Your Second Chance (Accepting!)

"Fuck you." She cursed Andrew, breathing heavily and looking at the red hair girl. Just before saying something, she threw her leg and kicked his nuts as hard as she possibly could. Waiting for his reaction. "Why would you help me?" She asked
Raya continued walking through the Limbo place. Or whatever it was. "This Angel and Demon stuff is so stupid. I honestly would rather be human. Angels are too good and Demons are too evil. Why can't we be in thE middle?" She said, raising her voice. The beautiful blonde kept up her wall, not really knowing where she was going.


Andre Grant


Andre took notice that it was beginning to get dark outside. Despite it not being the world he had once been in, he was sure that when it got dark that it meant it was time to go home. Go inside. Get some kind of shelter. So that’s what he’d be doing. Going to find shelter. There were plenty of houses around and despite the fact that the large group he’d once been observing had now dispersed he was sure there’d be plenty of houses to go around so that he wouldn’t have to share. But sharing…

His eyes flickered over to Alison beside him. She was cool beans. If he was forced to, it would be with her. But he wanted to go to the house from before. The one he’d woken up in. Andre wasn’t sure why but he felt as though he’d be more… Comfortable.

“I think I’m going to head inside of one of the houses.” He spoke to her after a comfortable silence between them. “Get some sort of rest for tomorrow. Maybe then we’ll find out some more about what’s been happening. Coming with?”

He would stand up, brushing his pants off just in case before beginning to walk. If she would come along he wouldn’t say much after but if she didn’t he’d wave her goodbye. But for now all he was worried about was finding a home with a bed. A nice warm bed.

Interacts with Alison





She heard his question and internally groaned, hoping that he wasn't one of those that was just looking for a one night stand. He didn't seem the type, but her mind automatically went to being cautious anyway. She'd been in too many of those situations.

"Yeah, I'm with you on that one," she agreed, standing and smoothing out the dress that was beginning to become a bit uncomfortable," y'know, if this place even has days and nights."

Chuckling she looked around. It had definitely gotten darker, but then again who knew in the land of angels and demons.

~ The Gate Keeper

“You’re right! If we try out things from a different perspective, we might just trigger what will bring us back to the real world!” Aurora exclaims. She really liked Todrick’s thinking. In fact, it’s what Aurora was basically trained to do. Sometimes dreams are easier to accomplish than others, they just had to look from a different perspective. Aurora didn’t mind talking about their dreams, but she really needed to focus on
his dream rather than hers. “Todrick, I would do anything for my, um, ‘family.’ I will do anything in my power to make them successful.”

The sunset seemed to moving faster now which worried Aurora. Not that night time was dangerous in the fake world, but she really wasn’t used to having her angels scattered about, especially considering demons have breached into the fake world. Aurora bites her lip. What is she to do?

Aurora continues walking until up ahead she sees the silhouettes of two bodies. Her eyes widen with excitement. More angels, hopefully?

“Todrick! I think I see some angels up ahead!” Aurora exclaims, her voice now more lively than ever.

@Radiohead @Smoaki @JujuBee )

~ Miss Reaper

This Andrew kid was more aggressive than she had originally expected. Maybe even
too aggressive. He was so quick, so hyper. It honestly made his work sloppy, and chaos always went wrong when things were sloppy. Ginny sighs, temporarily placing a hand on Andrew.

“Good job, Kid, but take it down a notch,” Ginny winks. “It’s getting pretty late, actually, so we’re gonna have to find a place to rest for the night. Unless you’ll be staying here with
this softie.”

Ginny walks around the room, looking at their surroundings. It wasn’t a very comfortable place to spend the night, but she’s definitely been in worst. She really didn’t want to stay here, but she doesn’t trust Andrew to not fuck things up. She sighs.

“I’m actually a bit jealous. You two get bonding time. How delightful!”

@Andros @AugustineVampire )

Emerald woke with a Yelp to a stinging pain on her face. Her pigtails were a mess and coming undone, but she couldn't reach her head to fix them. She was sitting on a chair, in an unfamiliar room. There was some kind of rope attaching her to the chair. There was no point visibly struggling, if she was gonna try and escape she had to be subtle. Her attention turned to her cheek. If she was dead, how could she feel pain?

He head whipped up to see a guy and a girl standing looking at another captive. She gasped in shock as the other captive was hit with a pipe. She hadn't seen the girl before, but she had talked to the guy just before... Why is she so stupid? Saph would never be in this situation, because she wouldn't have been silly enough to trust him in the first place.

She took a deep breath. "What do you want?" She asked, refusing to let her voice quaver. It was a tiny bit squeaky, but they shouldn't notice that.


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Todrick smiled at the comment about her family,but he couldn't help but wonder why Aurora always seemed a bit hesitant when speaking about them. If it was some sort of relationship problem,Todrick could definitely understand it. He messed with his dreadlocks,trying to keep focused on the situation at hand. The day took too many turns and his brain was starting to feel exhausted. Sighing through his nose,he wondered how the rest of the week would feel. And they say death was supposed to be an eternal rest. Right. He did manage to pull another smile when Aurora agreed with his idea. It was good to see someone who appreciated his rational thought,even though he could definitely be stubborn with it.

His attention dropped back to the present when Aurora mentioned two more angels. Todrick squinted his eyes,trying to make up their forms. As they got closer,he could see that it was a guy and a girl. He felt restless,fists pressed tightly. Aurora just seemed happy,but Todrick would be mistrustful as always. Just because he was willing to trust
one angel,doesn't mean he was going to accept the divine party.

"Right. Let's see what they are on about." His voice was almost protective. The idea of a sweet,trusting person like Aurora getting attacked was getting to him. "Maybe I should go first?"

@ItsEndless @JujuBee @Smoaki

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Out of the corner of her eye she spotted two more people approaching them and automatically stiffened. If they were demons it was a bad thing, and if they were angels it was a bad thing. Either way, she knew she would somehow be exposed as demon, and it was far too early to have that happen, then there would be no way anyone here would trust her. Turning to Andre she smiled.

"I'm a bit worn out myself," she said, a bit rushed but letting the feeling stay out of her tone," I think I'll head back to 'my house'. It was nice talking to you."

She waved as she walked away in a random direction, not really remembering the one she'd come from the start with. As long as she didn't have to try and explain away anything, she was alright.

@JujuBee @Radiohead @ItsEndless

~Perhaps one of you could see her walking away and come talk to her, ask her why she's leaving, etc?~


Andre Grant


A small snort would escape Andre at Alison’s comment though it was one of agreement. “Damn right on that one.” He said with a small nod. “Who knows if it does have days and nights. This could be something else making the sky go dark or something. But hey, might as well play along right? Keep it moving like we’re actually apart of it.”

Because at the end of the day, no matter how much he wanted to truly fight it- He was a part of this new world and that was going to stay until the day he finally vanished. When would that be? He wasn’t sure, but something certainly told him that it would be soon.

Just as he was getting ready to walk back into the direction of where the house had been, the exclamation of a girl would capture his attention. He’d turn his head, taking notice of the two bodies walking his way.

Curiosity would get the best of him as he stood there, watching as they came close with a close, awkward-like smile on his face. Who exactly were they? Were they good people? He sure hoped so. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to deal with the ‘demons’ as of right now.

“We’ve got some visitors.” He spoke to Alison, turning when she smiled at him. He would smile back though it falter in confusion when she spoke of going to her own place.

“Wha— What? Why don’t you come-“ He’d try to say but it looked as though she had her mind made up when she walked away. He watched her for a moment, frowning. Well, he certainly wanted to talk to her more. Glancing back at the other two, he sighed and turned back to her, beginning to walk in her direction. “Hey! Wait!!”

Interacts with: Alison

Mentions: GK



I apologize for disappearing! I'm home from work however and I am ready to roleplay!!!




She stopped, biting her lip, as Andre came after her. Turning she noticed the two from before still looking at them.

"Well, I... uh..." she began, sighing and plastering on a smile as always,"I guess it's alright if I hang out for a bit."

Internally she was still being extremely cautious of this situation. This trust may be built on a lie, but it was still trust, and she didn't want to break it, at least not yet.

~I apologize for the shorter post, I couldn't think of much of a response for her right now~



Todrick's mistrust only grew when the two strangers turned away from them,eyes shining with a dark light. Truth be told,he had always been a little paranoid. And dying didn't take that characteristic away from him. He stepped in front of Aurora,unwilling to let her go first in case they were in some sort of danger. Of course,it wasn't like a wandering soul could die again. But still...he felt like other things could happen to them both,and he wasn't willing to just stand still. He promised to help Aurora,and he would. And then he would go back to his son,because Tomas needed him.

His steps were cautious,but Todrick tried to calm himself. If these people were actually angels,he couldn't start off by making them dislike him. For now,they had the benefit of his doubt. His trust wasn't earned easily,but at least he was opening up.

"Hey." Todrick bit his lower lip lightly,keeping his eyes on the "angels" at all time. "I'm not sure how to introduce myself to other angels. So...I'm Todrick. We were hoping to gather a group of angels to spend the night together. Seems safer. You two in?"

@Smoaki @ItsEndless @JujuBee


Andre Grant


“Well I would hope,” Andre said in response to Alison agreeing to stay for a bit longer. “That yowled be nice for sure. You just kind of ran off there. Really fast. I mean, I know I’m not the best company but I didn’t know I was that bad!” He teased her just a bit, a flicker of a smile on hips lips as he turned to look at the two approaching bodies only to see them close.

His head tilted just slightly at the first one speaking. So he was an angel too? That was great! Alison had been the only other angel that he’d met and while he’d had the chance to meet some more in the huge group he’d watched interact earlier he was sure that there are a handful of demons there too. So this right here? This was nice. It was nice to meet other angels. At least then he knew they wouldn’t be out here to hurt him.

“Nice to meet you Todrick.” Andre answered, giving the young man a wide smile. “The name’s Andre. Nice to meet some more angels too. But yeah that sounds great. I was actually about to go back to the house I’d woken up in and stay there. But being with a group of people that are most definitely on my side should help me sleep a little better."

Interacts with: Alison


Todrick @Radiohead

Mentions: GK @ItsEndless

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Alison stiffened a bit as a man named Todrick introduced himself as an angel and invited them to join a group to sleep that night. Clenching her jaw, she forced herself to relax a bit and look more normal, as well as plaster on a smile.

"That sounds good to me," she said, glaring sarcastically at Andre after his comment on her running off. She hadn't meant to seem rude, and she guessed she'd just freaked out.

~Again, slightly writer's blocked at the moment~

@JujuBee @Radiohead
"So, you're the one who gave the demons a second chance." Joy chuckled as she realized it. "Isn't it a bit... stupid? To reveal yourself to an angel?" She asked with a naive face.

@Andros @ItsEndless
~ The Gate Keeper

Aurora is a bit surprised when she sees Todrick take the lead. He definitely had some courage to him, and he understood the importance of teamwork.
She admired that. Aurora follows behind him shortly after he gets the two’s attentions. Her expression is only partially enthusiastic once she finds only one of her angels, Andre Grant. But that means this girl he’s with is in fact a demon, yet they both seemed so close already? Aurora gulps. What if her other angels were starting to get close to demons?

She examines this demon girl maybe a bit too closely. Her outfit is… very fitting for a girl like her? Her expression is innocent, similar to the first demon she met. Aurora doesn’t mention it, but there’s something about her she likes. It’s as if she can actually trust her, like there’s some kind of redeeming value deep inside of her. Maybe she has a dream?

But what does Aurora know? This is her first time dealing with demons.

Aurora looks up at the two, feeling slightly relieved now that she has two angels. She speaks up in her calm tone. “My name is Aurora. Nice to meet you two.”

( @SassyAndroidSera
@AugustineVampire )[/font]


Todrick replied to Andre's bright smile,feeling the uncommon sensation of liking someone so soon after meeting them. He couldn't help it. Both Aurora and Andre had a very bright and trusting aura around their bodies,very different from Todrick's complete mistrust. The Alison girl,though...she was definitely beautiful,but in a different way from Aurora and Andre. Something about her was flaring Todrick's danger senses. But again,he didn't trust most people. This was probably just an impression.

His smile became softer once Aurora came forward.

"That sounds like a good idea. Strength in numbers,right? I do think we should take turns on sleeping,though. At least one of us should be awake at all times so we can be prepared. I can take the first turn,no problems. You guys probably need more sleep than I do,I haven't been here for long. Andre,where is that house you mentioned?"

@ItsEndless @JujuBee @Smoaki


  • Sapphire

    Sapphire watched as the sky slowly darkened. It wasn't too obvious, but she should find somewhere to stay for the night. She walked up a deserted street of what looked like Angel houses. She debated whether to stay in one, but decided against it. They might come back. Although... That might make an excellent way to find their dream...

    She walked into a random house and couldn't believe her luck. A piece of paper lay deserted on the floor. She picked it up in disbelief and read it. "Dear Angel..." Jackpot! Some Angel had left their letter here, where anyone could take it. And it wasn't addressed either. She pocketed it. She could use it later on to 'prove' she was an Angel? She left the house quickly, and moved onto another Angel street, so she would look less suspicious.

    She picked a low brick wall and sat on it. She looked down at the sky resting her head on her hand. Perfect. She would stay with whichever angel came past tonight.

    I don't know which Angels forgot their letters, but someone assume that when you get home your letter is gone thanks :) Also, Sapphire is available for interaction, but please remember that she will probably end up staying with any Angels she talks with.
After Andrew recoiled from getting hit in the balls, Braden then grabbed his pipe and hit her in the back of her head with it. "That's what you get you little piece of shit!" Andrew screamed at her. "OK, Miss Reaper, I'd suggest you move away because I'm going go crazy here," Andrew then said dragging the new girl's chair over to the other side of the room and said "So, you told me your dream was to save people, right? Well, how about I do this?". He then walked over to the feisty one and realized that the other girl was Fire's sister because of the acting and thought "Well, forgive me Fire" and started to beat on the feisty and said to the Fire's sister "See, you can't save this one here, can you? You couldn't save her even if you tried because you're nothing but a piece of living shit that deserves die like rest of your kind! And don't even put on that façade because your sister is probably dead and spit on her fucking remains because if you could save people, why couldn't you have saved her?!". It was now heartfelt then because Andrew was right, if she wanted to save people, why didn't she save her sister?

@SassyAndroidSera @ItsEndless @AugustineVampire
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Emerald was so shocked by his reaction that she felt numb. She couldn't even speak properly, she was so shocked by his reaction. She couldn't think. "I tried..." She whispered, a tear sliding down her cheek. "I tried so hard... I died trying to save her.? It just wasn't enough..." Her rational mind wasn't working properly, but she said the only thing she could.

"Please... Let Joy go, and keep me here. I can't save anybody stuck here, and you only need one of us. There's no point me trying to go home... I don't deserve to be an angel, I killed her..." Em turned away unable to continue. The remorse and sadness she felt were too much for her to handle right now. She turned a pair of pleading eyes, glimmering with tears on the girl.

If she had been thinking rationally she would have realised that there was no way for him to know about her sister. Then maybe she would have had hope...




I'm not gonna let Saph find Andrew and Sm het, I'm gonna leave that for later and make it more climatic. Also, Saph and Andrew need some alone time :)
"Oh hell no!" Andrew said with a devilish smile "I'm not going to let her go, I want to you to watch her suffer,". He then began to beat on Saph's sister and said "You couldn't save anyone even if you tried! And I've seen your sister and she hates you with burning passion! She hates you so much that she called you a bitch and told me how she would choke you in your fucking sleep for vengeance! She even said that you're no sister of hers after you let drown in the lake! Hell, I should just rape the woman behind me right now and make you watch the entire time,". He still had that devilish girn but in his mind, he thought "I'm sorry Fire,"

@SassyAndroidSera @AugustineVampire @ItsEndless
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Sophie had walked along the streets for a while without meeting anyone, and now the sun was going down. City built for angels or not, she did not trust these streets. They were unsettlingly empty, and it would be best to find a building to stay in. Luckily there appeared to be an open door on this street and she walked in. She moved carefully and quietly more out of habit than anything else at first, but after she saw a couple sprung traps, she began to be very, very careful. Now she was investigating, and irritable since she would have to find someplace else to spend the night. Then she heard voices coming from a room further in and made her way there. She glanced inside the room and switched into analytical mode. Two standing, one lightly armed, one giving off a bad vibe. Both were standing over two sitting people who appeared to be tied to the chairs. Then she caught the thread of the conversation and listened hearing, "Please... Let Joy go, and keep me here. I can't save anybody stuck here, and you only need one of us. There's no point me trying to go home... I don't deserve to be an angel, I killed her..., then the man responded, "Oh hell no! I'm not going to let her go, I want to you to watch her suffer,". He then began to beat on Saph's sister and said "You couldn't save anyone even if you tried! And I've seen your sister and she hates you with burning passion! She hates you so much that she called you a bitch and told me how she would choke you in your fucking sleep for vengeance! She even said that you're no sister of hers after you let drown in the lake! Hell, I should just rape the woman behind me right now and make you watch the entire time." She sighed, already having decided to interfere. She stepped up to the door way and drew her extendable baton with her right hand, and a seven inch flip knife with her left. She extended the baton, and flipped out the knife at the same time creating one single Click. She leaned against the door frame and said, "You know when I woke up in this bizarre place I thought to myself, well damn if this is a place of angels I will hardly get to fight anyone. Yet here you are practically shouting an invitation for pain." (knife is concealed up against her arm, thought someone observant might see it, baton is held properly in her right hand to fight with it.) @SassyAndroidSera @AugustineVampire @ItsEndless
Kassandra looked around, the hallway she was in. No one was in sight. She let out a sigh and decided to take the staircase. Maybe she would find some people outside. She descended the stairs and came to a big open door. She pushed her way through it and was shocked to see a big open city-like area. She felt a bit intimidated, as the city was practically empty. The sun seemed to be setting. "This can't be real," she whispered to herself. Before she could take in her environment fully, she spotted a girl wandering around. Kassandra was ecstatic to see another person in sight. She began calling out to the girl "Hey, you, over there! Who are you!?"


(I have no one to interact with so maybe we can join up?)

Andre Grant


Andre was happy that Alison would be coming with them, sending her a mischievous grin in response to her glare. Even though he had only met her, he was sure that the glare wasn’t a real one. It seemed to be one of those more joking glares people would hare with someone they felt comfortable with. Did that mean she felt comfortable with him? He certainly did with her. But something told him not to be too open with her yet. She might get a bit freaked out and right now he needed allies.

His eyes flicker over towards the young woman when she speaks, listening intently to her words to be careful not to say the wrong thing.

“Nice to meet you Aurora,” Andre replied with a small grin. “Pretty name by the way. I met an Aurora once, she was a sweetheart.”

His attention would go back to Todrick when he spoke again, a small smile coming to his face as he listened and nodded his head.

“Strength in numbers sounds good to me.” Andre replied, giving a thumbs up. “I can take the next turn for being awake afterwards.” He blinked at the question directed towards him, pausing for a moment to process it before nodding.

“The houses? Not too far from here actually. Just down the street and around that corner. It’s the blue one. Can’t miss it.” Andre said, backing away from the group slowly before turning around to begin walking. “Come on, I’ll take you all there.”

Interacts with: Alison




"We're not dumb, red." she whispers to Ginny as she leans her back , staying from her as far as possible. Joy was filled with anger, hatred and... well, depression. She just needed to come back to Earth, and see her family again. "My dream is to sell the best vanilla strawberry ice cream in Seattle!" she shouted with a childish voice sarcastically, turning then to Andrew. "Just so you know, demon, just because I was chosen to be an angel doesn't mean I'm pure or kind-hearted. It just means that I have passion and not a quitter, so go ahead - beat the crap outta of her all you want, it won't affect me." she grinned, damn, I really do sound like a demon.

"Oh," Andrew said as he turned back around to see a girl holding a baton and the click of a knife "I wasn't expecting someone else to crash the party, so,". He took a step forward and then an evil grin came on his face and said "Do you want to dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?". He then ran at her, hitting her right arm with his pipe to have the knife knocked out of her sleeve to the floor

@SassyAndroidSera @Abberakelaran

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