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Realistic or Modern Young And Rich (Private High School Rp)

Monday October 15th 6:00 Am


Lana woke up five minutes before her and Airi's (@BrooklynBaby @ anyone

Monday October 15th 6:00 am


Brian woke up right on time. He got out of bed and quickly got ready. He was so tired in the morning and hated waking up this early.

Once Brian was done getting ready he woke up Brandon ( @AmRosey ), "Come on man, schools starting in anytime now... I'll meet you down at the cafe." Brian said and walked out of the his dorm room. Thankfully no one was really up yet so he didm;t have to worry about crowds, but he did have to worry about crowds... Because right when they all go to class it will be a nightmare. For a big campus theres so little room while getting to class.

Brian walked into the cafe and took a seat down at a far booth. He ordered himself an omelet, using his parents credit card and waited for it to arrive. @ anyone

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Cassidy lit a quick cigarette after having a little too much fun with the student she was tutoring. "Damn." She mumbled to herself as she checked her phone. 'The guy I tutor had no shirt on when I got here, and well, I stayed the night if you know what I mean ;) )' She responded to Effie's text. She let the cigarette fumes take over her body, completely relaxing her. Cassidy looked over at the boy sleeping, thinking she was probably his first. She felt awful about it. He probably would've wanted something more special, more meaningful, but Cassidy stole that from him. Feeling like a total asshole, she walked out of his dorm and down the hallway, making her way to her own dorm and she took a quick shower. She put on an oversized flannel and skinny jeans with black converse. Cassidy left the dorm about a half hour later, making her way down to the cafe to see all of her friends there. She grabbed a "to go" cup of tea and sat down in a booth, scrolling through social media on her phone.

@ anyone​


Bailee was determined to wake up early, mainly because she wanted to go work out, she didn't want to wake her roomie Mila (@planetic) He walked over to his dresser and picked out a grey hoodie and jeans and a pair of Jordan's, he put some gel in his hair to keep it in place. He threw a shirt at Francis to try and wake him up, once Mitch had everything he would need he grabbed his headphones and headed towards the café to get some breakfast, he recognized most of the people there but walked over to where Brian was sitting "What's up man" he said as he sat down (@QueenOfDisaster )​


Brian ate his omelet slowly and tiredly. He had a rush for about an hour, but the last hour before class started he was out of it. Didn't even realize when Mitch came to sit down across from him.

He quickly shook his head and looked up with a lazy smile, "Oh hey, Mitch." Brian said and took another bite of his omelet, "Nothing really, just sort of trying to get through the day, you know?" Brian shrugged and glanced around the cafe. There were so many faces he knew at the cafe, just you know... It was hard to approach people the way he is... Thankfully Mitch showed up before Brian would have lazily run off to the school psychiatrist.

Brian turned his attention back to Mitch, "So whats up with you, anything interesting you lately?" @BrooklynBaby



As Cassidy was drinking her tea, she saw Effie come up to her and ask her about her night with the guy she tutored. Well, used to tutor. She left him a note saying she couldn't help him anymore after what had happened.

"Well," Cassidy sighed, still feeling disgusted with herself. "I basically got to his dorm, he was shirtless but let me in, I kissed him shyly, and twenty minutes later he wasn't the only one topless." She winced at what she heard herself say.

Cassidy sipped her tea and yawned, laying her head on the table. "Yeah I could go for some whiskey just about now." She looked outside and smiled at the rain. She loved rain. Rain, snow, thunderstorms, even hurricanes if she was lucky enough. Although the damage each one left wasn't enjoyable.

"How about one of these days you and I take a day off to drink and watch movies." She asked, seriously. Cassidy wished today was the day they did that, but she was already showered and dressed, so she figured it would be a waste to just go right back home. She'd rather pick a day where she woke up late, or couldn't find anything she wanted to wear. "I didn't even bother putting on makeup." Cassidy pointed at her face.


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Somehow over the course of his high school career a five, maybe five and a half, hour night had become standard for Andrew. Swimming for himself as exercise, classes, captaining the swim team, debate team, dinner, any student council work that needed to get done, finishing the day's homework that he hadn't done in class, an hour, two if the gods themselves intervened, of free time, then back to bed just a bit before midnight to start the whole thing over again. He was pretty sure that he would be dead if it weren't for getting to sleep in on the weekends. So here he was, at 4:45am, Monday morning, enjoying one minute of peace laying in bed staring at the wall before starting his day.

That minute didn't last though and Andrew rolled out of bed and made his way to the gym where he spent the next hour swimming laps. The thing was, despite how much he may have hated having to do everything else, he actually liked swimming as an activity. He wasn't just good at it, but he was relaxed in the water. He didn't have to worry about that feeling of gravity pulling him down, nor did he have to think about everything that he was going to need to do that day. He could put in his waterproof earbuds, turn on some Bach through his phone, completely empty his mind, and just focus on the next stroke, then the next one, then the next, until it was time to flip and head back down the lane in the other direction. Even the slight burning on the inside of his nose from the chlorine felt good in its own odd way.

But that moment didn't last long either and soon enough Andrew's alarm was blaring through earbuds, informing him that it was time to shower away that chlorine smell and get ready for the day. He dressed in a simple navy Henley and jeans with tennis shoes and grabbed his backpack before heading down to the cafe. Once there, he grabbed a bottle of orange juice and a banana and sat down at one of the free tables, going over what kind of hell his father's domineering would bring him today.


Effie did a teasing clap and took a sip of her tea that was put on the counter, "Well I don't know if you enjoyed it or not, but good for you... I guess." Effie shrugged and nodded in agreement, "I'm sure half of these bitches here would love some liquor." Effie said sarcastically and took another sip of the tea. It was french vanilla, her favorite, "We should so do that. But we'd have to be sneaky about it... We're on campus, if we're not in class they'll come and find us... Thankfully we're sneaky people." Effie winked and raised her tea, "Cheers to being sneaky..." Effie then took another sip and put it gently down on the table, "Well, good for you, no make up, no problem... Natural beauty is key." Effie gave a small grin and looked over to the person who just walked into the cafe and gave a small smile to him then redirected her head back at Cass, "So, what are our plans for after school?" @BrooklynBaby



Cassidy gave Effie a small shrug and joined in with the cheers. "Not sure what we should do after school... I know I'll have a lot of homework to get done. Lets pray to God that we meet twin cuties today." She winked at Effie as she finished her cup. She crushed it, only to find that she didn't finish it, and the styrofoam cup exploded with tea all over Cassidy's hands and the table. She grabbed a few napkins and cleaned it up, sighing. "I'm like a bad luck magnet, eh?" Cassidy cleaned up the last bit of tea. "So back to after school plans." She tried to get her mind off of the embarrassing event that just occurred. "We could always go out. We totally pass for twenty one." But Cassidy shrugged at her own idea. "I kind of just want to stay in my dorm tonight though. I'm really tired and just meh." She responded with another yawn.



A audible yawn escaped Airi's mouth as not only the alarm woke her up but Lana also did, which was probably a good thing after all Airi is a heavy sleeper, especially on Mondays but did she really have to mess up the hair that would waste another five minutes or nearly non-existent free time. Airi hated Mondays which was about one of the only things she had in common with most people at the school, a downside with not being born into a rich family is that she appreciates things much more than others and likes to stick to the simple things to buy, even if its in an excessive bulk.

It was six o'five when she finally pulled herself out of bed, she quickly threw on some clothing, well quickly may not be the right word, she sure put it on quickly but picking it was not so much, it must have took her 5 - 10 minutes just to decided. She quickly put on some makeup mostly just eyeliner and lipstick nothing that would take too long, she quickly sorted out her hair which just meant her brushing it before finally leaving her dorm.

Airi made her way to the Cafe it was a place where quite a few people went in the morning not like Airi knew many people, ever since she was told to go here she felt awkward like she didn't fit in anywhere, it was amazing she even made one friend, if that can be called friendship after all they are kind of forced to get along being roommates and all. Airi got a simple black tea before taking a seat at a empty booth. She took a few sips of her tea before leaning back against her seat and shutting her eyes, she hated Mondays for a reason and that's because she always felt extra tired on Mondays, if left like this without distract she would most likely fall asleep.

@ Anyone

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Brandon Lancaster


Covering his sheets over his head, the boy mumbled a curse word before rolling onto his back. Why does Brian have to be such an early ass waker? Brandon thought as he fluttered his eyelids open. He wanted to stay in bed, of course, but then he wouldn't have time to get breakfast. Breakfast being the most critical meal of the day for him. Lifting his body out of bed, plus slipping into some joggers and a hooded jumper, the boy saved the mirror checking for last. Fixing his hair, so it appeared perky instead of droopy, Brandon combed the sides back before stepping out of his dorm room. Although, he did catch a glimpse of Brian talking with another girl on his way to the Cafe. Meh, must be friends.

Entering the place of brewing coffees, the dark haired boy paid for a croissant, his eyes scanning the countless of tables. And sure enough, he found a table... A table of two girls, in fact. Walking towards the table, while a bright smile was placed onto his lips, Brandon placed the plate beside Cassidy's mug. He left a distance drift between the objects of course. He swung his leg over the bench and sat beside the girl.

"If you carry on like this, Cassidy, when you're old and in your rocking chair. You're going to look back at your Private School years and think: "oh, I remember that time! I was too tired to go out, but at least Effie and Brandon enjoyed themselves and lived to the fullest."

Brandon tore a piece of his croissant before popping it into his mouth.

@QueenOfDisaster @Phobos
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| Francis

The boy groaned as he felt the soft fabric of a shirt on his face. What a lovely way to wake your friend in the morning. He brushed it off, and stuffed his face into his navy blue pillow. "Idiot," he groaned, but by the time, Mitch must have already left, because nobody answered him. Why did that guy need three fucking alarms in the morning? Did he want him to get headache before even waking up? Ugh. He sat up, and wiped his hands through his face. His hair was quite a mess, like every morning. Actually, Francis liked to be more of a late riser, but even so, he would never ever want to miss his breakfast, so he bothered to get up earlier in the morning since he was visiting the private school. After taking a short shower, he put on a black , v-necked shirt, vans, a dark jeans, and - of course - he didn't miss his splendid Cartier watch. After taking a look in the mirror and realizing he looked good today - a bit drowsy, but he could handle that - he felt quite cheerful, and left his room with a grin. This morning, he decided to have a latte macchiato, and a crossaint with peanut butter. Francis adored peanut butter. With a cup and a plate in both hands, he made his way towards his roommate Mitch who was sitting next to Brian. "Good morning, guys, and thanks for the shirt, man," he greeted them, boxing Mitch with his elbow, and sat down afterwards. "How's it going?" @QueenOfDisaster @Tsiwentiio
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"Not too much" Mitch replied taking a sip of his orange juice he leaned back in the chair, and he ran his fingers through his hair, he turned to look at his roommate who finally decided to get up out of bed. "No problem man, who would have ever thought that I would have gotten out of bed before you" he said finishing off his drink laughing slightly at the thought. He looked around the room trying to figure out who else he knew was there, the only other close friend he noticed was Bailee, he waved for her to go over to their table.

Bailee was waiting to get her coffee, she added some sugar and cream and headed towards the door and was just about to put her headphones back over her ears, but looked over to where Mitch was with Francis and Brian, she walked over and placed her cup on the table "What's going on boys" she said placing her hands on her hips.​




Effie shrugged with Cass, "Whatever floats your boat, man." Effie looked up when Brandon sat down across from her, "Oh, hey Brandon." Effie waved at the boy with a kind smile on her face. Effie took a sip of her tea and then couldn't help but laugh at Brandon, "You know Cass, he's so right you know. We should live while we're young... Isn't that right, Brandon?" Effie smirked at both of them before grinning, "I say we should sneak off of campus tonight and go to a club. I have a fake ID, I know you have a fake ID," Effie said, pointing to Cass, "But I don't know about the others... Brandon, you have a fake ID, if not..." Effie grinned mischievously, "I know where we can get some..." @BrooklynBaby


"Everything is fine in the world of Brian." He grinned at the two boys and nodded to himself, "Yup, perfectly fine..." Brian took a bite of the omelet and watched as Bailee walked over to their table, "Ah yes, good morning to you too." Brian couldn't help but chuckle at her sassiness. A lot of girls here were "sassy" though, so it wasn't really a surprise.

"As I was telling these two boys here, nothing is going on with me." Brian pat the seat opened next to him, "Now, how about you stop acting all 'sassy' and come sit down." Brian teased and took another bite of his omelet, he was almost done with it, sadly. Brian loved omelets. @planetic



Cassidy sighed at Brandon and Effie, even though she knew they were right. She needed to get out and do something and not be cooped up in her dorm all the time. "Fine." She squinted her eyes. "Yeah, I've got a fake ID." Cassidy smiled proudly. "Damn that looks good." She stared at Brandon's croissant before stealing a small piece and popping it into her mouth. "Delish." She ran her hand through her hair. "We should get going, class starts fairly soon." Cassidy recommended, putting her phone away and eyeing the boy at the cash register. He was cute, but Cassidy didn't even know his name. "Oh, and going back to that whole being old and being in a rocking chair," Cassidy added, "I love rocking chairs." She cheekily smiled. "I find them quite comfortable."

@QueenOfDisaster @AmRosey


"Believe me I can show you sass" Bailee smiled and sat down, taking a small sip of her coffee, she was still looking to see if Mila had answered her back and nothing yet. She leaned back in the seat "So anyone else super excited for school this morning" she teased them, making her voice a little higher pitched, she basically sounded like her mom or any mom. "Hell no I would rather be in bed sleeping right about now" Mitch replied, finishing up what orange juice he had left. He got up and threw away the empty bottle and grabbed an apple and went back to the table and sat down. "I was thinking about going to the gym after class, anyone want to join" he asked before taking a bite.



Brandon Lancaster


"Hey, troublemaker." Brandon gave the girl a wink before giving the two a confused look. "Woah, I said live your life to the fullest, not get sent down for forgery." The dark-haired boy pursed his lips. Letting his elbows rest onto the table, Brandon raised his brows up as he watched a hand grab a piece of his food. Shrugging off Cassy's action, the boy said, "All the more time for you to reminisce, then."



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b583616_images(6).jpg.a2b60280b4bb4e83aeb6af96b7fb3d6c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114293" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b583616_images(6).jpg.a2b60280b4bb4e83aeb6af96b7fb3d6c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Carlos Martinez

Location: Dorm headed to Cafe

Interacting with: @ anyone

Carlos was already up and spent his time in the shower, which was about an hour. Hey, but you gotta look and smell good for the girls, am i right? After he got out, he put on a good amount of his axe cologne and got dressed. When he looked in the mirror he was quite impressed. He pulled out his gold baby necklace from his pocket and put it in his hand. It was the only thing he had that reminded him of his mom. "It was the last thing your momma touched before she left us." his father had told him. The necklace was special to him. He kissed it and then put it back in his pocket. " Still love you mom..."he mumbled to himself. Carlos always did that morning and night. After one last look in the mirror, he took his dorm key and went to the cafe. When he arrived there, he grabbed and apple and sat down at and empty table. He took out his phone and scrolled through his Instagram.




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Effie grinned when she was called troublemaker. She knew for a fact she was, there was no doubt about it, "Well, most of us here are rich... Some of you... You two and the rest," Effie ran her fingers through her hair, "What I'm trying to say is, you guys have the money to be bailed out of jail, so don't worry about it. As for me, I just gave up on worrying. Its useless." Effie finished up her french vanilla tea and walked over to the garbage, throwing out the to go cup. Once she came back to the table, Effie smirked at Brandon, "You didn't answer my question, you have a fake ID or not?" @BrooklynBaby



Lana was continuing to read the magazine, especially the part where she was interviewed by that hot interviewer for the magazine , damn he was hot. Lana respects her body though, she wouldn't sleep with him unless she was drunk.

She got up and threw her coffee out. Once doing so Lana looked around the cafe for anyone to chat with. Looking to the main entrance she saw Carlos walk in. With a grin she sashayed over to his table, "May I sit here?" Lana asked with a wink and a small smile. @Julie

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b5ab422_images(3).jpg.4f4a2b70fbf403269e3255fb279e0efc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114300" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b5ab422_images(3).jpg.4f4a2b70fbf403269e3255fb279e0efc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Carlos Martinez

Location: Cafe

Interacting with: @QueenOfDisaster

Carlos looked up and smiled at the girl in front of him. " Yeah go ahead." he said with a little bit of a latino accent. He put his phone away and bit his lip. " So how are you?" he asked. He had already finished his apple and he reached over and threw it away. He put his hand on his lap and patted his pocket to make sure that his necklace was still there. If he lost it, he would probably go insane. It was his good luck charm. This was his chance to make a friend here and not actually look like a jerk. oh no, he thought to himself. He bit his lip again, now he was pretty nervous. What if she saw my music video? Will she judge me if she did? All thoughts went through his head. He didn't want to be called a fuckboy again. Words like that hurt him really badly, he was just good at hiding his pain.​



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Brandon Lancaster


Brandon stared hard at Effie as she began to go into more detail about her chance of getting out of jail. I mean, this guy would never let these two girls get banged up, but the times when he may not be there? He wouldn't know what to do honestly. Finishing off his croissant as the girl throw her rubbish away, Brandon started to vibrant his lips while letting air pass through. "Please, what makes you think I'm stupid enough to get a fake ID?" He darted his eyes around the cafe before hushing his tone down to a minimum level. "... My brother got one for me..." The boy furrowed his brows, switching his gaze from Effie to Cassidy.




"How was the apple?" Lana asked casually as she looked him up and down, "Anyway, I don't know if you know me, but I'm Lana. And yes, I know you..." Lana crossed her arms and her legs in a fashionable manner, "You're that guy from the music video..."Lana winked again but then smiled, "Don't worry, you're not a fuck boy, we all have our reasons for what we do for our career. Trust me, I know." Lana laughed a bit, "Do you know how many times I had to pose topless for things. Ugh, no, don't ever become a female model." Lana grinned, "Sorry, I went really off topic... You're Carlos, right?" @Julie


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b5c54e7_images(2).jpg.26bef92ed10136e4cc0318af736e5a84.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114306" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b5c54e7_images(2).jpg.26bef92ed10136e4cc0318af736e5a84.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Carlos Martinez

Location: Cafe

Interacting with: @QueenOfDisaster

Carlos let out a sigh of relief. He honestly already liked this girl, she was a good friend. "Yeah im Carlos. Its nice to meet you Lana." he said with a friendly smile. " Oh yeah, but that video was never my idea. My dad thought it would be good for business." he stated. He was finally happy that he got to meet someone that didn't beg for his autograph or use him just to get them a record label. It was the first time in years that he ever met and person as nice as Lana.​



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Cassidy looked at Brandon and smiled, hearing that he has a fake ID. "We'll see, I might not go out. Depends on how the day goes." She continued smiling slightly. Cassidy tucked her hair behind her ears and pulled her sleeves back up. Due to the size of the flannel, the sleeves kept rolling down. Suddenly, a thought popped into her head. Am I late for that time of the month? Cassidy began to panic a little, wondering if the guy she was with a few weeks ago had used any form of protection. She was on the pill, but has been slacking lately. Her stomach began to tie in knots and she excused herself nervously. "I'm going to go to class." She sighed. "See you guys there." She literally climbed over Brandon and stood up. "Bye." She waved quietly and walked to campus, entering the main building and headed off to her first class, chemistry. It wasn't the best class to have in the morning considering she almost kills herself with the experiments they due because she's half asleep, but at least she does it and gets it over with for the day. Cassidy always liked getting to class early, she loved the peace and quiet.

@QueenOfDisaster @AmRosey

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