't wanna skip too far ahead.)They hybridize both magic and technology, to fit complex systems which would take up 5 feet, down to a single foot. This also assists with difficulties that technology would take ages to solve, such as inefficient fuel sources. With technology advancing along with magic practices, they're also known for selling off the "Primitive" technologies of the past.

Appearance: View attachment 208809

For those that want a second picture...


To most people, 002-B seems like an determined or "tryhard" individual. To an extent, those people would be in the right place. Always ready for a decent competition, or beating her last score on a test, she can be found doing test runs or spars whenever possible. She gets along well with virtually anyone that doesn't go out of their way to be a jerk, and can typically forgive them afterwards anyway. (Though she does have a bit less tolerance for males…) Normally, she'll end up challenging the same (Jerkish) person the next day, even if the person in question has already apologized. This isn't out of anger or any negative feelings, but to see if the behavior was justified, or to see "If they're All That." If someone is better, she has a bit more of an understanding of why the individual feels as if they can behave in a certain manner. This doesn't mean she thinks it's a good thing though. She has her ways of correcting that though.

If she is bested, expect for a rematch request within a week or two, maybe less. 002-B thinks like this; "If I beat them, then they'll no longer be All That."(Thus losing the right to be a jerk.) That, and considering persistence is what allowed her kind to advance, 002-B believes that persistence can solve almost any issue. She doesn't care if she's going to lose every rematch, she's just going to request another. The opponent would likely get tired of the requests before 002-B even remotely thinks it's a lost cause. No one will ever call her a quitter.

002-B won't give up on a friend either, and is loyal to a T. Unless they've done something undoubtedly wrong, she'll defend them as best she can without diving into a hole of lies. She'll lie for somebody, but she won't create a whole book trying to defend someone. If it requires all that, then said person deserves what's coming to them. She'll keep her promises though, to the point of searching for someone if they requested to meet at a certain spot, but never showed up.

While she was advised to wear something "Special" considering she was the first of her kind, she refused since it'd be a detriment to her abilities. (As in, no long flowing dresses of any kind. Skirts are fine however, considering she doesn't really care about decency. Besides, she doesn't have reproductive organs anyway.)

Rank: D

Slight Summary: 002-B was oddly the first of her kind, the first NEXT produced by only NEXT acquired knowledge to be created. She is the symbol of becoming an individual species. (In other words, they advanced until they were able to create themselves without exterior help.)

Bloodline ability: 002-B is capable of summoning technology at will, albeit with a height restriction of 10 feet in all directions. (Basically, she could have one 10 foot cube.) However, her ability to summon technology more advanced than her race's is low. (For now.)

Secondary ability: While not a Bloodline Ability, the relatives of the Queen are known for their ability to quickly advance technology, though it's been waning as of recently… Perhaps 002-B can start it up again? As mentioned, they are technically machines, and thus have the usual benefits of being one. Unfortunately, this also renders them unable to take part in several human activities, such as eating and drinking… (Many would like to enjoy it, though even magic can't assist with that.) (To put it simply, she'll likely make more than two creations, and the basic racial bonuses.)

Uff, you totally blow my mind with that! It's a freaking cool char! Accepted!



Name: Milo Conestye

Age: 17

Sexuality: Bisexual

Race: Avion/goddess



Personality: Milo is a snappy girl with a lot of attitude and brains. She is a very sarcastic girl, and if you try to prove her wrong, this cunning bitch will sure prove you wrong! Most of the time, she just LOVES to have fun, doesn't like doing any work, playing around and joking.  She likes to mess with her teachers, pissing them off when ever she can, but... she can also always get her way with them, always ending up getting out of things. She is loyal to her friends though, having everyones back, even though they don't want her help. She's all around cheerful, her bright smile spreading on to others. You just met her, well, you now got a best friend FOR LIFE. She has your back until you turn against her, of course. And of course, Milo is the queen of revenge, knowing how to get back at people who did wrong to her.

Rank: B

Bloodline Ability:

Electrical shocks

You've all heard about the lightning powers that Zeus has. Weeeell, Milo's is somewhat like that. She is able to generate lightning bolts and actually throw them. Shocking people is also her thing. She can generate little shocks whenever she wants to, just going up to random people. It is like rubbing socks along carpet then touching someone after. I don't believe I can explain her power even more? She just gotta show you what she is capable of.

Secondary Ability:


Being an Avion, SHE HAS WINGS. Like a damn bird, hah. There isn't much to say, all that she is a bird kid.XD


Name: Aaron Conestye

Age: 17

Sexuality: Straight

Race: Avion/god



Personality: He is cautious and wary, he's attentive to detail and observant of his surrounding. Rather than talk, Aaron much rather prefers listening, but has a strong air of mystery and authority around him. He talks only when needed, and refrains from taking leadership position unless offered or in desperate need. Even though he's often spotted alone, Aaron prefers the company of others rather than solitude, however he's fine with whichever. It's rare to see him angered, extremely rare in fact since he has such a high patience. However, when he does, it's not a very friendly sight. 

Rank: C

Bloodline Ability:

Stone eyes

You guys heard of Medusa right? Yep, he got those eyes. But, he doesn't have to hide them all the time. You're able to look him in the eyes, but, if he switched his power on, then you would be turned into stone. The stoney glare, is as he likes to call it. It is heartbreaking, and heart stopping.

Secondary Ability:


Same as his sister, he has wings like a bird.

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Name: Milo Conestye

Age: 17

Sexuality: Bisexual

Race: Avion/goddess



Personality: Milo is a snappy girl with a lot of attitude and brains. She is a very sarcastic girl, and if you try to prove her wrong, this cunning bitch will sure prove you wrong! Most of the time, she just LOVES to have fun, doesn't like doing any work, playing around and joking.  She likes to mess with her teachers, pissing them off when ever she can, but... she can also always get her way with them, always ending up getting out of things. She is loyal to her friends though, having everyones back, even though they don't want her help. She's all around cheerful, her bright smile spreading on to others. You just met her, well, you now got a best friend FOR LIFE. She has your back until you turn against her, of course. And of course, Milo is the queen of revenge, knowing how to get back at people who did wrong to her.

Rank: A (Just to throw one in there. If you don't want one yet, lemme know and I'll bring her down)

Bloodline Ability:

Electrical shocks

You've all heard about the lightning powers that Zeus has. Weeeell, Milo's is somewhat like that. She is able to generate lightning bolts and actually throw them. Shocking people is also her thing. She can generate little shocks whenever she wants to, just going up to random people. It is like rubbing socks along carpet then touching someone after. I don't believe I can explain her power even more? She just gotta show you what she is capable of.

Secondary Ability:


Being an Avion, SHE HAS WINGS. Like a damn bird, hah. There isn't much to say, all that she is a bird kid.XD


Name: Aaron Conestye

Age: 17

Sexuality: Straight

Race: Avion/god


Personality: He is cautious and wary, he's attentive to detail and observant of his surrounding. Rather than talk, Aaron much rather prefers listening, but has a strong air of mystery and authority around him. He talks only when needed, and refrains from taking leadership position unless offered or in desperate need. Even though he's often spotted alone, Aaron prefers the company of others rather than solitude, however he's fine with whichever. It's rare to see him angered, extremely rare in fact since he has such a high patience. However, when he does, it's not a very friendly sight. 

Rank: C

Bloodline Ability:

Stone eyes

You guys heard of Medusa right? Yep, he got those eyes. But, he doesn't have to hide them all the time. You're able to look him in the eyes, but, if he switched his power on, then you would be turned into stone. The stoney glare, is as he likes to call it. It is heartbreaking, and heart stopping.

Secondary Ability:


Same as his sister, he has wings like a bird.


Lovely! *Sits on a waffle throne with a kawaii but derpy face* By the rules of the waffle kingdom, students must be B or lower!

Milo has been turned to a B, just for youuu.cx I can't wait to start with her, I imagine her as an attention hog, surrounded with Awe looks as her brother sat off to the side, not giving a fuck in the world, his nose in a book.xD

Name: Luxxie O. Noir, Or Luxx

Age: 16

Sexuality: straight.

Personality: After living in the streets and under enslavement, Luxx has become a very anti-social person. The only thing he seems to have emotion towards are his pills. Although he's harsh, he can be nice towards people. Since he has been in a sort of solitude all his life, he is accustomed to having full blown conversations with himself.

Race: (Be imaginative, you can be an already known race or a totally original one) Human

  • Appearance: (preferable anime or fantasy, but also realistic) Refer to Image above. He is 5'2 and im going into huge detail about his eyes
  • heterochromia iridis: Left eye. his eye, a faint blue, has a line of dark green.
  • Achromatopsia(Color Blind): Both eyes. Born with it.
  • Blind in the right eye. Cause explained in the background story.

Rank: (Don't be a perfect S/A from the beginning) D (For Partnership reaons, I wish to increase this so I can be closer of power to my partner. Still low though, as I dont wish to be A C or up just yet.)

Bloodline ability: (Don't be overpowered) Blood magic:  [SIZE=14.6667px]Blood magic is the magic of blood. Used by witches, it increases in power when the user consumes blood. Based around blood, the more consumption of blood may lead to increases in power and even newfound sections. (Like him now being able to feel blood.)[/SIZE]

Secondary ability: (Can be a talent or another power of their race) After spending time alone for 11 years, he has learned to read people very well.

Backstory:  [SIZE=14.6667px]Luxxie O. Noir, or Luxx, comes from Halifax, which is a port-town in Canada.[/SIZE] [SIZE=14.6667px]He grew up with his father and step-mother, Sarah E. Noir, and Barret J. Noir. At the age of five years old, due to magical crime which had ran rampant through the port-town, his mother and father were killed in a home break-in. He was blinded in his right eye from the attack, and the witch who committed the break-in kidnapped him, branding him and enslaving him for years. The witch also had the same symbol that was branded onto his chest above his heart tattoo'd onto his neck, reaching up onto his face and ending underneath his right eye when he was 13. At the age of 14, he killed the witch with a kitchen knife in her sleep, and accidentally ingested her blood, giving him his ‘powers’ that he has today. For three years, up to the age of 17, he searched for the school after hearing about it during his enslavement, hoping to gain some type of normalcy and control over these ‘powers’. (Note: He takes pills make out of crystallized witch blood to keep from having seizures and migraines caused by ingesting witches blood when he was a child, which corrupted a section of his left hemisphere, which is also the reason he has powers.)[/SIZE]

 ( Brand/Tattoo )

Lol I posted this in the RP by accident
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Name: Luxxie O. Noir, Or Luxx

Age: 16

Sexuality: straight.

Race: (Be imaginative, you can be an already known race or a totally original one) Human

  • Appearance: (preferable anime or fantasy, but also realistic) Refer to Image above. He is 5'2 and im going into huge detail about his eyes
  • heterochromia iridis: Left eye. his eye, a faint blue, has a line of dark green.
  • Achromatopsia(Color Blind): Both eyes. Born with it.
  • Blind in the right eye. Cause explained in the background story.

Rank: (Don't be a perfect S/A from the beginning) F

Bloodline ability: (Don't be overpowered) Blood magic:  [SIZE=14.6667px]Blood magic is the control or manipulation of blood. Not very powerful, but can be used to manipulate the minds of basic creatures like animals. He can also manipulate gravity in basic ways like lifting himself or objects. He can also see fate strands, but cannot manipulate them.[/SIZE] (All of this is caused by ingestion of blood.)

Secondary ability: (Can be a talent or another power of their race) After spending time alone for 11 years, he has learned to read people very well.

Backstory:  [SIZE=14.6667px]Luxxie O. Noir, or Luxx, comes from Halifax, which is a port-town in Canada.[/SIZE] [SIZE=14.6667px]He grew up with his father and step-mother, Sarah E. Noir, and Barret J. Noir. At the age of five years old, due to magical crime which had ran rampant through the port-town, his mother and father were killed in a home break-in. He was blinded in his right eye from the attack, and the witch who committed the break-in kidnapped him, branding him and enslaving him for years. The witch also had the same symbol that was branded onto his chest above his heart tattoo'd onto his neck, reaching up onto his face and ending underneath his right eye when he was 13. At the age of 14, he killed the witch with a kitchen knife in her sleep, and accidentally ingested her blood, giving him his ‘powers’ that he has today. For three years, up to the age of 17, he searched for the school after hearing about it during his enslavement, hoping to gain some type of normalcy and control over these ‘powers’. (Note: He takes pills make out of crystallized witch blood to keep from having seizures and migraines caused by ingesting witches blood when he was a child, which corrupted a section of his left hemisphere, which is also the reason he has powers.)[/SIZE]

 ( Brand/Tattoo )

Lol I posted this in the RP by accident

Sorry, but can only have one bloodline ability, control blood, mind control, gravity and see fate are four. xD
I did. The mind control is part of the blood magic, as he controls the mind via the blood inside the body, and he can only use it on basic creatures.

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