Your Second Chance (Accepting!)

"Oh please, I could be a demon better than you." Joy teased Andrew, quietly tearing again the rope apart. "I mean, physical torture to crush our dreams? Really?" I asked and quickly shut my mouth as I realized what I said. I stared at the floor for a few seconds, quiet as a mouse.


Sophie moved the baton up to deflect the pipe and in the same movement lunged forward with the knife, going for a gut-stab. She dropped into the utterly calm killing state she always did when she fought, losing herself in it.

@Andros @ItsEndless @AugustineVampire

(Sorry I know I missed you person who is running Emerald. I am on phone at the back of a party so I am slightly limited.)



"Uh, okay then," she responded as Andre began moving towards the houses a ways away. She could tell that these two others didn't trust her, and they had a right to. She wasn't exactly telling the truth, but if anything she was wishing her lie to become true. Following Andre she couldn't help but feel the other man's eyes on her. Knowing the whole stereotype of angels being good, she was mostly sure that he wasn't thinking anything bad, but she couldn't help but tug at the edge of the skirt again. This dress was definitely one she would have never picked out if she hadn't had to. Her taste in men during life had been a bit of the 'bad boy' type, and it had always gotten her into more trouble than it should've.

"So do either of you know anything about where we actually are?" she asked. She was genuinely curious, since this whole place seemed to just be some kind of 'limbo' city.

@JujuBee @ItsEndless @Radiohead
~ The Gate Keeper

It didn’t look like they would be getting anymore angels to join their group, so Aurora nods in agreement. At least she could keep watch of two of her angels, then she will have to gather more of them in the morning. Aurora also can’t help but be worried about the angels’ late start, though. She feels that she hasn’t done anything productive for day one, and getting a late start was never ideal when it came to their one-week time limit. She would somehow have to balance everything for day 2.

“We’re all in a fake world created in between life and death,” Aurora replies to the woman. She decides to walk on the side of Todrick, feeling safest around him. “It has all of the elements of a normal city, but it’s much, much smaller. This world has been created specifically for angels, but I guess, demons have breached in as well.”

Aurora bites her lip at the mention of demons. Should she have mentioned it, considering a demon was walking amongst them? Aurora would probably regret it later, but she’s curious how the three of them will react.

“I, uh, ran into one earlier. I don’t think they’re friendly.”

( @SassyAndroidSera
@Andros @Abberakelaran )[/font]



Stiffening for a moment at the woman's mentioning of demons she decided to let it slide, figuring the woman was just bringing it up.

"Yeah, some of them seem rather menacing," she agreed, a bit too whole-heartedly, but she meant it," I met a few on my way here and they were... less than friendly."

Sighing she figured there was no turning back now from this ruse, so she might as well run with it. She'd had much experience with lying in her life, and this was just another. Looking around again she noticed how dark it actually was. Knowing it probably wasn't much darker than a usual night on Earth, she still felt that it was a bit eerie in this place. Sure, this might be a 'safe haven' but it just seemed... strange to her.



"Demons?" The expression in Todrick's face was completely shocked,eyes glued in Aurora. It was one of the rare times that Todrick felt at a loss of words. Since he woke up,this was the first time that he heard about demons existing in this world. It was also the first time that he understood the feeling of pressure in his chest,the fear that something could awake from the darkness and jump in his direction at any given moment. He bit his lower lip lightly,looking ahead. Almost by reflex,Todrick moved a little closer to the others in the group. "How would we know if someone is a demon? Do they have any special characteristic? Do they look normal like us?"

He was bursting questions again,unable to help it. Todrick was on his edge. Maybe he didn't know Aurora and Andre fully,and maybe he didn't trust Alison yet. But that didn't mean that he wouldn't fight with everything he had to protect his small group.

@Smoaki @ItsEndless @JujuBee


Emerald watched the chaos erupt around her with disbelief in her eyes. Saph was...alive? But she hated her... Understandably of course, but it gave her hope that's maybe her sister would forgive her one day. That hope may have filtered through to her eyes, but she shut it down immediately. She couldn't let him know that he had just given her enough hope to keep fighting.

A minute later, The guy started fighting someone new. Ginny let Joy free, and Emeralds heart rose, she felt it would fly through her chest. If Joy made it out... Maybe she could alert... The Gatekeeper? Or maybe she would see Saph! Or... If Joy managed to accomplish her dream, did that mean that she would have saved her life? Surely Muss Reaper would see how silly this decision was, but Em wasn't going to tell her. Or maybe she just liked to make it difficult for her demons.

In light of these recent events, Em realised what she had always been good at. Sapphire was good at the practical stuff, like getting out of trouble and lying. But she.... She had always had hope. She had never given up hope on her sister even when... She made some bad decisions. And if she could retain her hope, then she could make it through this.



@ItsEndless @Abberakelaran
Joy released a sigh and looked at Em, giving her a look that assured her that she's going to get her out of here. Just then she saw a knife on the table and quickly grabbed it - putting it for a brief moment in Andrew's back. "That's for knocking me out several times, dick." she mumbled and took out the knife while leaving the room. Why would Red free me? she thought in confusion.

When Andrew doged the knife while being attacked, he was then hit in the back by someone behind him. "Gahhhh!!" he recoiled in pain when he was hit by the knife. He then took his pipe and swirled it around to hit Joy in the head hard, and I mean hard, hard enough to knock a person unconsciousness. He then turned back around to face his other assailant and prepared for her next attack
Sophie watched as the man spun to attack the other woman, and then as he turned back, struck. She swung her steel baton at his head, timing it to meet him as he turned. @Andros
"It's starting to get dark.." Raya muttered. The blonde had been wandering the streets for a while, as she had forgot the way to the white house she had woken up in. And she was more than a little irritated. "I hate this place.." She said, a bit too loud.

(Open for Interaction)
Andrew stumbled to the right after being hit in the head by his assailant. He then took the knife in his back and put it in his left hand. He then attacked her with the pipe and hit her baton and slashed her side with the knife

Ezekiel 'Zeke' Grey An unsettling wide grin was on the fifteen year old's face as he sat calmly in the blood pooled on the floor of his classroom. A small black cat was perched on his shoulders and purring loudly. This was his only friend in life- Cas. 'Finally. Finally they stopped breathing- they can't hurt me or anyone ever again!' The insane boy was humming happily when they arrived. The police surrounded him but he still had a few clips in his gun and no true will to go on with living despite his grim elation of massacring his entire class. As he lifted his weapon to the leading officer's head and was about to pull a trigger, loud gunshots rang in his ears and he felt his body get pelted with bullets along with the heartbreaking sound of Cas being gunned down as well since he screeched in pain. Small bursts of unbearable pain echoed through him as his limp body flopped to the side and his vision quickly turned to black.

Ezekiel's eyelids fluttered open to see the dark blue ceiling of his room. "No way. Why am I here? Either I'd be in a cell or in a grave. I don't understand..." His sweet voice muttered in confusion as he got up reluctantly. It was his room but he couldn't hear any noises. Mother wasn't listening to a looped sermon downstairs but he could see Cas curled up next to where he had been sleeping. Ezekiel stepped onto the hardwood flooring and glanced down to a piece of paper that had clearly not been in his room before now. He read it and was pissed. Of course it was religious, but apparently he had a chance to ruin angels. Those who supposedly were to protect people and sing to the almighty dickhead. He hated that religion had been apparently right, but was pretty okay with the idea of crushing the fluttery goody two shoes. Ezekiel left his room and went onto the streets with his little black cat Cas in his arms. He saw a nice looking older girl wandering the streets as well and decided to confront her and see if she was an angel he could help ruin hopes for.

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Joy was confronted by a new... angel slash demon, seemed to be a teenager. "Hey!" she greeted him, clearing her throat nervously. She had a scratch on her cheek - luckily the blood from the wound as already dry. "Are you an angel or a demon?" Joy asked the boy curiously as the knife she put in Andrew's back was in her left hand that hid behind her back. I mean, he does seem a bit naive. But you could never know with those 'glorious' demons. rolling her eyes at her own thought she waited for a respond from the black-haired boy.

(Aye I'm a Sagittarius as well :D )


Andre Grant


Andre continued to walk to where he’d been when he woke up. He stayed quiet for the majority of it, listening to the small group converse with one another. It made him happy that the next to people he’d come to meet were actually people who were also on ‘his side’ as well and didn’t seem to be troublesome. The last thing he needed was to meet someone who was nothing but absolute drama or going crazy over the fact that they were in a sort of purgatory. ‘Limbo’,

“That’s not exactly the best thing to hear.” He’d speak up when Aurora spoke about their new home. “For demons to have been able to breach, that didn’t exactly do us well. If they were willing to do that then just think of how powerful they all may actually be. I wonder if this would hinder whatever it is us angels are here to do with our ‘dreams’…” He mumbled, thinking a bit more about his dream and deepest desire. Would he ever be able to succeed in fulfilling it? Would he ever be able to truly use it to get his second chance? Andre wasn’t too sure and to be honest, he wasn’t exactly all hat eager to find out.

“They didn’t seem very much friendly,” He added into the conversation, glancing back at the others. “I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting them yet but from the group that had formed earlier, I’m sure a few were demons and they didn’t seem to be the most organized or kind to one another.” He paused for a moment, thinking over Todrick’s questions. “As for how to tell? I don’t believe there is too noticeable a way. I mean, I’m sure they look exactly like us. Until we do find out a good way to tell then I’m sure the only way we can trust one another is by one’s word. And even then- what good is that for? I’m telling you, we’re in a battle zone of sorts.”

He could see the house coming up and his pace quickened just a tad bit at the view, his hand pointing up towards it. “There’s the house, that one right there."

Interacts with Alison





The guy was still fighting... Violent one wasn't he? The way he treated others was appalling she couldn't believe that someone could be like that... Well. Sapphires friends hadn't been very nice either, but from what she had seen of them - as little as possible - they weren't very good friends. Sapphire had always been terrible at making friends, she always chose the wrong people. She didn't choose the loyal ones that would stand by her side no matter what, she chose the "brave" ones who were always nasty.

Wait! This guy said he knew Sapphire... What if he captured her to?! And she had no way to warn her... He must have pretended to be an angel and befriended her. Just like her to make the wrong friends AGAIN. She sat there quietly hoping the slight panic for her sister didn't show.



Ezekiel 'Zeke' Grey "Angel or demon? Oh, you mean the letter thingy? I guess I'm a demon by those standards. I dunno, I just wanted to make a friend or two so I'd be less lonely though to be honest people are kinda scary." He gently pet the black cat resting in his arms before looking up at girl again. He noticed the scratch on her face and pointed at it. "Are you hurt?" Ezekiel's vibrant yet warm blue eyes caught her oddly colored eyes. They looked pretty cool actually. He shook that thought off as he looked concerned for her.

"Oh!" She she said in surprise as she covered her cheek, "No, I just... Um, I tried to catch an angel -- but he ran away, that sneaky little bastard!" I laughed nervously, I mean sure -- I was good at lying, but not in these kind of intense situations. "Anyway, I'm Joy." Joy shook his hand with a charming smile. @KayIa

Ezekiel 'Zeke' Grey Ezekiel could already tell that Joy was lying to some degree whereas he was slightly annoyed by that. Just because he himself was considerably deceptive didn't by any means include any real lies. He honestly hadn't really told any lies in his life... he just added a bit of a whirl to them to make them look a little differently. "Oh. I'm not too sure if I really want to ruin any angels though. Sure, it could get back at whatever god might exist but I honestly would rather not be brought back to life." Again, he didn't necessarily tell a single lie. Ezekiel had a habit of twisting his words before anyone else could. A small and gentle smile crossed his innocent-looking features as he continued to pet his only true friend, Cas.

"Well, uh, you know." she shrugged and immediately put her hand on his chest -- feeling his heart pulse getting a bit faster. He wasn't really lying, but there was something in his words. "Uh, yeah, sure. Well, I'll just head back to the other demon fellas. See you around, I guess?" she spoke awkwardly, arranging her crop top. @KayIa

Ezekiel 'Zeke' Grey Ezekiel cocked his head sideways in response to her putting a hand on his heart. He thought it was weird and he really didn't understand why she did that. "Wait, can I come with you? I don't really know anyone here and I don't want to be alone." That was the closest he thought he was to lying but it couldn't be closer to the truth unless he realized that he really meant what he said. He was normally one to prefer being with animals rather than people but for some reason he wanted to make friends. He felt as if his heart had grown soft since his death- no, since the moment he heard Cas's death seconds before his own. "By the way, what's your name?"

~ The Gate Keeper

Andre was completely right, there really wasn’t a way they could differentiate the demons and angels besides by their own word.
Then again, that’s probably why he was hanging around this demon girl. Sure, Aurora knew exactly who her angels were and who wasn’t an angel, but it’s not like she could tell Andre and Todrick this on the spot. That would blow her cover, and surely, they’d think she’s crazy. Not to mention with the demons out, Aurora could be considered a huge target for the demons.

Without her, Aurora fears if her angels will ever get their second chances.

When Andre speaks, Aurora looks up at the familiar house. It was just another house on Chance Street, but Aurora knew it temporarily belonged to Andre. She nods at the group as she runs ahead and opens the door.
Yes, this can definitely work out. They had everything they needed here. Aurora would make this their little base for the moment and try bringing new angels here. The only problem was—where would they all sleep? Might have to go find some sleeping bags if it gets too crowded.

“This looks like the perfect place to rest up, Andre!” Aurora says, holding the door open to her new friends.

( @SassyAndroidSera . Mentions-
@Andros @Abberakelaran )[/font]

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