Your Average Everyday Lives (Anime)

Hobbesisalive said:
Uh-Huh, just took a look at it. I really like the idea. ^-^


NickOnTheReg said:
I filled out my character. I like the plot. @BobbyW
Yup, me too. It sounds fun... regarding that i like the Plot.. i haven't actually filled out a character.
It does sound fun. Get robbed, jumped, accidentally kill a guy xD haha okay not that but oh the possibilities are endless
RyanJXavier said:
sorry sorry sorry!!!
I'll try getting on my posts soon

it's my mom's bday right now and everyones all over the place
HEYAAA :) Ive missed you dude.

And no worries ^-^ this Rp is dead anyway, I think.. :D

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