• This section is for roleplays only.
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Hello! This is the OOC Chat for lots of things, but not drama!

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Oh my goodness! It is I! I am here! Oh, I was so sad when this thread died. Christmas miracle, right here. Do you care if I use Felix again? I thought he worked pretty nice in this roleplay.
[QUOTE="London Fog]Oh my goodness! It is I! I am here! Oh, I was so sad when this thread died. Christmas miracle, right here. Do you care if I use Felix again? I thought he worked pretty nice in this roleplay.

Yes! I loved Felix!!!
@SomatoToup123 @JujuBee @JaneXJeff @London Fog @spaceadal @lostviolence @Akeira @Detective Rascal @princxss @Mitheral

Hey y'all! Because I got so many character submissions, I am now closing character submissions. This doesn't mean that you cannot finish your character sheets- I would prefer those get done soon, but I know holiday time is crazy. So finish them when you can, but preferably before the new year starts!

That being said, it's introduction time.

I'm Fred, college student extraordinaire! In school I'm studying either bio or neuro (haven't decided yet), and my future plans include a lot of PhD's. My primary interests are botany and entomology. Other than studying school stuff, I enjoy learning foreign languages and watching a lot of crime shows!
Well I guess I'll do my intro!

I'm Rascal, highschool student from Western Australia, who's currently stayed up till 2:30am because their too excited to sleep on their birthday. I have interests in geology and genetics, but I also love reading fanfics and procrastinating. I have the weirdest sleeping schedule too, with at least another month left of summer holidays to rp to my heart's content.
Hi, there, everyone!

You're free to call me London, or Reyerson - that's what a lot of my friends call me, and I think we're all gonna be friends here, so you can go ahead and call me that as well if you like.

I'm a high school student from Northwest 'murica. I've been writing since third grade and roleplaying since about fifth or sixth, I think. I guess you could say that I'm still exploring myself and my prospects, but aside from writing, I'm interested in pursuing a PhD in criminology/sociology. I, too, love crime shows and mysteries and the like, but I spend most of my downtime writing. What else? Um, I'm a fitness buff, I love the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (avi!), I'm a massive Green Day fan, and I was super excited to hear that this roleplay was being rebooted again. This is a really solid roleplay and Fred is a really good GM. We're gonna have a good time.
Howdy all. I am ... from nowhere yet (personal joke). That is, US military brat, and later military myself. My careers have included Linguist and Chemist. I am approaching retirement age.

Fred, I think I'll go ahead and finish off that other character and replace my first one. Xavier was designed more for sci fi. This other character is younger and has a number of character flaws that I think make him a better choice. Should take me a few hours or less. (Gotta go eat too.)
Hello all!

I'm in my second year at university studying environmental engineering, which I'm loving so far. Besides the work load, it's been fairly interesting learning and becoming even more passionate about climate change, water quality, and the chemical, geological, biological, etc. processes that influence our world. I could probably talk about these topics for days.
xD It's actually quite ironic that I am such an avid roleplayer, given most people joke that engineers try to stay away from English and other humanities. I will admit that math is my strong point though.

I'm also from the USA. Besides roleplaying, I'm really into music, college basketball, and am pretty sure I have an addiction to chai tea and Netflix. At the moment, I probably listen to Chance the Rapper, Lauryn Hill/The Fugees, the Weeknd, N.W.A., and Alicia Keys the most, but I am a fan of many other artists.

Right now, I'm enjoying a much needed Winter break before starting my Spring semester near the end of January.
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Hi everybody! My name is Vio or Lost and I'm currently in my first year of University studying Criminology and it's been fun. I moved to New York earlier this year to study and I'm also studying Computer Science as well as I plan to help the police force with the cyber cases.

I'm into Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance ect but that doesn't mean I'm sort of goth or anything. I'm quite opposite withy my upbeat persona but I'm not easily pushed around. I also like to cook and learn more about Criminology and Computers.

Right now im back in Australia to have Christmas with my family c:
Hiya! ♥︎(=´∀`)人(´∀`=)♥︎

I'm from Northern America, and currently in my high school years. My name is Mia, but you're free to call me anything that tickles your pickle. While role playing is a great love 'o mine, I also enjoy binge watching seasons of AHS, Supernatural, and mystery/crime-solving shows on Netflix. As of now, my Netflix has been cut off because the person I share it with can't afford to pay the bills... And yes, I'm that oh-so hoooorrible person that leeches off Netflix accounts of other people. ;;

Unlike all of you, I have no idea what I plan to pursue... Your lives all sound very interesting. It's nice to know that you can do what you love. Ah well, binge watching is my passion for now. ψ(`∇´)ψ
Oh, and Merry Christmas by the way! ( ´ ▽ ` ) For some of you, it may be the 26th already... So this might be a little late. ☆☆
Gosh darn tootin I feel like I’m the last one xD .

Hello all! The name is Jujubee but please call me Juju. Or Ju. Or Bee. Honestly whatever you want as long as it’s not derogatory. Cute pet names work too :3.

I’m a freshman in college and so far it’s alright. I’m not sure if college really is for me but I need it to get the job I want so I continue on with it. I’m from the east side of America where the world is ending because it’s in the 70s instead of there actually being snow and I don’t plan on ever leaving. I started writing at a very young age but didn’t discover roleplaying until my sophomore/junior year of high school so I like to think I’m still relatively new but I’ve made so many friends and connections and I hope to connect with you all too!

Have a Merry Christmas if you celebrate and a happy new year and I can’t wait to begin roleplaying with you all again or for the first time!
And they still say global warming doesn't exist. I'm on the east coast sweating my ass off, and it hasn't even snowed where I go to school, where it's notorious for getting a considerable amount of snow. xD

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone!
I had the great joy of trying to drive through 8 inches of unplowed snow the 24th. soooo much fun ... not!
Well I suppose it's time for my introduction. :) Hello to all!

My name is spaceadel. You can call me Spacia for short, if it suits your fancy. I'm kind of a professional student at this point, since I changed my major twice. Now, I am studying to be an economist, business double major. My inevitable goal is to develop my own video games and run my own company. I also adore music and have played the piano for fifteen years, now. I'm teaching myself the guitar and am a rather talented singer. I also enjoy writing and playing video games. :)

As far as roleplaying goes, I have been doing it for nearly a decade now. I love to interact with others and create beautiful stories. So I'm open for plotting and all that stuffs. ^.^ Also, happy holidays to one and all!
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Well I know I have to be the last one... :)

I'm JaneXJeff (Yes it is a reference to the shipment) but I prefer to just be called JJ >.< I am currently a high school senior and plan on going to college at the beginning of the fall semester next year and studying to major in Music Education. I play clarinet and saxophone and have been told I'm a decent singer. I've been roleplaying for about five years now and it is my favorite pass time. That's pretty much it... OH! And @Freddie I had to delete my CS because it went all derpie on me and I have to fix it
Argh! I hate when my formatting goes wild. Like, excuse me, did I ask for you to split in half? No, I didn't... So why are you split in half?
Oh-oh my goodness... the BBCode on RPN makes me so angry. Like, you ask for a border, and suddenly you have three separate boxes, no border, a different text alignment, an expired coupon, and a topographical map of Belize. Then you open it up again to see what the heck happened, and there are like three inputs that just magically appeared because the BBCode system thinks it knows what you want (a cluster of nonsense, obviously).
Ugh the BBCode here is ridiculous. It's like ummmmm did I really need that random bordered box below what I actually wanted bordered? No. No I didn't. Why would you add this to my code? This is not what I wanted at all. Why you do this? Then I go beat my head on a wall. I used to be a software engineer and I don't want to have to debug code just to make a profile. XP

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