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Fandom Yugioh Zexal: The Alternate Universe; CS Thread

The Silent Z

Just Here
Name: (You know your chosen name )
Age: (Academy/School Age preferred for Rp purposes)
Gender: (Also no explanation needed)

Personality: (Simple or expanded form)
Appearance: (Image or description form. Both if you like)

Bio/History: (Details of your Oc's life )

Relationships: (Optional)

Deck: ( Archetype of your deck or theme of it)

Number Card: (Only 1 allowed to start off Rp. Provides a starting basis for our Oc's especially in the case we do not have a Yuma character in the group.)

Other: (Optional for things you'd like others to know about your OC.)

Ok here's a basic thread for Character sheets. Print is larger then necessary but here we go. Also I'm thinking of keeping this small but if enough interest gathers and activity, we could raise it from five to more then five.

People who showed interest via interest check or pm: Forest Dragon Slayer Forest Dragon Slayer Loki777 Loki777 @GimmickPuppet

Basic rules apply:
No OP and power playing here. A slightly OP villain/NPC for plot purposes is one thing but player v player is another entirely.

Dueling will be predetermined by those involved and agreed to. Keep in mind this Rp is meant for fun, so you don't need to win every duel. NPC duels can be done via the players choice and description or mention pending your choice. This is a Yugioh Rp after all, not all duels are between player controlled characters and main characters in the series.

Keep it cool! No need to harsh the mellow as I'll call it. It's a Rp nothing major or heat worthy. All arguments and issues please keep out of the coming OOC thread and other Rp related threads. Take it to pm if necessary. I'll be around to lend a ruling if needed.

That's it really..... easy no? And of course RPN rules apply.
Name: Estrella CrossHeart
Age: 16
Gender: Female

Personality: Estrella is an average girl who likes to make small talk, be outgoing and suggest new adventures or train in the back of her home. She is a lovable person who's brain is innocent and pure as can be, trying to make everyone she knows happy at times. Very rare to see her burst in tears or go silent, but then again thats bad for a cheerful girl like her

Bio/History: Estrella had a big family indeed, 2 uncles on each side of her family line. 6 older brothers her being the youngest, she doesn't have a mother cause her mother left them when she was barely 4. She never liked talking about it to anyone, not wanting to go through the painful memories again. Estrella always wanted to be apart of something bigger, not realizing she was going to have her wish granted

-Astral is her best friend
-Crush is open

Deck: Six Samurai

Number Card: 10 - Illuminiknight

Other: She has insomnia as well as Asthma, which is why she can't run fast and quick. Plus she is almost fully blind in her right eye
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angelbim10 angelbim10
It's looking good to go! However I assume based off your deck name that your looking to use a Pendulum deck, correct? If so I'm afraid that will not work in Zexal era. But outside of the no Pendulum summoning your character is approved. You just need to adjust the deck if it has Pendulum monsters within it.

Also cool! Seems we have our Yuma replacement character.
angelbim10 angelbim10
It's looking good to go! However I assume based off your deck name that your looking to use a Pendulum deck, correct? If so I'm afraid that will not work in Zexal era. But outside of the no Pendulum summoning your character is approved. You just need to adjust the deck if it has Pendulum monsters within it.

Also cool! Seems we have our Yuma replacement character.
( Haha sorry its just I have a pendulum deck so thats all I know how to use :-_-lines:
( Haha sorry its just I have a pendulum deck so thats all I know how to use :-_-lines:
No troubles. I know that alternate dimensions come into play in Arc V with other eras appearing in some ways, Alexis from GX and duel academy alternate universe and etc. (least from what I hear)

But this Rp is just a alternate tale from the series. Meaning same or similar plots but canon replaced with OC's. In case my interest check was poor on the explanation.

If you need any help on how to play other decks, I'm around to assist. (: I personally am still understanding the newer summoning like how to play Pendulum and now this link deal. So I understand honestly
No troubles. I know that alternate dimensions come into play in Arc V with other eras appearing in some ways, Alexis from GX and duel academy alternate universe and etc. (least from what I hear)

But this Rp is just a alternate tale from the series. Meaning same or similar plots but canon replaced with OC's. In case my interest check was poor on the explanation.

If you need any help on how to play other decks, I'm around to assist. (: I personally am still understanding the newer summoning like how to play Pendulum and now this link deal. So I understand honestly
( Can you choose a deck then ><
Name: Zyrus Riddles
Age: 16
Gender: Male


A bit thick shelled, rough exterior at first, appearing strong and as your typical loner. But truly he's a decent young lad with a belief in dueling, a goal oriented and dream chasing student with a thoughtful and easy going personality once known. Though it doesn't stop him from using a means to end what he sees as wrong or people he does not trust. Finding the code of conduct as ones ally to live by as a duelist. Due to this he greatly despises cheaters and lowlifes looking to take the shortcut to the top.



Zyrus Riddles was born in Heartland to Artorious Riddles and Melissa Idler-Riddles, raised within the middle class of society in Heartland city. Knowing the value of hard-work and dedication to ones dreams, goals and everyday life. Using duels to enhance his image in order to take what he desires and that is reaching the big leagues of pro dueling, gaining the notice of the public and duel league officials to reach his dreams and make it his reality. But he and despite his outer appearance before getting to know him, is quite thoughtful and and easy going. Usually just appearing strong and thick shelled to maintain the image he believes is necessary for a middle class of society and student at the heartland academy of dueling.

Furthermore he's always been interested in machine decks, he's experimented with several growing up before discovering the Cyber Dragon cards, seeing they were a not only a cool deck but potentially strong as well, so he eventually collected all the cards in the archetype and built a deck around them. Using this very deck for years leading up toward the now, A strong duelist with a growing appetite for improving and growing stronger and wiser as a duelist.
Deck: Cyber Dragon

Number Card: 61 Volcasaurus

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Name: Takeshi Hisakawa
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: Mahouka_Koukou_no_Rettousei65439.jpg
Takeshi is an extremely intelligent and analytical person, both of which are put to good use in dueling and in school. While he doesn't show his emotions as much, showing a rather stoic nature, he is not apathetic. He can be kind and caring to his friends and will sometimes tease them for his own amusement. Due to his upbringing, he also has the mentality that nothing is worthless or pointless, allowing him to make use of what he has to the best of its ability.

Deck: Six Samurai (Modified) is his main deck but he has other decks on hand.

Number Card: NA

History: Takeshi grew up in a family that ran a general store that sold all sorts of things for not much profit, leading to his mentality that nothing is useless or worthless. Contrary to his personality, he admired the honorable samurai of the past which was reflected on how he prefers not to fight dishonorably. Because of this, his parents gave him a Six Samurai deck which got him started in dueling. As he began becoming further immersed in the dueling world, he found some of his classmates that threw away some cards because they thought said cards were useless. Because of his upbringing, this angered him (although he didn't show it on his face at all) and he took the thrown away cards and challenged them to a duel using them, winning to prove to them that the cards were not useless. Ever since then, whenever he found a card lying on the ground or was thrown away, he'd pick it up and bring it home, eventually amassing an entire bookshelf full of binders which were filled with these cards.

Relationships: NA

Other: He enjoys cooking. Sometimes, he experiments to find the perfect blend of herbs and spices to use in dishes.
Character Accepted & Demongirl once you've found a replacement deck since Zexal didn't have Pendulum summon, yours will be accepted as well. If your still interested that is ^^
-slides in-

Whoa. You guys got some good characters already I see.

-crackles knuckles-

Time for little ol' Kit to get to work on one too.
Hana Jinsei


Hana Jinsei

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Hana is a normally quiet person around strangers, whenever she needs to communicate with them she usually uses gestures. The same goes with those she is more comfortable with, although she does become more talkative as time moves on. When one does start speaking to her, or perhaps before then they can soon see her self-doubt and her overly praising others around her.

She often doesn't do solo duels of her own accord as her deck is circled around the idea of supporting rather than full out attacks. However, this makes her especially useful in tag duels and is one of the few things she may feel confident in her abilities one way or another. Hana often considering herself as a shadow of her friends, silently supporting them rather than standing in the spotlight.


Biography: Hana Jinsei lived with her close family of three, herself included, although she didn't talk to them often in her later years. Normally wandering off to their grandparents gardening shop a few blocks from their house. Her parents didn't exactly approve of her wandering on her own and bothering their parents, but after she continuously made herself there despite their bars and the fact that she wasn't doing too much wrong there - in fact helping according to their grandmother. Often watering their plants and setting up the stocks of gardening tools for the customers, the old couple giving her a gift for her troubles, an Aroma deck that the two had put together for her (minus the number card) when she went to the academy.

Relationships: (Other than her close tie with her Grandparents) N/A (PM me if you want to be friends, etc.)

Deck: Aroma

Number Card: Number 49: Fortune Tune.

Name: Kudo Mizuko

Age: 15
Gender: Female


Personality: Kudo Mizuko has a fairly optimistic outlook even with her odd upbringing. She is fairly sociable even with strangers, Most likely to compensate for her lack of interaction when she was younger. Definitely more independent than many at her age. Rather confident when it comes to dueling, fairly confident outside of dueling as well in many cases, which she built gradually over time, until the present.

Bio/History: Kudo Mizuko grew up in Heartland city. From a young age she had always been rather interested in duel monsters, and it so happened that she received her first deck from her father, A Photon archtype which had been just developed for the time. Quickly She became rather accustomed to the Photon deck, using it nearly exclusively when she started playing. She learned quickly what synergized together, and how to XYZ's summon, ect by herself. Her father actually working almost full time, in a research facility, and without a mother figure basically her whole life, she learned independence quite young, so it wasn't a big deal for her really, her father usually would come home quite late at night, or sometimes not at all for some days in a row, but there was a protocol for such, which she followed. As far as dueling experience goes Kudo Mizuko mostly got it from being challenged or challenging classmates, which she actually has done quite well in, using the photon deck, Her favorite card quickly becoming Number 62: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon. In fact she began to enjoy dragons in general. Due to her lack of commitment and outside interaction she's spent most of her time dueling friends in actuality. Although she does hope to meet more people and what not.

Relationships: Open

Deck Archetype: Photon

Number Card: Number 62: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon
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However, he wears an orange shirt with the imprint of his first card on it - Gem- Armadillo. Also, sorry it's in two spoiler tags - for some reason it does that. No idea why.

Name: Hoseki Danryoku
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Personality: Hoseki is a very strong-willed guy, preferring brawn over brain. While he does have a few strategies up his sleeve for tougher opponents, his usual strategy is to attack full force with powerful cards. He also likes getting powerful cards out quickly, which can often leave him with an empty hand, but he doesn't seem to be ashamed or regretful of this tactic. After all, should he be lucky enough, he could easily wipe out an opponent in a few turns.

Out of battle, however, he tends to calm down. He prefers physical activities to mental ones, and he finds it difficult to learn in a school environment - not that he is stupid or anything - it's just that working in a classroom isn't hands on enough for him. He also ensures that his body is as fit as can be, and is usually found in gyms and jogging in his free time.

Bio/History: Hoseki had a fairly standard childhood. There wasn't much to it - average income, average quality of life. He found solace in playing football with his dad and for his tenth birthday received his first YuGiOh card - Gem- Armadillo. Even though it was a relatively cheap and normal card, it meant something to Hoseki - enough to base his deck around the Gem-Knight card he cherished so much.

Relationships: None, at the moment. Is available, however.

Deck: Gem-Knight.

Number Card: Number 44: Sky Pegasus.

Other: Has a strange luck to find or acquire Blue Eyes White Dragon - he found a couple in a rubbish tip, he was given one in victory and even was given one when his friend gave him his old YuGiOh collection so he could focus on his studies. He also once found an old man who didn't really understand the value of Blue Eyes, and gave it to him for fairly cheap. He tends to use them to trade for Gem-Knight cards, rather than buying them.
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