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Fantasy Yokai Vs Humans:Battle For Blood

Rei looked at the man confused. Why would he think she could do magic? Original form? What in the world was he even talking about? These people were actually starting to freak her out. Maybe I should leave. Things are getting very strange for me. She reached into her pocket and took out her phone, pretending like she had just seen a text. "Oh um I-I need to go now. My boss just called. Um I-I hope we'll see you around Rumi." She quickly said as she got up from the table. "S-sorry to have to run out like this." She added. "Um Bye." And with that she was walking outside, stopping for a second to take a breath.

"....That was fun."

"Please hush."

☂ Ai Aigasa ☂

Inside the very shady cafe.

@EasternGhost @Tiegirl @Rosyshark @Kenji Jensai

How pitiful. Ai frowned at the tantrum-throwing child. He's much too old to be throwing a temper tantrum. Glancing around the cafe, the kasa obake crossed her eyebrows when she realized that the boy was attracting attention to the table. It would be bad for her, and her boss, if the other hunters took notice of them as well. The tsukumogami huffed and pulled the yokai off the ground and sat him down next to Terumi. "Have some respect for yourself." Ai's blank gaze switched into a not-so-intimidating glare for only a second before she realized that this was a powerful yokai she was dealing with.
Cael wandered through the streets. They felt very anxious. There were humans all around, walking so casually and defenseless. They could easily take a bite right out of their skulls with no struggle. Control. Control. I don't want any hunters after me. I have evaded them so far, no sense in giving them a chance to find me. I just need to bide my time until tonight. I'll feast then. They did their best to walk at a steady pace, but unsure as to where they were going. Suddenly, they came upon a small cafe. They debated going in. Human food didn't do much for them, but it would help with their hunger until nightfall. Opening the door, they peered in and made their way towards the counter, debating what to order.


Buffoons the lot of them.

If Tora a little thing like that would bother her he was completely room. All she did was giggle. "Oh silly child I'm not your mom." She looked over at Masamune with a gasp. "Is he your kid - but you look so young." Of course she ignored his talk about magic and fixing Tora. This new form was far more entertaining than his original.

Unfortunately Rei made up excuse to bolt. "Wait! Rei!" She shouted but she was already gone. Kuro puffed her cheeks in agitation and glared at both Masamune and Tora and some one legged Youkai that had a hold of Baby Tora.

Angry she turned on a huff heading to the counter to order some consolation food. When she had her frapuchinno - back to chocolate flavored she forced Tora back to his Youkai form - making it slow and hopefully painful.

For good measure she made sure to let loose a scream that would pierce anyone's ear buds. And would draw the hunters attention to Tora.

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Kriestien had previously been stoically sitting at the table, sipping water as he waited for the other hunters to finish their chat. However the scream alerted him, his head whipping around to look at the source. What he saw was a monstrous demon looming over a screaming girl. Kriestien quickly snapped out, "Kyoko! Evacuate the civilians! Everyone else, engage the demon, now! Everyone else, engage the demon!" In the back of his mind Kriestien hoped that Cale wouldn't choose now to argue with him, but for now Kriestien focused on current matters.

Throwing off his cloak, he revealed what he hid. A tall, broad figure covered in heavy armor with two huge weapons strapped to his back, a massive greatbow and a huge sword, with a quiver of what looked like iron stakes strapped to his back. Pulling off the greatbow with one hand and an iron stake from the other, Kriestien slammed the massive greatbow into the floor, using a small steel spike at the base of the greatbow. Lining the stake up with the pommel of the bow, he drew it back and loosed it, letting the spake fly at the demon. Not checking if the stake hit, Kriestien lifted the bow from the ground, returning it to his back. Drawing the sword, he charged at the demon, yelling a wordless battlecry with his sword raised above his head.

@Sen Pai

@Kenji Jensai

@Tiegirl (mentioned)
Cale's cheeks were puffed out from how much food he was eating as he turned his head and looked towards Tora. With a swallow, he groaned "Oh not you again" he said. With these many people around, he'd be forced to transform again. Doing it twice in one day was both extremely tiring and extremely dangerous. He stuck his fingers into his ear at the scream "Geez, you'd think he was one of the more hideous creatures" at most, the Yokai was similar to a large cat, just more vicious.

Picking up his staff, Cale stood up and sighed
"Well, I was fed, so the least I can do is fight a couple of Yokai" he grinned. In this small space, it would be hard for the big creature to move around. However, it also made it harder for the rest of them to dodge area based attacks, which Tora seemed very good at with his electricity.

He looked towards Kriestien, he decided to let the big man deal with fighting Tora directly and would provide backup as he saw fit. In this small area, Cale's wild movements would only be a hindrance to his allies.

@Meowfyre @Kenji Jensai

@Tiegirl (Mentioned)
For most of the meal, Ritsuko had been quiet aside from telling them her name and placing her order. Tired and sleepy, Ritsuko had no real reason to be alert. The presence of the Yokai within the restaurant the girl, Kyoko, picked was fine as long as they did nothing. But then that stupid boy started screaming and shit hit the fan. "Just skippy..." Ritsuko sighed, standing up as that large man started barking out orders. She looked to Cale, rubbing her ears from the harshness of the scream and pulling at her T-shirt, "And I liked this shirt too... it describes me perfectly!" She watched with little interest as Kriestien engaged the large Yokai.

"Ah, we didn't even really get to eat," Ritsuko added, looking to her plate of unfinished food. This is what she got for coming to this city, she guessed. But then again... "Hey, we don't have to pay now!" Her demeanor brightened despite the situation and she shoveled as many of the meat dumplings as she could inside a container left on a nearby table, even grabbing some food off of the plates of others as they screamed and tried to run away. Clearly she should've been more serious about this situation, but what was a hungry girl to do? Steal the food of others, of course.

"Man... " She zipped up her backpack, kicking it underneath the table and hoping that the written on it would protect it while she fought. She then pulled her guitar case off of the floor, where it had been leaning against the table and unzipped it, pulling the instrument from inside. The large axe seemed to be an odd weapon for the lazy woman, and a little too heavy to even be carried. Ritsuko swung it, dropping it down onto her shoulder without so much as flinching or even making a noise. "Let's get to it then." Ritsuko paused for a moment, just a second eariler and she would've ran straight into Kriestien as he charged forward. "I guess we're on backup duty, hm? I could break a wall, but then he'd get away." Ritsuko looked around, trying to find some way she could catch the Yokai by surprise. Her axe was large, but Ritsuko had years of practice in dealing with her wild style in small places, but she didn't want to kill anybody she didn't have to.

@everybody in that restaurant there's so many of y'all
Cael was surprised by the shouting happening behind them. They ordered a latte and sat down next to a window. They couldn't help but listen into what was happening in front of them. While trying to avoid hunters, they walked right into a building with them. Hopefully with the stink of other Yokai they won't notice me. Drinking their Latte, they did their best to stay inconspicuous as to not attract attention from any unwelcome hunters. In the corner of their eye they saw a very pretty woman standing outside the cafe. Cael had trouble trying to read the emotion on her face, but she has gorgeous hair. It looks like it'd flow with a beautiful shine. Why keep it tied up that way?
What a night.

First, the arrival of even more hunters; one of them seeming especially malicious towards yokai. Minako had waited till they all stopped talking, but didn't get a break from her anxiety as the Kirin face planted into a nearby vehicle-thingy. An interesting and unexpected behavior of a very powerful being, such as himself. Then she followed them to an area with an uneasy feel to it. She liked the food-place they chose, it looked relaxed and somewhat welcoming. Unfortunately, however, everybody inside it seemed oddly tense...

The ice-woman thought it best to stay outside and simply watch them all through the window. A rather creepy option, but a safe one. If she had known what a "movie" was, she would have might as well been watching one. A little boy with a familiar aura stormed in and made a scene, then transformed into Tora (which explained the familiarity), then scared the pants off a pink-haired girl. Finally, the hunters she had been stalking leaped into action! Another fight. Perfect.

Fights upset Minako. In her opinion, they were unnecessary. She didn't like seeing pain and didn't like the enjoyment in the participants' eyes. She denied that they had fun fighting. Was it the action, or the death that they enjoyed? The ice-woman remembered what it was like to kill. She shuddered and squeezed her eyes shut, forcing herself to stay calm. Whenever she unearthed that memory, she lost it and had a complete breakdown. Not now. Stop it. Don't think. Don't think. With a bit of luck, she managed to calm herself for the moment.

Now, she simply focused on the battle. Watching. She realized that it would be wise to use this opportunity to learn the fighting styles of all the local hunters and yokai so that she could figure out different ways to escape. Quite pitiful, really, but she would hate to get caught up in all of this

She also found it quite fascinating, as well as morbid, how they all interacted with one another. There were so many different ways to approach such a situation, yet they chose those specific behaviors. Minako now considered keeping some kind of tool with her that she could use to keep track of all these events. She'd go hunting for something like that later on.
Rei was getting ready to leave when she heard a scream. She looked back in the window and saw what was going down. "Oh my goodness." She muttered. She was glad she left when she did, she DID NOT want to be in the middle of that. She noticed someone looking in the window at her. She didn't know them but they looking still.

"I think you're getting checked out."

"Be quiet." She muttered. Though she did wave slightly to the person. She then gestured at the event happening inside and gave the person a look saying. Do you have any idea what's going on?

Kalin looked over at the situation building across the room from himself and Aiko. 'Oh dear, this was not going to end well.' he said, gripping the hilt of his sword as he brought his attention back to his dinner date.

At least no one could blame him for a fight that went down. Though he could feel the increasing waves of Yokai energy surrounding them, and Kalin was growing slightly more anxious by the second. He might escalate things even further if he wasn't careful...and he was somewhat excited by the thought.

@Defective Kitten
The woman had taken notice to Cael. They were confused by what she was trying to tell them. She had pointed to the fight in the middle of the cafe. They looked at the mess that was happening in the cafe, and decided to stand up and leave. They walked out the building and went over to the woman. "I am unsure as to what is going on in there. You shouldn't watch. It might get bloody."

Aiko shrugged at his stutterful response, "I didn't expect you to be either, it was worth asking anyways." Bringing the tea to her lips as she took another sip, glancing up at Kalin who talked about his past a bit. It didn't cross her mind much after all these years, "Oh yeah, I had almost forgotten. I'm sure you'll find out who you are sooner or later. For now you can just flirt with women and hope that a rich one will fall for your antics.. if that's what you're into." Her voice trailing off at the last part.

Their peaceful night soon turned for an interesting route when a girl's piercing scream could be heard throughout the shop and most likely from outside as well. Ai watched from the corner of her eye as the hunters got up from their seats about to start a fight with the yokai. The civilians in the cafe knew better than to stay in which all of the few sprinted out of the shop after spotting the large dead-looking man and a girl-seeming to be no older than she was-take out her axe guitar combination. The axe appeared oddly large for her but she seemed to handle the weapon without much difficulty. The few other hunters had nothing for her to note of yet but it seemed that Kalin was getting anxious to fight as well.

Having no interest in taking part of their brawl, Ai stuffed her mouth with another dumpling and watched the battle play out. Dinner and a show, how magnificent. For now she would simply observe with a close eye unless it was necessary for her to intervene, but it seemed The Hunter Who Yet Walks had it under control. She expected him to look less dead but than again, how old was he?
Masamune cursed as he realized Kuro had just made the already tense situation blow up and piss everyone off like tossing a handful of firecrackers in a room full of cats. It made everyone start swinging and panicking.

"Someone always has to make a damn mess of things" Masamune snarled as the elder Hunter fired at someone, Masamune hadn't paid attention to whom and then began a tangle with Tora.

A another Hunter looked ready to attack, and the Hunter with a Yokai presence seemed to be preparing to move in as well, Masamune decided to let the Hunters know what it meant to be a Nine-Tails Kitsune like himself. If only to make hem step back so he could get Kuro, Tora, and Ai away from this mess. Switching from his human form to his full on Kitsune form, he resembled a large Black furred fox, his nine black tails swaying as if by a wind that didn't exist, and while standing upright, he carried the blood red blade sword of his particular lineage.

Masamune first cast an aura of darkness using the Dark Element in a defensive manner. No need to use the Darkness Element in an offense style just yet. Making this aura cover over the entire restaurant, he then set it to a thick murky mist blocking all vision of everyone present, even his own for the moment. Then knowing Kuro and Ai were behind him, he reached for his other element. Fire. He took a deep breath and sent a wave of intense flames bursting forth though he kept the range limited and weakened since he did not wish to level the entire restaurant and surrounding buildings as well as kill so many innocents just yet. The fighting hadn't been provoked that far just yet. He did not need to use his strength very much. Not yet.

It was enough flame however to cover the entire area in front of himself where Tora scrapped with the Hunters somewhere in the midst of it all as well as strike at the other hunters further back. Tora would probably dislike Masamune for this since his aura of darkness did little to aid him, but Tora was made of tougher stuff Masamune hoped. The Hunters...well....maybe they would come out okay, then maybe not. It was in those moments, Masamune turned to Kuro and Ai after shifting the darkness he created so he could see them and they see him.

"I leave the decision to you two. Do you both really want to make a scene here in the open of all places?" Masamune asked them.

His deadly flames would have injured some or at least stalled them, but not all of them. He hadn't reached for too much strength. Masamune was hoping to avoid that event. Masamune was severely pissed at Kuro for instigating the whole mess, but it was too late to worry about that now. It had begun.



@Kenji Jensai

@Seraph Darkfire


@Kalin Scarlet

@Defective Kitten

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In the middle of his charge, right before Kriestien eyes another supposed civilian transformed into a demon before his eyes. Unfortunately, Kriestien recognized the species, if not the individual. Kitsune. quite an old one if he counted those tails correctly, and the more tails the more dangerous they were. This could become quite messy. If he had time he would come up with a plan to engage it, but his course was charted, so he would see it through. Redirecting his charge to head for kitsune, which he believed to be the greater threat seeing as he didn't recognize the other one's species.

Kriestien was unprepared for the spell of darkness, expecting a demon brandishing such a sword to be more melee focused. Disoriented he slowed, adopting a defensive stance as he tried to listen for signs of an attack. Unfortunately his charge had maneuvered him to the worst position to respond to such an attack, to far away to hear it coming (or maybe he's just going deaf) and to close to avoid after seeing it coming.

Knowing that with his heavy armor and weapons slowing him down he wouldn't be able to dodge, Kriestien braced himself for the fire. Soon it was upon him, with his armor protecting him. Though it heated the armor to the point it scalded his skin, he was spared the bite of the flame on most his body. However Kriestien did not wear a helmet, as his original had been cleaved in two by an ogre's axe. The wave if fire caught him full on the face.

Despite all his discipline and his mental training to resist pain, Kriestien dropped his sword, clutched his head, and lets out a blood-curdling scream. His head on the fire, Kriestien falls forward to the floor, his head ablaze. He lies still.

A moment passes.

Two more.

With a surge of movement, two black gauntlets smash into the burning floor, pushing against it to raise the body up. Drawing a knee forward to better support him, Kriestien does the impossible.

Head still afire, Kriestien gets back up. Standing straight now, his gauntlets clenched, Kriestien slowly looks up at the kitsune, revealing his face.


All his flesh has burnt away, leaving nothing but a still burning skull. The black voids located where eyes once were have no pupils, but somehow Masamune knew that they are looking straight at him.

Slowly walking to his discarded sword, Kriestien almost casually bends over to pick it up, lifting it with one hand to rest on his shoulder. There are no words. No badass boasts or oaths of pain returned. Kriestien simply starts slowly walking towards Masamune, his sword still resting at his shoulder.

Tora caught the iron stake in his teeth crushing it.He noticed that masamune had shown his true form.'About time' the great yokai thought to himself."What the hell that guys not human"he said as the guy stood up from having half his face blown off."Damn this is gonna annoying" he said as he shot over 100,000 volts of electricity at the large man.He then charged at the woman brandishing the large axe.
"Nope" Cale laughed as he brought his staff down onto Tora's head with some force "You ruined my meal, now you have to deal with me again" he was only mildly upset about the meal though. Cale liked to fight and Tora was strong. Now that he'd eaten, he was feeling much better and full of energy. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he struck Tora, doing his best to beat him into the ground.

Cale was a fighter through and through, though he rarely fought with his full strength as he was likely to destroy people's belongings. Only in his Sun Wukong form was he exponentially stronger. Though transforming now was not an option. Should Sun Wukong not be able to end the fight in a timely manner, Cale would be left with a weak body and no way to defend himself. To stupidly put yourself in a situation where you can die is not something a warrior did.

@Kenji Jensai
In the murky blackness, Ritsuko kept her eyes peeled. If it weren't for all those years hanging out in caves with monsters whose darkness was just as thick, maybe slightly less, than this, Ritsuko would've been completely blind (all she could really see was what was immediately in front of her, which wasn't much but her own hand). But then again, she had her senses as well. So now there was a kitsune here. "Jeez..." Ritsuko rubbed the back of her head, this was getting out of hand, she could only hope that her food was safe. Despite the darkness, there was one thing that was clear. That man, Kriestien, was burning, "Fuckin'..." Ritsuko took a step back, her butt slamming against the table behind her. She might've been calm before, but that was before she saw somebody's face completely burned off. The flames were burning brightly in the darkness and Ritsuko could only chalk it up to the kitsune. It made sense, seeing as the other Yokai was crushing things with his teeth.

"Dammit, Cale!" Ritsuko groaned, rolling her eyes. The whoosh of wind made it clear something was coming for her and the only one closest to her with the ability to strike the Yokai was Cale. And that pissed Ritsuko off, "Clearly, he was coming for me, so why don't you sit down and let me work?" Despite her laziness, Ritsuko had actually been fired up since she noticed the presences of Yokai within the restaurant. Swinging the axe off her shoulder, Ritsuko spun it, bringing the flat side down onto the Yokai that might've been stupefied by Cale's hit. "Jeez..."

@Kenji Jensai @Seraph Darkfire
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How exciting. Kuro purred mentally. Getting hounded by Hunters is exactly what Tora deserved for ruining her meal. Unfortunately - or luckily - Masamune decided to reveal his true form and turn everything dark. She didn't have a problem seeing in it but it was ideal to be somewhere less "crowded."

So she ended up crawling on the ground to escape the place. The other Youkai would see her and if by some chance one of the hunters crashed into her she could always play the frightened human card and hope they would lead her to "safety." Oh what fun the human world was turning out to be.

And when Masamune ended up burning one of the hunters, who stood there just as if nothing happened while his skin melted, Kuro was set all aflutter inside. Outwardly she let out a girly scream like a good little human should and backed up against the wall.

So we have the Youkai human and now a human who can survive being burned alive? Fascinating. I guess we have a challenge on our hands. That wasn't a bad thing though.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
Ryuji woke from his drunken slumber to sense a lot of yokai aggression all coming from one place.'Could it be him the legendary hakumen no mono"he thought the great yokai was asked he quickly used amazing speed to appear at the source.He found himself to be in front of some kind of eatery,he quickly entered the building and morphed into his true form and yelled with tremendous authority"Stop this senseless fighting now or deal with me"! Being a creature of peace he wanted to keep the peace between humans and yokai.
Rei peered through the window, not paying as much mind to the person next to her. "W-what are those?! W-What's going on in there?!" She almost gagged at seeing the man getting set aflame. And seeing another person enter and yell out something about the fighting. "Holy shit what is happening?" She muttered. Another thought occurred to her. Rumi. She had left Rumi in there. Granted she had ducked out of the dinner because things had gotten so strange, but she still didn't want to run off and let anything bad happen to her. But what could she do? There were all these weird monsters in there and Rumi was just human. Ren seemed to know exactly what Rei was thinking of doing though.

"Oh no. Nononono You are not going in there young lady."

"But I need to. What if she gets hurt? I'm the one who suggested we come here!"

"I'm sure she'll be fine. Plus look at the situation. Scary-ass monsters and... human things I guess. Fighting. While I'm sure they might ignore us. YOU COULD STILL DIE! AND THAT MEANS I DIE TOO!"

"W-we're not threatening. I-I'm going in." She finally decided out loud. She then remembered the person standing next to her. Who no doubt probably heard the whole ordeal. "I.... I was talking to myself." She said looking at them before hurrying back into the cafe. Instantly she pressed herself up to the door, trying to avoid getting hit by anything and looked around for Rumi.

@Cocoabutterkisses @Tiegirl
The fire around him lit up the darkness, allowing Kriestien to see Tora's lightning attack coming. Not stopping his slow walk towards the kitsune, Kriestien slammed his sword sharp point first into the floor. He walked forward, dragging the sword along with him. The lightning clashed with him, racing along his armor, and down the sword. Even though he had grounded himself and provided the lightning a path of least resistance, it still would have hurt for the lightning to strike him like that. But Kriestien unflinchingly keeps walking towards Masamune, leaving a long gash in the floor as he returns the sword to his shoulder.

When Kriestien is about half way from his starting point to Masamune, the same green haired man that disappeared from before shows up, turning into a huge yokai. Kriestien pauses in his advance, recognizing the species, a kirin. Immensely powerful, with incredible speed and powerful supernatural powers. What powers is unknown, it's said to differ between species, but they are some of the most powerful yokai of all, said to be capable to destroy countries if angered.

Kriestien stares at the yokai for a few moments, hearing his declaration. The gaze of his empty eyes shift from the kirin to the kitsune behind him. His fists clench even harder then before, one around the sword the other empty, and he resumes his advance. This kirin is almost certainly more powerful then him and almost twice his height in its form. When Kriestien is about a meter away from the kirin, for the first time since he was set on fire in a gritty, gravelly tone that seems to reverberate around the room, Kriestien says, "Move."
Masamune looked upon the human whom had survived the burning. Then somewhere behind him, he heard Kuro's continuous fake screams and then the Kirin appeared once more and made the burnt Hunter hesitate. Somewhere, Tora was still battling the Hunter with the Yokai presence. Masamune realized this would be interesting indeed.

"Kirin, you mentioned you would grant me immense power. You said my strength was capable of bridging a peace with humanity. Tell me if you still think so afterwards" Masamune said as he raised his blade and charged the human Hunter.

Masamune wondered why the Kirin had chosen him, so he wondered if the Kirin would still choose him after he entered a battle with Humanity. The Kirin was a peaceful creature, would it still feel the same when the battle was done?

He slammed into him and gripping him by his burnt throat, and then he slung him towards the nearby wall as if he were a rag doll. Masamune assumed the Hunter was a cut above the regular, so he wondered how this would progress.


@Kenji Jensai


☂ Ai Aigasa ☂

Inside the shady cafe where people are screaming.

@EasternGhost @Tiegirl

Stop screaming! Covering her ears in an attempt to save herself from the ear piercing noise, Ai crossed her eyebrows in displeasure. She didn't understand what Terumi was doing or why she would attract attention to the group. What is she thinking?! Did I not just point out Mr. Old Hunter over there?! Ai sighed; she just hoped there wasn't a battle.

Evacuate the civilians!" Kriestein cried as he charged at the now-transformed-Tora. Ai frowned and shook her head at herself.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Ai laughed at the situation before darkness overwhelmed the cafe and flames arose from her boss. It was at that moment that the kasa obake knew that she should probably get out of the building. She didn't exactly feel like fighting her lover and that old hunter whose face just melted off was definitely a big no.

Giving Masume a nod of acknowledgement, Ai disregarded the other kitsune and used the fire and darkness to cover her escape.
Definitely not getting involved in that fight. The tsukumogami calmly exited through the back door of the cafe, spotting the humans who were panicking outside of the burning building. Fading into the shadows once more, Ai watched from afar, secretly wishing for her husband to awaken from his vessel.

However, noticing that the humans were beginning to calm down and call the fire department, Ai floated in the air and folded her hands on her lap.
They better make it quick if they want to fight because the mortal po-po is coming.
Ai was having a rather pleasant time just watching as the fight broke down, well until the nine tails -or at least she could assume- casted a darkness cast that seemed to affect everyone in the restaurant. Trying her best to see through the murky surrounds, it was like getting drowned in filthy waters of an oil spilled swamp except she was still breathing fine. Ai had let her guard down for only a second but that was enough time for everyone to be completely blinded, now only relying on her other scenes to defend herself if need be.

The darkness was soon light by a sudden burst of flames coming towards them, in which she quickly deflected by spinning the poll of her scythe creating a flan-like affect on the flames. If she were to have been a second off, the fire would've nearly gotten to her and burnt her down like it did with Kriestien who seemed in raged but perfectly fine. Of corse he'd be fine, immortality has it's ups and downs. This just happened to be an up and a down. He's still live but experiencing that would be rather painful, or at least I would think anyhow.

More screaming and attacks played through as Ai drank the rest of her tea, almost spitting it out as a kirin walked through the door demanded peace or having to deal with him. A rather passive aggressive way of handling things, an odd timing as well if she didn't say so herself. Clutching onto the scythe's staff, she'd be read if anything happened in those short few moments. It didn't seem like the situation would lighten up anytime soon with Kriestian unwilling to backdown.

Kriestian was strong, she'd known this for a while now and looked up to him as a superior since she was young but wouldn't admit to it but having only ever been on a single glimpse of him much long ago, she had a somewhat vague sense of how he acted. He might've been strong but so was a kirin who'd probably be much older and had experienced more in its life than anyone in the joint. I will help as back up.. in a bit. The good part was only just beginning.

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