your gem [Inactive]

(Extremely sorry I haven't been on. Birthday yesterday and an all day field trip for school...)

~In the mean time within the few days...~

Lucy and Daniel were sitting at a back table of the restaurant. With it closing in a few minutes, an employee told Eliza, "you're sister is here, and with a guy." Once looking, Lucy saw her. "Eliza!" Yelled Lucy as she came over. "I'm so glad to see you." And hugged her little sister. "I thought you were in Hell?" Eliza whispered. "Come." She spoke pulling her to the table. In the rounded seat, Eliza slid in between them. "You may be wondering why we are here." Said Lu. "I wanted to apologize for what I need, spending time with your sister has made me think about my deeds." Daniel said as he kissed Eliza's hand. "There is something else. A royal looking ancient box was placed on the table. "Can we talk?" They asked together. "Sure I just need them to run the place. Lu, head upstairs." Replied Eliza. They got up stairs with the box. "I'll be ending my night. Do you mind serving the last costumers?" She asked an employee. "Sure." Eliza thanked her and headed upstairs. "What is with the box?" She asked. Inside the box sat 4 gems and 4 empty places. "Each gem is power of Hell that give the powers the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse." Daniel replied, "Bloodstone is War, Onyx is Death, Opal is Conquest and Diamond is Famine." A book was also placed. "This is the legend of the 8 stones. 4 form Hell, 4 from heaven. Read about it and we will be here to help." Eliza took the box and book and placed them by her bed. "Alright." For the next few days, Eliza disappeared from her friends and spent it with her sis and Daniel, learning about the new information -be given later-.

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When Eliza woke up one day with no idea why time it is, Lu and Daniel were back in Hell and her door rang. She headed downstairs where Lucas stood. She opened the door. "Hey Lucas..." He said in a sleepy voice.

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Behind Lucas followed Jackson and Aryhanna. "Hey you two..." She said again in a sleepy tone still.

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Defline strolled down the street, towards the Doveshire bed-and-breakfast. "what a miserably wonderful day." his void gem sat in his pocket, waiting for a chance of use. He noticed he had gone the wrong way, towards a manor that towered across the the houses. just then he heard people coming "oh god, hide defline, hide!"

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