X-Men <The Newbies> - Actual RP


The Ultimate Enigma
Rae scouted the building. It was very tall, hidden by trees, and looked very old and odd. Strange indeed. But she had no choice but to enter the building. After a long, nerve-racking walk Rae opened the large doors into the structure only to find lots of kids teeming the halls with eagerness to get to their next classes.

Lucky for Rae, she uses magic to spawn her luggage so she can just get past the crowd and get to her own room that held at least four people. The other mutants that passed by were surprised to see another mutant joining the safety of a who-knows-what tall building.
the ground shook and cracked as a cave arisen in the middle of the courtyard of the mansion, a few moments after the cave appeared a boy carrying a small girl on his shoulder came out and the cave returned underground returning the ground to its normal look. "so this is the mansion? let's see what the hype is about." the boy said, the little girl hanging onto him shyly looking around at the other people and creatures as they walked inside the mansion.
Zyvia would be outside in the coutyard of the mansion. It was her favorite place to be during the day time. All the beautiful colors and patterns that she could blend with. As usual she wore her 'fairytale' thick brown hair in large curls pulled up onto her head and falling down her back like little ribbons that had had scissors pulled against them. Her skin was a light caramel in color, as if she held a natural tan, and was dressed in a cute pair of black shorts and black tube top. Her skin itself, however, was dappled in bright pastel colors of pink, green, purple, and blues. It looked as though some toddler had finger painted all over her! But if one were to rub her arm or kiss her cheek they'd come to find that it was indeed her skin itself and not paint or latex. Her bright green eyes would sparkle as the sun shown down and they peered across all the different faces that lived here just as she did.

Even though she had only been here two weeks this place felt more like any home she had ever had. The teachers were nice to her and her roomates were friendly and enjoyed some of the same things she did. Best of all... no one cared what she looked like. Zy could walk around looking as she wanted whether it was an alien or a walking tree girl. They didn't care, if anything they encouraged her! This world that she had been living in had hated her for being different and in the center of it she had found a place that adored her for it. It was wonderful.

The chameleon, it's what she calls herself, would walk and sit on the side of a fountain swirling her right hand in the cool water. No sooner had she sat down a little squirrel would run up and sit next to her chitter-chattering away. It was her first friend at the mansion. "Oh Ramsey! how are you today" her voice held an accent most had never heard before. It would be a mix between a heavy Cuban accent tied with a Russian pronunciation. The little squirrel would answer her and move to sit on her lap. The ground would begin to rumble and a cave or something would appear. This of course would startle the multi-colored girl and she'd completely disappear, falling to the ground, and blend in with the grass and the side of the fountain. The only thing noticeable would be the bright green eyes that watched the two figures that emerged from the caves. One male, her age probably, and a young girl that seemed very small.

Zy would only stand after they had begun walking past her and fix her hair. She would resemble the grass and stone of the fountain for another few seconds before her body turned to a regular tanned skin. Then as if someone was drawing on her with an invisible paintbrush her pastel markings would appear one after another until her body was once again a beautiful canvas. The newcomers intrigued her for some reason and she'd walk inside behind them, meeting up with another girl she had met the day before. It seemed everyone here loved newcomers.
Lawson stood on the roof of the X-Mansion and scouted the ground below where students where arriving. 'So its a school eh? This is what has been giving the brotherhood so much trouble? Pitiful.' He thought, tapping one of his claws against his chin. He then jumped and dropped to the ground, landing gracefully in a crouch - much like a cat would. He adjusted a strap on one of his combat boots before walking up to the huge doors and letting himself in.

As soon as he stepped inside he was almost run over by a pack of students.

"Watch it," He growled at them, and smirked satisfied as they noticed his claws, sure they would spark rumors later on, but continued looking for the "Professor X" or whatever they called him.
dante noticed everyone even the people who began to follow them, no matter where they went it seemed people followed and watched them, he found the room they were supposed to stay in and went inside sitting miku on the floor allowing her to chose where she wanted to sleep. as she ran around the room looking at it he turned around standing in the door of the room. "may i help you people?" he spoke to the people watching and following them.
Rae began to whistle in every kids presence and then stopped when she came to a flight of stairs.

Stairs. Faaaantastic.

She took a deep breath and jogged up the steps by two's, and jumped to the next floor in victory. After glancing at every corner, she began to search for her assigned room. Who knows who'd she be with, and whoever it may be, she entirely hopes it to be someone she could work with and not argue for 2 hours straight.
Lawson scowled. He was tired of running around looking for this mystery guy, plus, he was starving. Everyone here seemed to be at least five years younger than him, and he wasn't about to ask any of them - not that they would let him. Exasperated, he sighed and yelled to no one in particular,

"Does ANYONE know where the hell this Professor X guy is?!"
It seemed the pair were just going to their rooms. Zy would continue to walk though as her room was in the same hallway just further down. She'd pat her friend on the shoulder to say her goodbye but stop when the boy spoke and stared at them all. She'd step forward and smile brightly tossing her brown hair over her shoulder. "Oh no, everyone here is just curious about the newcomers...they stared at me for about four days" she'd give a warm smile and look at the smaller girl int he room. She loved children, they were so innocent. She'd turn and look at the group who was slowly starting to disappear from the corridor. "I'm Zyvia but you can call me Zy" as she'd extend her right hand the colors on her arm would swirl into a landscape of blue sky and white clouds.

As there seemed to be someone angry Zyvia would turn her attention down the hall and raise a brow. "Well someone is angry aren't they..or impatient" the chameleon would let her free hand twirl a thick strand of curls as she tried to get a better look at who exactly was yelling. She'd see a bunch of students coming up the stairs and walkways. She loved how busy this school was.
miku saw the girl and hid behind dante's leg shyly looking around at her. dante chuckled "well at least someone answered me this time. i'm dante the little girl using my leg as a shield is my sister miku it's nice to meet you Zy." he said shaking the girls hand. miku looked at the girl in wonder but stayed hidden behind dante's leg. dante chuckled again at zy's comment.
‘Oh F**k this,’ Law thought, and then grabbed the nearest kid he saw and dragged her over to the wall then held her against it. He looked her in the eyes as his pupils narrowed inside the icy blue. “ Look, I’m sick and tired of looking for the professor- obviously I didn't get the school map –but you are going to tell me where he is OK?”
"Nice to meet you Miku" Zy would smile happily and then look back to Dante "and you too Dante, perhaps we will have classes together, we can be stared at together" followed by a shy giggle. She'd think so because they both started so soon. Her green eyes would shift down the hallway as gasps broke out from the students. Apparently the angry gentlemen was causing a ruckus. "if you'll excuse me" she'd turn and hunch over, as if bending to touch her toes, and change into a dog (pit bull to be exact) that was red and white colored. Running through the corridors she'd find the guy holding a student captive and growl at him. She'd stand on her hind legs and change back to her normal multi-colored self.

"I'm sorry but that is not how we do things here..." she'd say softly "Please let her down.. we are all just students here" Zy would look at the guy as her green eyes seemed to hold flames inside them. She had asked nicely and hopefully he'd listen. Professor X had to be around somewhere, or at least Storm or Cyclops. All the other students gathered and trying to decide if they should do something or not. They were not allowed to use their powers except in classes but this was an emergency was it not?
dante stomped his foot sending a shockwave through the building until a stone spike came up between the girl and guy and a smaller spike out of it toward the guys face as he followed zy. "lets just calm down before someone gets hurt." he said walking down the hallway toward them. miku clinging to his leg as she tried to climb to his shoulder. "if you calm down, and take it easy i'm sure someone will be willing to help you out."
Lawson sighed and spun around to face the girl, and slowly smirked at her, and one fang poked out from under his lip. "Fair enough," He drawled, looking her up and down. "Now if your professor happens to be a unicorn who threw up on you, this would start making more sense." Then he turned his attention to the other man who had addressed him. "Well where is he?"
Unicorn barf really! Zy would raise her left brow and nod her head. Nope she hadn't heard that one yet. She'd growl under her breath and look to the girl who had just been held hostage. She'd probably be moving as far away from sir cranky pants as quickly as possible. "Well aren't you just charming" Her bright green eyes not leaving his as she spoke with her odd accent. Handsome guys usually had rather big heads and it seemed this one, fangs claws and all, was no different. Zyvia would watch Dante and the guy interact as her mind stayed buzzing around 'unicorn vomit' the coloring along her body would begin to swirl once more for a few moments before settling back down to their splattered places. "Do you have a name?" she'd ask suddenly without realizing that she even spoken to him. She often spoke while deep in thought without realizing it until she was too late.
dante made another shock wave by stomping his foot. "he's in his office, or what i think is his office. go down this hall turn into the second hall you see attached and then there should be a couple of large doors. he's currently meeting with two others so you might wanna watch barging in." dante replied as miku popped up on his shoulder finally managing to climb up. miku whispered into dante's ear. "miku says you look pretty zy." dante said causing miku to blush and hide behind his shoulder.
Lawson nodded at guy, then looked back at the girl. "My name's Lawson - but you can call me Law if you'd like." He replied to her as his pupils returned to normal. "What about you?" He asked her, running a hand through his hair tiredly.
"Awe thanks Miku" Zyvia would tilt her head as the young girl hid once again. Shy children were cute and adorable. Zyvia would once against run her left hand through her thick brown hair and watch the exchange between the males.

Zyvia chewed on her tongue as the guy subsided with his remarks and seemed to be almost civil. She'd shift her weight from her right foot to her left and once again tilt her head to the side as she examined him further. "Zyvia. Zy for short" her bright eyes would change from green to match the same blue as his eyes. Matching individual beings was a lot of fun for Zy, it was complicated because usually no two were the same. Some of the teachers had had her copy other students just to see how far her ability could be used. She'd give him a crocked smile before looking back to Miku and Dante "Will you be joining us here Lawson?" her tone was friendly enough. Though she was still unsure of this being. He seemed to hold a rather short temper.
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the spikes dante made subsided back into the ground and he patched up the floor with a bit of diamond that rose from underneath. "i'm heading off, i found the kitchen when i did that last quake. anyone coming?" dante said with a smirk. miku giggled into his shoulder still shy but slowly opening up around zy.
Lawson studies Zy, and he raised an eyebrow as he noticed her eyes change from green to blue - his blue. sighed and dropped his hand. "It depends." He looked to the other boy again. "Ill go with you." He stated, as his stomach growled in agreement.
"I guess it's a group trip then" Zyvia would smile and turn to follow behind Dante and Miku Zyvia's colors moved along her body as if they were indeed alive. She had noticed Lawson's raise of his brow at her eyes changing and meeting the exact shape and size of his own. She was satisfied thus far. She thought it was very sweet how Miku had Dante and Zy fell into memories from her own childhood. She had never had anyone stick up for her or protect her. Quite the opposite actually. Her colors would dull for a brief moment as her mood sank. Shaking her head to rid the memories of her father she'd look back over to Lawson just to watch him. Her new acquaintances where rather interesting in their own ways. Zy's face would change and take over the features of a cat, if Miku was looking, she'd hope to get some kind of rise from her. Zy'd turn from Law to Miku, then check others faces as they continued towards the kitchen. She'd softly purr as she stayed in character. Her coloring would change to a smooth gray from her head to her toes and she'd even sprout a tail.
Miku looked in awe as she watched zy, unable to take her eyes at her while they all walked, exception being miku who was riding on dante's shoulder. after a while they made it to a large kitchen like room. "now this is a kitchen." dante said as he immediately went to raid the fridge. miku grabbed a apple she could reach from the top of the fridge while she was on dante's back. after dante ended up grabbing a bottle of beer(wolverine gonna be pissed lol) and consequently chugging it down, he took a seat at the table. "here's to a new life with freaks like me!" dante laughed as miku nibbled on her apple still staring at zy.
Lawson also grabbed a bottle of beer and then promptly began to pull out supplies for a sandwich. He began spreading the bread with spicy mustard. "So where are y'all from?" He asked them, looking up for a second.
Zy would walk into the kitchen and watch as Dante grabbed a beer and shake her head. Luckily the older teachers and overseers weren't around for him to get into trouble. She'd watch little Miku eat her apple and walk past her to go into the fridge with Lawson and grab a bottle of juice and a container that had her name written on it from breakfast. She'd walk over to where there was a stool sitting around the island and sit down after grabbing a fork. Zy had been vegetarian ever since she had found out she could speak to animals and transform into one.

"Here here!" she'd say and sip from her blackberry juice. She'd press her fork into the salad that she had made that morning for breakfast and take a bite. There were all sorts of veggies and fruits in her little container. As Lawson began speaking she'd raise a brow "California but it doesn't matter, I'll never be able to go back that's why I'm here" she'd frown for a moment while picking up a cucumber and eating it. "You?" she'd counter and give a soft smile. She didn't want to get into her history, everyone always said the same things. >you poor thing, how could someone do such a thing, thank god you're out< ZY just let it go through one ear and out the other.

Zyvia found herself looking back at MIku to catch the girl staring at her again. She found Miku interesting to say the least and as she met her eyes for just a second Zyvia would completely disappear. Of course she was still seated on her chair but she had camouflaged herself with her surroundings, even so much as to match her hand with patterned counter top. She awaited to see Miku's reaction, as well as the other two but they were older and had probably seen others like Zy. She knew there was one MIstique that could take shape of anyone. Zyvia wanted to meet her some day, shifters is what they called her. But Zy though chameleon had a better ring to it.
"no idea where i come from, memory loss or something, probably somewhere in japan seeing as that's the first place i remember from when i was young. before we came here we was in Hollywood, California. and i mean right before we came here. that tunnel that we came out of was a direct rout." dante said as he half wanted their reaction to a direct rout form Hollywood California to New York. "i found miku in New Jersey, in a box, in an ally and we've been family ever since." miku continued nibbling on her apple oblivious to anything but the apple, dante, and zy, whom she had been staring at for the last few hours, her eyes widened as zy vanished from her sight and went into her usual reaction of lowering herself down just peaking over dante's shoulder. dante chuckled and poped the cap off with his bare hands, taking a large swig of it. "oh and if you want to, you can call me backstreet, sorta a name i picked up when i was younger doing various....jobs. it stuck with me."

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