your gem [Inactive]

( recap of what I know- Eliza's mansion was burned down, attacked by a rose monster, dragon, Daniel killed her sister, other monsters, Leroy was killed. Eliza's father owns a restaurant, before his death and she runs it. Currently there.)

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(I'm aware of everything up to Leroy's death) 
(I'll just wing it. Warning: lengthy post coming your way for a good ole recap. You'll figure it out..)
~*~Previously some time ago~*~

In the midst of yet another tedious battle, Leroy was having some major contemplation. And it was REALLY at the wrong time to be thinking about everything that's happened since he got the gem. This just wasn't working out. He needed time to think but time just didn't permit him to do so, nor did the people that were his so called 'partners'. In the midst of managing to kill a monster with a crochet bat, the gem warmed his insides and gave sparked him with new information...

of a new power.

He gave it his all, trying to contour up this newly discovered idea and...poof! In the place were the crocheted dead monster once was, was an exact replica of himself, and it moved and talked.

A living puppet.

"Great...but what the hell do I do with it?" Again, such power could be so useless at times until he saw the giant monster the size of a dinosaur make its way towards them, where he ran. When he looked back, the dinosaur had crushed the puppet replica of him, and everybody thought he was dead.

Could this finally make him free?

He tried, oh how he tried...but normal life just wasn't meant for him anymore (and that really pained him). But after some thinking and contemplating the past events, the memories that he began to cherish and hell even begin to miss...he came to an epiphany.

~*~ Present Time ~*~

"Put your hands in the air!" The mass army of cops pointed their gun forward at the man before them. The man with the tanned skin, the locks of black curly hair, those confident red eyes that have seen much too much sin to ever get to face the gates of paradise. With a crooked, knowing smirk he put his gloved hands up.

"Don't know about you, but I'm getting a big of nostalgia's not perfect yet. Like there was this one time when I said..." His eyes glow a fierce red. "You are undergoing madness. It's the worse pain you'll ever feel, besides your destination to hell that is."

And the blood curdling screams was all that was audible, as the copper smell of blood reeked the air, and suddenly the screams ceased and all that was before the red eyed man was heaps of warm bodies, finally put at rest from their moments of demented madness.

"Hmm~ I'd say that was about...60? 65? deaths just now." He said examining the bodies and even kicking some to make sure they were indeed dead. "yup, dead..." he smiled. "I'll make sure to keep my self made promise...for the sake of your happiness..." he looked up to the sky, imagining that person's face. Then he started walking down the streets again. "Let's see here...what to do next?"
Downtown was a blast. Fires, and deaths and anything that could almost be categorized as terrorism, any police force set their way had been turned down dead without any kind of gunshot or weaponry.
When the door was opened, death came through. "Do you smell that?" Asked Eliza, fainting at the scent.

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