Your Second Chance (Accepting!)


~Anonymous Prince

<span style="font-family:'Josefin Sans';"><span style="font-size:36px;">Dear Angel,</span></span><span style="font-family:'Josefin Sans';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Josefin Sans';"><span style="font-size:18px;">If you’ve received this letter, it means you’re dead. Well, not completely. Your body is still alive on Earth. In critical condition, yes, but still breathing, nonetheless.</span></span> <span style="font-family:'Josefin Sans';"><span style="font-size:18px;">The reason you’re still here is because we've seen your potential. We know you had a big, unfulfilled dream before you passed on, and I’d love to give you the opportunity to experience it. So here is your second chance at life. All we ask of you is to accomplish your wildest dream. However, we have a small test first. I know you’re probably still confused, Angel, but you really don’t have any time to waste! You’ve woken up in a world very similar to your own along with several other angels. And in order for me to give you your life back, you have to prove to us you’re serious in accomplishing this dream. If you follow your heart in this made up world, we know you’ll make a difference in the real world. Unfortunately, we can’t keep you here forever, though. If you can’t find success in a week, you’ll slowly begin to fade away. I’ll have to unplug your body from the real world. It’ll be a quick, painless, yet permanent death. But I truly believe in you as well as your other fellow angels. I wish you the best of luck. Sincerely, The Gate Keeper</span></span><span style="font-family:'Josefin Sans';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Josefin Sans';"><span style="font-size:36px;">Oh, my unfortunate little demon.</span></span><span style="font-family:'Josefin Sans';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Josefin Sans';"><span style="font-size:18px;">If you’ve received this letter, it means you’re dead. Shot at gunpoint, hit by a truck, killed by your best friend—Hell, I can’t remember which one you were. But luckily for you, I’ve recently had a change of heart. I’ve saved your pathetic life, and now it’s your turn to return the favor. You’ve woken up in a world identical to your own, minus the overbearing population. Your fellow inhabitants are demons such as yourself, as well as angels given a second chance at life. Those damn feathered imbeciles! I’ve been told that their pathetic task is to believe in their biggest dream, only then they will be resurrected into the real world. So here is your task, demon—I want you to crush their dreams and deepest desires by any means possible! I want you to destroy their hopes, take away their second chances! I refuse to allow anymore pathetic softies roam this earth! And remember demon, I still have the ability to wipe you off this world permanently. Crush an angel’s dream, and I’m more than willing to hand you your life back. Do we have a deal? x Miss Reaper Who will return to their original lives and who will be gone forever? Who can be trusted? Who </span></span><span style="font-family:'Josefin Sans';"><span style="font-size:18px;"><em>can't</em></span></span><span style="font-family:'Josefin Sans';"><span style="font-size:18px;"> be trusted? Will there be alliances? What about enemies? Will friendships start or will they fall apart? Who will deceive someone for their own life back? Who will sacrifice their life for a friend? Who will stick together until the very end? In a conflict where everyone's lives are at stake, you'll have to decide your character's fate.</span></span>

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~The Gate Keeper

Aurora makes her way out of the cream colored house, being careful to shut the door quietly behind her. She had just finished delivering her final letter, and thankfully just in time for the sunrise.

As she strolls westward down Chance Street, Aurora can’t help but feel newfound anxiety build up in her chest. She always worried about her new angels. She always felt like she was fully responsible for them. Possibly scared, maybe even uncomfortable, definitely confused. Gaining their second chance was never an easy task, and Aurora believed it was her duty as the gate keeper to guide the new angels. And for that, she would do anything in her power to save them, even if it meant disguising herself as one of them and helping them live their greatest dreams.

But speaking of disguises…

Aurora quickens her pace down the street as she begins to tie her silver locks into a ponytail. Her precious angels could be waking up any minute now, and she still needed time to create her believable new persona.

~Miss Reaper

“Day one, huh? This should be interesting,” a sly smile appears on her lips. Ginny’s bright red hair flows in the morning breeze as she waits for her demons to awaken. The rooftop of a two-story house becomes her lookout. She had to always be spying on her demons, but it was also a good idea to scout the competition.

Ginny swings her feet, predicting the various personalities of her newfound minions. Hopefully useful, obedience would be a plus, a wimp would just irritate her. She really didn’t know much about her demons. All she knew was she had given them all a second chance, and now they all owed her. That, and the demon’s cause of death—but that’s all she needed to know, right? Ginny flips her hair as she begins to swing her feet again. It didn’t really matter; she was stuck with them.

“Don’t disappoint me, my young demons,” Ginny cackles in a voice that could only be heard by her fellow demons. She knows all of them are still fast asleep—but not for long.~
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Joy Lockhart

The positive angel

"No!" Joy screamed in fear as she woke up to an unfamiliar surrounding. The last thing she could remember is the feeling of the saltwater stung her eyes. She stood up as she was barefoot - a piece of paper caught her attention and she quietly picked it up, reading it slowly and processing every single detail. "I'm an... angel?" Joy mumbled in confusion and disbelief as she dropped the letter on the floor. Although, it could make sense - she felt unbelievably good and refreshed.

I'm dead. she murmured as she ran her fingers through hair and sat down on the comfortable bed. She cleared her throat and a small smirk appeared on her face, "I have one more chance, let's make it count." she said with enthusiasm, but truth is - she had no idea what her goal even was, nor she knew where to go now.

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Andrew woke with a cold sweat on his forehead. "NOOOOO!!" he screamed as he awoke from his slumber. "Wait, how am I alive? I ran into a tractor trailer, how am I alive?" he thought as he got up from the bee and noticed a letter on the ground. "What the hell is this?" he said as he picked up a the letter from the ground. It was a letter from a person called Miss Reaper and it told of how he was demon now and the only way that he could return home was by crushing an angel's dream. He sighed and said "Fine, I'll crush an angel's dream for you, but whoever you are, you better hold up your side of the bargain,". He then began to look around the house for others, be they friend or foe



Emerald screamed. "SAPH NO, HOLD ONTO ME!" She watched in horror as her sister dissapeared beneath the waves. No. She kicked downwards desperately, trying to reach her. Her lungs were burning. She grabbed her sisters hand and swam up. She realised with horror, that the light was faint, ages away. She kicked, but her lungs gave out. She took a great gulp of water. Dizzily from lack of air, she's sunk downwards, and everything turned black.

"NO!" Em sat up with a start. Where was she? Where was SAPH!? She looked down at herself, and noticed her pretty white dress was in ripped tatters, her black pigtails soaked with seawater. What was going on? She looked around, searching for her sister. Her eyes landed on a white piece of paper on the ground. She picked up, hoping for an answer. She read it through, and again. What? She was... Dead? How was that possible. An angel... What about SAPH? Was Saph an angel too?


Sapphire held onto her sister in panic she hadn't wanted this! She kicked, but her sister had taken swimming lessons and was a million times better. She flailed, trying to keep afloat. She felt her body wait dragging her down down down. She heard Em screaming desperately, and tried to respond but she couldn't move her lips. Everything turned black.

"Swim back Em... Save yourself..." She said, as soon as she was able. She reached for her sister, but found only empty air. She opened her eyes and looked around in disbelief. Where was she? How did she get here. How did she get HOME? She looked around, searching. Her eyes noticed a piece of paper, which she plays caked up with trepidation. She read it through in disbelief. A demon? HER? And she had to ruin...

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Andrew kept walking around the place, still wondering about how he got here. "So, a demon huh?" he thought to himself "I would like to talk to this Miss Reaper so I can know the entire rundown of this place,". He then heard footsteps and quickly turned around to check it out. He eventually got to the room where he heard the footsteps and opened the door. "Hey," he said with his southern, firey accent in his voice "Anyone in here?"

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BANG!! He breathed heavily and sat up fast. "Hehe, he did it. He shot me. Now that's surprising." He chuckled again. Taped onto the door of his room was a note talking about a 'second chance' "why would I even want a second chance?" He muttered. He walked around the house he was in and heard someone asking if anyone was there. "Hey, do you know where we are? All I know is that we're dead... and not in the good place. How are we supposed to find those goody-two-shoes anyway?"

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"Huh?" Andrew said when he heard someone talk "Oh, I assume you're a fellow demon then, well, I don't know where we are exactly and I really don't know where these angels are at exactly, however, if you, me, and whoever is behind this door here are demons as well, that would mean that this place is some sort of weird demon hotspot or something,". He then looked around the area he was standing and said "Hey, do you think that there's food in here or something because I think we still need food in this world,"
He chuckled. "Why so nervous?" He said with a devious smile. "No, we don't need food in this world. I may not have been a good person but I read the Bible. Once you die there is no need for sustainance. Nor sleep for that matter, we were probably in some sort of death coma. I'm going to head out, wanna come?" He asked.



Emerald looked around. She was dead? She DROWNED? Her poor parents.. And Saph... She had to find out whether her sister was here. And she had to make sure she achieved her dream... But what was her biggest wish? She needed to know... It was her only chance. For her, and for her family. She thought hard about what she wanted. She had wanted to help people-she wanted to be a doctor. And she WOULD do it.

She tossed back her black hair, brushed off her dress, and got up. She noticed a door on her left. She opened it without hesitation and stepped through.


Sapphire but her lip, and twirled her blonde hair around her finger in thought. So she could return to life... If some suck up that had never felt any pain died the way they should have? A grin slid across her face. Easy. She stood, and brushed herself off. She looked down at her outfit. That wasn't great. Hr black dress had been too warm, so she had borrowed some clothes of her sisters. She looked down at at he clothes she was stuck in with disgust. She was wearing a white dress, now in tatters. Luckily, she had her black hoodie on, so she wouldn't look too weird. She ripped the hood up, and tied a piece around her waist as a mark of rebellion.

She heard so,e footsteps outside and folded her arms defiantly. A they were soon joined by another pair of feet. She fixed her face into a look of sass and raised her eyebrows. She wouldn't make them think she was afraid. Never.

The door creaked open...




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"Dude, I'm not nervous," he said in voice "Besides, we could get some fun out of this anyway,". "This dude doesn't seem right," he thought to himself "I'm going to keep an eye on him," and then he heard a small creak come from the door. He turned around to see a cute girl walk out of the room. She had a black hoodie which didn't exactly look the best on her in his opinion. He then said to the man in his southern accent "Well, I think we just found we just found here," and then said to the girl "Well, hello Sleeping Beauty,"
"Sleeping beauty?" He said sarcastically. "That's what you came up with? Not.. welcome to hell or something like that?" He shook his head in disgust. I'm starting to think that these 'demons' aren't exactly the bad type.. he thought to himself. "Alright. Let's go kill some feathery bastards." He said looking at both of them. "Oh, I'm sorry, where are our manners?" He turned to the girl and said, "you're dead and now you're close to hell. Kill an angel or crush their dreams and you live."

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Sapphire whipped round at the sound of a southern accent saying something. She looked at the guy appraisingly, he was cute, she didn't change her facial expression at all, looking at him with eyebrows raised and arms crossed. "Look Mr Prince Charming, apparently I've just died and been reincarnated or whatever, so I'm not in the mood for flirting. Find some other girl to charm." She said this, kind of also hoping that he didn't just move on, but whatever, she couldn't waste time on guys. She had a life to get back.

She twisted her blonde pigtails around her finger as she looked at the other guy. He had an air about him which seemed... Unhinged. He said something about killing blatantly, and she rolled her eyes and gave him the finger. She would stay away from him. She put her hands on her hips and waited for a response.




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"Well, it's good to see you too." He said in a sarcastic response to her flipping him off. "Are we ready to go finally?" He asked in his British accent.

@SassyAndroidSera, @Andros
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"Hey, I had to think of something on the spot, what do you expect?" he said to the man. He then turned around to face the girl "Hey, I'm trying to be nice in situation even though we will probably have to kill someone which I don't mind as I've killed a couple people before who've messed with the people I care about, but enough my rambling,". He then heard the man and said "Ya, you're probably right, but mind if you tell me y'all's names because I don't want to call you Pigtail girl and British guy the entire time I'm here. Also, name's Andrew,"
"Call me Azazel... and.. calling someone who is British 'british guy' is a great way to get slapped. And we will most definitely have to kill someone. Tell me, why are both of you here? What did you do?
"Well, I hit a tractor trailer while I was driving and I'm probably here because I killed few people who were either threatening me or my family so ya, I'm not afraid to kill," Braden said to Azrael and then turned over to the girl and said "And why is a cute girl like you doing here with a bunch of demons?"
Felicity woke with a scream. Her skin was burning but nothing seemed to be wrong. The last thing she remembered was a fire. How she was surrounded by flames. But how on earth could this be possible? She was dead! She looked around and found a letter on the floor.

Her hands were shaking as she read the letter. She was scared but full of determination. She knew what she had to do.

She walked out of the room in hope of finding someone to talk to.

Joy had enough of the room and decided to go outside. She saw a girl, maybe younger than her by 3 years or so. "Hey!" She greeted her with a warm smile, positive as possible. "I'm... I'm Joy." She introduced herself, offering her arm to shake and tried her best to not scare her off. "Are you an 'official' angel too?" Joy asked and chuckled softly

@Anne Lind
Felicity was surprised to be greeted by someone but was happy to see another face. She took Joy's hand and smiled softly at her. "Yes, as official as it can be." She grinned and tipped on her toes. "I'm Felicity by the way."


"It's... it's kinda crazy, you know? I thought I was gone for good." Joy joked as her long black hair hid one of her ocean-blue eyes, she removed the hair and cleared her throat quietly. "It's delightful to meet you, Felicity." she said with her British accent and looked around. "So do you think we'll have like, wings?" she asked her with excitement.

@Anne Lind
"I got shot. It was a dare, I never thought he would do it." He chuckled. "As for what I did, well, I stopped believing in God. I turned to the good atuff in life, sex, alcohol. The reason I stopped believing you might be asking yourself? Well, I had a sister. A bloody great one at that. She was hospitalized when her asthma got too uncontrollable. When it was confirmed it was never going to stop, I sat there and watched as god strangled her." Tears were forming in his eyes. He turned around and walked out the door. He wiped them and stopped crying.. it made him look weak.
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Felicity laughed as she covered her mouth with her hand. "That would be pretty cool!" She grinned.

Her expression turned darker and her voice grew serious. "I'm worried though." She admitted. "We only have a week..."

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"Well, I'm not worried." Joy shrugged, still being cheerful. "You know? We should've died anyways - so it's ok." She smiled, "plus - I know that you're gonna bloody nail it." Joy smiled towards Felicity. "So, how did you... die?"

@Anne Lind

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