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Fandom Young justice: original characters only

Giovanna walked a high street with a small camera crew, it was night time with money young people going out for the night in local clubs and bars. A perfect stage for her street magic show, stopping willing people and performing tricks. Most were basic spells any self respecting street magicians could do while occassionally adding a bit of actual magic. Most of the time though most audiences didnt know the difference and she enjoyed the prise and look of awe she go. One of her favourate moments is getting doubters trying to prove her tricks werent real their faces were simply priceless when the come across one of her real magic tricks.
Furnace watched the girl openly invoke magic. His mind flashed back to his childhood as he watched the girl perform similar little tricks to his parents.

Enough was enough.

Furnace tread forwards, blazing orange gauntletts hissing against the cold air as he strode towards her.

''Stop. Magic has no place here.'' He commanded. ''Don't make me ask twice...''
Mikayla was watching the street magician preform. When her attention is sudden drawn to the boy shouting for her to stop. Mikayla notices the surprise and fearful look on the audience face. " relax, she preforming magic as a way to entertain people not to hurt them. Just sit back and watch her ok." Mikayla says hoping to calm the situation it before it exculated.

@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @CAP Ireland
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Blake walked along the street, he noticed raised voices. He looked to the source, seeing a man who appeared to be yelling at a street magician. His hand twithced slightly, instinctively going towards his hidden knives. He had a feeling that this could get interesting.
Giovanna smirked at the new comer ordering her to stop doing magic. If she was afraid of him she didnt show but simply crossed her arms." I think someone is taking my magic show a little to seriously... Or is living in the 17th century." She commented with a chuckle. "Look sir, the girl is right all am doing is for entertainment only. It can even be quite profitable." She said and with a slieght of hand producing a coin from behind Makyala's left ear.
Little did giovanna know mikayla slip a piece of paper with an inventation on it. It reads Glad to meet you. Please see me later tonight at the top of mount justice." ooh! That's a very interesting slide of hand. I'm am amazed" says mikayla clapping her hands.
Giovanna felt the girl slip in sometsomething in her pocket, tricks like that being her bread and butter but didn't comment on it. She just continue to smirk."Come no, doll, I don't need fall praise. Any amateur can do it unlike this..."She said doing a similar trick but with a pencil out of Mikayla's nose.
Outnumbered and having been rebutted, Furnace left the two to their business. As long as the girl didn't do anything more than little tricks, he could live with letting her go.

Still, he stopped on the other side of the street and kept an eye on the two. Something had gone down between them whilst they'd talked and he wanted to make sure it wasn't anything sinister. Though they were girls, he'd put them in the ground if needs be.
Blake was almost disappointed that nothing had happened, He was itching for a fight. He turned away from the street magician, no longer interested in what she was doing. He slipped into a nearby resturant, sitting down next to a window that had a view of the street.
Vivi, or rather Nabu as he had taken control of her body again, had been on "patrol" for most of the day though this consisted of scryign for crimes then going from the tower of fate to the area and stopping the crime or whatever Nabu thought constituted crime. Normally Vivi could take back control after awhile, but today Nabu had been strong.

Nabu arrived int he city far above it in a portal shaped like an ankh and Vivi could see him look down. It was an odd experience to see through your eyes which were being controlled by someone else to find your body was not your own, but oddly she was almost used to it at this point. Vivi knew that there had to be something happening in the city, though if it was a crime or just something Nabu saw as chaos she didn't fully know.

" Give me back my body" She mentally shouted at Nabu but he didn't respond.

Down below the crime that Nabu had apparently been waiting for happened as an explosion rocked a bank and a vehicle drove out. Vivi would have wanted to check on the people in the bank , but Nabu saw only the criminals and not the injured casualties were acceptable to fight chaos. Nabu dived down through the air seeking the lives of those that had caused chaos, Nabu was not one for mercy she had found that he saw the only solution to chaos was death there was no grey. This meant she would have to watch another execution once Nabu caught up tot he speeding escape vehicle.
[QUOTE="CAP Ireland]Outnumbered and having been rebutted, Furnace left the two to their business. As long as the girl didn't do anything more than little tricks, he could live with letting her go.
Still, he stopped on the other side of the street and kept an eye on the two. Something had gone down between them whilst they'd talked and he wanted to make sure it wasn't anything sinister. Though they were girls, he'd put them in the ground if needs be.

Giovanna saw the man leave and began to clap. "Let's give it up for the creepy guy! He is a tad overzealous but is only trying to look out for all of you. Good on you!"She announced spuring the others to do so as well.
" that very interesting trick" says mikayla when suddenly she hears an explosion and people yelling. " i be going now." Mikayla says as she runs towards an alley leading to the bank. The alley empty she changes into her version of the speedy costume from under her street clothes. She stuffs her clothes in the backpack she was carrying and pulls her bow and arrows out to.

Mikayla makes it to the bank seeing a new version of dr.fate there. Mikayla quickly uses her arrows to capture some of the theives.

@Karcen @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
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Giovanna heard the explosion as well and was disappointed when it scattered the crowd she had formed. However curiosity got the better of her and went to the bank. He saw the robbers and heroes going at it but didn't participate. She was an entertainer not a hero.
Nabu looks and sees the other heroes capture villains, and she can feel his contempt for heroes they were part of chaos, they were part of it and only their actions redeemed them. Nabu shot a mystic beam into it and disabled it, he cared not about retrieving the money only in punishing disorder and Vivi had to watch it constantly. The men got out of the car and instead of summoning forth chains to shackles Nabu instead shot a beam that removed them from the world banishing them to a place they were certain to die.

Nabu lowered Vivi's body down to the group ignoring the onlookers and other heroes as he moved back to eliminate the rest to the criminals from existence.
Blake cursed as the bank exploded. While everyone else was distracted he slipped into his shadow form and went to the bank. He quickly slipped on a phatom of the opera mask and pulled up the hood of his cloak. He shifted back to human form and quickly assed the situation.

He helped the wounded, pulling them away from flames or other dangers. He used his shadow form to find people buried or trapped.
"Dr. Fate bring them back. They have to face trail for their crimes. If we kill them we are no better than them." Mikayla says as she shoots a Fire Extinguisher Arrow to put out put the rest of the fire.
" They have already been found guilty by Fate, their sentence death" Nabu said His voice overlaying Vivi's creating an odd echo as he continued towards the criminals. Nabu cared little for the laws of mortals only that they caused chaos and for order there was only one punishment for chaos Death. " That is the punishment for spreading chaos so decreases Fate" He said raiding Vivi's hand and creating an ankh over each of the criminals which went down around them whisking them away to another plane.
Mikayla fires a flash bang arrow at dr.fate and then a net arrow. Hoping to catch dr.fate off guard. "Bring them back. They may have brought chaos into this world but killing them does not stop the chaos. The very act of killing only spreads it. Only spreading the desire for revenge. Nabu give your host control again please." Mikayla speaking from experience. All she wanted when began being speedy was to to seek revenge on the men that killed her father and sent her mom into depression. When she met her mentor and predecessors everything change. She vowed not to repeat their mistakes.
For. Fuck. Sake.

Furnace quickly twisted the gauntletts into two large shields before he charged forward to the bank.

As the new Dr.Fate came into view, Furnace sighed.

Fucking magic.

He slammed the two shields together and, within a minute, they were remade into a greatsword.

''Fuck off Fate!'' Furnace shouted as he flung the sword at the Doctor.
Nabu easily countered the arrows with just a thought, mortal weapons for mortal foes were no problem against one like Nabu. Catching someone off guard only worked if you weren't in their focus already. Stealth also required not yelling before you attacked. Mortals only saw though mortal eyes in shades of grey even the lightest deviation from order was a form of chaos and that was intolerable. Nabu created a shield that blocked the sword then shattered, it was surprisingly powerful and the body he was in was not attuned enough to the arcane arts to use his most powerful spells.

" This body is mine " Nabu said unleashing a wave of force and wanting to simply retreat to the tower, but he found he couldn't something, or rather someone was stopping him, Vivi. " Stay out of this human " he said seemingly talking to no one as Vivi stopped him from retreating.
A hooded figure stood on top of a nearby building, observing the fighting heroes. He had just recently arrived so he didn't witness what he guessed was once a robbery in progress. What he did see though was the sight of the crooks disappearing into another plane. The energy was still fresh, enough for the hooded hero to track down just which plane were the crooks sent through. Without a second thought he drew an x in mid air which soon expanded and the portal soon took form of flashing blue pixie wings. The hooded man quickly walked through it, the portal closing behind him, not so soon after he found the thieves. Which was a close one; a minute closer and he would've lost them.

The same flashing blue light appeared where the thieves once stood, bringing none other than the robbers themselves. But this time the hooded figure came with them. He was sporting a custom fit, dark blue cybernetic armor with a light blue trim. The suit was sleeveless but the wearer had finger less gloves of the same design and coloring. The hooded man, also known as Fae sighed " Well that wasn't fun." Sadly he had no time to relax, Fae quickly created a force field around the wounded robbers and him to protect them from the fight amngst the heroes. "What is going on!?" Fae growled trying maintain concentration.
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A whip cracked in the night. a blaze of blue ignited to show the wrath of Demon Hunter. He was off on his own. he hadn't been recruited for the team yet, but that's what his mother wanted him to join. He'd just had his own plan; To make sure the asshats who broke him couldn't get away with breaking anyone else! He had been tracking this particular van all day and just now caught it parked in a parking lot. He knocked on the driver's window and ducked to miss the bullets that streamed after him. he forced the door open and slammed the rather large man to the ground. Stay there if you know what's good for you. Will growled, Wrapping the whip around the quivering man's hands that were behind his back now. He pulled open the back to see a young boy, chained in the exact fashion he had been it just a year earlier. He stepped into the van, noticing how the boy flinched away from him, fear of being broken again probably for the fifth time that day. He pulled the boy's blindfold off and picked the lock on the chains. Don't worry. I've got ya. Your mother is probably going to be worried sick. I know mine was. He took off his jacket and put it around the amaciated boy's shoulders. He picked him up and set him on the sidewalk before tossing the man into the back of the van with no particular care and chaining him down. Will found some spray paint in the cab and spray painted 'take me to jail' on the side of the van before picking the boy up yet again and taking him to the nearest fire station he could find. After setting the boy down he just took one more look at the boy's face. He looked so much like Will it was scary. Go tell them what happened to you. and please, get help for the drugs. I wish I had.

With that, he was off. Onto the rooftops and then onto the ground afew blocks away, going to a dinner. He was craving pie something fierce!
" dont let nebu have full control over you. Fight him with all you got." Says mikayla as she notice the robbers return. She surprise at what is happening but tries to keep her concentration. Somehow this dr.fate is different then it incranations she read about. Mikayla then loads another trick arrow. This time a boxing glove arrow aiming it at the helmet. She fire it hitting the helmet. Mikayala also sets off a smoke arrow to hide dr.fate identity.

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Nabu being distracted by Vivi didn't notice the all to simple glove arrow until it was to late, he started to throw up a shield but to lat the arrow struck the helmet. Despite what the other hero had thought the helm was not removed it was stronger than that but it was enough to throw Nabu off. Viv was once again in control of her body with Nabu just a voice in her head, surprisingly he had calmed down as well Vivi suspected thousands of years and multiple hosts had perhaps made the soul go a bit senile as some days even when in control he was better than others.

Vivi spread her hands out and unleashed a wind to get rid of the smoke . " Ok i really needed that, " She said as if tired seemingly far more used to having her body stolen than she shoudl be.
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