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Fandom Young justice: original characters only

Mikayla also leaves a small red arrow with recorder on it in dr.fate clock and the two other heroes in the wall next to them. The message when play says" go to mount justice at 10pm". With that mikayla leaves before the smoke clears.
Will was waiting on his pie. He was a bit cold without his jacket, but his skin tight sweater kept him pretty warm. Besides. That poor kid needed it more. He ran his hands through his blonde hair and leaned back in his chair when the waitress brought him his pie. He was in pretty high spirits though. one more bust of the night! He downed the pie, left a sizable tip and decided to walk back to his appatment.

(anyone wanna recruit Will?)
She watched the fight go on glad she wasnt involved by she was impressed by the group. She had grown up with stories of the former justice league from her mother, whether she wanted to or not, and these people could certainly nearing the leagues levels. She walked off back home having lost her crew after the fight on the way checking the note which was the same message as the one announced by the archer girl. She wondered for a moment whether she should go or not.
After receiving the message, Fae took it upon himself to teleport the crooks to the nearest police station, but not before tying them up so they wouldn't escape. Fragments of light gathered around his back,taking on the form wings before setting off into the night sky. Fae took into consideration if he should make an appearance on mount justice; His lack of experience troubled him, Gavin has only been doing this for almost a month, and there was still a lot more he needed to learn about his abilities. "Maybe this will be a good experience." Gavin smirked, taking on a few more patrols before it was time.
Vivi saw that really she wasn't needed and likely wasn't to welcome around this area after all Nabu had not exactly been kind. So she vanished in typical Dr. Fate style into an ankh shaped portal as oddly so much of the magic of Nabu came is a shape like that, she didn't get why but just accepted it.

Vivi was teleported to the tower of fate, a tower Nabu had apparently erected in another plane of existence, or maybe he made the plane for the tower. No matter when she knew she was not on earth as evidenced by the alien sky and dead earth all around the tower. The tower itself was a massive but rather lack luster looking structure from the outside. It towered a four sided tower in the style of the medieval castle. On the inside the tower was crazy there was no way everything inside the tower could really fit inside it as it looked like Escher had designed the place then decided that his normal confusing style was not enough and turned up to 11 so to say. Stairs became walls ,pillars rooms, wall roofs that were also ceilings there were even other towers in the tower. At first Vivi had gotten lost constantly, but now the tower seemed to open itself to her and she was rarely lost.

It was only after she got to what passed as her home, as she had slowly stopped going home without thinking about it, that she found the message the archer must have left during the switch between her and Nabu. She listened to the message and , well she would have to talk it over with Nabu and make sure he would not act up again, as she did not want to fight well at all but slowly she had come to accept it, well a month isn't that slowly but well she didn't take to it instantly.
Shadow heard the message. He laughed slightly to himself, a invitation to mount justice was not something he had been expecting. As he thought about it, he liked the idea more and more. Deciding he would go, he disappeared from the streets. If he was going to visit this place, he would have to scout it a bit.

A thief never went into a place without a escape plan. He headed towards where everyone knew mount justice lied.
Will checked the time deciding to go ahead and head to mount justice. He headed off in the general direction of the "mountain". what a hike this would be. may as well get started on it now. he pulled out his phone and decided to play a bit of flappy bird on his way.
Mikayla dresses in her speedy costume as 10pm approaches. She goes to her red sport motorcycle and starts it up with a loud roar. She heads to mount justice with a loud roar filling the night. Mikayala arrives at mount justice a bit before the set time.
Giovanna returned home for a bit to change of he sweaty performance clothes to something more fresh but in keeping with her cothic style. Her apartment was a studio decorated to the brim with magically related memorabilia from hodini to mythical witches knick nack's. She walked over to one corner of the room which contained her pride enjoy, her bookcase filled with her magical tomes. Some were of her mothers while others were stuff she either wrote or found. She picked out one and walked out and went to Mount Justice.
Cody pulls out his ring sighing as he prepared to say his oath

"With blood and rage of crimson red,

Ripped from a corpse so freshly dead,

Together with our hellish hate,

We'll burn you all--that is your fate!"

He then pressed his ring into his lantern powering it up again then put on his mask and red armor then flew off to mount justice waiting to see who his new team would be

@anyone at mt justice
Demonhunter finaly made it to the summit, just a bit winded. "Damn. think we coulda chosen a less up hill place to meet?" Will panted, sitting down on a stump, running his hand through his hair. He kept on playing that dreaded flappy bird game, volume and all. Evenetually Will was worked into such a rage he was doing his best not to flip his lid!
Cody stood there listening to him play for a little bit each time he died it got more anoying finally Cody had had enough and napped o him "would you turn the volume off before I snap that phone in half!" His red armor and ring were glowing with red light. He sat down with a huff crossing his arms. Creating a ball of red light energy and crushing it in his hand repeatedly

Blake was still in costume as he found the meeting area. Two people were already there. He smiled lightly as he noticed someone playing flappybird, he had never understood why people liked such a horrible game. He walked towards them, settling on the ground a small distance from them. He relaxed, he would wait.
Giovanna eventually made her way to mount justice, using levitation spell to get up the hill quickly and easily. "Hey, fellas." She said as she landed.
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Giovanna eventually made her way to mount justice, using levitation spell to get up the hill quickly and easily. "Hey, fellas." She said as she landed.
cody grunted "hey..." he stopped making the light orb and looked around "when's this meeting suppose to start?"
" when everyone gets here. I see most of you guys got my message and arrived. I am reforming the team. Like my predasessor my name is speedy and that will be all you get for now". Mikayala becomes quiet again as she waits for the last remaining heroes.
Will narrowed his eyes at the rather angry glowing man. "Geeze, so much rage. not as much as a 'Hi" first." He crashed into the dirt once more. "Mother f*cker" he growled, deciding that was enough enraging himself for today... time for candy crush. then came the speech. the 'im speedy were all a loving family team thing whoohooo.'
Vivi had been watching the group and had looked into the archer with the mystic powers Nabu showered her and using arcane devices locked away in the infinite vaults of the tower. Nabu had wanted to know about at leats that girl before he would let Vivi be in complete control during the meeting, otherwise she would have to contend with him trying to take control and the last thing anyone wanted was a lord of order and some teenager fighting during an important meeting.

On the hill the Ankh shaped portal appeared and Vivi appeared in full Dr. Fate regalia as Nabu insisted that they might need it and likely he wanted to see what these people wanted himself rather than just hearing abotu it. Vivi had agreed without much fight as if others were meeting she didn't want to be the only normal person there, or as normal as she could be these days.

" So the orbs did work and you are forming a team" She said having more or less known what had transpired thanks to said orb and having chosen this moment to appear for the most striking entrance.
Giovanna crossed her arms." Don't count my arrival as an acceptance of joining, if I wanted to be a hero I would have done long ago."She said thinking back to her many arguments with her mother about using her magic for good.
Gavin was zooming through the skies on his way to the meeting place. He had lost track of time stopping at a local food joint to feast on a meal fit for a king though he made the mistake of having seconds and thirds. Long story short, it didn't agree with him and now he was late. His eyes set on the group gathered under him and slowly descended on to the meeting place. " Sorry I was late I--" He accidentally burped, but covered his mouth before doing so. " Sorry... " Gavin/Fae whispered embarrassed. Here he was making another good impression, Gavin was just glad no one could see his embarrassed face under the hood.
"Excuse me that not everything to your liking. I am not incline to be prefect clay boy." Mikayla remembering that wonder woman mother made her out of clay and was then bless by gods and goddesses of Greece. " now i know not everyone is coming here to join at first. For that i offer a temperory join up. In which your incline to use our resources and work with us on a mission by mission basis but are not require to do so. Justice league is giving us the fonds to missions they cant."
Giovanna listened quitely to everyone trying to read the group and wasn't feeling comfortable working with any of them.Mikayla explanation of what they were gonna do if they joined. "What sort of missions than? Are we going to be just the justice leagues flunkies, having to rely on them for missions rather than pick out own?"
"Good question. To be honest some of our missions are requested directly from the justice league. We are after all a special unit that can do things the public wouldnt nessary agree with where our counterparts in justice league works with the world government. We also have our own mission not being request by justice league . I am new to this as well. I was specially requested by justice league to reform the team with members i see fit."
Nabu did not like what the archer was saying namely the parts about doing things the public would not agree with, he did not like the implication that they would be doing less than ordered things he would have no part in such chaotic action and made his will known to Vivi. She didn't see it in such a black and white way though at least Nabu was better as he was not trying to possess her right now and destroy the archer. Still she knew better than to not voice Nabu's concern still speaking for you helmet was a it well awkward.

" Fate will have no part in actions that could be chaotic if it must be hidden from sight We will have no part in it" She said blushing heavily under her helmet after speaking like that.
"Oh so we are the justice leagues dirty little secret. You do realise i am a celebrity well... Nor a list by still known."She said liking this less and less. "Boy, speddy, you can really make a girl a tempting offer."She said sarcastically before sighing. "Look you need support with the occult I am willing to concult but that's it " She said looking over at the mask wearing girl sensing the power in her. "You don't lack knowledge of the occult either huh?"

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