your gem [Inactive]

(it was sweet of her. Gah I feel so bad for Eliza right now. Ill come back Thursday or Friday. )

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100's of dead monster bodies were around her. She realized that the people who were once here left. Kira's curiousity was not giving up. She flew up and looked around.
"Thanks Ler...Lucas. Sorry I almost called you Leroy." She replied. "We should defeat all monsters before anyone else gets killed..." she continued and entered the battles.
Kira looked around and saw a girl placing a dead man's body near a tree, then she saw a man give the girl a gem. "May be they are a part of the prophecy." Kira thought. She watched as the went into the cave. She followed them silently, curious about what they were doing.
Lucas "I think the gems attract monsters. We should find someone worthy to protect Leroy's gem so that we don't attract as much monsters next time. " 
Lucas "what did you find out Eliza? "
"I agree, but listen, I read something that a gem holder of both fire and ice will come and later, one will die. I think that part came true." 
"I'll tell the rest later. After the battle here."
Para got out of the motel to fight again. Surprisingly, a ghost came out of his body! Para was in awe. Who is this? Was he the cause of the urges? Guess I can only find out.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Morce. I wanted to help you with battle. Are you cool with that?"

"Well, I should introduce you to my friends."
Kira's shoulders drooped, she lost her chance. 
Kira knew she couldn't keep following these people around. She would have to confront them sooner or later. Kira walked into the open.
Para ran over to Eliza and Lucas. "Guys, we have a new team member."

Morce smiled. "Hi, I'm Morce. I'll be helping para with battle."
Aryhann woke up and looked around her. "Where... What am I doing there..?" She got up and weakly returned to the cofee shop where she saw Shadow fighting.
Morce explained what was gonna happen. "Every battle I'll take over Para. Don't worry, he's cool with it."

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Lucas "so we have a new member and a extra gem for them and we have new prophecy information. What a good day." He said this sarcastically as Leroy had just died.

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