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Fandom Yu-Gi-Oh: Spirit Hunters


Princess of Fairies
Roleplay Type(s)
You're finally here! The Pegasus World Championship! A year of intense dueling, traveling the world to collect the Star Chips needed to qualify for the World Championship. Traveled to Domino City, to play the best of the best in a 128 man elimination tournament. Now you're on the final leg of the journey, traveling to Duelist Kingdom Island to play in the legendary castle of the creator of Duel Monsters, in Top 4 of the World Championship. This year the stakes are higher than ever. After 50 years, legendary Duelist the undefeated King of Games, Yugi Muto announced his retirement last year. Not only is there a large cash prize, but the winner of this tournament will receive the title of “King of Games”. But there is an unknown darkness lurking around the corner. What will unfold in the most anticipated Tournament of the year? This shall be a World Championship like none other.

RP Plot
I'm looking for up to 3 other people, at least 1 of which can create and play multiple characters (A protagonist as your main character, and side characters and villains as they appear in the story. Mainly so my protagonist has other characters to duel.) The story starts off at the World Championship Finals but as the tournament comes to a close an evil will show up launching us into the main plot of the story. The Main Plot will have our characters becoming “Spirit Hunters” and traveling the world to face rogue Duel Spirits who plan on taking over the human world. While I take some ideas from GX and other Yu-Gi-Oh series, only the original series is canon to the RP. The RP takes place about 50 years after the original series.

Duel Spirits
After the main plot kicks off (not at the start of the RP), each character will be given a Duel Spirit. This should be a monster from your Signature Cards list or an Extra Deck Monster. This Duel Spirit comes with an ability (Duel Spirit Ability: DSA), something similar to skills in Duel Links. It must be an activated effect that, at most, lasts 1 turn. DSA can only be reacted to by other DSA. They can not be negated and affect any card regardless of any protection effects it might have.

The Duel Spirits are characters as well with their own personalities, desires, and goals. They can talk to each other and the main protagonists. The main protagonist can see Duel Spirits, most other people cannot. You will also be playing your Duel Spirit.

Duel Spirits come from the “Shadow Worlds”, and they can only be seen by humans who have been given the title of Spirit Hunter. Even though they can't be seen, they can influence people. They can possess people and use them for their goals. Spirits who enter the human world and force humans to do their bidding are considered “rogue”.

We will make a protagonist and maybe side characters, and villains for the RP. The idea is to have more anime-like duels than real competitive Yu-Gi-Oh. Characters should have a theme for their decks but also be kind of random.

Duels will be done on duelingbook.com, the manual sim would make it easier to use new rules.

Universal Rules (Rules that apply to all characters):
Mulligan - At the start of the duel, you can send as many cards from your opening hand to the deck, shuffle, and draw the same number of cards as the ones drawn. You have to keep the cards drawn.
Face-Up DEF - You can normal summon monsters in face-up defense.
One Duel Spirit Ability - Get 1 Free activation of your DSA.

Protagonist Rules:
Heart of the Card Points (HoC) - In Duels against other Protagonists, Protagonists get 3 HoC. Against Villains, they get 5 HoC.
Destiny Start - When you Mulligan, you can spend a HoC to add 1 card from your deck to your hand instead of drawing, you draw the rest of the cards sent. You can spend more HoC to add additional cards instead of drawing.
Destiny Draw - When you draw a card, including the draw phase, you can spend an HoC to send 1 of your Signature Cards to the top of your deck before you draw.
Duel Spirit Connection - You can spend a HoC to use your DSA an additional time.
Power of Friendship - If another player and one of their characters is watching the duel, they can give your character a HoC, once per player. (Only for duels against villains)

Villain Rules:
Curated Hand - When using your Mulligan you can choose which cards to add to your hand instead of drawing.
Duel Spirit Mastery - You can activate your DS Ability as many times as you want. You can have passive abilities.

Deck Building Rules
60 Cards - Protags are encouraged to run the maximum number of cards just so you can play as many stuff as possible.
Highlander Decks - Decks should only have 1 of each card in them unless a card in your deck requires multiple (like Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon needing 3 Blue-Eyes) or the card itself requires multiple for its effect (like Destiny HERO Malicious) or is Polymerization. This is so you can fit more unique cards into your deck.
Themes - Every deck should have a theme, this could be a specific archetype (but very few archetypes have the card pool necessary for a 60 card highlander deck) or just something generic like “Spaceships” and your deck is Kozmo and BES and other space themed cards. Themes should be aesthetical and not mechanical, so "Burn" or "Trap Cards" are not themes.
No Banlist - There is no banlist but this doesn't mean you can just play Baronne in your synchro deck without playing the other Fleur cards and probably a theme that involves flowers or something. Only cards that I guess are banned are cards that are canonly limited like the Egyptian Gods.
Signature Cards - Select 20 cards to be your character’s Signature Cards. No other character can play those cards. These cannot be too generic like Pot of Greed or Mystical Space Typhoon, and have to match your character's theme.

Other RP Rules
You can't play canon characters, but you can play the children/grandchildren of canon characters.
No Custom Cards for now. I rather not have to review a bunch of custom cards for OP crazy stuff that breaks the mechanics. Maybe later on in the RP.
All modern mechanics of the game exist (Synchros, Links, Xyzs, and Pendulums).
Only the original series is canon. So cards like the Sacred Beasts, Signer Dragons, Number monsters, and other cards that are special in the other series are just normal cards here.
Spots are currently 3. I'm willing to bump it to 7 if the interest is there. Spots are not first come first serve. When I get the character sheet up, it will be whoever I feel has the best characters.
Post length should be a single good paragraph at least. With decent grammar and spelling, doesn't have to be perfect.
We can roleplay during duels and those should mostly be one-liners and small descriptions to keep up a pace.

If you have any ideas to make game more anime-like, feel free to share.
I'm interested to see what characters and decks come from this. I think the idea of using a simulator to play out the duels in character is particularly interesting.

I've seen a couple episodes of the original series and think the themes of the cards and decks are interesting,but I've barely paid attention to the game. So I have no idea how to play,let alone play well. So I don't think I'd be able to participate in the way that is required here.
Well I need to distract myself from the Mariana trench sized hole in my wallet after Fiendsmith happened so lmk if you open more spots...
So what I'm hearing is I'm playing 54 normal monsters, exodia, and then drawing my whole deck with heart of the underdog
So what I'm hearing is I'm playing 54 normal monsters, exodia, and then drawing my whole deck with heart of the underdog
If you can find 54 normal monsters with aesthetic theme with Exodia. But then again Exodia has his own archetype cards, so you will probably have to play those.
Doesn't Mirror Force also have its own Arch Type?
How would that work?
Maybe your character has a theme of "Mirrors" and you play Mirror Force and Dream Mirrors and other Mirror like cards.
Oh I was just trying for a example, im more so planning a Twin deck for my character.
If you can find 54 normal monsters with aesthetic theme with Exodia. But then again Exodia has his own archetype cards, so you will probably have to play those.
Was joke. I'm probably gonna play cyberse death ball.
Sheet posted. We'll see how good firewall dragon pass is lmao.

For the record, I think allowing what is essentially a duel links skill to be a quick Effect is comedically broken and reborning a monster should be reaching the upper limits what they're allowed to do. But if it's in the name of plot then I ain't gonna argue.
Aight I'm a ruin your lives by playing mystic mine then.
You definitely should buy more Mystic Mines
its impossible to find now, people either burned them or don't want to sell their sets

Only 1 copy, remember?
If I remove it, whats your backup plan
aint no way we're actually going to sweat and start teching against Mystic Mine in a fucking roleplay. fuck is this, YCS RpNation?

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